
Acupuncture point: A subtle energy point located within a meridian.

Ancestral chi: Chi that is inherited from parents. Ancestral chi cannot be changed or influenced by working on your subtle energy field or by changing your lifestyle.

Ancestral poisons: See Poisons of the ancestors.

Appropriate life partner: A person whose soul vibration, core values, and dominant element are compatible with yours.

Armpit cavities: Compliment the functions of the upper dantian. There are two—one on each side of the upper dantian.

Atman: The thumb-sized point on the right side of the chest where universal love in the form of bliss emerges into a person’s conscious awareness. By following the Atman inward, a person will become aware of their a priori union with Universal Consciousness.

Attachments: Created when two or more fields with individual qualities bond together within the subtle field. They can disrupt wellness on both the subtle and physical levels in three ways: they can restrict a person’s access to prana, they can create restrictive patterns (personality issues), and they can keep a person attached to people and relationship issues that remain unresolved from childhood and/or past lives.

Attachment fields: Projections of energy with individual qualities. They normally have a long, rectangular shape and are extremely dense and sticky. It’s because of these qualities that an attachment field can easily penetrate a person’s energy field. The perpetrator’s motive for projecting an attachment field, whether they are fully conscious of the projection or not, will be to compel their target to bond with them in an unhealthy way.

Auric fields, auras: Large fields of prana. From the surface of your body on each dimension, your auric fields extend outward (in all directions) from about two inches (six centimeters) to more than twenty-six feet (six and a half meters). Structurally, each auric field is composed of an inner cavity and a thin surface boundary, which surrounds it and gives it its characteristic egg shape.

Authentic desires: Desires that emerge from the authentic mind. Basing decisions and activities on authentic desires will help a person stay centered in their subtle energy field and will enhance the flow of prana through their subtle energy system.

Authentic mind: Composed of the subtle field, the nervous system, and a person’s organs of perception, which can be directed at both the external environment (the physical world) and the internal environment (the subtle worlds of energy and consciousness). The authentic mind is a person’s authentic vehicle of awareness and expression.

Back-front polarity: The back is masculine in relationship to the front because the movement of masculine energy is strongest through the main masculine meridian, the governor, in the back of the body. The movement of feminine energy is strongest through the main feminine meridian, the conceptual, in the front of the body. Back-front polarity is the same for men, women, and children. It regulates a person’s ability to express anger, fear, pain, and joy—the four authentic emotions. It also affects self-confidence, self-esteem, and a person’s ability to create and maintain a strong personal identity.

Balance of elements: See Elements.

The Bhagavad Gita: A revered Yogic text that teaches that enlightenment can only be achieved when the field of knowledge (the physical and non-physical
universe), the knower (the authentic mind), and knowledge (universal energy and consciousness) become one.

Bliss, orgasmic bliss: The most powerful force in the universe. Every human being is in bliss, although most people are unaware of it. According to the Tantrics, orgasmic bliss is an enduring condition deep inside the subtle field created through the union of consciousness (Shiva) and energy (Shakti).

Blockage: Any field of energy or consciousness with individual qualities that disrupts the flow of prana and/or consciousness through a person’s subtle field and prevents a person from remaining centered in their authentic mind.

Boundaries: Separate a person’s internal environment from the external environment. They are composed of prana in the form of elastic fibers that crisscross each other in every imaginable direction. In the subtle field there are many boundaries, including the surfaces of the auras, chakra fields, and resource fields, as well as the kandas, dantians, and their complimentary cavities.

Buddha, Gautama: A sage who lived in the fifth century BCE. He taught that it was possible to achieve self-realization by embracing a Middle Way between sensual indulgence and severe asceticism.

Chakra(s): Sanskrit word which means “wheel.” There are 146 chakras. Each chakra has two parts: a chakra field, which is an immense field of prana; and a gate, which appears as a brightly colored disk that spins rapidly at the end of what looks like a long axle or stalk. Chakras transmit and transmute prana into different frequencies that can be used by the organs and vehicles in the subtle energy field.

Chakra gate: see Chakra(s).

Chakra field: Each chakra is composed of a chakra gate and a chakra field. The chakra field is an immense field of prana composed of subtle energy and a surface boundary. The healthier the chakra field, the larger it will be. In most cases a chakra field will extend a significant distance from the surface of a person’s body.

