The Trustees of the Linen and Hempen Manufactures in Ireland,
is respectfully offered, by John Greer
ANTRIM. Market on Thursday; formerly a very considerable weekly linen market, but being much decreased, an attempt was made to establish a linen market, on the last Thursday of every month, which has not succeeded; as the monthly average is only about £200 of yard wide linens, from ten to eighteen hundred, and some few seven-eighths wide.
1803. No linen market now here.
BALLYMENA. Market on Saturday; very few yard wide linens, but the greatest market of three-quarter wide linens in the province, from 5d. to 1s. 8d. per yard; the weekly average upwards of £1,000.
1803. Little increase, presently average being £1,200.
RANDALSTOWN. Monthly market on the first Wednesday of every month; yard wide linens from twelve to sixteen hundreds, but mostly three-quarter wide linens, from 7d. to 1s. 1d. per yard; the monthly average £1,200.
1803. Increased especially in yard-wide linens, monthly average £2,000.
PORTGLENONE. Monthly market on the first Tuesday of every month; seven-eighths linens of a light, neat fabric from ten to fourteen hundreds; the monthly average about £600.
1803. No linen market, being removed to Ahoghill, and held on the first Friday; monthly average £900.
BALLYMONEY. Monthly market on the first Thursday of every month; three-quarter wide linens of a very coarse poor fabric, but improving, from 4½d. to 9d. per yard; and quantities of seven-eighth linens, of a good fabric, from eleven to seventeen hundreds, chiefly thirteen, fourteen, and fifteen hundreds; the monthly average £2,500.
1803. Decreased, the finer seven-eighth wide linens mostly sold at Coleraine, the monthly average £1,000.
BELFAST. Market on Friday; yard wide linens from fifteen to twenty hundreds, principally fine, and well manufactured; the market pretty regular and the weekly average about £1,000.
1803. This market very much increased, the weekly average full £3,000.
LISBURN. Market on Tuesday; yard wide linens, some very coarse, being seven and eight hundreds and of an indifferent manufacture, but principally are from fifteen to twenty hundreds of an excellent fabric; the weekly average £2,000.
1803. Increased by the addition of lawns and cambrics, the weekly average of the whole £2,800.
1803. A small monthly market on the third Wednesday of every month; average £100.
The three-quarter wide linens of this county are chiefly bleached and finished in the neighbourhood of Ballymena and Antrim; some few of the finest sorts are finished in the neighbourhood of Belfast; many of the seven-eighth wide linens are bleached in the interior parts of the county; but the greatest part of that width, and those of the best quality, are bleached in the neighbourhood of Belfast and Lisburn, and finished in the highest order, together with the principal part of the yard wides, which compose a very large share of the fine trade of the province.
1803. Sixty-six bleachgreens in the county capable of finishing 327,000 pieces yearly.
LURGAN. Market on Friday; yard wide linens of a coarse fabric, say seven and eight hundreds, and quantities of a good fabric from twelve to twenty hundreds, principally fifteen, sixteen, and seventeen hundreds; also seven-eighth and yard wide lawns or cambrics, from 1s. to 6s. per yard; and likewise diapers, of various widths and fineness: the weekly average of this market is full £2,500 exclusive of sundry drapers resident in the town, who manufacture and bleach lawns, diapers and tickens, to the amount of £400 and upwards, weekly average.
1803. Decreased, no coarse linen, and the finer giving way to lawns and cambrics, which are now manufactured up to 10s. per yard; narrow diaper only sold and the whole weekly average £2,500.
TANDERAGEE. Market on Wednesday; yard wide linens, from seven to eighteen hundreds, but principally twelve to fifteen hundreds; the weekly average £500.
1803. Increased and with the addition of lawns and cambrics, now averages weekly £1,700.
RICH-HILL. Market on Saturday; yard wide, and a few odd pieces seven-eighth linens, scarce worthy of notice; the yard wide linens from seven to sixteen hundreds; the coarse kinds of an indifferent fabric, and of the finer principally twelve, thirteen, and fourteen hundreds; the weekly average £600.
1803. Decreased, the best yard wide linens being sold at Tanderagee; and the weekly average only £100.
ARMAGH. Market on Tuesday; yard wide linen, from seven to twelve hundreds; few of the coarse or fine sorts, but the first market in the province for nine, ten, and eleven hundreds of the best fabric; the weekly average full £1,800.
1803. Increased and increasing in finer kinds; the weekly average £4,000.
KEADY. Market on Friday; yard wide linens, eight and ten hundreds, of a strong fabric, and the market, though small, is likely to increase, from the number of bleach-greens in the neighbourhood; the weekly average at present, full £150.
