Ancient Detoxification
and Hydration Therapy
When we remove toxins from our systems, everything begins to work and move around more smoothly. It is one of the most important ways to stay young.
Colon cleansing has been around for centuries, and is mentioned in Egyptian historical documents as early as 1500 B.C. Russians have long included colon-therapy tools in their spas, recognizing the radiant effect these cleansings have on the skin.
In the U.S., colonics were used quite extensively in the 1920s and ’30s, and were considered a common health practice. For the next 70 years or so, their use dramatically declined, along with interest in bowel health in general, and only in recent years has there been a comeback.
Many of the actors and actresses gracing the covers of today’s popular magazines don’t want us to know that colon-cleansing sessions are their secret tool for remaining young, well hydrated, and healthy. Yes, from beautiful lingerie models to famous opera singers, people find that regular colon-cleansing sessions help with performance and offer wonderful cosmetic benefits. Colon therapy not only keeps our skin glowing and healthy, but it also helps us maintain an ideal body weight. It is now commonly known that the ability to keep off those excess pounds and inches is directly linked to good colon health.
Finally many doctors “in the know” are recommending colonics before a patient undergoes a colonoscopy, in lieu of the highly potent magnesium treatments that can be traumatic to some people.
Safe, painless, and convenient enough to do at home, colon cleansing definitely helps reverse the signs and symptoms of aging. No, you won’t find many research studies on colon therapy, but isn’t it just common sense? Removing toxic buildup (accumulating inside our intestines for decades) can help revive us and even reverse some of the most serious reasons why we age—inflammation, free radicals, nutrient deficiencies, and cellular debris.
Colon therapy helps correct these issues and also promises improved energy. You will feel more calmer and more focused; sleep better; become more creative; and have a happier, more positive outlook on life. While colon therapy helps reduce the risk of gastrointestinal problems and colon cancer, another important yet little-appreciated benefit is that it is an excellent way to hydrate every cell in your body. And as you know from reading Chapter 12 on hydration, we also age very quickly when we become dehydrated.
Because of its ability to hydrate and then draw out toxins and remove them as they accumulate in your stool, colon hydrotherapy, especially in repeated sessions, actually eliminates toxins from cells everywhere in your body, not just your colon.
Fortunately, colon therapy has become a respected health profession and practice that is undeniably essential due to the increasingly toxic world in which we live. Colonics, enemas, and colema boards offer highly therapeutic interventions.
Not Just for Colon Health—Colon Therapy Is Deep-Cell Cleaning
Colon hydrotherapy is a simple procedure that allows purified, temperature-controlled water to flow slowly into the large intestine, where it gently stimulates the colon’s natural peristaltic action to release softened waste. This process is repeated several times in a session and results in better colonic function and elimination. A clean colon is a happier colon.
Clean cells have less inflammation—they live longer, and so will you. Because both disease and health begin in your intestines, you can understand how every cell in every organ and structure in your body—from your brain, lungs, liver, and heart; to your eyes, skin, muscles, and even your bones—benefits from removal of toxic waste from your intestines.
One of the first systems to improve with colonics is your lymph system, which defends your body against infections and the spread of tumors. Lymph nodes (an organized collection of lymph tissue) are numerous in the blood vessels of your intestines and can easily become cancerous when toxic.
Hydrotherapy is an excellent way to remove waste from the small intestine as well. Because the colon and small intestine are connected, when the colon eliminates its material, it signals the small intestine to start eliminating, too.
Emotions and the Colon
Labeling this effective anti-aging tool “colon” therapy downplays its value, because this process also has a profound effect on the emotions. Indeed, your abdominal region houses a very sophisticated nervous system, affectionately termed a “gut brain.” This mass of cells in your abdomen is connected to the mass of cells in your skull and to the rest of your central nervous system. It influences the production of neurochemicals, including serotonin and dopamine. When you release toxic material from your gut, toxic emotions (like sadness and anger) leave as well. These emotions are extremely aging, so eliminating them helps you feel more cheerful and serene.
There are basically two types of colon therapy: colonics performed by a professional therapist; and those you do at home with an enema bucket or a colema board.