Character, good character: The qualities of good character include non-harming, discipline, courage, patience, perseverance, long-suffering, and loyalty. These qualities can be enhanced by a person who brings their subtle energy field into a state of radiant good health.

Chi: A form of non-physical energy with universal qualities that is at the center of family life. When chi flows freely though a family member’s subtle field, they will be able to share pleasure, love, intimacy, and joy without restriction.

Consciousness with individual qualities: Creates ideas, thoughts, notions, beliefs, etc., which are in opposition to life-affirming qualities such as compassion, empathy, freedom, and respect for women and children. If enough fields of consciousness with individual qualities become trapped in a person’s subtle field, they can contribute to the creation of the individual mind and ego.

Controlling waves: Waves of energy with individual qualities. In most cases, they’re projected by a person who seeks to control and/or change an aspect of another person’s behavior and/or personality. Controlling waves are normally wedge-shaped when they emerge from the perpetrator’s subtle field. Once the controlling wave has entered their target’s energy field, it will quickly expand until it fills a large portion of their field.

Cord: A projection of energy with individual qualities in the form of a long, thin cord that is hollow in the center. It’s a manifestation of dependency, need, and/or desire that can border on obsession. Cords manifest the perpetrator’s desire or need to hold on to or have contact with their target.

Core field: A resource field that contains the sixteen functions of mind, including will, intent, desire, resistance, surrender, acceptance, knowing, choice, commitment, rejection, faith, enjoyment, destruction, creativity, empathy, and love.

Core values: Influence how a person interacts with their partner/other people
and how they view the world. A healthy relationship requires that partners share core values that are life-affirming. People with core values that are life-affirming are always compatible because life-affirming core values will do two things: they will support the free radiation of universal feminine energy, and they will support one’s purpose for being incarnated in this life.

Dantians: According to Taoist adepts, there are three dantians that are part of a human being’s subtle anatomy. They serve as reservoirs of subtle energy and consciousness. The lower dantian is located in the center of the abdomen. Located above it, in the center of the chest, is the middle dantian, and located in the center of the head is the upper dantian.

Dao: See Tao.

Dharma: Comes from the Sanskrit root dhri, meaning to “uphold” or to “sustain.” Both Yoga and Tantra teach that all human beings share a collective dharma, which is to achieve self-realization. Every human being also has a personal dharma, which is their unique path of healing and personal liberation. By following dharma, a person will learn who they are and what they are capable of achieving in this life.

Distorted energy: Has individual qualities such as color, weight, density, and level of activity. The heavier, darker, and more active the energy’s appearance, the more distorted and disruptive it will be. Distorted energy that becomes trapped in a person’s subtle field becomes part of the karmic baggage they carry from one life to another.

Domains: A person can experience the world, through their authentic mind, from different perspectives. To an adept, each perspective will look and feel like a large field on the subtle level of consciousness. We call these fields “domains.” It’s through the perspective of the self-domain that the authentic mind perceives itself and recognizes its eternal relationship to the universe. It’s through the perspective of the light body domain that the authentic mind perceives energy with universal qualities, including fields of subtle energy that support pleasure, love, intimacy, and joy. And it’s though the perspective of the universal domain that the authentic mind perceives Universal Consciousness and the timeless state of bliss that exists a priori within you.

Dominant element: Each person has one element that dominates their character. When prospective partners have dominant elements that are in harmony, they will have a deep, natural affinity for one another. In most cases, the affinity will be both sexual and spiritual because the partners will be sharing the same outlook on life, which will make the relationship intoxicating for them both.

Elements: The five elements—earth, wood, metal, water, and fire—provide structure and stability in a person’s life and relationships. They influence how a person interacts with other people and their physical-material environment. They also influence character, particularly how disciplined, loyal, patient, and perseverant a person will be. They also influence whether a person is able to maintain their integrity during difficult times (long-suffering) and whether they will refrain from harming people in word, thought, and deed.

Empathy: Empathy is one of the key ingredients of successful relationships because it helps family members understand the perspectives, needs, and intentions of their loved ones. On the subtle levels, every person has three fields of empathy. They’re resource fields through which energy can be exchanged selflessly without the “I” or the ego getting in the way. The three fields of empathy are known as the Public Field of Empathy, the Personal Field of Empathy, and the Transcendent Field of Empathy.

Energetic blockage: See Blockage.