1803. This market totally dropt.
The bleach-greens of this county are principally situated in the neighbour-hood of Armagh and Keady; where they bleach and finish those strong yard wide linens known by the name of stout Armaghs; and are in high repute but mostly come too dear to market. There are many other bleach-greens scattered through the county, but the bulk of the finer linens from twelve hundred upwards, manufactured and sold in this county, are bleached on the Rivers Lagan and Bann in the counties of Antrim and Down.
1803. Forty bleach-greens in the county capable of finishing 168,500 pieces yearly.
COOTHILL. Market on Friday; linens and sheetings, being the only market for the latter in the province; the linens yard-wide, ten to twelve hundreds, principally twelve hundreds, of good stuff and neat fabric; the sheetings five quarters wide, and some few six quarters wide, nine to fourteen hundreds; the coarser sorts of indifferent stuff, the fine neatly made; but both these and the linens are defective in stoutness, being too light a texture; the weekly average of the whole full £1,000.
1803. This market much increased and improved, the weekly average being of sheetings £1,200, and of yard wide linen £1,000.
BALLIHAYS. No linen market, but some seven-eight wide, of eight and nine hundreds, sold at the quarterly fairs, chiefly to jobbers; say £30 to £40 value at each fair.
CAVAN. No linen market, but seven-eight wide linens sold at the fairs; about the same average as Ballihays.
1803. These fairs dropt and a weekly market for seven-eight wide linens held at Ballinagh on Saturday. Weekly average £600.
KILLISHANDRA. Market on Wednesday; seven-eight and yard wide linens, seven to ten hundred, principally nine and ten hundreds and seven-eight wide, of a rough fabric and too light; the weekly average about £300.
1803. This market increased and the weekly average now £600.
BALLYCONNELL. No weekly linen market, but some linens seven-eight wide and yard wide, sold at the fairs, say about £150 yearly value.
1803. The manufacture increasing and a monthly fair established, and average £250.
BELTURBET. Some linens sold at the fairs, the yearly value full £500.
1803. No linens now sold here.
1803. ARVAGH. Market on Friday, coarse seven-eight wide linens. Weekly average £150.
The bleach greens in this county are few and much scattered, the manufacture does not seem to improve, and regular markets are much wanted.
1803. Fourteen bleachgreens in the county capable of finishing 62,000 pieces yearly.
LETTERKENNY: Market on Friday; seven-eight wide linens, nine to twelve hundreds, and some yard wide fourteen to seventeen hundreds, all made of good stuff, but sleayed rather too light, and the linens exposed to sale in double pieces; the markets very uncertain, some being large similar to fairs, and the weekly average of the whole about £120.
1803. Increased so as to average weekly £350 in seven-eight wide linens, and £50 in ¾ wide; no yard wide.
RATHMILTON: Market on Tuesday; seven-eight wide, and yard wide linens, much like Letterkenny market in regard to quality, although there are some of a coarser fabric; the weekly average full £150 and the market held regularly: but a great misfortune attending these two (the only linen) markets in the county is, they are chiefly occupied by jobbers, who buy up the linens for Londonderry market, and it is extremely difficult to enforce the laws.
1803. Much increased, the weekly average in 3/4 wide linens £50, and of 7/8 wide £450.
CONVOY, STRANORLAN, BALLYBOFAY, CASTLEFIN: No regular linen markets; but that species of linens known by the name of Lagans, is principally manufactured in the neighbourhood of these towns; they are twenty-six inches wide, of good stuff, wove in long pieces, and the weaver or manufacturer cutting the pieces in lengths of ten yards each, whiten them without the use of mills, and thus expose them for sale; but through knavery this manufacture is declining, and the present yearly value about £2,000.
1803. A market now held at Stranorlan on Saturday, seven-eight wide linens; weekly average £50. No Lagans now manufactured; seven bleachgreens now in the county, capable of finishing 27,500 pieces yearly.
BANBRIDGE: Market on Monday; yard wide linens principally twelve to fourteen hundreds, and some of a coarser fabric; the weekly average about £500.
1803. Increased in value, lawns being now sold as well as linens, weekly average £1,000.
NEWRY: Market on Thursday; yard wide linens from seven to fifteen hundreds, but chiefly twelve hundreds, of a good stout fabric; weekly average about £1,000.
1803. Much increased, weekly average £1,500.
KILKEEL: Market on Wednesday; yard wide linens, nine to twelve hundreds, principally ten hundreds, of a stout fabric; the weekly average about £200.
1803. The present weekly average £250.
CASTLEWILLAN: Market on Monday; yard wide linens eight to twelve hundreds, chiefly nine and ten hundreds, but are not improving; the weekly average scarce £80.
