

Abdominal brain, 207

Abdominal Center, 160–61

Acetylcholine, 207

Acheron, 429

The Acts of Thomas, 472

Actualism, School of, 78, 93–94, 162, 249, 354

Acupuncture, 65

Addictive experiences/tendencies: contracted states of consciousness and, 298–302; definition of, 299; divination for identifying and transcending, 305–6; features of, 299–300; reinforcement and, 505–6

Adrenaline, 279, 283–84, 300

Affect bridge, 188

The Affluent Society (Galbraith), 38

Agni Yoga, 78, 92–93, 162. See also Light-fire yoga

AIDS, 56–57

Air (element), 9, 13, 20, 151

Alchemy: Actualism and, 94; athanor (vessel), 8–9, 96; convergence of chemistry and, 34; etymology of, 5; goal of, 2, 94; history of, 6–8, 11, 94–95; opus, 10, 11–12, 96; psychotherapy vs., 96–98; shamanism and, 1–4, 11, 85, 94, 95; Taoism and, 5; transformation and, 2, 6–7, 8, 11–14, 95; yoga and, 4–5

Alcohol, effects of, 282–83

Alexander, Eben, 443

Alford, Dan Moonhawk, 533–34

Algonquian cosmology, 533–34, 539, 547, 548, 550

Allen, John, 591, 594

Allende, Salvador, 50

Allies for Awakening (Metzner), 125, 134, 139

Allwiss, 3

Alpert, Richard, 209, 353, 423. See also Dass, Ram

Alpha waves, 216, 224, 266–67, 320, 333

Al Qaeda, 70

Alters, 311, 312

Amaringo, Pablo, 561

Ammit, 429–30, 444, 445

Amnestic barrier, 311, 314

Amphetamines, 280–81, 340, 342

Anamnesis, 107

Ancestors: communication with deceased, 333–34; connecting and reconciling with, 380, 399–407; spirits of, 131–35, 169

Ancestral soul council, 192–93, 198, 372, 450–54

Andromeda galaxy, 592

Angels. See also individual angels: in the celestial hierarchy, 581; childhood guardian, 568; of conception, 468; of death, 427–28; encounters with, 538, 567–68; NDEs and, 327

Anger, 297

Anicca, 224

Animal Farm (Orwell), 34

Animal realm (world), 465, 489, 494–95, 510, 518–19

Animal spirits, 128–29, 170, 200–201, 560–62, 564, 566–67

Animism, 87

Animus and anima, 12, 18

Annunciation, 462, 468

Anubis, 445, 449–50

Anxiety, 297

Apartheid, 32, 40, 51, 62–63, 76

Apollo, 121

Apostolic Creed, 420

Apperception, 229–30, 286

Apple Computer Company, 52

Appropriation, 506

Aquinas, Thomas, 581

Arbenz, Jacobo, 36

Archangels, 581

Archetypes: of the collective unconscious, 250–51, 480; planetary, 27, 40, 291

Arica school, 458

Aristide, Jean-Bertrand, 62

Armstrong, Neil, 44

Arousal continuum, 276, 278, 279

Arrien, Angeles, 78, 458

Asana, 91

Ascendant, 201–2

Ascended masters, 133, 428

Asclepius, 258

Asgard, 539

Ashtanga, 90

Assagioli, Roberto, 97

Astral body, 329–30

Astral projection, 329

Astrology, 8, 78, 95, 99, 182, 201–2, 380, 382, 542

Asuras realm (world), 465, 489, 493–94, 502–3, 510, 514–18

Atalanta Fugiens, 19

Athanor, 8–9

Atmosphere, 591

Atmosphere Sky World, 532, 537–40, 565–68

Attention: awareness and, 126; narrowing of, 295–97; orientation vs., 229, 231–32

Atteshlis, Stylianos, 330–31

Attractors, 127

Auditory driving, 105–6

Auguries of Innocence (Blake), 504

Augurs, 99

Aura, 144

Aurobindo, Sri, 161

Austin, John L., 212

Les Automatismes Psychologiques (Janet), 313

Autoscopy, 328

Avidya, 90, 213, 228, 263, 459–60, 473, 501

Awareness: attention and, 126; consciousness and, 223; dissociation and, 309; emotional, 290; expanding, 287–88; multiple strands of, 111, 113–14; sphere of potential, 288–89

Axis mundi, 149

Ayahuasca, 58, 59, 106, 202–3, 207, 258, 303, 316, 421, 561

Aylwin, Patricio, 61

Ayurveda, 4, 65, 92

Azrael, 428

Aztecs, 38


“Baby Boom” generation, 33

Bacon, Francis, 475

Baldur, 440

Baldwin, James, 38

Bardos, 272–73, 430–31, 447–48, 455, 464–68, 491

Bardo Thödol. See The Tibetan Book of the Dead

Barron, Frank, 257, 285, 290

Base communities, 581–82

“Battle of Seattle,” 67

Bay of Pigs invasion, 39

The Beatles, 44

Beckett, Samuel, 38

Beethoven, Ludwig van, 171

Begin, Menachem, 54

Belladonna, 106

Benedict, Cardinal, 582

Benedict, Ruth, 33, 87

Beringer, Kurt, 21

Berlin Wall, 40, 59–60

Berry, Chuck, 37

Berry, Thomas, 83

Beta waves, 267, 321

Bhakti yoga, 90

Bhava, 501

Biko, Steve, 50

Bin Laden, Osama, 61, 70

Biosphere, 591

Birth: anesthetization and, 369; BPMs (basic perinatal matrices), 361–66, 522–23; Caesarean, 369; consciousness expansion and, 293; facial musculature and, 369–70; first response at, 373–74; humanizing the process of, 376–79; memories of, 366–67, 368; orgasm and, 377–78; parallels between death and, 293, 410–13; physical factors affecting, 369–70; psychological and social factors affecting, 370–73; regressions, 370–71; trauma and, 177, 358–59, 365, 367–68, 374–76, 460, 522–23

Birth and Death, Wheel of. See Wheel of Samsara

Birth of a Psychedelic Culture (Dass, Metzner, and Bravo), 74, 77, 523

Black Elk, 113, 139

Black elves, 3, 545–46

Black Panthers, 41

Blake, William, 155, 233, 292, 504, 530

Blum, William, 25

Boas, Franz, 33

Bodhisattvas, 133–34, 245, 428

Body, relationship with, 170–71

Bohm, David, 52

Botha, P. W., 51

Botkin, Allan, 441

BPMs (basic perinatal matrices), 361–66, 522–23

Brain: abdominal, 207; development, 179; left and right, 206–7, 226; mammalian, 158, 205, 297; reptilian, 160, 205, 206, 279, 344; triune, 157, 160, 205–7, 234, 344; waves, 266–68

