[1] Lydia Saad, “U.S. Liberals at Record 24%, but Still Trail Conservatives,” Gallup, January 9, 2015,
[2] Debra Saunders, “Angry White Men—aka Journalists,” Real Clear Politics, May 13, 2014,
[3] “Media Bias 101: What Journalists Really Think—and What the Public Thinks about Them,” Media Research Center, updated May 19, 2014,
[4] Ruth R. Wisse, “The Closing of the Collegiate Mind,” Wall Street Journal, May 11, 2014,
[5] Kendall Breitman, “Obama to GOP: Stop Hating,” Politico, July 30, 2014,
[6] Abigail Adams, letter to John Adams, November 27, 1775.
[7] Jeanine Cali, “Frequent Reference Question: How Many Federal Laws Are There?” In Custodia Legis (blog of the Law Library of Congress), March 12, 2013,
[8] Debt estimate figures from US Debt, available at (accessed January 23, 2015).
[9] Aristotle, Politics, Book VI, Part IV.
[10] Rebecca Riffkin, “Public Faith in Congress Falls Again, Hits Historic Low,” Gallup, June 19, 2014,
[11] John Stuart Mill, “The Contest in America,” Fraser’s Magazine, February 1862.
[12] Proverbs 8:12.
[13] Justin Gillis, “Norman Borlaug, Plant Scientist Who Fought Famine, Dies at 95,” New York Times, September 13, 2009, available at; Gregg Easterbrook, “The Man Who Defused the ‘Population Bomb,’” Wall Street Journal, September 16, 2009,
[14] Easterbrook, “The Man Who Defused the ‘Population Bomb.’”
[15] James Madison, Federalist Papers, no. 14, November 30, 1787.
[16] General Colin Powell (remarks at the World Economic Forum, January 26, 2003).
[17] Gordon Sinclair (radio broadcast, June 5, 1973),
[18] William J. Bennett and John T. E. Cribb, The American Patriot’s Almanac (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2010), xvi.
[19] John Winthrop, “A Model of Christian Charity” (sermon, written on board the Arbella, 1630).
[20] John F. Kennedy (undelivered remarks to the Dallas Citizens Council, Trade Mart, Dallas, Texas, November 22, 1963).
[21] Abraham Lincoln (annual message to Congress, December 1, 1862).
[22] Tas Anjarwalla, “Inventor of Cell Phone: We Knew Someday Everybody Would Have One,” edited transcript of interview with Martin Cooper, CNN, July 9, 2010,
[23] M. Dorothy George, London Life in the Eighteenth Century (Academy Chicago Publishers, 1985), 42.
[24] Peter Wehner and Arthur C. Brooks, Wealth and Justice: The Morality of Democratic Capitalism (Washington, DC: AEI Press, 2011), 12–14.
[25] Charles Dickens, Hard Times, chapter V.
[26] Wehner and Brooks, Wealth and Justice, 38.
[27] Ken Sweet, “Median CEO Pay Rose to More Than $10 Million Last Year,” Associated Press, May 27, 2014,
[28] Wehner and Brooks, Wealth and Justice, 24–25.
[29] 2 Corinthians 9:7.
[30] Abraham Lincoln (speech, Kalamazoo, Michigan, August 27, 1856).
[31] Calvin Coolidge, “Speech on the Occasion of the One Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence” (Philadelphia, July 5, 1926).
[32] Pope John Paul II, Sollicitudo Rei Socialis, December 30, 1987,
[33] Michael J. Totten, “The Last Communist City,” City Journal, Spring 2014,
[34] See, for example, “Social Injustice,”, accessed August 12, 2014,
[35] Proverbs 14:21, RSV.
[36] John Locke, Second Treatise of Government (1690), chapter VII, sec. 87.
[37] Michael Burlingame, Abraham Lincoln: A Life, vol. 1 (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008), 567.
[38] Robert Rector, “Self-Sufficiency Rate Stagnates, Welfare State Grows,” in the 2014 Index of Culture and Opportunity, edited by Jennifer A. Marshall and Rea S. Hederman Jr. (The Heritage Foundation, 2014), 47,
[39] Ron Haskins, “Getting Ahead in America,” National Affairs, no. 1 (Fall 2009): 48,
[40] “1970: Walter Cronkite Reports on First Earth Day,” video of CBS News Special “Earth Day: A Question of Survival,” April 22, 1970,
[41] The original Washington Post headline contained a typo. “Herald” was misprinted as “held.”