Working with a Professional
If you are new to colon cleansing, you may feel more comfortable with a professional—at least at first. There are two methods available today: the open system and the closed system.
The open system delivers a constant, low-pressure stream of water through a small, pencil-sized speculum. You control both the filling and the release of water from your colon with the open system. This method is ideal for those who prefer being left alone in the colonic room, but with a certified therapist nearby to assist as needed. This method offers an ultraviolet filtration system; an odorless vent system; and a sterile, disposable rectal tube. Waste material is flushed away with consistently flowing water but can be seen through a clear view tube. In a closed system, the speculum nozzle is closer to the size of the actual rectum, and waste material goes directly into the speculum and from there into a viewing tube. In the closed-system procedure, a certified colon therapist remains in the room with you, controls the instrument, and gives you the colonic. The closed system involves a very thorough release, and the waste material can be viewed and assessed by the therapist.
Anti-Aging on the Cutting Edge
Gently Eliminate with the Luis Rojas Method
While each colon therapist has his or her own unique style, our preferred method at Body Ecology is the Luis Rojas Method. Usually, colon therapists are trained to fill the colon with water and then release all the water and the waste that flows out with it. With the Rojas Method, the colon is slowly and gently infused with filtered water through a small, thin inflow tube until it is well hydrated. When the client feels the need to release, the colon therapist turns a knob on the instrument and the softened waste material is eliminated. Most colon therapists allow all the water to leave the colon after each fill and then once again fill the colon with water. With the Rojas Method, only that single release leaves the body, and then water is immediately introduced into the colon again. This technique keeps the colon filled with water throughout the entire session, and thus well hydrated.
As the colon becomes well hydrated, the older, and perhaps even impacted, waste material inside it also becomes thoroughly soaked, breaks apart, and is more easily eliminated in that session or the next. However, you may be surprised to learn that there is more to the colon-cleansing story. Indeed, done properly with the Rojas Method, you can cleanse toxins from every organ and every cell in your entire body.
Even though we use the term colon therapy, the most toxic material in the intestines is stored in the small intestine. With the Rojas Method, the years of accumulated material in the small intestine also becomes hydrated and then moves down into the colon, where it, too, is eliminated in future sessions.
The water in the colon cannot go up into the small intestine because of a small valve, called the ileocecal valve, which only opens one way. Material in the small intestine can only move into the colon, not the other way around. As I mentioned, the waste material stored in your small intestine is very toxic, and once it begins to appear during your colonic session, your next sessions should be scheduled closer together to remove this material as soon as possible. Not all colon therapists understand this. The material in the small intestine is thick and looks like sludge. It has a very foul odor and contains many parasites, some visible and some microscopic.
We refer to this stage of the therapy as “waking the sleeping drag-on.” Our bodies adapt and become somewhat accepting of this toxic material, unfortunately, building new cells from it. Now that it has softened up and is ready to come out, you can feel irritable, emotional, and edgy; and symptoms will worsen until you wash it out in your next session.
This material is also preventing nutrients from being assimilated from your small intestine, and removing it will allow you to eat less food but assimilate much more value from the food you eat. This is really the essence of calorie restriction—eat less but assimilate more—one of the most important secrets to preventing aging.
What should you look for in each session? Thanks to the view tube, you can see some of what you are eliminating. Certainly you’ll release recently eaten food and older waste material, but much of what you are removing cannot be seen. Visible toxins, including parasites (even large colonies of them living in biofilms), invisible toxins, including pathogenic bacteria, and toxic chemicals (from heavy metals, pesticides, preservatives, and air pollution) are also being removed during each session.
While very few are trained in the Rojas Method, you can find a certified colon therapist in your area on the website of the International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy: Share the Rojas technique with him or her to ensure that you have a much more effective session. (Luis Rojas does trainings in Los Angeles several times a year.)
How Often Should You Cleanse?
A frequently asked question is: “How many colon-cleansing sessions will I need?” Unfortunately, there is no simple answer, as according to the Principle of Uniqueness, each of us is different.
As you begin your cleansing sessions, you will soon be able to judge how many you need. However, cleansing all the cells in your body by working through your colon is not something you do once or twice. Clearing away decades of toxic accumulation is, indeed, a process—one that should continue for as long as you live.