Energetic projection: Any projection of energy or consciousness with individual qualities. Projections can take the form of cords, controlling waves, and attachment fields. In some cases, they can be accompanied by non-physical beings. When an energetic projection becomes trapped in a person’s energy field, it can cause self-limiting and anti-self patterns.

Energetic vehicle: There are two types of energetic vehicles in the human energy field: energy bodies and sheaths. Both are composed of prana. Energy bodies allow a person to be present and to experience the world through intuition, the organs of perception, and the functions of mind. Sheaths allow a person to express themselves and to interact with the world through the organs of expression. Humans have energy bodies and sheaths on all dimensions of the physical and non-physical universe.

Energy bodies: Part of the human energy field. They are composed entirely of energy with universal qualities. Functionally, they allow a person to be present and to function in both the physical and subtle environment via their intuition, organs of perception, and functions of mind.

Energy system: A system of subtle energetic organs. According to Yoga, the energy system is composed of chakras, auric fields, meridians, minor energy centers, kandas, and additional energetic organs that work to maintain a person’s well-being. According to Taoism, the energy system includes dantians, subsidiary cavities, meridians, gates, and acupuncture points. The energy system can be thought of as a power plant and grid of substations and power lines that transmute consciousness into prana and prana from one frequency to another.

Energy with individual qualities: Moves in waves or dense fields that have what you can think of as character—or what we call a “flavor.” It can accumulate within a person’s subtle energy field. Attachments to energy with individual qualities can disrupt the flow of prana through the subtle energy field and can prevent a person from staying centered in their authentic mind.

Energy with universal qualities: Never fundamentally changes. It goes by many names: shakti, prana, chi, etc. It’s the energy that is transmitted through the chakras, meridians, and auric fields. It emerges into a person’s conscious awareness as pleasure, love, intimacy, and joy, as well as truth, freedom, and bliss.

Enlightenment: A state of permanent bliss. When a person consciously experiences their a priori state of enlightenment, the existential problem of existence disappears, and they experience inner peace.

Environmental chi: A form of energy with universal qualities that a person absorbs directly from the physical or non-physical environment. Environmental chi can be influenced by a person’s decisions and interactions with other people, which means it can be enhanced and strengthened.

Ever-present Now: The eternal present; the eternal space/time a person inhabits when they are present in their authentic mind.

External projections: Waves and fields of energy and consciousness with individual qualities that can be projected from one person to another. If a person has become attached to an external projection, it will be integrated into their individual mind and ego and become a part of the karmic baggage they carry in their subtle field.

Eye of Brahma: The inner eye. It’s sometimes called the eye of wisdom. While the physical eyes see things in the material world, the Eye of Brahma sees the subtle world where truth can be recognized without the distortion of time and space.

Feminine energy: After emerging from Universal Consciousness, universal feminine energy began to function as the driving force of evolution. It’s feminine energy emerging from every corner of the universe and from every female of every species, providing the power to create and procreate. Feminine energy supports love, intimacy, and joy, motivating humans to share intimacy with one another.

Field of empathy: A resource field through which a person can share energy and consciousness without the “I” or the ego getting in the way. The field of empathy has three parts: the Public Field of Empathy, the Personal field of Empathy, and the Transcendent Field of Empathy.

Field of knowledge: The physical and non-physical universe.

Five elements: See Elements.

Five Elements Kitchen: One of the cornerstones of Chinese culture. Once the Chinese identified the five elements, they set about categorizing all foods, beverages, and condiments into the five categories. The Five Elements Kitchen will provide you and your family with a balanced diet rich in healthy foods. It will also provide you and your family with enough chi on a daily basis to perform your activities at an enhanced level.

Functions of mind: Each person has within their core field sixteen important functions of mind through which their power, creativity, and radiance emerge. The sixteen functions of mind include intent, will, desire, resistance, surrender, acceptance, knowing, choice, commitment, rejection, faith, enjoyment, destruction, creativity, empathy, and love.

Good character: The principle qualities of character include non-harming, patience, perseverance, discipline, long-suffering, and courage. Energy with universal qualities is both the foundation and product of good character. This means that people who have good character are disciplined, patient, and courageous. They persevere and don’t harm other creatures in thought or deed.

Governor meridian: The most important masculine meridian in the human energy field. It connects the chakras below, above, and within body space to one another, and it serves as a boundary for the nine cavities described by the Taoists. Along with the conceptual meridian, it forms the foundation of the microcosmic circuit.