[42] Mark J. Perry, “18 Spectacularly Wrong Apocalyptic Predictions Made around the Time of the First Earth Day in 1970, Expect More This Year,” AEIdeas (blog), The American Enterprise Institute, April 21, 2014,
[43] Ibid.
[44] “Energy Overview,” The World Bank,
[45] US Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Mobile Resources, “Automobile Emissions: An Overview,” Fact Sheet OMS-5 (August 1994), 4,
[46] Grant Smith, “U.S. Seen as Biggest Oil Producer after Overtaking Saudi,” Bloomberg News, July 4, 2014,
[47] Ezra Klein, “Al Gore Explains Why He’s Optimistic about Stopping Global Warming,” Washington Post Wonkblog, August 21, 2013,
[48] Steven Hayward, “Climatistas Don Their Brownshirts,” Power Line (blog), September 23, 2014,
[49] Joseph Bast and Roy Spencer, “The Myth of the Climate Change ‘97%,’” Wall Street Journal, May 26, 2014,
[50] Lianne M. Lefsrud and Renate E. Meyer, “Science or Science Fiction? Professionals’ Discursive Construction of Climate Change,” Organization Studies 33, no. 11 (November 2012): 1477–1506,
[51] Steven E. Koonin, “Climate Science Is Not Settled,” Wall Street Journal, September 19, 2014,
[52] Ibid.
[53] Ibid.
[54] Paul Bedard, “Reporters Told to Stop Interviewing ‘Irrelevant’ Climate Change Critics,” Washington Examiner, February 10, 2015,
[55] John Hinderaker, “Was 2014 Really the Warmest Year Ever?” Power Line (blog), January 16, 2015,
[56] Richard W. Rahn, “RAHN: The Global-Warming Apocalypses That Didn’t Happen,” Washington Times, April 21, 2014,
[57] John Feffer, “Crapshoot in Copenhagen,” Foreign Policy in Focus, December 8, 2009,
[58] Paul Ryan, The Way Forward (New York: Twelve, 2014), 153–54.
[59] Ronald Reagan, “Farewell Address to the Nation” (Washington, DC, January 11, 1989).
[60] Ron Chernow, Alexander Hamilton (New York: The Penguin Press, 2005), 471.
[61] Bernard Bailyn, The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1992), 60.
[62] Thomas Jefferson, letter to Edward Carrington, May 27, 1788.
[63] Abraham Lincoln, “Fragment on Government,” in Roy P. Basler, ed., The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln, vol. II (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1953), 220.
[64] US Office of Personnel Management, “Historical Federal Workforce Tables: Total Government Employment Since 1962,”
[65] United States Census Bureau, “2012 Census of Governments: Employment Summary Report,” March 6, 2014,
[66] Clyde Wayne Crews, Ten Thousand Commandments: An Annual Snapshot of the Federal Regulatory State (Competitive Enterprise Institute, 2014), 2,
[67] Ibid.
[68] Woodrow Wilson, The State (Boston: D.C. Heath, 1889), 651.
[69] Lyndon B. Johnson, “The Great Society” (speech, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, May 22, 1964).
[70] Romina Boccia, “Federal Spending by the Numbers, 2014: Government Spending Trends in Graphics, Tables, and Key Points (Including 51 Examples of Government Waste),” The Heritage Foundation, December 8, 2014,
[71] Debt estimate figures from US Debt, (accessed February 24, 2014).
[72] Crews, Ten Thousand Commandments, 2, 12.
[73] The Associated Press, “Social Security’s $300 Million IT Project Doesn’t Work,” July 24, 2014,
[74] Romina Boccia and Matthew Sabas, “Booze, Pole Dancing, and Luxurious Hotels: Top 10 Examples of Government Waste in 2013,” The Daily Signal, December 30, 2013,
[75] Merrill Matthews, “Government Programs Have Become One Big Scammer Fraud Fest,” Forbes, January 13, 2014,
[76] Michael Puma et al., “Third Grade Follow-up to the Head Start Impact Study Final Report,” OPRE Report #2012-45 (Washington, DC: Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, October 2012),
[77] George McGovern, “A Politician’s Dream Is a Businessman’s Nightmare,” Wall Street Journal, June 1, 1992,
[78] Pew Research Center, “Majority Says the Federal Government Threatens Their Personal Rights,” January 31, 2013,
[79] Ryan, The Way Forward, 189.
