Overcoming Parental Challenges
In this chapter, we will look into common childhood ailments that can interfere with a healthy family dynamic. After that, we will provide you techniques designed to heal them. Before we do that, however, we want to provide you with an exercise called the Keep-It-Together Mudra.
The Keep-It-Together Mudra will fortify you against the frustration, irritation, and annoyance that can accompany chronic childhood ailments. The exercise will also restrain you from venting your frustration, etc. on other people—and from dissipating the energy you need to deal with the problem effectively.
Exercise: The Keep-It-Together Mudra
To perform the mudra, find a comfortable position with your back straight. Close your eyes and breathe deeply through your nose for two to three minutes. Then place the tips of your left thumb and index finger together to form a circle. Do the same with your right hand. Next, bring your hands together so that the tips of both thumbs and index fingers are touching. Continue by bringing the tip of your left middle finger together with the tip of your right middle finger. Do the same with tips of left and right ring fingers and your left and right pinkies. Bring the tip of your tongue to the point where your upper teeth meet the gum next. Then place your feet flat on the floor (see Figure 22: The Keep-It-Together Mudra).
Hold the mudra for five minutes with your eyes closed. After five minutes, release the mudra. Then count from one to five. When you reach the number five, open your eyes and bring yourself out of the exercise.
You can use this mudra whenever a childhood ailment or a challenging situation elicits feelings of frustration, irritation, and/or annoyance—or when you feel that everything is closing in on you and you need more space, a common experience for weary parents. You can also use it as part of your regular regimen of energy work to enhance your patience and fortitude.
Childhood Sleep Problems
An early childhood sleep problem can create a significant challenge for family members. A lack of sleep can make a child cranky and moody. It can disrupt the child’s daily rhythms—and it can disturb other family members, particularly children who must deal with a moody, demanding, and/or depressive sibling. Children who get too little sleep are more likely to have behavioral problems, become depressive, and have difficulties living up to their potential.
One common childhood sleep problem is waking up upset or frightened for no apparent reason. This can happen several times at night or during nap times. Another common problem is the inability to sleep without first eating or drinking something. A child that develops an association with feeding before sleep often wakes up several times demanding food.
Limit-setting problems can also disturb a child’s sleep. Limit-setting problems usually begin when the child is about two years old. These problems are closely associated with stalling or the refusal to go to sleep. A child may make one request after another in order to stall the inevitable. Children can become quite creative in order to avoid going to sleep, demanding to be cuddled, to have a drink, or to go to the toilet.
Although authorities have provided parents with common-sense techniques that can help a child sleep peacefully, if these don’t work, then the problem probably has its foundation in your child’s subtle field.
To overcome sleep problems at their foundation in your child’s subtle field, you must release blockages that interfere with your child’s sleep cycle. But first you must recognize that human consciousness, which is eternal and is not limited by time and space, extends through various states, in the form of fields, which include both the normal waking field and the sleep field.
Chronic sleep problems are often caused by blockages in the sleep field. These blockages can prevent your child from relaxing enough to enter and remain in the sleep field so that they have a restful night sleep.
In the following pages, we’ve included two solutions that you can use to solve the problem.
Solution 1: The Calm Kundalini Technique
This technique will overcome all but the most severe sleep problems. It enhances the Kundalini-Shakti, a form of universal feminine energy located by the first chakra. The Calm Kundalini Technique will be most effective for children under the age of three.
Exercise: Calm Kundalini Technique
Put your child to bed before you begin the Calm Kundalini Technique. Then sit next to their head and close your eyes. Breathe deeply through your nose for two to three minutes. Then go to your healing space. Once you’ve brought your awareness to your body, soul, and spirit, open your eyes—but keep them slightly unfocused. Then assert, “It’s my intent to activate my first chakra.” Continue by asserting, “It’s my intent to center myself in my first chakra field.” Once you’re centered, continue by asserting, “It’s my intent to activate the minor energy centers in my hands.” As soon as you feel your hands tingle and/or vibrate, place the palm of your positive hand on your child’s medulla and hold it there, with the energy center centered at the hollow between their spine and the back of their head (see Figure 23: The Medulla). If your child begins to move a body part, put your other palm on it while you assert, “It’s my intent that Kundalini-Shakti radiates through my hands and calms (child’s name).” In a short time, the active body part will relax. If another body part becomes active, repeat the process with it. Continue in the same way until there is no more movement and your child is sleeping comfortably.