Hatha Yoga: A branch of Raja Yoga that uses asanas (physical exercises), breath control, and proper diet to purify the body and to achieve higher states of consciousness.

Individual mind and ego: If enough fields of energy and consciousness with individual qualities become trapped in a person’s subtle field, they can create an individual mind and ego that function in opposition to the authentic mind. The individual mind and ego has two parts: the “I,” which creates a false identity; and the ego, which manifests a false personality. Together, they can disrupt a person’s ability to be and express themselves freely and engage in life-affirming family relationships.

Individuation: The process of physical and subtle development a child must complete in order to participate in life-affirming family relationships. For a child to successfully individuate, parents must provide them with an environment that fosters a life-affirming identity, good character, and a respect for universal feminine energy

Inner peace: Inner peace is a state of stillness that emerges from deep within a person. It emerges when movement stops and a person can focus their mind on the joy that spontaneously radiates through their subtle field.

Inner vision: Inner vision enables a person to intuitively recognize a compatible life partner. To enhance inner vision, a person can perform the Inner Vision Mudra and the Eye of Brahma Technique.

Inner wisdom: The wisdom that comes from experience and from trusting your own intuition and discernment.

Intent: In deep healing, a person’s intent serves the same function as a computer software program. Just as a software program instructs a computer to perform a particular task, the intent will instruct the authentic mind, which is composed of the brain, central nervous system, and a person’s non-physical field of energy and consciousness, to locate a concentration of karmic baggage or an attachment that is responsible for a physical ailment or self-limiting pattern.

Inter-dimensional being: Any sentient being that has both physical and non-physical vehicles. Because humans have physical and non-physical vehicles, they are inter-dimensional beings.

Intrusions: Created by the violent projection of energy or consciousness with individual qualities into a person’s subtle field, intrusions produce blockages and self-limiting patterns.

Kali Yuga: A time in human history when consciousness remains mired at such a mundane level that there is very little room for family relationships to blossom. During Kali Yuga, honesty and trust are in short supply and relationships are dominated by ego and self-limiting patterns that disrupt love and intimacy.

Kanda: There are three kandas that influence the subtle organs in body space. The first kanda is located behind the first chakra at the base of the spine. The second kanda is located behind the heart chakra, and the third kanda is located behind the back of the crown chakra. The kandas are energetic hubs that transmit prana from resource fields to the organs of the subtle field, particularly the seven traditional chakras and the major meridians that connect them.

Karma: A Sanskrit word that can be translated as activity or action. In the west, karma has been defined as the “cumulative effect of action,” which is commonly expressed as “you reap what you sow.”

Karmic baggage: Karmic baggage is the accumulated amount of energy and consciousness with individual qualities that a person carries in their subtle field from one lifetime to another. In your subtle field, karmic baggage creates pressure and muscle ache when you’re stressed, and it creates self-limiting and anti-self patterns that produce anxiety, self-doubt, and confusion.

Karmic wound: An energetic wound caused by energetic trauma. See karmic baggage.

Karmic pattern: A pattern created by attachments to karmic baggage. A karmic pattern is always self-limiting; given enough time, it will disrupt personal power, creativity, and family relationships.

Knower: A person’s authentic mind.

Knowledge: Universal energy and consciousness.

Kundalini-Shakti, Kundalini: The greatest repository of prana in a person’s energy field. It comes in two forms: structural Kundalini, which maintains stability and individual identity; and the serpent energy, which is located at the base of the spine and provides power and vitality.

Kwas: Reservoirs of chi located on each side of the lower dantian. The right and left kwas compliment the functions of the lower dantian. It’s the support275 of the kwas that enables a person to fully express pleasure, particularly sexual pleasure.

Lao Tsu: Lived in China in the sixth century BCE. He taught that the physical world was the outer manifestation of a non-physical world of energy and consciousness. According to Lao Tsu and the Taoist adepts who followed him, subtle energy and consciousness serve as the foundation of human awareness and vitality.

Life-affirming identity: Self-confidence, self-esteem, and empathy for others.

Life-affirming qualities: The foundation of a person’s power, creativity, and radiance. These qualities include pleasure, love, intimacy, and joy, as well as the qualities of good character. See Character.