[80] Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America, vol. 2, part 2, ch. 5.
[81] Yuval Levin, “A Conservative Governing Vision,” in Room to Grow (YG Network, 2014), 15–21,
[82] de Tocqueville, Democracy in America, vol. 2, part 2, ch. 7.
[83] Lyndon B. Johnson, “The Great Society” (speech, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, May 22, 1964).
[84] Nicholas Eberstadt, “Are Entitlements Corrupting Us? Yes, American Character Is at Stake,” Wall Street Journal, August 31, 2012,
[85] Ibid.
[86] Ibid.
[87] Paul Ryan, The Way Forward (New York: Twelve, 2014), 177.
[88] Lyndon B. Johnson, “Annual Message to the Congress on the State of the Union” (speech, Washington, DC, January 8, 1964).
[89] Robert Rector, “Self-Sufficiency Rate Stagnates, Welfare State Grows,” in 2014 Index of Culture and Opportunity, ed. Jennifer A. Marshall and Rea S. Hederman Jr. (The Heritage Foundation, 2014), 47–48,
[90] Rachel Greszler and Romina Boccia, “Social Security Trustees Report: Unfunded Liability Increased $1.1 Trillion and Projected Insolvency in 2033,” The Heritage Foundation, August 4, 2014,; Robert E. Moffit and Alyene Senger, “The 2014 Medicare Trustees Report: A Dire Future for Seniors and Taxpayers without Reform,” The Heritage Foundation, August 1, 2014,
[91] Marina Koren, “The Government Is Cracking Down on School Bake Sales,” National Journal, July 25, 2014,
[92] Lawrence M. Mead, From Prophecy to Charity: How to Help the Poor (Washington, DC: AEI Press, 2011), 31.
[93] Franklin D. Roosevelt, “Annual Message to Congress” (speech, Washington, DC, January 4, 1935).
[94] Ryan, The Way Forward, 140–42.
[95] Robert Doar, “Ten Welfare-Reform Lessons,” National Review, April 21, 2014,
[96] Mead, From Prophecy to Charity, 72–86.
[97] Ron Haskins, “Getting Ahead in America,” National Affairs, no. 1 (Fall 2009): 48,
[98] Mead, From Prophecy to Charity, 28–29.
[99] Compañía General de Tabacos de Filipinas v. Collector of Internal Revenue, 275 U.S. 87, 100 (1927),
[100] Aristotle, Politics, Book 5, Chapter XI.
[101] “Wasteful Spending List,” Office of US Congressman Bill Posey, accessed August 29, 2014,
[102] The CCH Standard Federal Tax Reporter contained 73,954 pages for 2013.
[103] Kyle Pomerleau and Lyman Stone, “Tax Freedom Day 2014 Is April 21, Three Days Later Than Last Year,” Tax Foundation, April 7, 2014,
[104] Romina Boccia, “Federal Spending by the Numbers, 2014: Government Spending Trends in Graphics, Tables, and Key Points (Including 51 Examples of Government Waste),” The Heritage Foundation, December 8, 2014,
[105] Romina Boccia, “The Sure Path to American Decline,” The Heritage Foundation, November 6, 2013,
[106] Kyle Pomerleau, “Tax Freedom Day 2015 Is April 24th,” Tax Foundation, March 30, 2015,
[107] Boccia, “Federal Spending by the Numbers, 2014.”
[108] Andrew Lundeen, “Do the Rich Pay Their Fair Share?” Tax Foundation (blog), April 17, 2014,
[109] See Luke 12:48.
[110] Kyle Pomerleau, “Corporate Income Tax Rates around the World, 2014,” Tax Foundation (blog), August 20, 2014,
[111] Andrew Lundeen, “The Top 1 Percent Pays More in Taxes than the Bottom 90 Percent,” Tax Foundation (blog), January 7, 2014,
[112] Debt estimate figures from US Debt, (accessed February 25, 2015).