Branch Davidian cult, 66

Brando, Marlon, 38

Bravo, Gary, 74

Breathing practices, 357–58, 366. See also Holotropic breathwork

Breuer, Joseph, 313

Browne, Sylvia, 438, 458

Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 54

Das Büchlein vom Leben nach dem Tode (Fechner), 412–13

Buddha, 54, 132, 147, 177, 246, 487, 491, 492, 494, 495, 496, 498

Buddhism. See also Mahayana Buddhism; Tibetan Buddhism; Zen Buddhism: conception of the mind in, 212, 217, 503; consciousness in, 212, 220, 223–24, 271–72; death in, 483–84; impermanence in, 224, 492; “no self” in, 167; suffering in, 305

Bush, George H. W., 61

Bush, George W., 67, 70


Caesarean births, 369

Caffeine, 280

Calcinatio, 12

California Institute of Asian Studies, 79

California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS), 79, 81, 212, 509, 533

Camus, Albert, 34

Cannabis, 47, 49, 203, 341. See also Marijuana

Capra, Fritjof, 52, 65, 252

Carson, Rachel, 44

Carter, Jimmy, 51, 53, 54, 55

Castaneda, Carlos, 109, 331

Castellino, Ray, 356, 393

Castro, Fidel, 39

Catholic Church: dominance of, 95; ecclesiastical hierarchy of, 581–82; Hermetic tradition and, 7; model of the psyche in, 248–49, 480

Cauldron, 150, 156, 157, 159–60, 202

Cave of the Heart, 149, 156, 157, 158–59, 162

Cayce, Edgar, 542, 544

Central vertical axis (CVA), 149, 150, 152, 187

Cerberus, 429–30, 444

Chakras, 90, 149, 155–57, 319

Challenger (space shuttle), 56

Chamberlain, David, 366, 370, 383

Channeling, 215, 332–35

Character traits, 191

Charon, 429

Chernobyl nuclear accident, 64

Cherubim, 581

Chi, 414

Chia, Mantak, 199

Child abuse, 313–14, 375

Ching, 199, 414

Chumash Indians, 346–47

CIA, 32, 34, 36, 39, 40, 49, 50, 54, 60, 61, 118, 257

Circadian rhythm, 261–62

Circe, 120

Civil rights movement, 37, 41, 43, 44, 46, 51, 52

Clairaudience, 146, 229, 232–33

Clairsentience, 146, 229, 232–33

Clairvoyance, 146, 155, 158, 229, 232–33, 329

Claustral complex, 366

Clinton, Bill, 61

Close Encounters of the Third Kind (film), 52

Coagulatio, 12

Cocaine, 340, 342

Coca plant, 280

Codeine, 341, 345

Cohen, Sidney, 38

COINTELPRO (Counterintelligence Program), 43

Cold War, 32, 35, 37, 49, 60, 62, 69

Collective unconscious, 250–51, 480

The Color Purple (Walker), 57

Columbia (space shuttle), 56

Columbine High School, 67

Compassion, as practice, 230

Compassionate witness, 153–54

Compulsions, 298–302, 505

Concentration, 214

Conception. See also Incarnational choice; angel of, 468; conscious and intentional, 391; parental imprints at, 388–89, 390–91; soul memories before, 393–98

Coniunctio, 12, 13, 18, 23, 143, 144, 145

Conscience, 222–23

Consciousness. See also States of consciousness: awareness and, 223; collective, revolution in, 45; conscience and, 222–23; as context and subjectivity, 227–37; contractions of, 26, 214, 295–306, 318; etymology of, 222, 227; expansions of, 25–26, 99–100, 210, 214, 285–94, 301, 302–5, 318; fields of, 238; levels of, 9, 213, 247–52; life-cycle stages and, 176, 243–45; meanings of, 222, 225–26; raising, 222, 290; selectivity of, 239; self-perception and, 223; spatial and temporal metaphors for, 223–26; unconsciousness vs., 213–14, 227–28

Consensual reality state, 259

Consumer protection movement, 44

Conversion experiences, 239

Cooper, Gary, 38

CORE (Congress of Racial Equality), 33

Corporations: alternatives to, 583; hierarchical organization of, 582–83

Cosmos and Psyche (Tarnas), 27, 544

Costner, Kevin, 64

Council of All Beings rituals, 82

Counterculture, flowering of, 45–47

Cousins, Norman, 36

Crabtree, Adam, 336–37

Craven, Margaret, 428

Creativity, 290

Crick, Francis, 37

Crown Center, 158

The Crucible (Miller), 38

Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly, 322–23

Cuchuma cactus, 202

Cultural relativism, 33

Cultural Revolution, 41

Cultural unconscious, 251


Dakinis, 538, 568

Dalai Lama, 37, 241, 320, 352

Dances with Wolves (film), 64

Dante, 182

Daskalos, 330–31

Dass, Ram, 74, 77, 353, 415–16

Datura, 106, 346–47

Dead, communication with, 437–44

The Dead (film), 65

Dead Sea Scrolls, 34

Death. See also Near-death experiences: angel of, 427–28; consciousness expansion and, 293; experience of, 413–18; fear of, 304–5, 424, 436; guide of souls after, 427–28; mythology surrounding, 427–30; parallels between birth and, 293, 410–13; preparing for, 423–27; and rebirth, 293–94, 448, 483–84; Tibetan Buddhist teachings on, 430–31; traditional three-day transition after, 418–20; as transformation, 131

Decolonization movements, 36, 40

Deep Earth Lodge, 550

Deep Earth World, 532, 550–52, 569–70

Deep politics, 73

Deep Sky Lodge, 539

Deep Space World, 532, 544–45, 557

Deertrack, Richard, 79

Defense mechanisms, 313

Deities, 132–35. See also individual deities

Déjà vu, 311

Delphic Oracle, 120–21, 293

Delta waves, 267, 268

DeMause, Lloyd, 312, 375

Demeter, 186

Depressants, effects of, 280–84, 339–44

Descartes, René, 217, 248, 480

Desire-mind, 233

Destiny, concept of, 115, 198

Devas, 491, 493, 538

Dharana, 91, 319

Dharma, 486, 487, 552

Dhyana, 91, 319

Diagnosis, 86, 102

Different Doorway (English), 369

Dionysos, 550

Discernment vs. judgment, 229, 234–35

Discovery (space shuttle), 64

Dissociation: awareness and, 309; disorders, 310–12; drug-induced, 316–17, 345–47; in functional waking state, 318–19; in meditative states, 319–20; repression vs., 312–15; state transitions and, 214–15, 307–9; in trance states, 321–22

The Dissociation of Personality (Prince), 313

Dissociative identity disorder (DID), 311–12, 315–16

Divided Consciousness (Hilgard), 313

Divination. See also Divination journeys/meditations: asking questions and, 100–101, 110, 118–19, 125–27, 139; awareness and, 111, 113–14; cycle, fourfold, 135–37; definition of, 99, 104–5; dual movement of past and future, 114–19, 163–64; expanded state of consciousness and, 99–100; integration and, 137–39, 140, 164, 166; intelligence and, 103–4; intuition and, 102–3; Janus Model of Divination and Integration, 112, 116, 118, 163–66; meaning of, 85; in medicine, 85–86; methods of, 99, 105–10; prediction and, 104–5; preparing for, 124–25, 139; scientific method and, 101–3; spirits and, 119–22, 124, 125, 128–35, 139–40; suggestions for, 139–40; yoga and, 92