If your child remains stressed and they keep fidgeting, simply keep your positive hand on their medulla until they fall sleep. Repeat as needed.
Solution 2: The Prana Box
For older children or more resistant sleep problems, you must locate the most distorted field of energy in your child’s sleep field. Then you will use the prana box to release it. After that, you will fill their field of sleep with prana.
Exercise: Overcoming Resistant Sleep Problems
To begin the exercise, find a comfortable position with your back straight. Close your eyes and breathe deeply through your nose for two to three minutes. Then assert: “It’s my intent to center myself in my field of sleep.” Continue by asserting, “It’s my intent to turn my appropriate organs of perception inward on the level of my field of sleep.” Take two to three minutes to enjoy the shift. Then assert, “It’s my intent to create my visual screen eight feet, (two and a half meters) in front of me.” Once the screen appears, assert, “It’s my intent that (child’s name here) appears on the screen.” Take a moment to observe their condition. Then assert, “It’s my intent to locate the blockage in (child’s name)’s sleep field that interferes with their sleep the most.” Once you can sense or see the distorted field, which will look darker and feel heavier than the surrounding energy, assert, “It’s my intent to surround the blockage I have in mind with a prana box.” Continue by asserting, “It’s my intent to fill the prana box with prana and to release the distorted field within it.” Don’t do anything after that. The distorted field will be released automatically.
Once you’re confident that the blockage has been released, assert, “It’s my intent to fill (child’s name)’s sleep field with prana.” Take ten minutes to enjoy the process. Then release the image of your child and the visual screen. Count from one to five next. Then open your eyes and bring yourself out of the exercise.
If your child still has problems sleeping after you’ve performed the exercise, repeat it nightly—always releasing the most distorted blockage in their sleep field. If you continue in this way, in a short time there won’t be any blockages left that are strong enough to disrupt your child’s ability to sleep serenely.
After we released the trauma scars that had made it difficult for Petra’s daughter Sarah to relax, we used the Calm Kundalini Technique to heal Sarah’s sleep problem. Petra performed the exercise nightly for two and a half weeks, and to Petra’s great relief Sarah began sleeping soundly. She continued to perform the exercise once a week for several weeks longer—and only stopped using it when she was confident that the problem had been solved.
In many cases, thumb-sucking is caused by a lack of physical and emotional pampering, which in time can disrupt a child’s up-down polarity. In most cases, the polarity problem is centered in a child’s second and fifth polar fields. A polarity problem in these fields will inhibit the flow of prana through a child’s conceptual meridian, the main female meridian running down the front of their subtle field. Although thumb-sucking is the most obvious symptom, the disruption of polarity will also create feelings of insecurity, angst, and—in some cases—abandonment.
Although most people believe the universe is dualistic, a universe with only two poles is far too simple to explain all human interactions and all observable phenomena in the non-physical universe. In fact, as you become more conscious of the non-physical interactions, it will become necessary for you to expand your view of polarity to include seven polar fields through which Universal Consciousness and subtle energy participate in the phenomenal universe. Since thumb-sucking can be caused by the inability to process feminine energy, it’s best to enhance the functions of your child’s second and fifth polar fields.
The second polar field represents the individual feminine. Fields of energy in the second polar field move inward and/or down through the subtle energy field and physical-material body. These fields tend to be more receptive. They embrace other fields and assert power passively.
The fifth polar field represents the universal feminine. In the fifth polar field, interactions with other fields of energy are a function of vibration, not movement. By enhancing and refining the vibration of the fifth polar field, your appreciation of universal feminine energy will increase, and it will become a fundamental part of your daily experience.
We recommend that you perform the Second and Fifth Polar Field Meditation for yourself to acquaint yourself with these two polar fields before you begin to work on the issue of thumb-sucking.
We developed the following process which includes the Second and Fifth Polar Field Meditation and the Polar Field Empowerment exercise for Gina and Michael because their son Ronald, who was five years old, wouldn’t stop sucking his thumb. In our first interview with them, we learned that Michael was a workaholic and that Gina had become the primary caregiver. Without any prompting from us, Gina confessed that Ronald had become the main focus of her life and that she’d probably used him to compensate for Michael’s indifference toward his son.
It soon became clear that Gina had inadvertently disrupted the flow of energy through Ronald’s conceptual meridian by projecting distorted fields of feminine energy into it. With so much of Gina’s energy intruding into his subtle field combined with a lack of physical affection, Ronald couldn’t properly regulate his up-down polarity and keep it in balance. That made him overly dependent on his mother. To compensate for the anxiety and insecurity her projections produced, he began sucking his thumb.