[113] Romina Boccia, “Federal Spending by the Numbers, 2014: Government Spending Trends in Graphics, Tables, and Key Points (Including 51 Examples of Government Waste),” The Heritage Foundation, December 8, 2014,
[114] Nicole Kaeding, “The Entitlement Spending Tsunami,” The Daily Caller, August 27, 2014,
[115] Michael Tanner, “D.C. Forgets about the Debt,” National Review, July 23, 2014,
[116] Stephen Moore, “Don’t Cry for Argentina—Cry for Us,” The Heritage Foundation, August 6, 2014,
[117] Nathan Bomey and John Gallagher, “How Detroit Went Broke: The Answers May Surprise You—And Don’t Blame Coleman Young,” Detroit Free Press, September 15, 2013,
[118] Chris Good, “57 Terrible Consequences of the Sequester,” ABC News, February 21, 2013,
[119] Stephanie McNeal, “Despite Doomsday Predictions, Report Finds Only 1 Layoff from Sequester Cuts,”, May 8, 2014,
[120] James Madison, “Speech at the Virginia Convention to Ratify the Federal Constitution” (Richmond, VA, June 6, 1788).
[121] Bernie Becker, “Lerner: Talk Radio Listeners Are ‘A—holes,’” The Hill, July 30, 2014,
[122] Caroline May, “Global Warming Activists Seek to Purge ‘Deniers’ among Local Weathermen,” Daily Caller, January 30, 2012,
[123] Michael Volpe, “Chick-fil-A Not Welcome in Chicago, Either,” Daily Caller, July 26, 2012,
[124] Isabel Knight, Martin Froger-Silva, and Eduard Saakashvili, “Students Share Mixed Responses to George/West Collection,” Daily Gazette, February 13, 2014,
[125] Associated Press, “Brandeis Withdraws Honorary Degree for Islam Critic Ayaan Hirsi Ali,” April 9, 2014,
[126] Sandra Y. L. Korn, “The Doctrine of Academic Freedom: Let’s Give Up on Academic Freedom in Favor of Justice,” Harvard Crimson, February 18, 2014,
[127] Marc A. Thiessen, “Thanks to Jonathan Gruber for Revealing Obamacare Deception,” Washington Post, November 17, 2014,
[128] See, for example, Mark Gius, “An Examination of the Effects of Concealed Weapons Laws and Assault Weapons Bans on State-Level Murder Rates,” Applied Economics Letters 21, no. 4 (2014), published online November 26, 2013,
[129] Mary Chastain, “ISIS: ‘We Are the Soldiers of the Caliphate State and We Are Coming,’” Breitbart News, August 10, 2014,
[130] Todd Starnes, “Houston to Pastors: Forget Your Sermons, Now We Want Your Speeches,”, October 17, 2014,
[131] Stephanie Condon, “IRS: Progressive Groups Flagged, but Tea Party Bigger Target,”, June 27, 2013,; David Nather, Tarini Parti, and Byron Tau, “The IRS Wants YOU—To Share Everything,” Politico, May 14, 2013,
[132] “Camp Sends More Evidence of Criminal Wrongdoing to DOJ,” US House Committee on Ways and Means, July 30, 2014,
[133] Barack Obama, interview by Bill O’Reilly, Fox News, February 2, 2014,
[134] Abraham Lincoln, “Address before the Young Men’s Lyceum of Springfield, Illinois” (January 27, 1838).
[135] Joseph Postell, “From Administrative State to Constitutional Government,” The Heritage Foundation, December 14, 2012,
[136] James Madison, “Federalist No. 47,” in Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay, The Federalist Papers, 1788.
[137] Doe v. Bolton, 410 US 179 (1973).
[138] Ronald Reagan, “Remarks at the Swearing-In Ceremony for Anthony M. Kennedy as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States” (Washington, DC, February 18, 1988),
[139] Paul Ryan, The Way Forward (New York: Twelve, 2014), 201.
[140] Ronald Reagan, “Thanksgiving Day Proclamation” (September 27, 1982).
[141] Jessica Vaughan, “Catch and Release: Interior Immigration Enforcement in 2013,” Center for Immigration Studies, March 2014,
[142] Steven A. Camarota, “Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children: A Look at Cash, Medicaid, Housing, and Food Programs,” Center for Immigration Studies, April 2011,
[143] Abraham Lincoln, “Speech at Chicago, Illinois” (July 10, 1858).