Divination journeys/meditations: for addictive tendencies, 305–6; to the animal world, 518–19; ascending octave of macrocosmic holarchies, 590–93; to the asuras realm, 514–18; to the Atmosphere Sky World, 565–68; to the Deep Earth World, 569–70; to the Deep Space World, 557; descending octave of microcosmic holarchies, 594–97; developmental octave of possible global civilization, 598–601; to the Earth Center Fire World, 557; to first response at birth, 373–74; to the heaven realm, 512–14; to the hell realm, 519–25; to the Lower Earth Worlds, 558–65; with Mimir’s Well of Memory, 188–93, 570–72; music for, 588, 603; to the parental imprints at conception, 388–89; practicing, 588–89; to the pretas realm, 525–26; seven phases of, 123–39, 556–57; to the Six Worlds of Existence, 509–26; to the Solar System World, 575–77; with the three norns, 572–75; with the Tree of Visions, 193–98; with the Tree of Worlds, 555–77; to your dying day, 416–17

Djehuti, 6

DMT (dimethyltryptamine), 202, 344

Doctor Zhivago (Pasternak), 38

Dominions, 581

The Doors of Perception (Huxley), 35

Dopamine, 340, 343, 349

Dorn, Gerhard, 18

Dream incubation, 258, 274–75

Dreams: analyzing content of, 258; flying, 271, 331; lucid, 229, 233–34, 271–72; meaning of, 268–71, 275; nightmares, 283–84; practices for working with, 274–75; precognitive, 270–71; recalling, 274; rehearsal, 116; REM and, 216; of a soul’s arrival, 461–63; subjective timestream for, 253–54; telepathy in, 270

Drugs. See also Psychedelics; individual drugs: criminalization of, 26, 48, 53–54, 58, 65, 68–69; dissociative states and, 345–47; stimulants and depressants, 280–84, 339–44

Drumming, shamanic, 79, 86, 100, 105–7, 108

Duvalier, François and Jean-Claude, 62

Dwarves, 3, 130, 545–46, 561

Dwat, 429

Dylan, Bob, 44


Earth (element), 10, 13, 20, 151

Earth (planet): composition of, 552–53; gravity and, 553–54

Earth Center Fire World, 532, 552–54, 557

Earth-diver myth, 392–93

Earthing, 10

Earth Lodge, 534

Ebola, 57

Ecological intelligence, 104

Ecopsychology, 81

Ecstasy. See MDMA

The Ecstatic Adventure (Metzner), 212

Ectoderm, 200

Ectomorphic body type, 200

Edinger, Edward, 12

Ego-death experiences, 257, 326, 359, 421–22

Ego-states, 312, 313–14

Einstein, Albert, 102, 141, 173

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 31, 35, 48

Elder phase, 183–85, 244

Elements. See also individual elements: four, 9–10; purification of the, 151–52

Eleusinian Mysteries, 15, 423–24

Eliade, Mircea, 1, 4, 86, 87, 89–90, 94

Elizabeth (mother of John the Baptist), 462

Ellis, Ed, 517

Ellsberg, Daniel, 51

Elves, 3, 538, 545

Elysium, 432

Embodiment, 10

EMDR (eye-movement desensitization and reprocessing), 441

The Emerald Tablet (Hermes Trismegistos), 18, 20, 120, 142

Emerson, William, 356, 365, 367, 369, 379, 391, 392, 393, 461

Emotional intelligence, 104

The Emotional Life of Nations (DeMause), 375

Empathogens, 58, 290

Empathy: importance of, 153–54; sympathy vs., 154, 229, 230

Endoderm, 200

Endomorphic body type, 200

Endorphins, 341

Endosymbiosis, 595–96

Energy: neurotransmitters and, 339–44; states of consciousness and, 276–84

Energy centers, 155–62. See also Three chambers (essence fields)

Energy field: definition of, 144; dynamic-receptive polarization of, 144–48; sphere of potential awareness and, 288

English, Jane, 369, 385

Enteric nervous system, 160, 207, 344

Entheogens, 58

Entrainment, 105–6

Environmental movement, 44, 46, 51, 52, 57

EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), 51

Equal Rights Amendment, 51

Equanimity, balanced, 153–54

Ereshkigal, 549

Ergotamine, 348

Erickson, Milton, 107, 265, 308, 315, 356

Erikson, Erik, 175, 244

Esalen Institute, 79, 270

Escape From Freedom (Fromm), 34

Essence fields. See Three chambers

Etheric matrix (double), 330, 331, 419

Ethnosphere, 591

E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (film), 57

Eurystheus, King, 121

Expectation vs. intention, 229, 232

Exsomatosis, 330–31

Extraterrestrial civilizations. See also UFOs: communication with, 134, 148, 173, 601; visitation of Earth by, 69, 74–75, 174, 539–40

Exxon Valdez oil spill, 64


Family constellations therapy, 82–83

Farouk, King, 36

Farrant, Graham, 385

Fate, concept of, 198

FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), 43

Fear, 297–98, 308–9

Fechner, Gustav Theodor, 177, 246–47, 293, 351, 411–12

Fehmi, Lester, 224, 320

The Feminine Mystique (Friedan), 44

Fermi, Enrico, 20, 34

Fire (element), 10, 17, 20, 151

Fire-gazing, 564–65

First-person empiricism, 352

Fischer, Roland, 276

Flashbacks, 308

Flight or fight response, 297

Flow states, 322–23

The Forge and the Crucible (Eliade), 1, 94

Formative phase, 179–81, 244

Forty-Two Assessors, 445, 453

Foster, Steven, 79

The Foundations of Psychohistory (DeMause), 375

Fox, Susan, 471

Francis of Assisi, Saint, 170–71

Franklin, Benjamin, 418

Freedom Rides, 41

Free speech movement, 43

Fremantle, Francesca, 464

French, Emily, 437

The French Revelation (Heagerty), 437

Freud, Sigmund, 94, 175, 209, 218, 228, 243, 249–50, 268, 313, 361, 365, 480, 483, 488

Freyja, 121

Friedan, Betty, 44

Frogs, 549

Fromm, Erich, 34

Fugue states, 310

Fuller, Buckminster, 52, 288–89, 527, 553–54

Fungal spirits, 129–30

Future: divination with the norn Urd, 573–75; divination with Tree of Visions, 193–98; time perception, 567


GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), 340, 345

Gabriel, 462, 468

Gaia, 89, 120, 537

Galantamine, 120

Galbraith, John Kenneth, 38

Gamma waves, 267

Gandhi, Indira, 56

Gandhi, Mahatma, 32, 37

Gardner, Howard, 104

Garzón, Baltasar, 68

Gay rights movement, 44

Geber, 19

Genesis, Book of, 379

Genograms, 399–400

Gershon, Michael, 207

GHB (gamma-hydroxybutyric acid), 345

Giants, 536–37

Gimbutas, Marija, 81

Ginsberg, Allen, 38

Glasnost, 59

Global civilization, developmental octave of possible, 598–601

The Glory of the World, 1, 17

Glucocorticoids, 279

Glutamate, 346

Gnomes, 3, 130, 545–46

Golden Temple, 56

Goleman, Daniel, 104

Good Friday Accord, 67

Gorbachev, Mikhail, 59

Gore, Al, 67

Gospel of Thomas, 17

Go Tell It on the Mountain (Baldwin), 38

Grant, Joan, 446

The Grateful Dead, 58

Gravity, 553–54

Green psychology, 81–82

Green Psychology (Metzner), 82, 125, 251, 481

Greyson, Bruce, 326

Grob, Charles, 304, 424

Grof, Christina, 107, 357

Grof, Stanislav, 52, 80, 97, 107, 177, 304, 357, 358, 361–65, 368, 374–75, 378, 411, 424, 522

Groves, Leslie, 376

Guardian angels, 568

Gulf of Tonkin incident, 39

Gurdjieff, G. I., 28, 78, 170, 228, 292

Guyénot, Laurent, 30


Hades, 429, 550

Haley, Alex, 52

Haley, Bill, 37

Halifax, Joan, 304, 424

Hallett, Elizabeth, 394, 462

Hallucinogens, 286–87

Hara center, 160

Harner, Michael, 79, 86, 87, 106, 248, 355, 529

Harrison, Kathleen, 79

Hatha yoga, 90

Hathor, 6

Heagerty, N. Riley, 437

Heart Center, 159

The Heart Sutra, 224

Heaven and Hell (Huxley), 35

Heaven realm (world), 465, 489, 491–93, 501–2, 509, 512–14

Hecate, 186

Hedonic continuum, 277, 278

Hel, 549–50

Hellinger, Bert, 82–83, 169, 185, 259, 400

Hell realm (world), 465, 489, 496–97, 505, 510, 519–25

Hells Angels, 53

Helsinki Accords, 49

Hemingway, Ernest, 38

Hemi-Sync, 329

Henbane, 106, 346

Henderson, James Sakej Youngblood, 533–34, 548

Hephaestos, 2

Heracles, 121

Heraclitus, 167, 224, 225, 237

Hermes, 6, 120, 186, 428

Hermes Trismegistos (“Threefold Great Hermes”), 5, 6, 18, 20, 120, 142, 186

The Hermetic Museum, 16

Hermetic tradition, 6–7, 95

Heroin, 335, 341, 345

Hierarchies: compositional containment, 584; contradiction of, 580; of corporations, 582–83; ecclesiastical, 581–82; etymology of, 581; holarchies vs., 580, 584–85, 586; military, 582; nested, 584, 585; original meaning of, 581; representations of, 584–85; sociological, 582

High Noon (film), 38

Hilgard, Ernest, 313

Hill, Anita, 62

Himalayas, 539

Hinze, Sarah, 462

Hiroshima, bombing of, 376

Hitler, Adolf, 71, 375

Ho Chi Minh, 39

Hofmann, Albert, 1, 13–14, 15, 20–23, 34, 35, 113, 144, 285–86, 423

Holarchies: concept of, 583–85; hierarchies vs., 580, 584–85, 586; macrocosmic, ascending octave of, 590–93; microcosmic, descending octave of, 594–97; recognizing, 585–86; representations of, 585

Holocaust, 27, 64

Holons, 583–84, 585

Holotropic breathwork, 80, 107, 357–58

Homeopathy, 88

Homer, 120

Hortulanus, 19

Horus, 445

Howl (Ginsberg), 38

Hubble Space Telescope, 64, 593

The Human Encounter with Death (Grof and Halifax), 424

Human realm (world), 465, 466, 489, 490–91, 501, 510–11

Humans: cells in, 595–96; evolutionary ancestry of, 38, 52, 594–95, 598; family units of, 598; kingdom of, 590–91, 594; as multidimensional spiritual beings, 141–43; organ systems of, 595; personality systems of, 143; possible global civilization of, 600–601; social evolution of, 599–600

Hume, David, 167

Hungry ghosts, 485, 497, 498, 507, 525. See also Pretas realm

Husserl, Edmund, 259

Huston, John, 64

Huxley, Aldous, 35, 41, 45, 210, 285–86, 292, 304, 353, 423, 425–27

Huxley, Julian, 426, 594

Huxley, Laura, 425–27

Hydrocodone, 341

Hydrosphere, 591

The Hymn of the Pearl, 472–74

Hypnos, 263, 415, 429

Hypnotherapy, 107, 188, 190, 315–16, 336

Hypnotic trance states, 355–56


Iboga, 106, 107

Ibogaine, 202, 303

I Ching, 78, 99, 101

Ida, 146, 266

Identity fragments, 311

I Heard the Owl Call My Name (Craven), 428

Implantation, 391–92

Incarnational choice, 456–58, 466–68, 472–74. See also Conception

Individualization, 244

Individuation, 14, 96, 244, 246

Indra, jewelled net of, 596

Induced After Death Communication (Botkin), 441

INF (Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces) Treaty, 59

Ingerman, Sandra, 355

Inspiration, 332

Intelligence, 103–4

Intention: expectation vs., 229, 232; remembering, 524; role of, 15, 77, 125–27

Interbeing, 167, 236

International Planned Parenthood Federation, 34

Internet Society, 64

Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood (Wordsworth), 460–61

Intuition, 102–3

Ionosphere, 591

Iran-Contra affair, 61

Iraq War, 517

Isis, 6, 133, 444

Island (Huxley), 425


Jackson, Ross, 583

Jacob’s Ladder (film), 281

Jamais vue phenomenon, 311

James, William, 125, 209, 211, 224, 231, 238–40, 325, 346, 351, 412, 506

Janet, Pierre, 313

Janiger, Oscar, 38

Janus, 116, 119–20, 163

Janus Model of Divination and Integration, 112, 116, 118, 163–66

Jati, 501

Jensen, Frances E., 179

Jesus, 17, 132, 356, 365, 368, 420, 462, 468

Jñana yoga, 90

John Paul II, Pope, 68

Johnson, Lyndon B., 39

John the Baptist, 462, 468

Jötunheim, 535

Joyce, James, 65

Judgment vs. discernment, 229, 234–35

Julien, Eric, 32

Jung, Carl Gustav, 8, 9–10, 12, 13, 20, 78, 88, 94, 96, 97, 182–83, 210, 244, 246, 250–51, 268, 269, 354, 362, 398, 480