Solution: To overcome the problem, we taught Gina to perform the Second and Fifth Polar Field Meditation. This helped her balance her up-down polarity.
At the same time, we released the distorted fields of energy from Gina’s fields and dantians that had disrupted her polarity and authentic identity. These included cords and controlling waves. When Gina’s polarity had been restored, she began performing the Second and Fifth Polar Field Meditation with Ronald. She worked with him every day for a month—and, by the time he began the school year, he no longer sucked his thumb.
Exercise: Second and Fifth Polar Field Meditation
Like Gina, it’s best to perform the Second and Fifth Polar Field Meditation for yourself until you’re confident that your up-down polarity has been restored
To begin the process, find a comfortable position with your back straight. Then close your eyes and breathe deeply through your nose for two to three minutes. Continue by asserting, “It’s my intent to go to my personal healing space.” Then bring your awareness to your body, soul, and spirit. Enjoy your healing space for five minutes. Then assert, “It’s my intent to center myself in my second polar field.” To enhance your experience, assert, “It’s my intent to turn my appropriate organs of perception inward on the level of my second polar field.” Take five minutes to enjoy the shift. Then continue by asserting, “It’s my intent to center myself in my fifth polar field.” Once you’re centered, assert, “It’s my intent to turn my appropriate organs of perception inward on the level of my fifth polar field.” Enjoy the process for another ten minutes. Then count from one to five. When you reach the number five open your eyes and bring yourself out of the meditation.
Exercise: Polar Field Empowerment
To begin the exercise sit next to your child. Then find a comfortable position with your back straight. Close your eyes and breathe deeply through your nose for two to three minutes. Then go to your healing space and bring your awareness to your body, soul, and spirit. Observe your child for a few moments; then assert, “It’s my intent to center myself in my second polar field.” Once you’re centered, assert, “It’s my intent to center myself in my fifth polar field.” Continue by asserting, “It’s my intent to turn my appropriate organs of perception inward on the levels of my second and fifth polar fields.” Enjoy the shift for a few moments; then assert, “It’s my intent to fill my second and fifth polar fields with prana.” Once the two fields are filled with prana, place your positive hand on your child’s abdomen and your feminine hand on their chest. Then assert, “It’s my intent to radiate prana from my second polar field into … (child’s name)’s second polar field and from my fifth polar field into their fifth polar field.” Continue for ten minutes. Then assert, “It’s my intent that the excess prana in … (child’s name)’s second and fifth polar fields radiates through his/her conceptual meridian.” Continue for five more minutes. Then count from one to five next. When you reach the number five, open your eyes and bring yourself out of the meditation.
We recommend that you perform the exercise every other day until your child no longer needs to suck on something to feel safe and satisfied.
Gina was so interested in finding the root of her polarity problem that we did a past life regression session with her in our next meeting. The technique we used was simple; we had her go to her personal healing space and bring her awareness to her body, soul, and spirit. Then she used her intent to center herself in the distorted fields that had supported her polarity problem. After that, she performed the Red Thread Technique. She used her intent to create a red thread that connected the distorted energy in her field to the original intrusion of the energy, which took place in a past life. The technique allowed her to travel back through time-space following the red thread to the exact moment in a prior life when she became attached to the pattern.
As soon as she arrived in her past life, she began to observe the activities that had been instrumental in creating the pattern. To enhance the experience, we suggested that she pay close attention to her feelings, the environment, and the people who were present.
If you feel it’s appropriate to travel to a past life with your conscious awareness in order to learn how one of your patterns developed, you can perform the same exercise as Gina.
Skin Problems
Skin problems can cause a child extreme discomfort and can have a negative influence on their physical and social development. Research in Germany indicates that, in the last thirty years, the most common form of dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, has increased between 100 percent and 200 percent. And it’s now estimated that between 10 percent and 15 percent of all children suffer from it.15
Although some skin ailments can be easily diagnosed, others defy a clear medical diagnosis, which means that they probably have a foundation in either the child’s colon or in their subtle field.
We’ve found that it’s possible to clear up many skin ailments that defy a clear medical diagnosis by bringing a child’s colon bacteria back into healthy balance and by strengthening their metal element.