[144] Paul Taylor, Mark Hugo Lopez, Jessica Martínez, and Gabriel Velasco, “When Labels Don’t Fit: Hispanics and Their Views of Identity,” Pew Research Center, April 4, 2012,
[145] Lydia Saad, “Majority Continues to Support Pot Legalization in U.S.,” Gallup, November 6, 2014,
[146] William J. Bennett and Robert A. White, Going to Pot (New York: Center Street, 2015), xiv.
[147] Ibid., 15–16.
[148] Ibid., 20–21.
[149] Ibid., 6.
[150] Ibid., 12–13.
[151] Ibid., 28.
[152] Ibid., 27.
[153] Ibid., 26.
[154] Ibid., 139.
[155] Ibid., 147.
[156] Ibid., 170.
[157] Ibid., 25.
[158] Ibid., 153–54.
[159] Ibid., 77–79.
[160] Ibid., 72–77, 101–102, 174–75.
[161] Ibid., xix.
[162] Ibid., 54.
[163] Ibid., 53.
[164] Ibid., 61.
[165] Ibid., 49.
[166] Ibid., xvii.
[167] Ibid., 35.
[168] Ibid., 112.
[169] Ibid., 9.
[170] William J. Bennett, The De-valuing of America (New York: Summit Books, 1992), 120.
[171] Jake Tapper, “VP Biden Says Republicans Are ‘Going to Put Y’all Back in Chains,’” ABC News Political Punch (blog), August 14, 2012,
[172] Brendan Bordelon, “Charlie Rangel: Some in GOP ‘Believe That Slavery Isn’t Over,’” National Review, October 31, 2014,
[173] John McCormack, “Harry Reid: ‘I Don’t Know How Anyone of Hispanic Heritage Could Be a Republican,’” The Weekly Standard (blog), August 10, 2010,
[174] Stanley B. Greenberg et al., “The Very Separate World of Conservative Republicans” Democracy Corps, October 16, 2009,
[175] Condoleezza Rice, interview on Fox and Friends, Fox News, November 6, 2014,
[176] Barack Obama, “Full Transcript: Sen. Barack Obama’s Victory Speech,” ABC News, November 4, 2008,
[177] Walt Whitman, preface to Leaves of Grass.
[178] Michael Moore, interview by Piers Morgan, Piers Morgan Tonight, CNN, September 26, 2011,
[179] James Piereson, “The Truth about the ‘One Percent,’” Wall Street Journal, February 18, 2014,
[180] Mark R. Rank, “From Rags to Riches to Rags,” New York Times, April 18, 2014,
[181] Viktor E. Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning, 4th ed. (Boston: Beacon Press, 1992), 94.
[182] Daniel Webster, “Remarks in the US Senate” (Washington, DC, June 3, 1834).
[183] John Jay, “Federalist No. 3,” in Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay, The Federalist Papers (1788).
[184] George Washington, “First Annual Message to Congress on the State of the Union,” (New York, January 8, 1790).
[185] Ronald Reagan, “Address Accepting the Presidential Nomination at the Republican National Convention in Detroit” (July 17, 1980).
[186] Vaclav Havel, Jose María Aznar, Jose-Manuel Durão Barroso, Silvio Berlusconi, Tony Blair, Peter Medgyessy, Leszek Miller, and Anders Fogh Rasmussen, “United We Stand: Eight European Leaders Are As One with President Bush,” Wall Street Journal, January 30, 2003,
[187] Amy Belasco, The Cost of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Other Global War on Terror Operations since 9/11 (US Library of Congress, Congressional Research Service, Report RL33110, December 8, 2014),
[188] Romina Boccia, “Federal Spending by the Numbers, 2014: Government Spending Trends in Graphics, Tables, and Key Points (Including 51 Examples of Government Waste),” The Heritage Foundation, December 8, 2014,
[189] Ernesto Londoño, “Pentagon Blueprint Would Cut Army Size as Military Adjusts to Leaner Budgets,” Washington Post, February 24, 2014,
[190] Guo Renjie, ed., “DM Spokesman: China-Russia Military Cooperation Shows High-Level Mutual Trust,” Chinese Ministry of National Defense, May 29, 2014,
[191] David D. Lee, Sergeant York: An American Hero (Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1985), 109.