Life force: Life force is not something you can feel since it emerges from Universal Consciousness, but you can recognize it because it creates a buzz that enlivens your body. You can have a direct experience of life force by centering yourself in Atman on the right side of your heart chakra.

Light body domain: See Domains.

Lower dantian: See Dantians.

Mantra: A word, sound, or short sentence that a person repeats in order to focus their mind and enter a state of meditation.

Mental attention: A person’s mental attention functions simultaneously in all worlds and dimensions in both the physical and non-physical universe. Mental attention can be used to visualize the condition of the subtle field and to release distorted fields of energy and consciousness.

Meridians: Streams of energy that transmit prana from one part of the subtle field to another. The flow of energy with universal qualities through the meridians enables a person to remain centered in their authentic mind, to form an authentic identity, and to participate in transcendent relationships.

Microcosmic circuit: A system of subtle organs that regulates the flow of prana through the subtle energy field. It includes the three dantians and their neighboring cavities as well as the governor and conceptual meridians. It also includes the thirteen chakras in body space because each chakra has important functions related to family relationships and personal well-being.

Middle dantian: See Dantians.

Midrashic literature: A genre of rabbinic literature, dating back primarily to the first through tenth centuries, which contains early interpretations and commentaries on the Written and Oral Torah (spoken law and sermons).

Midriff cavities: Compliment the functions of the middle dantian. There are two midriff cavities: the right and left midriff cavities.

Mind: The mind is composed of three essential elements. On the physical level, it includes the brain and nervous system as well as the chemicals in the body, such as hormones that influence its structure and activities. On the non-physical level, the mind includes the subtle field, its organs and vehicles, and the consciousness and prana that nourish them. The combination of physical and non-physical elements creates the third part of the human mind: the network. The network includes the connections the mind has to its individual parts and to things beyond itself. This includes consciousness and energy as well as attachments to other people, non-physical beings, and their projections.

Minor energy centers: These centers are scattered throughout the subtle field. Four principle centers are located in the extremities: one in each hand and one in each foot. Their principle function is to facilitate the movement of prana through the subtle energy field and physical-material body.

Mobbing: In human interactions, mobbing occurs when a group of people go after a person because that person is perceived to be different and their behavior and/or beliefs have been judged to be unacceptable. People who participate in mobbing spread rumors and use threats as well as satire and sarcasm to isolate and intimidate another person. The goal of mobbing is to isolate the person, to make them suffer, and to create an intolerant environment.

Mudra: A symbolic gesture that can be made with the hands and fingers or in combination with the tongue and feet. Each mudra has a specific effect on a person’s level of consciousness and the energy flowing through their subtle field.

Muscle testing: Used to test the body’s responses when applying pressure to a large muscle. Muscle testing can be used to validate what a person has learned through intuition and discernment. It can provide a person with information about energy blockages, the condition of their organs, nutritional deficiencies, and food allergies.

Mutual field of empathy: A field created by family members that will enhance the empathy they have for one another and ensure that they can share their feelings and emotions effortlessly.

Mutual field of prana: A field created by partners that will be strong enough to prevent karmic baggage and restrictive beliefs from interfering with their experience of intimacy.

Negative ions: Negative ions are created in nature as air molecules break apart due to sunlight, moving air, and water. They’re odorless, tasteless, and invisible molecules that we inhale in abundance in certain environments. Think mountains, waterfalls, and beaches. Once they reach our bloodstream, negative ions are believed to produce biochemical reactions that increase the levels of the mood-enhancing chemical serotonin. It’s believed that enhanced serotonin levels alleviate depression, relieve stress, and boost energy, all of which can enhance a person’s health and relationships.

Non-physical energy: Any form of energy that is located in the non-physical universe.

Non-physical field: See Subtle energy field and Consciousness.

Orgasmic bliss: An enduring condition deep within the subtle field created through the union of pure consciousness (Shiva) and energy with universal qualities (Shakti). The merging of consciousness and energy provides a person with a safe haven deep within them where nothing can interfere with their experience of transcendent relationships.

Poisons of the ancestors: These poisons can disrupt a person’s well-being as well as their family relationships. To a person with discernment, the poisons look like bundles of long tubes that intrude into the subtle field. Patterns supported by ancestral poisons include depression, self-sabotage, dependency, greed, abusiveness, envy, jealousy, arrogance, and timidity, as well as any other self-limiting pattern that a person inherited from their parents.