Solution: To overcome the problem, begin by checking the condition of your child’s colon. You can do that by having a blood test performed at a physician’s office or a reputable laboratory. This will tell you if allergies are part of the problem. If there are no allergies, the next step will be to analyze the child’s stool. This will help you determine if funguses, pesticides, histamines, or a bacterial imbalance have contributed to the problem. If you get a positive result from the analysis, then you must consult an alternative healer or an orthodox physician. If the problem has both a physical and a subtle component or exclusively a subtle component, you can use the energetic tools you’ve already developed to solve it.
The first step will be to strengthen your child’s metal element. To do that, you can fill their respiratory system, skin, and colon with golden chi.
Exercise: Strengthening Your Child’s Metal Element
To begin, sit close to your child in a comfortable position with your back straight. Close your eyes and breathe deeply through your nose for two to three minutes. Then go to your healing space and bring your awareness to your body, soul, and spirit. Continue by asserting, “It’s my intent to bring my mental attention to my lower dantian, in the center of my abdomen” (see Figure 2: Taoist Subtle Anatomy). Once your mental attention has been centered in your lower dantian for a few moments, bring your hands up to your chest and, with the palms facing each other, rub the tips of your corresponding fingers together until you feel a golden flame (chi) ignite in the center of your lower dantian. Experience the flame getting stronger until the lower dantian has been filled with its light. Take a few moments to enjoy the effects. Then remove your attention from your lower dantian and assert, “It’s my intent to bring my mental attention to my middle dantian, in the center of my chest.” Rub the tips of your corresponding fingers together again until you feel a golden flame ignite in the center of your middle dantian. Take a few moments to enjoy the effects—which should intensify as more chi becomes available. After you’ve removed your attention from your middle dantian, assert, “It’s my intent to bring my mental attention to my upper dantian, in the center of my head.” Rub the tips of your corresponding fingers together again until you feel a golden flame ignite in the center of your upper dantian. Take a few moments to enjoy the effects. Then complete the energetic circuit created by your subtle energy system by bringing the tip of your tongue to the back of your upper teeth and by putting the soles of your feet together. Continue by placing your right hand on your child’s chest and your left hand on their abdomen. Then assert “It’s my intent to fill (child’s name)’s respiratory system, skin, and colon with golden chi.” Enjoy the process for fifteen minutes. Then count from one to five. When you reach the number five, open your eyes and bring yourself out of the exercise. We recommend that you perform the exercise every night until your child’s metal has been strengthened and the skin problem no longer disturbs them.
Toilet training
Toilet training your child will go smoothly when they feel free enough to hold on and let go at the appropriate times. This may sound counter-
intuitive, but a child with a blocked energy field—one whose prana does not flow freely—will have difficulty holding on and waiting to go to the toilet. The inability of a child to hold on is usually part of a family dynamic, which includes the inability of family members, including parents and siblings, to radiate prana and jing freely.
Exercise: Make Toilet Training Easy
To heal the family dynamic, parents and siblings, including the child who is being toilet trained, must be able to share prana and jing freely with one another. To support this, we recommend that the child being toilet trained, as well as other siblings, step-parents, and/or grandparents, sit in a circle facing each other. Then all family members should begin breathing into their lower dantian. After one to two minutes, everyone should join hands and a designated family member should begin chanting ohm from their lower dantian. The other family members should join in as soon as possible. After two more minutes, the designated family member should begin chanting ohm from the middle dantian, and all family members should join in. After two minutes more, all family members should repeat the process with their third dantian. Then all family members should assert, “It’s my intent to share my prana and jing freely with all my family members.” Everyone should continue to hold hands for another five minutes while they enjoy sharing prana and jing with one another. Continue to perform the exercise regularly until toilet training is no longer a problem.
Coping with a Screaming Child
For overburdened parents, a child that won’t stop screaming can elicit strong feelings of irritation and frustration. A screaming child can create additional problems, especially when other family members and neighbors are disturbed by the noise and the discordant energy. For these reasons, a screaming child can make it difficult for family members to cope. For parents and older siblings who are having difficulty coping, we recommend the Keep-It-Together Mudra on page 200. It will prevent them from becoming overly reactive, angry, impatient, or desperate. And it will enhance their capacity to endure the problem until it’s resolved.
Exercise: Calming a Screaming Child
Although it can be extremely difficult to soothe a screaming child, we’ve developed a technique based on reflexology that has successfully treated the problem. We taught the exercise to Hanna and Barry, who were becoming increasingly stressed by Patty’s screaming. Hanna performed the exercise daily for two weeks without any apparent success. Nonetheless, we encouraged her to continue because our analysis indicated that the problem had karmic roots. This meant it would probably take time for the shift in Patty’s subtle field to be transferred to her nervous system.