1803. The present weekly average £150.
DOWNPATRICK: Market on Saturday; yard wide linens from eight to sixteen hundreds, of a poor fabric; weekly average about £300.
1803. Much increased, and also the fabric improved, weekly average £1,500.
PORTAFERRY: Market for linens on the first Thursday in every month; yard wide linens from eight to sixteen hundreds, but chiefly twelve, thirteen and fourteen hundreds, of a tolerable fabric; and the monthly average scarce £200.
1803. This market dropt.
KIRCUBBIN: A market has been attempted here on the second Wednesday of every month, for the sale of yard wide linens, but it is not yet thoroughly established, and if it succeeds must hurt the market at Portaferry.
1803. This market continued and averages monthly £300.
BALLYNAHINCH: Market on Thursday; yard wide linens from eight to eighteen hundreds, very few of the finer sorts, as the principal part is eight, nine, and ten hundred linen, and the fabric improving; the weekly average full £300.
1803. The market decreasing, the present weekly average £150.
HILLSBOROUGH: Market on Wednesday; remarkable for yard wide linens of a neat light fabric, seven, eight, and nine hundreds for exportation unbleached, the yarn being well purged. There are also yard wide linens twelve to eighteen hundreds sold here, but of these a small quantity; the weekly average of the whole about £350.
1803. Weekly average ‘as formerly’ £350.
RATHFRILAND: Market on Wednesday; yard wide linens from twelve to sixteen hundreds, of a strong fabric, and some few coarse linens but not good; the weekly average full £100.
1803. Increased owing to six great fairs in the year on Wednesdays, and the weekly average is now £200.
1803. DROMORE: market Saturday for lawns, weekly average £25.
In this county there are great numbers of bleach greens, particularly on the River Bann, where, in the course of seven miles, passing by Banbridge, Gilford, and Moyallen, are twenty bleach greens, which on the whole finish full ninety thousand pieces annually.
1803. Sixty six bleach greens in the county capable of finishing 238,500 pieces yearly.
ENNISKILLEN. MAGUIRE’S BRIDGE: There are some good nine and ten hundred linens yard wide, made in the neighbourhood and sold at the fairs of these towns, but no regular markets.
1803. ENNISKILLEN: From an increase of the manufacture, a market now held every fortnight on Thursdays, the monthly average £800.
1803. MAGUIRE’S BRIDGE: Two fairs, viz 16th Jany and 5th July, average £600 each fair.
BROOKEBOROUGH: Market on the second and last Monday of the month, yard wide linens from eight to twelve hundreds, principally nine and ten hundreds, of a good fabric; the average value sold is about £300 per month.
1803. The market much decreased, the average per month only £100.
There are only four bleach yards in this county, and one linen market, but the county abounds with spinners and good flax-yarn.
1803. No bleach green at work for three years past.
DUNGIVEN: Market on Saturday; seven-eight linens, of a strong fabric, from nine to twelve hundreds; the weekly average about £60.
1803. Weekly average rather increased being £100.
LONDONDERRY: Market on Wednesday; seven-eight wide linens, from ten to fifteen hundreds, some finer, but chiefly twelve and thirteen hundreds; mostly from the County Donegal; the weekly average about £1,000.
1803. Much increased by the addition of coarse three-quarter wide linens, the weekly average of the whole £2,000.
NEWTOWNLIMAVADY: Market on Monday; seven-eight wide linens, inferior in quality to those in Derry; and the weekly average about £300.
1803. Weekly average £500.
COLERAINE: Market on Saturday; seven-eight wide linens, chiefly fine, but greatly decreased in quantity; the present weekly average scarcely £75.
1803. Much increased in fine seven-eight wides and also three-quarter wide linens; the weekly average £600.
MAGHERA: Monthly market, second Tuesday of each month; seven-eight wide linens, from ten to thirteen hundreds, of a light fabric; the monthly average about £500.
1803. Also greatly increased and fabric improved; the market now on the first Tuesday, and the monthly average £1,000.
MAGHERAFELT: Monthly market, second Tuesday of each month; seven-eight linens, from nine to twelve hundreds, but mostly ten and eleven hundreds; the monthly average £600 to £700.
1803. Increased, the monthly average being £1,200.
MONEYMORE: Monthly market, 21st of the month; seven-eight linens, from seven to twelve hundreds; the finer of a light fabric, the coarser chiefly from the County Tyrone; the monthly average about £1,000.
1803. Increased, the monthly average fully £1,500.
1803. KILREA: a market now held on the second and fourth Wednesdays in the month for three-quarter wide linens, monthly average £600.
The bleach-greens in this county are principally situated in the neighbour-hood of Newtownlimavady, Coleraine, Moneymore, and Cumberbridge; the linens sold in Dungiven, Derry, Newtownlimavady, and Coleraine, are of that species called Coleraines, when bleached; and the markets principally attended by drapers of the counties of Londonderry and Donegal.