Jupiter: characteristics of, 543; as planetary archetype, 27, 28, 291

Jurema, 574


Kalff, Dora, 562

Kandel, Eric, 227

Karamanlis, Konstantinos, 50

Karezza, 324

Karma, 166, 191, 198, 356, 492, 502, 551

Kast, Eric, 301

Katha Upanishad, 263

Kennedy, John F., 30, 39, 40, 41, 42, 48, 71, 425

Kennedy, Robert F., 42, 43, 48, 72

Kepler, Johannes, 8, 28

Kerberos. See Cerberus

Kerouac, Jack, 38

Kesey, Ken, 45

Ketamine, 317, 341, 346

Kharon, 429

Khmer Rouge, 49

Khomeini, Ayatollah, 54

Khrushchev, Nikita, 35, 40

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 37, 41, 42, 43, 48, 71

King, Rodney, 62

Kissinger, Henry, 50

Klesas, 90

Knowing, objective vs. subjective, 229, 235–37

Knowledge: head- vs. heart-, 230–31; understanding vs., 229, 230–31

Know Your Type (Metzner), 542

Koans, 192, 457

Koestler, Arthur, 584

Kohlberg, Lawrence, 243

Kornfield, Jack, 291

Korten, David, 252

Koshas, 9

Krippner, Stanley, 270

Kubrick, Stanley, 44

Kundalini yoga, 90, 161, 162

Kwan Yin, 133


LaBerge, Stephen, 271

Lailah, 360, 428, 468–72

Lapis philosophorum. See Philosopher’s Stone

Lascaux cave paintings, 33

Laszlo, Ervin, 65, 252

Laughing gas. See Nitrous oxide

Laughter, 524

Leakey, Louis, 38

Leakey, Richard, 52

Leary, Timothy, 40, 45, 53, 74, 77, 209, 210, 211, 217, 257, 285, 292, 353, 416, 423, 521

Lebenswelt. See Life-world

Leboyer, Frédéric, 376

Leland, Kurt, 428, 438

Leprechauns, 548, 561

Libavius, Andreas, 149

Life between lives (second bardo), 438, 447–48, 454

Life cycle: stages of, 175–86, 243–45; states of consciousness and, 176

Life path: recognizing, 407–9, 458–59; soul choosing, 458–59

Life review, 327, 434, 444–47, 454

Life-world: axis of, 149; concept of, 166–67; mapping, 168–74; personal, 511; self and, 167–68

Light-fire yoga: awareness and, 178; balancing and harmonizing the three chambers, 149–50; balancing poles of the energy field, 144–48; compassionate witness and, 153–54; methods of, 354; purification of the elements, 151–52; purifying perception with, 127–28

Limbic system, 160, 205, 206, 234, 340

Lithosphere, 591

Little, Meredith, 79

Living systems worldview, 251–52, 481

Local Group, 592

Lolita (Nabokov), 38

Lord of the Rings (Tolkein), 534

Lorenz, Konrad, 594

Lost Borders, School of, 79

Lovelock, James, 52, 89, 537

Lower Earth World, 532, 547–48, 549, 558–65

LSD: bad trips with, 363; consciousness expansion and, 45, 216, 285–86, 301; criminalization of, 53, 58; discovery of, 20–23; dissociation and, 316–17; experiences with, 37, 40, 41, 113; head-brain essence field and, 202; psycholytic method and, 80; serotonin and, 342; therapeutic use of, 34–35, 38, 303, 304, 425–26; visual perception and, 289–90

Lucas, George, 52

Lucas, Winafred, 357, 453

Lumumba, Patrice, 40

Luna, Luis Eduardo, 80

Luther, Martin, 581

Lyme disease, 57


Maat, 327, 429, 445, 453

MacLean, Paul, 157, 160, 205–7, 234, 344

Macy, Joanna, 65, 82, 252, 457–58, 500

Magnificat prayer, 462

Magus of Strovolos, 330–31

Mahakala, 499

Mahayana Buddhism: causality in, 499–500; Six Worlds of Existence in, 488–98; three poisons in, 487–88; Twelvefold Chain of Interdependent Origination in, 488–90, 499–508

Maier, Michael, 19

The Making of a Counter-Culture (Roszak), 44

Malcolm X, 42, 43, 48

Mammalian brain, 158, 205, 297

Mandela, Nelson, 40, 62

Manic-depressive disorder, 308

Manipura, 160

Manson, Charles, 53

Mao Zedong, 32, 41, 49

Maps of Consciousness (Metzner), 78, 94

Marana, 501

Margulis, Lynn, 89, 595–96

Marijuana, 58, 65, 283, 341. See also Cannabis

Markides, Kyriakos, 330–31

Mars: characteristics of, 543; divination journeys to, 576–77

Marshall Plan, 32

Mary (mother of Jesus), 132, 251, 462, 468

Maslow, Abraham, 97

Matt, Daniel, 468, 470

Mau Mau rebellion, 36

Mayer, Norbert, 82

McCarthy, Eugene, 36

McCarthy, Joseph, 35, 53

McKay, Matthew, 443

McKenna, Dennis, 79

McKenna, Terence, 79

McLean, John, 563

MDMA (Ecstasy): emotional awareness and, 290; as empathogen, 230; heart essence field and, 202; invention of, 80; prolactin and, 349–50; at rave dance parties, 58, 59; serotonin and, 342, 343; as stimulant, 340; therapeutic use of, 58, 68, 80, 303

Mead, Margaret, 33, 87

The Meaning of Addiction (Peele), 299

Meditation. See also Divination journeys/meditations: attention and, 265; dissociation and association in, 319–20; mindfulness, 231, 241, 259, 319–20, 357; open focus, 320–21; replicable observations within, 241; Transcendental, 290