Hanna continued to perform the exercise daily, and—a short time later—she began to notice a significant shift in Patty’s condition. The screaming became intermittent. And the duration between bouts of screaming became longer and longer. Although Patty remains highly sensitive and will occasionally scream for her mother, eventually the problem became manageable.
To begin the exercise, take your child’s right foot in your hands and—with the tips of both thumbs—press and slowly release the solar plexus reflexology point on the sole of their foot until they relax. The solar plexus point is directly below the highest point on the instep (see Figure 24: The Solar Plexus Reflexology Point). Press the reflexology point for nine seconds, in rhythm with your child’s breathing. Rest for nine seconds and repeat three times. Then repeat the same process with your child’s left foot. Practice the exercise every day for as long as the child enjoys it.
It’s important to note that this technique will not produce the desired results if the child is hungry or in physical distress.
Coping with a Child’s Will
A strong will is the product of a healthy soul and spirit. It safeguards a child by ensuring that they develop a strong and authentic identity and that they will have the ability to recognize their dharma and follow it. A child’s will develops in stages along with their physical body. There are two critical periods during this process: ages two through four (the first period of independence), and puberty (the second period of independence).
Because family dynamics differ, it’s possible for a parent, grandparent, step-parent, or caretaker to block a child’s will. An adult who blocks a child’s will or engages in a battle of wills with a child often does so because they have a distorted view of parental authority or because they mistakenly take their child’s disobedience and/or resistance as a personal affront. Some of these adults have absorbed an authoritarian world-view—and energetic patterns that support it—from their parents. Others retain a legacy of control from past lives.
A sibling can block a child’s will as well because of jealousy or because they feel the need to compete with them for attention and affection.
In spite of mitigating factors, a clash of wills between a child and another family member always ends badly for them both—and potentially for other family members, who must find ways to accommodate themselves to it. As a parental strategy, it therefore can’t be justified by either family values, societal norms, or the parent’s personal experience.
The following family dynamic illustrates how a clash of wills can disrupt the relationship between a child and their mother as well as other family members. Rosie’s son Luca was two years old when she consulted us. Rosie was exceedingly controlling—and she took her child’s disobedience and/or resistance as a personal affront. She wouldn’t let him play without her constant interference or let him go outside when there was a chance that he would get wet or dirty. Although Luca was her first child and she had no formal training, she believed that she was an expert in early childhood development—which meant she rarely took the advice of other parents who had more experience than she did. We recognized during our first meeting with her that she had a problem with her field of will, which had been polluted by projections of distorted energy.
The field of will is located within a larger resource field known as the core field. The core field contains the field of will as well as fifteen other functions of mind including intent, desire, resistance, surrender, acceptance, knowing, choice, commitment, rejection, faith, enjoyment, destruction, creativity, empathy, and love.
If, like Rosie, you’re engaged in a battle of wills with one of your children, then it’s likely that the flow of prana through the section of the core field known as the field of will has been blocked. If this is the case, you will have difficulty dealing with a child’s irrational displays of will, which can include resistance, rejection, disobedience, and anger.
Solution: Although a clash of wills appears to be an intractable problem, the solution we’ve provided proved remarkably effective for Rosie and Luca as well as the other families we’ve worked with. It has two parts.
In the first part, you will locate the distorted fields of energy in your field of will that have contributed to the problem. Then you will use the prana box to release them, beginning with the most distorted field. After that, you will fill your field of will with prana. It’s important to repeat this process on a regular basis until all the distorted fields that support the pattern have been released and the pattern no longer influences your relationship to your children.
In the second part, you will use the prana box to release the distorted fields of energy you projected into your child’s field of will during your clash of wills, beginning with the most distorted field. After that, you will fill your child’s field of will with prana. It’s important to repeat the process until your child feels confident in expressing her/his will freely.
Rosie performed both sets of exercises for several weeks and slowly let go of her need to control her son and bend him to her will.
Later in the healing process, we taught Rosie to substitute life-affirming core values for the self-limiting core values that supported the pattern and interfered with her relationship to her son Luca.