Polarity: The degree to which a person’s energy field is polarized masculine or feminine. The principle of polarity states that “everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.” There are two polar fields in the physical-material universe. However, in the subtle universe, there are seven.

Prakriti: See Prakriti field.

Prakriti field: The prakriti field is the primordial field of universal feminine energy. It contains some of the highest frequencies of feminine energy. Like all resource fields, the prakriti field fills your energy field and extends beyond it in all directions.

Prana bandage: A prana bandage has a profound impact on a person’s psychological health and the health of their energy field. If used correctly, it will seal the energetic wound created by a miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion.

Purusha: See Purusha field.

Purusha field: The primordial field of individual consciousness. It’s a resource field that emerged along with the field of prakriti, or the primordial field of feminine energy, during the fourth tattva, or the fourth step in the evolution of the universe.

Reflection centers: Two centers of awareness in the back of the head, just below and on each side of the Eye of Brahma. It’s through the reflection centers that a person manifests their authentic identity in the physical and non-physical universe.

Resonance: The mean frequency (vibration) of a field of energy or living being. Every living being and/or field of energy with individual and/or universal qualities has its own unique resonance.

Resource field: A field of consciousness and/or energy with universal qualities that nourishes the subtle field of energy and consciousness and the vehicles within it. Resource fields are almost infinite in size and both fill and surround a person’s subtle field on all dimensions.

Restrictive belief: Any belief accepted as true by an institution of society that prevents people from expressing themselves freely. Restrictive beliefs 279restrict the flow of prana and make it difficult for people to stay centered in their authentic mind.

Restrictive belief system: A manifestion of the individual mind and ego that can restrict consciousness and the flow of prana through a person’s subtle field. Restrictive beliefs support self-limiting patterns and behavior. In extreme cases, they will support obsessions, which can lead to anti-self and anti-social behavior.

Reversed polarity: A condition that is caused by an extreme disruption of up-down polarity. Reversed polarity in men will cause the afflicted man to become feminine by his second chakra and masculine by his heart chakra. Reversed polarity in women will cause the afflicted women to become feminine by the heart chakra and masculine by the second chakra.

Self-domain: See Domains.

Shakti: See Shiva/Shakti.

Sheaths: Subtle energetic vehicles that interpenetrate the physical-material body and extend a short distance beyond it. They allow a person to interact directly with their external environment and other sentient beings.

Shiva: See Shiva/Shakti.

Shiva/Shakti: Shiva and Shakti are revered as both the divine couple and as the archetypes for consciousness (Shiva) and energy (Shakti). All people have unlimited sources of Shakti’s feminine energy (prana-chi) and Shiva’s consciousness (Dao) within.

Silver cord: Each energetic vehicle is connected to the subtle field by a silver cord that extends from the back of the neck. The cord can stretch in order to keep the vehicle connected to the subtle field.

Soul vibration: An essential element of compatibility. When partners have compatible soul vibrations, they will feel comfortable with one another, understand one another, and have a strong foundation for intimacy. Soul vibration is determined by many factors, including where a person’s soul originated (not all souls originated on earth), how many lives the soul has experienced, where the soul has lived during this life and previous incarnations, and a person’s activities and experiences in past incarnations, especially those that were violent and left energetic wounds and trauma scars in their subtle field.

Subtle energy field: Contains energetic vehicles that allow people to express themselves and interact with their environment on both the physical and non-physical levels. It also contains resource fields and a subtle energy system that supplies the subtle field with life-affirming energy.

Subtle energy system: Includes the chakra gates and chakra fields, meridians, auras, and minor energy centers scattered through the subtle energy field as well as the dantians and the smaller cavities, gates, and acupuncture points that compliment them. In the same way that an electrical grid provides energy to homes and businesses, the organs of the subtle energy system transmit and transmute all the prana the physical body and the energetic vehicles need to function healthfully.

Surface boundaries: The surfaces of the energy fields. They surround all of the energy fields (auras and resource fields) and energetic vehicles. A person with weak surface boundaries will feel insecure and won’t be able to manifest the qualities of the universal feminine fully.

Tai Chi: An internal Chinese martial art practiced for both its defense training and its health benefits.

Tantra/Tantrics: An ancient school of Indian thought that views energy with universal qualities and consciousness as essentially the same. Shiva, who represents consciousness, and Shakti, who represents energy, were depicted in Tantric iconography in eternal embrace, which means that they are considered ultimately indivisible.