[192] Christine Rousselle, “Leader of Islamic State Claims Rome Will Be Conquered Next,”, July 2, 2014,
[193] Salma Abdelaziz, “Death and Desecration in Syria: Jihadist Group ‘Crucifies’ Bodies to Send Message,” CNN, May 2, 2014,
[194] Maria Abi-Habib, “The Child Soldiers Who Escaped Islamic State,” Wall Street Journal, December 26, 2014,
[195] “Full Text of the Last E-mail the Islamic State Sent to the Foley Family,” GlobalPost, August 21, 2014,
[196] “The World’s Muslims: Religion, Politics and Society,” Pew Research Center, April 30, 2013,
[197] Bernard Lewis, “License to Kill: Usama bin Ladin’s Declaration of Jihad,” Foreign Affairs (November/December 1998),
[198] William J. Bennett and Seth Leibsohn, The Fight of Our Lives (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2011), xii.
[199] Freedom House’s Freedom in the World 2014, a country report on Iran, is available at
[200] Matthias Küntzel, “Ahmadinejad’s Demons,” New Republic, April 24, 2006,
[201] Reza Kahlili, “Iran’s Supreme Leader: Jihad Will Continue until America Is No More,” Daily Caller, May 25, 2014,
[202] Sheik Ibrahim Madhi, sermon broadcast by Palestinian Authority television, June 8, 2001, in “Palestinian Incitement against Jews and Israel Continues in Mosque Sermon,” Anti-Defamation League archive,
[203] Mark Suppelsa, “Photo Implies ISIS Threat to Chicago,”, August 21, 2014,
[204] Jamie Weinstein, “ISIS Threatens America: ‘We Will Raise the Flag of Allah in the White House,’” Daily Caller, August 8, 2014,
[205] Bernard Lewis, Faith and Power (New York: Oxford University Press, 2010), 166.
[206] Adam Housley, “Sources: US Letting Benghazi Suspects off Hook, Recent Arrest ‘Small Potatoes,’”, June 27, 2014,
[207] Russell Kirk, “Ten Conservative Principles” (lecture, The Heritage Foundation, Washington, DC, March 20, 1986),
[208] Joseph Conrad, The Nigger of the ‘Narcissus’: A Tale of the Forecastle (1897), chapter 1.
[209] Aristotle, Politics, book 3, part IV.
[210] Abraham Lincoln, “Peoria Speech,” (Peoria, IL, October 16, 1854).
[211] Caleb Bonham, “VIDEO: Harvard Students Claim America Is a Bigger Threat to Peace than ISIS,” Campus Reform, October 7, 2014,
[212] Abraham Lincoln, “First Inaugural Address” (Washington, DC, March 4, 1861).
[213] Livy, The History of Rome, preface.
[214] Tacitus, Annals, 3.65.
[215] “Marriage Rates Hit New, All-Time Low,” WTTG Fox 5 News, October 14, 2014,
[216] Ron Haskins, “Marriage, Parenthood, and Public Policy,” National Affairs, no. 19 (Spring 2014),
[217] Joyce A. Martin et al., “Births: Final Data for 2012,” National Vital Statistics Reports, vol. 62, no. 9, National Center for Health Statistics, December 30, 2013, p. 7, Table C,
[218] Haskins, “Marriage, Parenthood, and Public Policy.”
[219] William J. Bennett, The Broken Hearth (New York: Doubleday, 2001), 18–19.
[220] Haskins, “Marriage, Parenthood, and Public Policy.”
[221] Christine Kim, “Academic Success Begins at Home: How Children Can Succeed in School,” The Heritage Foundation, September 22, 2008,
[222] Aristotle, Politics, Book I, Part II.
[223] Haskins, “Marriage, Parenthood, and Public Policy.”
[224] Robert Maranto and Michael Crouch, “Ignoring an Inequality Culprit: Single-Parent Families,” Wall Street Journal, April 20, 2014,
[225] Haskins, “Marriage, Parenthood, and Public Policy”; “Why Fathers Matter,”,; “More than Breadwinners: The Myriad Ways in Which Fathers Contribute to Family Well-Being,”, June 14, 2013,
[226] Elayne Bennett, Daughters in Danger: Helping Our Girls Thrive in Today’s Culture (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2014), 127–28; Meg Meeker, Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters: 10 Secrets Every Father Should Know (New York: Ballantine Books, 2007), 23–24.