Mediumistic states, 215, 332–38, 475–77

Melatonin, 261, 279, 283

Menehune, 548, 561

Mercury (deity), 6. See also Hermes

Mercury (planet): characteristics of, 542; divination journeys to, 576–77

Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, 259

Mermaids, 548

Merry Pranksters, 45

Mescaline, 21, 292, 316

Mesoderm, 200

Mesomorphic body type, 200

Meyer, Mary Pinchot, 40

Microcosmic orbit, 199

Midbrain Center, 158

Middle Earth World, 532, 534, 557, 558, 565, 577

Middle phase, 181–83, 244

Midlife crisis, 182, 244

Midrashim, 468

Milky Way galaxy, 544–45, 592

Miller, Arthur, 38

Milosevic, Slobodan, 66, 68

Mimir, 122, 187, 188–90, 537, 551, 569–72

Mindfulness meditation, 231, 241, 259, 319–20, 357

Mineral spirits, 130

Mir (space station), 64

Miscarriages, 385, 395, 463

Mitwelt, 167

Modern Consciousness Research and the Understanding of Art (Grof), 378

Moly, 120

Monkey-mind thinking, 502–3, 507

Monroe, Robert, 329, 331

Moody, Raymond, 109–10, 325, 438–41

Moon: cycle of, 576; scientific origin story of, 540

Moon Sign, 201–2

Morgan, Elaine, 376

Morienus, 17

Morphine, 341, 345

Morphogenetic fields, 584

Morse, Melvin, 326

Mortificatio, 12

Mosaddegh, Mohammad, 36

Moses, 512, 539

Moses Mantra, 512, 515, 587

Mother Earth, 89

Mueller, Mickie, 184

Mukti, path of, 4

Muladhara, 161

Müller-Ebeling, Claudia, 80

Multiple personality disorder. See Dissociative identity disorder

Murrah Federal Building bombing, 66–67

Murray, Henry A., 229, 365–66

Mussolini, Benito, 31

Myss, Caroline, 458

The Myth of the Birth of the Hero (Rank), 365


Nabokov, Vladimir, 38

Nada yoga, 90, 150

Nader, Ralph, 44

Nadis, 92, 128, 143, 319

NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement), 67

Nalimov, Vasily V., 225

Nama-rupa, 503

Naranjo, Claudio, 79

Naropa, 272

NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), 37, 64

Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 36

Nation-states, rise of, 599

NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), 32, 35, 62, 66

Natural intelligence, 104

Navel Center, 160

Near-death experiences (NDEs), 109–10, 215, 293, 325–28, 413, 415, 421–22, 432–36, 443, 445, 545

Neocortex, 205, 206–7

Neomammalian brain, 205

Neptune: characteristics of, 543; cycle of, 182; as planetary archetype, 27, 291

The New Chemical Light, 17, 19

A New Science of Life (Sheldrake), 102

Newton, Isaac, 8

Newton, Michael, 438

Nhat Hanh, Thich, 167, 236

Nicodemus, 368

Nightmares, 283–84

9/11 attacks, 30, 70–71, 72–73, 74

Nirvana, 91, 177, 245, 246, 257

Nitrous oxide, 239, 345–46

Nixon, Richard, 41, 49, 50, 51, 53, 55

Nkrumah, Kwame, 40

Nonlocality, principle of, 117–18

Noosphere, 591

Noradrenaline, 340

Norepinephrine, 207, 340, 343

Norns, 551–52, 569, 572–75

NOW (National Organization for Women), 44

Nuclear freeze movement, 36

Nut, 6, 545

Nymphs, 548


Obsession, 335

Occupy World Street (Jackson), 583

Octave: ascending, of macrocosmic holarchies, 590–93; descending, of microcosmic holarchies, 594–97; developmental, of possible global civilization, 598–601; principle of, 28–29, 586–87; of world history, 29–74

Odent, Michel, 376, 377

Odin, 3, 121–22, 133, 332, 440, 449, 528, 531, 537, 549, 551, 570, 571

Odysseus, 120, 548

Odyssey (Homer), 120, 548

The Old Man and the Sea (Hemingway), 38

Olympus, Mount, 539

Omnidirectional epistemology, 288–89

Oneness vs. wholeness, 246

On the Road (Kerouac), 38

OPEC, 50, 51

Open Focus method, 224, 320–21

Opiates, 341, 345

Opium, 341

Organizational Center, 160

Orgasmic birthing, 377–78

Orientation vs. attention, 229, 231–32

Orr, Leonard, 366

Orwell, George, 34

Osiris, 111, 429, 444, 445, 453, 550

Osis, Karlis, 326

Osmond, Humphry, 285

Ott, Jonathan, 79

Ouspensky, P. D., 28–29, 73

Out-of-body experiences (OBEs), 215, 326, 328–31, 413, 421, 432

Oxycodone, 341

Oxytocin, 324, 348–49


Padmas, 155

Paleomammalian brain, 205

Panic attacks, 308

Panpsychism, 87

Paracelsus, 2

Paramitas, 235

Parrish, Essie, 269

Pasternak, Boris, 38

Past lives, 356, 453–54. See also Reincarnation

Patanjali, 90–91, 232

PCP, 346

Pearl Harbor attack, 31, 71

Peele, Stanton, 299

Pendell, Dale, 564

The Pentagon Papers (Ellsberg), 51

Perception: apperception and, 229–30; purifying, 127–28

Perestroika, 59

Perinatal psychology, 293

Persephone, 186, 549

Peyote, 58, 107, 109, 202, 316

Phenethylamines, 202, 343

Philosopher’s Stone (lapis philosophorum), 14, 16–20

Piaget, Jean, 175, 243

Pingala, 146, 266

Pinochet, Augusto, 50, 61, 68

Plant spirits, 129–30

Pleasure-pain: neurotransmitters and, 339–44; states of consciousness and, 276–84

Plenum void, 587, 597

PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization), 50, 56

Pluto (deity), 550

Pluto (planet): as archetype, 27, 40; characteristics of, 543

Pomo Indians, 269

Possession, 335–38

Powers, 581

Prague Spring, 41

Pranayama, 91, 357

Pratitya-samutpada, 499, 500

Pratyahara, 91

Prenatal epoch, 176–77, 244–45, 464

Prenatal experiences: as formative influences, 380–82, 384–89; hypnotic regression and, 359, 383–84; milestones of, 389–93; psychedelics and, 358

The Presence of Spirits in Madness (Van Dusen), 336

Presley, Elvis, 37

Presti, David, 339

Pretas realm (world), 465, 489, 497–98, 506, 510, 525–26

Prigogine, Ilya, 52

Prima materia, 142

Prince, Morton, 313

Principalities, 581

Prisons, outer vs. inner, 292–93

Prognosis, 86

Prolactin, 324, 343, 349–50

Proof of Heaven (Alexander), 443

Proteus, 121

Proust, Marcel, 113

Pryor, Richard, 299

Pseudo-Dionysius, 581

Psilocybin: bad trips with, 362–64; consciousness expansion and, 20, 22, 285–86, 521; dissociation and, 316–17; divination and, 106; head-brain essence field and, 202; research on, 45; serotonin and, 342; therapeutic use of, 68, 303, 304, 424

The Psychedelic Experience (Leary, Metzner, and Alpert), 45, 353, 423

Psychedelics. See also individual psychedelics: bad trips with, 362–64, 422; coining of term, 285; consciousness expansion and, 210, 285–86, 301; criminalization of, 26, 48, 53–54, 58, 65, 68–69; dissociation and, 316–17; divination and, 106–8; ego-death experiences with, 421–22; emotional awareness and, 290; experimentation with, 44–45; hallucinogenic vs., 286; healing potentials of, 34–35, 38, 68, 74; intention and, 15; neurotransmitters and, 343–44; prenatal experiences and, 358; rediscovery of, 13–14; religion and, 38–39, 45, 58–59; self-transformation and, 14–16, 20; set-and-setting hypothesis for, 211, 217, 257; shamanism and, 86–87; significance of, 22–23, 25, 35, 47, 353–54; three essence fields and, 202–3; visual perception and, 289–90; yoga and, 15

Psychogenic fugues, 310

Psychomanteum, 439, 440

Psychosis, 257

Psychotherapy: focus of, 97–98; purpose of, 97; traditional transformation systems vs., 96–98

PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), 303, 308, 441

Purificatio, 12, 143, 146, 148, 556, 559

Purification of the elements, 151–52

Puthoff, Hal, 118

Pythagoras, 28


Quintessentia, 19


Rabin, Yitzhak, 66

Radical empiricism, 211, 238–42, 325, 351–52

Rage, 297–98, 300, 308

Raja yoga, 90, 218

Randall, Edward, 437

Rank, Otto, 365

Rasa, 5

Rasayana, 5

Rätsch, Christian, 80

Ray, James Earl, 71

Ray, Sondra, 366

Reaction vs. response, 229, 231

Reagan, Ronald, 53, 55, 59

Realms of the Unconscious (Nalimov), 225

Rebirth, 293–94, 448, 464–68, 484

Rebirthing sessions, 366, 378

Reformation, 581

Rehearsal dreams, 116

Reich, Wilhelm, 78, 362

Reification, 167

Reincarnation: of humans and animals, 494–95; karma and, 456; near-universal acceptance of, 356; Six Worlds of Existence and, 485

Reinforcement, 505–6

Remembering Our Home (Linn et al.), 365

Remote viewing, 118, 329

REM (rapid eye movements) sleep, 216, 263–64

Repression, 312–15

Reptilian brain, 160, 205, 206, 279, 344

Response vs. reaction, 229, 231

Retirement, 183

Reunions (Moody), 438–39, 441

Rilke, Rainer Maria, 173

Ring, Kenneth, 326, 435

Rising Sign, 201–2

The Road to 9/11 (Scott), 73

The Road to Eleusis (Wasson et al.), 424

Roberts, Jane, 333

Rode, Christian, 82

Roerich, Nicholas, 93

Roe v. Wade, 51

The Rolling Stones, 44

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 31

Root Center, 161

Root Lodge, 547

Roots (Haley), 52

The Roots of War and Domination (Metzner), 494

Roszak, Theodore, 44, 81, 82

Ruck, Carl, 423

Ruder, Debra, 179

Russell, Peter, 553

Ryerson, Kevin, 333


Sabina, Maria, 15, 344

Sabom, Michael, 329

Sacral Center, 161

Sacred contracts, 458

Sacred Mushroom of Visions: Teonanácatl (Metzner), 212

Sacred Vine of Spirits: Ayahuasca (Metzner), 212

Sadat, Anwar, 54

Sadayatana, 503–4

Salamanders, 3

Salk, Jonas, 37

SALT (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks), 41, 49

Salvia divinorum, 106

Samadhi, 91, 233, 246, 264, 319, 322

Samkhya school, 92

Samsara, etymology of, 483. See also Wheel of Samsara

Samskaras, 191, 380, 381, 502

San Bushmen, 117

Sandinistas, 60

SANE (Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy), 36

Sanger, Margaret, 33

Santo Daime church, 38, 58–59

Sargunas, Tatiana, 378

SARS, 57

Saturn: characteristics of, 543; exploration of, 56; as planetary archetype, 27, 40, 178; return, 178, 179–80, 188

Schachter-Shalomi, Zalman, 472

Schindler’s List (film), 64

Schizophrenia, 276, 336, 340, 346

Schofield, Russell, 18, 78, 93, 103, 147, 159, 329, 354, 419, 553

Schutz, Will, 79

Schwaller de Lubicz, R. A., 6

Schwarzalben, 3

Schwarzalfheim, 3

Scientific method, 101–3

Scopolamine, 346

Scott, Peter Dale, 73

Scrying, 109

SDS (Students for a Democratic Society), 43

Sea River World, 532, 548–50, 561–62

The Second Brain (Gershon), 207

Seed, John, 82

Seeking Jordan (McKay), 443

Self, concept of, 167–68

Sengstan, 153

Separatio, 12, 14, 143, 191

Seraphim, 581

Serotonin, 207, 342–44

Set-and-setting model, 211, 217–18, 255, 256, 257–58

Seth, 333

Sexual abuse, 309–10

Sexual experience: attention and, 296; biochemical and hormonal basis of, 324, 348–50; dissociation and association in, 323–24

Sexual revolution, 46, 52

Shabda yoga, 90

Shakespeare, William, 437–38, 475–77, 479, 492

Shakti, 133

Shamanic journeys: after-death realms and, 355; birth experience and, 355; cosmology of, 479–80; as metaphor, 11, 86, 225; methods for inducing, 11, 86–87, 354–55; outline of, 354; upward vs. downward, 530–31

Shamanism: alchemy and, 1–4, 11, 85, 94, 95; as archaic techniques of ecstasy, 86; drumming and, 79, 86, 100, 105–7, 108; healing transformation and, 4; history of, 85; multiple worlds and, 87–88, 248, 479–80; psychoactive plants and fungi in, 86–87; psychotherapy vs., 96–98; scientific materialism vs., 87–88; spirits and, 87, 88–89, 200–201; yoga and, 85, 95

Shasta, Mount, 568

Sheldon, William, 200

Sheldrake, Rupert, 52, 102, 289, 579, 584

Shen, 199, 414

Shiva, 151–52, 516

Shiva Ardhanarisvara, 144, 145

Shock, 322

Shulgin, Alexander, 58, 80

Siddhis, 232

Silent Spring (Carson), 44

Simpson, O. J., 66

Sinai, Mount, 539

Singing, 524–25

Sirens, 548–49

Sitchin, Zecharia, 539

The Six Pathways of Destiny (Metzner), 458

Six Worlds of Existence: chief characteristics of, 465; divination journeys to, 509–26; levels of meaning for, 485–86; in Mahayana Buddhism, 484–85, 488–98

Skinner, B. F., 209, 249

Skuld, 551–52, 573

Sky Lodge, 537, 539

Sleep: attention and, 265; brain waves in, 267–68; debt, 274; practices for working with, 274–75; transitions from/to, 261, 262–63, 287; ultradian cycle in, 263–65

Smith, Huston, 45

SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee), 41

Snowdrop, 120

Social intelligence, 104

Solar Plexus Center, 159

Solar System World, 532, 540–44, 575–77

Solidarity trade union, 54–55, 59

Solutio, 11–12, 13, 14, 145, 291, 572

Somatotypes, 200

Sonic driving, 220

The Sophic Hydrolith, 16, 20

Soul: choice of family and life path by, 396–98, 456–59, 462–63; levels of, 9; memories, 357, 393–98, 460–61

Soul agreements, 372–73, 458

Soul communion, 399, 457, 458, 461

Soul infusion, 458

Soul loss, 114

Soviet Union, collapse of, 60, 61, 62, 69

Sparsa, 504

Spielberg, Steven, 52, 57, 64

Spirits: of ancestors, 131–35, 169; animal, 128–29, 170, 200–201, 560, 561–62, 564, 566–67; in Atmosphere Sky World, 538–39; communicating with, 148; divination and, 119–22, 124, 125, 128–35; of the four directions, 124; invoking, 128–35, 139–40, 556–57; mediumship and, 333–35; of mineral and elemental realms, 130; of place, 124, 125, 172; plant and fungal, 129–30; possession, 335–38; recognition of reality of, 88; shamanism and, 87, 88–89