Tao (Dao): The principle that serves as the foundation of the universe. Combined within the Tao are the principles of yin and yang and their manifestations in both the physical-material and subtle universes.

Taoism: A spiritual tradition based on the teachings of Lao Tsu and the Taoist adepts who followed him. Taoism teaches that a person’s non-physical field manifests as both a field of energy with universal qualities and a field of pure, life-affirming consciousness.

Tattvas: Steps in the evolutionary process. The word combines the Sanskrit root tat, which means “that,” and tvam, which means “thou” or “you.” Thus tattva signifies the ancient truth that you are always in union with Universal Consciousness and that you can experience the benefits of union (which include pleasure, love, intimacy, and joy) by remaining centered in your authentic mind. According to Yoga and Tantra, evolution in the physical and non-physical universe has gone through thirty-six tattvas already.

Third heart: See Three hearts.

Third heart field: A resource field that radiates bliss into a person’s conscious awareness. It’s directly connected to Atman, the third heart, on the right side of the chest. It’s through the third heart field that a person experiences transcendent relationships with themselves and with the people they love.

Three hearts: Each person has three hearts: the physical heart on the left side of the chest; the heart chakra in the center of the chest; and Atman, the third heart on the right side of the chest. It’s from Atman that bliss emerges into a person’s conscious awareness.

Transcendence: The state of union or intimacy with Universal Consciousness and one’s partner. In the transcendent state, a person can share bliss (on the level of consciousness as well as pleasure) love, intimacy, and joy (on the level of energy) without disruption.

Transcendent relationship: A relationship in which partners can share pleasure, love, intimacy, and joy without blockages, karmic baggage, or anything else getting in the way. Traditional relationship is about living within limitations. In contrast, a transcendent relationship is about transcending limitations.

Trauma: Every traumatic event includes two traumas: a physical trauma, and a subtle energetic trauma that is no less real. The traumas on the subtle levels are responsible for the most acute and enduring symptoms the survivor must endure.

Trauma scar: An energetic trauma that is imprinted in a person’s subtle field. A trauma scar looks like a narrow piece of elastic that has been stretched and frozen in place. It will be clear when it’s first viewed because it has been suffused with prana. It’s only by looking more deeply that a person will notice denser, darker energy in parallel bands running through it. If a trauma scar is left untreated, it can interfere with a person’s well-being and family relationships.

Universal Consciousness: The wellspring of bliss. Universal Consciousness combines all aspects of yin-yang. It’s the foundation of the authentic mind as well as everything else in the physical and non-physical universe, including time, space, energy, and consciousness.

Universal domain: See Domains.

Universal feminine: Motivates humans to unite and to experience intimacy with one another. It makes everybody a healer, a lover, and—on the deepest level—a radiant, transcendent being who has the capacity to transform the world through work and relationships.

Universal feminine energy: See Feminine energy.

Universal qualities: Universal qualities include pleasure, love, intimacy, and joy as well as truth and freedom. Universal qualities do not create attachments; they are life-affirming, and they support family relationships.

Up-down polarity: A form of polarity found in the subtle field. In male-
female relationships, men are masculine by the second chakra and feminine by the heart chakra. Women are feminine by the second chakra and m
asculine by the heart chakra. When up-down polarity is in balance, a woman in relationship will be empowered and more self-confident; a man in relationship will become more empathetic, gentle, and receptive to feminine energy.

Upper dantian: See Dantians.

Visual screen: With practice, a visual screen will become a reliable tool that can be used to examine the condition of the subtle field during a session of deep healing.

Water cycle: Circulates chi up the back of the body, through the governor meridian, and down the front through the conceptual meridian. The movement of chi in this way enhances intuition and relaxes the nerves along the spine. It integrates the functions of the three dantians, the kwas, the midriff cavities, and the armpit cavities. It distributes chi to the chakras in body space as well as those above and below it.

Wei-Lu gate: Located between the sacrum and the coccyx. It has a direct influence on the kidneys and their ability to function healthfully. According to Chinese medicine, it’s where the life force is pumped directly into the subtle energy field.

Yoga: Means “union.” It also refers to an ancient scientific method developed in India to achieve enlightenment. Yoga adepts teach that a person’s non-physical field manifests as both a field of energy with universal qualities and a field of pure, life-affirming consciousness.
