Luthor’s stage sinks into the floor while the crowd cheers. Lois rolls her eyes. “He sure likes to hear applause.”

“Yes, almost as much as he likes money,” Clark agrees.

Lois appears lost in thought. “You’re right, Clark. Luthor does love money. But didn’t he say he was giving these robots away? Why would he do that?” Lois makes a beeline for the LexClean stage to find the answer for herself.

Clark waves for Jimmy and they both follow. Lois could be on to something!

On the LexClean stage the techs are making a mess.

“Oops!” One tech pretends to spill a box of cereal.

“Oh no!” the other says, splattering milk all over the stage.

One of the LexCleans whirs into action. It scoops up the mess, wipes the floor clean, and dries it.

“Who wouldn’t want a LexClean in their home?” the tech asks. The crowd applauds.

“And here’s the best part,” the other tech adds. “Lex Luthor will be providing these robots to every home, apartment, and office in Metropolis — free of charge!”

The audience goes wild.

“Lois Lane, Daily Planet!” Lois shouts over the noise. “Why would Lex Luthor give away something that people would be willing to buy?” she asks.

“Lex Luthor is a visionary,” the tech replies. “He’s putting his concern for the cleanliness of our city ahead of profits. He hopes to eliminate common illnesses and increase people’s health and productivity! That’s why we’ll begin giving away all of the LexCleans you see here on stage, today!”

More techs in lab coats circulate, taking names for the giveaway drawing. On stage the name of the first winner is announced. A man in the crowd hoots and rushes up to collect his prize.

If Clark follows the man and his LexClean robot, press here.

If Clark sneaks away to become Superman, press here.