1803. Forty-nine bleach-greens in the county capable of finishing 290,000 pieces yearly.
MONAGHAN: Market on Tuesdays; yard wide linens, ten to twelve hundreds, principally (though there are some few coarser) of a strong, rough fabric, the yarn not being sufficiently purged; the weekly average, about £700.
1803. Market now held on Monday and thereby much increased, the fabric also improved and the weekly average £1,100.
CASTLEBLAYNEY: Market on Wednesday; yard wide linens, nine to ten hundreds, with some few finer, but of a rough fabric; the weekly average about £200.
1803. Increased and improved, the weekly average £500.
CLONES: Market on Thursday; yard wide linens ten to twelve hundreds, rather of a light fabric, and of course cheap for the thread; weekly average about £600.
1803. Decreased, the weekly average only £400.
BALLIBAY: Market on Saturday; yard wide linens, nine to thirteen hundreds; principally ten to twelve hundreds, of a good fabric, being stronger than the linens of Clones; the weekly average about £500.
1803. Much increased, the weekly average being £900.
There are few bleach-yards in this county; although I apprehend from the appearance of lakes and rivers, that several good situations might be had; those already erected are chiefly at the Crieve and the neighbourhood of Ballibay; the linens bleached and finished in the county are of the species of Armaghs; but the greatest part of their brown linens are purchased by buyers from the counties of Armagh, Antrim, and Down; and it is supposed one full eighth of the manufacture of the county is bought by jobbers and re-sold in other counties.
1803. Twelve bleach greens in the county capable of finishing 73,700 pieces yearly.
CALLIDON: Formerly a weekly linen market on Monday; but this is dropt, and linens sold at the fairs, of which there are eight in the year; and average full £400 each fair; yard wide linens, nine to twelve hundreds, principally ten and eleven hundreds, of a good fabric.
1803. Entirely ceased.
AUGHNACLOY: Market on Wednesday; seven-eight and yard wide linens, mostly yard wide, and ten hundreds; the weekly average about £500.
1803. Increased and chiefly seven-eight wide linens now sold, the weekly average £800.
NEWTOWNSTEWART: Market on Monday; seven-eight wide linens, from nine to twelve hundreds, mostly ten and eleven hundreds; the weekly average about £600.
1803. Increased with an addition of three-quarter wide linens, total average £1,000.
STRABANE: Market on Tuesday; seven-eight wide linens from ten to fourteen hundreds, few of the latter, being mostly twelve hundreds, the weekly average about £700.
1803. Also increased and an addition of three-quarter wide linen total average £1,500.
COOKSTOWN: Market on Saturday; seven-eight wide linens, eight to ten hundreds, and increasing in quantity; present weekly average about £120.
1803. Much increased of late; the weekly average £500.
STEWARTSTOWN: Market on Wednesday; seven-eight linens, from eight to eleven hundreds, mostly ten hundreds, of a good fabric; the weekly average full £800.
1803. A small increase, the weekly average £1,000.
DUNGANNON: Market on Thursday; seven-eight and yard wide linens; great quantities of the former, and from seven to ten hundreds, yard wides; chiefly ten hundreds, and increasing in quantity; the weekly average of the whole, from £1,200 to £1,500.
1803. Much increased (very few yard wide linens now sold) the weekly average £3,500.
MOY: A monthly fair on the first Friday of every month; seven-eight wide and yard wide linens; the former a coarse indifferent kind, the yard wides eight to twelve hundreds, pretty good and improving; the monthly average full £700.
1803. Decreased, few, if any, yard wide linens now sold and the monthly average about £300.
1803. FINTONA: A monthly fair on the second Friday of every month for seven-eight linens, the monthly average £1,000.
1803. FIVEMILETOWN: A small monthly fair for coarse seven-eight wide linens; held on the second Friday of every month and averages £150 monthly.
The bleach greens of this county are principally situated in the neighbour-hood of Dungannon, Cookstown, and Stewartstown, and from Castlecaulfield to Strabane, in the north-west part of the county, there are only two or three bleach greens; the principal part of the linens finished in the county are seven-eight wides, of the denomination formerly of Moneymores, but may now be called coarse and fine Tyrones, and of an inferior quality to those seven-eight wides called Coleraines.
1803. Forty-one bleach greens in the county capable of finishing 192,000 pieces yearly.
1 Printed by Mat Williamson, printer and stationer to the … Trustees of the Linen Board, Dublin, 1784.
An interleaved copy annotated for 1803 is located in the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland, D562/6225. Its manuscript comments for 1803 appear in italics at the relevant places in the text.