[227] “The Benefits of Marriage,”,
[228] Theodore Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt: An Autobiography, chapter 9.
[229] George Eliot, Adam Bede, chapter 54.
[230] The Sacrament of Matrimony, Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2nd ed. (1997), part 2, sec. 2, ch. 3, article 7.
[231] Justin McCarthy, “Same-Sex Marriage Support Reaches New High at 55%,” Gallup, May 21, 2014,
[232] Ibid.
[233] 2 Corinthians 3:17, NLT.
[234] Michael Novak, On Two Wings: Humble Faith and Common Sense at the American Founding (San Francisco: Encounter Books, 2002), 13.
[235] William J. Bennett, Our Sacred Honor: Words of Advice from the Founders in Stories, Letters, Poems, and Speeches (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1997), 381.
[236] Novak, On Two Wings, 6.
[237] John F. Kennedy, “Inaugural Address,” (Washington, DC, January 20, 1961).
[238] Bennett, Our Sacred Honor, 365.
[239] Ibid., 370.
[240] Novak, On Two Wings, 58.
[241] Todd Starnes, “Lawsuit Filed: Jesus Not Welcome in Nazareth, Pa. School,” Todd’s American Dispatch, April 10, 2014,
[242] “Maryland School District to Strip References to Religious Holidays on School Calendars,”, November 12, 2014,
[243] Todd Starnes, “University Removes ‘God’ from Plaque,” Todd’s American Dispatch, February 27, 2014,
[244] Todd Starnes, “Bibles Removed from University of Wisconsin Lodge,” Todd’s American Dispatch, January 24, 2014,
[245] “Global Religious Diversity,” Pew Research Center’s Religion and Public Life Project, April 4, 2014,
[246] Frank Newport, “More Than 9 in 10 Americans Continue to Believe in God,” Gallup, June 3, 2011,
[247] Michael Lipka, “What Surveys Say about Worship Attendance—and Why Some Stay Home,” Pew Research Center, September 13, 2013,
[248] “‘Nones’ on the Rise,” Pew Research Center’s Religion and Public Life Project, October 9, 2012,
[249] “Giving USA: Americans Gave $335.17 Billion to Charity in 2013,” Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis, June 17, 2014,
[250] “Reducing Teens’ Risk and the Role of Religiosity,”, available at
[251] Bennett, Our Sacred Honor, 381–82.
[252] “Abortion: Some Medical Facts,” National Right to Life,; Randall K. O’Bannon, “There Is No Such Thing As a ‘Humane’ Late Abortion,” National Right to Life News Today, August 23, 2013,
[253] Peter Wehner, “The Nasty, Brutish World of Richard Dawkins,” Commentary, August 21, 2014,
[254] Guy Benson, “CNN Poll: 58 Percent of Americans Oppose Abortion in All or Most Cases,”, March 10, 2014,
[255] Doe v. Bolton, 410 US 179 (1973).
[256] Cathy Cleaver Ruse and Rob Schwarzwalder, “The Best Pro-Life Arguments for Secular Audiences,” Family Research Council,
[257] “Abortion Statistics: United States Data and Trends,” National Right to Life Committee, February 2014,
[258] “Summary of Known Health-Risks of Abortion,” Americans United for Life, 2013,
[259] Ruse and Schwarzwalder, “The Best Pro-Life Arguments.”
[260] “Your Growing Belly and Baby: A Timeline through Pregnancy,” WebMD, accessed February 20, 2015,
[261] Arina Grossu, “What Science Reveals about Fetal Pain,” Family Research Council, January 2015,
[262] “Newborn Loss: Neonatal Death,” March of Dimes Foundation, January 2010,
[263] William L. Saunders Jr., Cathy Cleaver Ruse, and Lucia Papayova, “The Top Ten Myths about Abortion,” Family Research Council, 2007,
[264] Martha Shuping and Christopher Gacek, “Post-Abortion Suffering: A Psychiatrist Looks at the Effects of Abortion,” Family Research Council, 2010,
[265] Rachel Cooke, “Gloria Steinem: ‘I Think We Need to Get Much Angrier,’” Observer, November 12, 2011,
[266] Testimonies from the Silent No More Awareness Campaign, accessed September 28, 2014,
[267] Thomas Jefferson, letter to George Wythe, August 13, 1786.
