While the technicians give away more LexCleans, Clark slips behind the curtain on the stage. When he emerges he is transformed!

“Superman!” Lois exclaims. “I didn’t expect to see you at LEX-CON!”

Superman smiles at his favorite reporter. “I’m sure I would have enjoyed reading about all of this later. But I thought it might be better for me to see what Lex is up to personally. It’s pretty strange for him to just give away these robots for free.”

“You’re telling me,” Lois agrees. “And I don’t think it’s because he’s worried about cleanliness!”

Lois and Superman look around the large room. Several dozen LexCleans are following their new owners. With his super-hearing the Man of Steel can tell they’re sending wireless radio signals. But he can’t decipher the information that they’re sending.

“I need to get a closer look at one of these LexCleans,” Superman tells Lois.

The reporter is already one step ahead of him. She dumps what’s left of her coffee on the floor and exclaims loudly, “Oh no, what a mess!”

Immediately a LexClean arrives on the scene and begins to mop up the spill. “I am LexClean 524,” the robot introduces itself. It hasn’t been assigned to an owner yet.

Superman tries to use his X-ray vision to see inside the robot as it works. But the robot’s body is lined with lead.

“Do you mind if I just…” Superman reaches for the robot, hoping to open the panel on its back and check the settings. But as soon as Superman touches the control panel, the robot freezes in place and begins blasting an alarm.


If Superman takes the panel off of the LexClean, press here.

If he tries to learn where the robot is sending its information, press here.