Fortunately, when done properly, colon hydrotherapy is safe, gentle, and effective and will not lead to dependency. In fact, the expansion and contraction of the colon as the water fills and releases will help to tone and strengthen the muscle over time. The hydration is priceless.
When you first begin, you will need to schedule your colon-cleansing sessions more closely together. If done correctly, water from each previous session will also be softening the more stubborn material that may not be released until the next visit. Most colon therapists, naturopaths, and doctors who now recommend colonics suggest you start by having your first six to eight sessions close together.
In future visits, give your colon a chance to recharge—at least one day between each session is best. A professional colonic has more “fills” and “releases” than an enema and can cause your colon to become fatigued if continued for too long on one day. That is why sessions are scheduled for 45 minutes each. With a home enema, you can continue until the water is clear and, if needed, repeat the enema the next day. Questions to ask yourself at the end of the session are: “Did I eliminate well in this session? Should I come back for another right away?”
After Your Colonic
After your colonic, you should go home and take it easy for the rest of the day. Eat a light meal. I do not recommend that you eat raw foods immediately after a colonic. A liquid or pureed soup is best. Probiotic and mineral-rich miso soup is preferred. Eating or drinking probiotics foods (cultured vegetables, young coconut kefir, or a few ounces of InnergyBiotic) is also wise.
You will always benefit from a colon-cleansing session either with a professional or at home when you are experiencing signs of toxicity, such as pain, fatigue, depression, bloating, dry skin and lips, or swelling and puffiness anywhere in your body. If you feel flu-like or if you have the flu, cleansing your colon is a must. You will soon learn to recognize your body’s unique way of saying, “I need to eliminate toxins quickly.”
Does Colon Cleansing Wash Away Good Bacteria?
Many physicians (who in all truth have usually never experienced colon therapy) have stated that flushing the colon with water depletes it of healthy microbiota. But remember, most microbiota are in the stool anyway and would leave naturally with daily eliminations (if these eliminations are even occurring). Trillions do remain and are not disturbed by the colonic water because they have colonized or settled into healthy mucus.
The fact is, most people are so toxic that when they begin eating the Body Ecology way, they don’t have healthy microbes in the intestines anyway. This is why it’s so important to eat Body Ecology– recommended foods and liquids, especially probiotics such as young coconut kefir and cultured vegetables. Nutritious and geared toward intestinal health, these powerful foods constantly replenish your colon with a wide variety of hardy beneficial bacteria and good yeast.
Anyone on a high-fiber, sugar-free, probiotic diet like Body Ecology will have excellent colonics. Beneficial microbiota in the fermented foods act like microscopic Roto-Rooters. They are quite masterful at softening the material that has accumulated for years in both your small and large intestines. Imagine millions of microscopic “Pac-Men” working away inside you, helping you to eliminate the effects of improper eating. This is why colon therapists tell us that their Body Ecology clients have the best eliminations during their sessions. Over time, with continual colonics (as needed), years of accumulation in the small intestine will also be cleansed. Your ability to absorb nutrients will increase tremendously, also helping you rejuvenate and live a longer, happier life.
Cleansing at Home
The Home Enema
Only two generations ago, it was common for homes to always have an enema bag. Doctors were even trained in medical school to prescribe an enema when someone fell ill.
An enema flushes out approximately five to ten inches of the lower portion of the colon with water or a special solution. Afterward the person uses the toilet for elimination.
You can find a great deal of information, instructions, and even videos on how to do an enema on the Internet. Enemas have been an important part of our BEDROK (Body Ecology Diet Recovering Our Kids) program for years. Parents of children recovering from autism have found that enemas are very effective at removing toxins, heavy metals, and pathogens quickly—speeding up recovery time.
Enemas are an excellent healing tool for anyone of any age. They are also safe throughout most of a pregnancy. (Stop once the cervix begins to dilate and the mucous plug is released, usually a week or two before the birth.) Breast-feeding mothers will find that their milk is less toxic and even more nutritious when they practice proper colon cleansing with nutritive implants. Find a holistic ob-gyn or naturopath who understands the value of home enemas if you prefer to discuss them with a professional.