Exercise Part 1:
Releasing Blockages in Your Field of Will
To begin the first part of the process, find a comfortable position with your back straight. Then close your eyes and breathe deeply through your nose for two to three minutes. Continue by asserting, “It’s my intent to go to my personal healing space.” Then bring your awareness to your body, soul, and spirit. Enjoy your healing space for five minutes. Then assert, “It’s my intent to center myself in my core field in the section that regulates will.” Once you’re centered, assert, “In my field of will, it’s my intent to locate the most distorted field that compels me to crush (child’s name)’s will.”
The distorted field of energy responsible will stand out from the background because it will feel denser and look darker. In some cases, it can also put pressure on you or even cause physical discomfort. Once you’ve located the most distorted field of energy, assert, “It’s my intent to surround the distorted field I have in mind with a prana box.” Then assert, “It’s my intent to fill the prana box with prana and release the distorted field within it.” Don’t do anything after that. Prana will fill the box you’ve created and release the distorted field of energy automatically.
Some of you may experience a sense of relief and/or a pop. Both indicate that the distorted energy within the box has been released and prana has replaced it.
Once the distorted energy has been released, assert, “It’s my intent to fill my field of will with prana.” Take ten minutes to enjoy the process. Then release the box and count from one to five. When you reach the number five, open your eyes and bring yourself out of the exercise.
Since the patterns may have the support of more than one field of distorted energy, you may have to repeat the process several times. In that case, we recommend that you perform the exercise once a day until all the offending fields have been released.
Exercise Part 2:
Restoring Your Child’s Field of Will
To begin the second part of the process, find a comfortable position with your back straight. Then close your eyes and breathe deeply through your nose for two to three minutes. Continue by asserting, “It’s my intent to go to my personal healing space.” Then bring your awareness to your body, soul, and spirit. Enjoy your healing space for five minutes. Then assert, “It’s my intent to create a visual screen eight feet (two and a half meters) in front of me.” Once the screen appears, assert, “It’s my intent to visualize an image of (child’s name) on the screen.” Continue by asserting, “It’s my intent to view (child’s name)’s field of will.” As soon as you become aware of their field of will, assert “It’s my intent to locate the most distorted field of energy that I projected into (child’s name)’s field of will.”
The distorted field of energy responsible will stand out from the background because it will appear denser and darker than the energy surrounding it.
Once you’ve located the most disruptive field, assert, “It’s my intent to surround the distorted field I have in mind with a prana box.” Then assert, “It’s my intent to fill the prana box with prana and release the distorted field of energy contained within it.” Don’t do anything after that. Prana will fill the box you’ve created and release the distorted field automatically.
After the distorted energy has been released, assert, “It’s my intent to fill (child’s name)’s field of will with prana.” Take ten minutes to complete the process. Then release the box, the image of your child, and the visual screen. Count from one to five next. When you reach the number five, open your eyes and bring yourself out of the exercise.
Creating Duality (Good and Bad, Right and Wrong)
When children are born, they live in union with their environment, with their family members, and with Universal Consciousness. It’s their experience of union which supports their spontaneous expression of joy and wonder. Creating duality at home, especially when it serves your interests or some social convention, will disrupt your child’s sense of wonder and joy by interfering with their relationship to themselves and to everything else in their physical and non-physical environment.
Solution: Duality exists on the physical plane, where hot/cold, up/down, and male/female help us make sense of the world around us. However, duality is much more complex once you factor in the subtle worlds of energy and consciousness. Indeed, for your child to grow up with their spontaneity, wonder, and joy intact, it’s essential to avoid creating an overly dualistic environment at home. This means that you should avoid using language that enhances duality. Telling your child that they’re good when they do what you want and bad when they don’t will enhance duality. Comparing your child to other children will do the same.
To restore your child’s sense of spontaneity, wonder, and joy, if they’ve been disrupted, you can perform the Atman Mudra along with them.
To perform the Atman Mudra, place the tip of your tongue on the point where your upper teeth meet the gum. Then put the soles of your feet together. Continue by putting the sides of your thumbs together from the tip to the first joint so that they form a triangle. Place the pads of your index fingers together from the tips to the first joint to form a second triangle. Once you’ve done that, place the outside of your middle fingers together from the tip to first joint. After your middle fingers are together, place the tips of your ring fingers together. Finally, place the tip of your pinkies together (see Figure 25: The Atman Mudra). Take five minutes to perform the mudra with your child. After five minutes, you and your child can release the mudra.
We recommend that you practice the mudra regularly with your child until union and intimacy has replaced duality in all your family relationships.
15. Alexander Kapp, “Protopic: Die Innovation in der Therapie der Atopischen Dermatitis” (Munich 2002), 338.