[268] Thomas Jefferson, et al., “Report of the Commissioners Appointed to Fix the Site of the University of Virginia,” August 4, 1818.
[269] Mary Beth Marklein, “SAT, ACT: Most High School Kids Lack Skills for College,” USA Today, September 25, 2012,
[270] “2013 Mathematics and Reading: Grade 12 Assessments,” National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP),
[271] Lyndsey Layton, “U.S. Students Lag around Average on International Science, Math and Reading Test,” Washington Post, December 3, 2013,
[272] Masuma Ahuja, “Teens Are Spending More Time Consuming Media, on Mobile Devices,” Washington Post, March 13, 2013,
[273] Allie Bidwell, “Students Spend More Time on Homework but Teachers Say It’s Worth It,” U.S. News & World Report, February 27, 2014,
[274] “Total and Current Expenditures per Pupil in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools: Selected Years, 1919–20 through 2010–11,” Digest of Education Statistics, US Department of Education, accessed September 15, 2014,
[275] Associated Press, “U.S. Education Spending Tops Global List, Study Shows,” June 25, 2013,
[276] “The Federal Role in Education,” US Department of Education, last modified February 13, 2012,
[277] Lisa Snell, “Educational Achievement,” 2014 Index of Culture and Opportunity, ed. Jennifer A. Marshall and Rea S. Hederman Jr. (The Heritage Foundation, 2014), 61–62,; Andrew J. Coulson, “School Funding System Not Broken . . . It Just Doesn’t Work,” Cato at Liberty (blog), Cato Institute, May 7, 2013,
[278] Martin Luther King Jr., “The Purpose of Education,” The Maroon Tiger, Morehouse College, Jan–Feb 1947,
[279] “The Nation’s Report Card: U.S. History 2010,” National Center for Education Statistics, 2011, 37,
[280] “Americans Know Surprisingly Little about Their Government, Survey Finds,” The Annenberg Public Policy Center, September 17, 2014,
[281] William J. Bennett and David Wilezol, Is College Worth It? (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2013), 152–54.
[282] Kevin Eagan et al., “Undergraduate Teaching Faculty: The 2013–2014 HERI Faculty Survey,” Higher Education Research Institute, University of California, Los Angeles (2014), 39,
[283] Sita Slavov, “Surviving Academe’s Liberal Bias,” Chronicle of Higher Education, October 3, 2012,
[284] Bennett and Wilezol, Is College Worth It?, 153.
[285] Ryan Struyk, “What It’s Like to Be a Conservative on a Liberal College Campus,” ABC News, April 25, 2014,
[286] Struyk, “Conservative on a Liberal College Campus.”
[287] “2014 Annual Commencement Speaker Survey,” Young America’s Foundation, May 19, 2014,
[288] Andrew Johnson, “Professor: ‘Colleges Will Start Closing Up’ If ‘Racist, Misogynist, Money-Grubbing’ GOP Wins,” National Review, April 22, 2014,
[289] Kate Edwards, “The Daily Caller: Outlandish College Courses: The Dirty Dozen for Private (non-Ivy League) Schools,” Young America’s Foundation, January 16, 2013,; Kate Edwards, “The Daily Caller Opinion: Outlandish College Courses: The Public School Dirty Dozen,” Young America’s Foundation, January 17, 2013,
[290] “A Crisis of Competence: The Corrupting Effect of Political Activism in the University of California,” National Association of Scholars, April 2012, 37–38,
[291] “What Will They Learn? 2009: A Report on General Education Requirements at 100 of the Nation’s Leading Colleges and Universities,” American Council of Trustees and Alumni (2009), 3,; Leslie Ford, “The Lady Gaga-fication of Higher Ed,” The Daily Signal, December 9, 2011,
[292] Bennett and Wilezol, Is College Worth It?, 149–52.
[293] Ibid., 131–34.
[294] “A Crisis of Competence,” 60.
[295] “Fact Sheet: Summary of Findings from Survey of Hiring Decision-Makers,” Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools (ACICS), November 2011,
[296] Ramesh Ponnuru and Yuval Levin, “How Republicans Can Improve Higher Education,” Washington Post, November 6, 2014,
[297] Phil Izzo, “Congratulations to Class of 2014, Most Indebted Ever,” The Numbers (blog), Wall Street Journal, May 16, 2014,