One of the benefits of cleansing your colon at home is that you can follow your cleansing enema with a “nutritive implant.” Wonderful medicinal herbs and nutrients are combined in a cup or two of liquid (tea or water) and are retained in your colon. This idea is not a new one; practitioners of Ayurvedic medicine have long used these implants, called bastis. And they are not new to Western medicine either. In fact, Taber’s medical dictionary mentions the use of nutritive implants.
The Colema Board
Cleansing your colon with a colema board is very much like the professional open-system colonic, but can be done at home, where it is private and you can add your own mineral supplements.
To do a colema, you fill a five-gallon bucket with filtered water at body temperature. A strong folding chair faces the toilet. The colema board is placed on the toilet and chair so that you can rest on your back. A pillow and folded towel will make the board comfortable during your colema. The bucket should be placed on a sturdy surface no more than four feet above your colema board. You will then siphon water through the surgical tubing so that it is flowing freely through the rectal tip. Stop the flow of water, lubricate the tip with organic extra-virgin olive or coconut oil, and position your body so that you can insert the tip through your rectum and approximately three inches into your lower colon. Once it’s inserted, you can open up the flow of water and begin your colema session.
Setting up and storing the colema board can be an issue if you live in a small space and only have one bathroom. As many of us are now committed to recovering the energy of our youth, I foresee that housing for our aging population will need to change dramatically in the near future. To reflect our passion for rejuvenation, we need smaller homes that require less care but will have wellness amenities that include colonic equipment, a soaking tub, a steam shower and/ or infrared sauna, and a massage table (for in-home visits). We’ll also seek homes with plenty of sunlight, a great kitchen for preparation of healing meals, a serene bedroom, lots of thoughtful storage, and definitely a home office. Of course, while we’re planning away here, let’s not forget that separate suite for our children and grandchildren, who may often visit for their own spa needs as well!
A Note on Colon-Cleansing Herbs and Laxatives
Unfortunately, when people experience constipation or digestive trouble, they often turn to harsh laxatives for relief. Most laxatives—senna, aloe, cascara sagrada, and rhubarb—work by irritating the colon wall so that it will eliminate unnaturally. These should be used sparingly, if at all. Over time, these laxatives can become habit-forming, and the colon will no longer move without their stimulation. They do weaken the adrenals and will continue to deplete your prenatal jing.
For thousands of years, Chinese herbalists created customized formulas for their patients and used a combination of the gentler herbs to stimulate the colon to eliminate. Ayurvedic medicine, which also takes a much gentler approach, uses an ancient herb called Triphala, which can be taken every day and is not habit-forming. You may need to take much larger amounts of Triphala at first if you suffer from longtime chronic constipation, and drink plenty of water throughout the day. (Please note: Chronic constipation is often caused by low adrenal and thyroid function.)
For better elimination, you can also encourage your liver to produce more bile, which in turn stimulates peristaltic movement in both intestines. (Body Ecology offers an herbal formula with Jerusalem artichoke, sarsaparilla, wasabi, and milk thistle, called LivAmend, which is very effective for this.)
Consistent use of digestive enzymes, especially ones with hydrochloric acid (HCl), pepsin, and pancreatin, also helps improve elimination and stubborn constipation. Of course, eating plenty of fiber and probiotic foods and probiotic supplements (especially a bifidus bacteria supplement) and drinking water so that you are maximally hydrated are musts. (The 80/20 Principle, where 80 percent of your meal is from land, ocean, and cultured vegetables, guarantees an abundance of fiber.)
Herbs and herbal products that stimulate bile or even gentle laxatives like Triphala are best taken with meals. They then travel down with the food you eat and help it to move along more effectively. Over time this can help retrain a sluggish colon. But again, chose a gentle herbal colon-cleansing formula and use it short-term.
Even if it seems strange to you, gently infusing water into your colon to hydrate and cleanse the cells throughout your entire body to purify your lymph system, liver, and small intestine should become one of your most valued anti-aging tools. Whether in the hands of a skilled therapist or at home with enemas or a colema board, you will soon learn to recognize how often to use this wonderful tool to help your body become cleaner and turn back the clock.