Spiritual addiction, 302

Spiritual development, stages of, 177, 245–47

Spiritual intelligence, 104

Spock, Benjamin, 33, 36

Stalin, Joseph, 35

Stamets, Paul, 79

Star Center, 158

Star Trek (television series), 43–44

Star Wars (film), 52

States of consciousness. See also State transitions: altered, 11, 105, 216–21, 254–57, 260; definition of, 253; energy and, 276–84; levels of consciousness vs., 213; pleasure-pain and, 276–84; radical empiricism and, 240–42; recognizing, 220–21, 254–55, 260, 285; set-and-setting model of, 255, 256, 257–58; shamanic, 86; Six Worlds of Existence and, 485; subjective timestream for, 253–54, 285; unusual, 238–39, 325

State transitions: dissociation and, 214–15, 307–9; identifying, 254; language for, 220, 262; somatic symptoms of, 307–8

Steiner, Rudolf, 9

Stimulants, effects of, 280–84, 339–44

Stolaroff, Myron, 426

Stone Mountain World, 532, 545–47, 563–64

Stonewall Inn riot, 44

Stories of the Unborn Soul (Hallett), 394–95

The Stranger (Camus), 34

Strassman, Rick, 344

A Streetcar Named Desire (film), 38

Stupa, 150

Styx (river), 429

Sublimatio, 12

Summerland, 432

Sun Sign, 201–2

Sun System, 575–77, 591–92

Sunyata, 223–24

Sushumna, 146, 266

Sushupti, 264

Svapna, 264

Swann, Ingo, 118, 329

Swedenborg, Emanuel, 336, 542, 543, 544, 577

Swimme, Brian, 83, 540, 544, 553

Sylphs, 538

Sympathy vs. empathy, 154, 229, 230

Synchronicity, 20

Synergy, 75–76

Systems worldview, 583–84


Tacitus, 121

Tan t’ien, 199

Tantra yoga, 90, 92, 93, 145, 162, 203, 266, 319, 324, 354

Taoism, 5, 19, 78, 92, 199, 224, 354

Targ, Russell, 117–18

Tarnas, Richard, 27, 40, 544

Tarot, 78, 99, 101

Tart, Charles, 240, 261, 329

Technosphere, 591

Telepathy, 147–48, 270

The Tempest (Shakespeare), 492–93

Tesla, Nikola, 28

Thales, 224

Thanatology, 293

Thanatos, 263, 415, 429

Thatcher, Margaret, 55

THC, 341

Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), 229, 365

Theta waves, 267–68, 321

Thetis, 121

Thinking, conditioned vs. mindful, 229, 233

Third eye, 158

Thomas, Clarence, 62

Thor, 3

Thoth, 6, 444–45, 453

Three chambers (essence fields). See also Cauldron; Cave of the Heart; Upper Chamber: astrological indicators and, 201–2; balancing and harmonizing, 149–50; in Chinese Taoism, 199; diagram of, 156; energy centers within, 156, 157–62; as lenses, 155; neuroanatomy of, 205–7; psychedelic/entheogenic substances and, 202–3; shamanic allies and, 200–201; somatotypes and, 200

Three Mile Island nuclear accident, 55

Throat Center, 158

Thrones, 581

Through the Gateway of the Heart (Metzner), 212

Thymus Center, 159

Tiananmen Square, occupation of, 61

The Tibetan Book of the Dead (Bardo Thödol), 210, 272, 353, 362, 414, 423, 430–31, 447–48, 453, 454, 463, 464–68, 501

Tibetan Buddhism, 78, 93, 210, 261, 272, 319, 327, 430–31, 459, 568

Time, cycles of, 124–25

Toads, 549

Tolkein, J. R., 534

Tonetti-Vladimirova, Elena, 378

Trance states, 105, 215, 321–22, 333, 334–35, 355–56

Transcendence, 421–22

Transcendental Meditation (TM), 290

Tree of Visions, future divination with, 193–98

Trishna, 505, 506

Triune brain theory, 157, 160, 205–7, 234, 344

Truman, Harry, 376

Truman Doctrine, 32

Trungpa Rinpoche, 464, 465

Tryptamines, 202, 304

Tryptophan, 342

Tucker, Mary Evelyn, 540, 544

Turiya, 264

Twelvefold Chain of Interdependent Origination, 488–90, 499–508

2001: A Space Odyssey (film), 44


Udan. See Odin

UFOs, 29, 32, 33, 69, 134, 539. See also Extraterrestrial civilizations

Ullman, Montague, 270

Ultradian cycle, 263–66

Umbanda religion, 334

Umwelt, 167

The Unanswered Question (Leland), 428

Underhill, Evelyn, 245

Understanding vs. knowledge, 229, 230–31

Undines, 3, 548

The Unfolding Self (Metzner), 79, 392, 530

União do Vegetal, 38, 58

United Nations, 31, 61, 68

Universe, galaxies in, 593

The Universe Story (Berry and Swimme), 83

Unsafe at Any Speed (Nader), 44

Upadana, 506

Upper Chamber, 149, 156, 157–58

Uranus: characteristics of, 543; cycle of, 181, 182; as planetary archetype, 27, 28, 40, 182, 291

Urd, 551–52, 573, 574

Urion, David K., 179


Vajrayana, 93, 354

Valium, 340

Vanaheim, 535

Van Dusen, Wilson, 336

Van Gogh, Vincent, 335

The Varieties of Religious Experience (James), 239

Vectors, 127

Vedana, 505

Venus: characteristics of, 542–43; divination journeys to, 576–77

Verdandi, 551–52, 573

Verny, Thomas, 366, 383

Verres, Rolf, 82

Versenkung, 190, 322, 572

Vietnam war, 39, 41, 43, 45, 49, 51

Vijñana, 502

Village cultures, 599

Vipassana. See Mindfulness meditation

Virgil, 182

Virgo supercluster, 592

Virtues, 581

Vishnu, 494

Volk, Tyler, 585, 586

Voodoo, 335

Voyager I (space probe), 56

Vulcanus, 2


Waite, A. E., 16

Waiting for Godot (Beckett), 38

Waking state: attention and, 264–65; brain wave variations in, 266–68; dissociation and, 318–19; transitions from/to, 261, 262–63, 287; ultradian cycle in, 265–66

Walesa, Lech, 55, 59

Walker, Alice, 57

Walker, Kit, 474

Wallace, Alfred Russell, 594

Warsaw Pact, 35, 62

Wasson, R. Gordon, 15, 38, 423

Water (element), 10, 13, 17, 20, 151

Water birthing, 377, 378–79

Watergate scandal, 50

Watson, James, 37, 249

Watt, James, 55

Watts, Alan, 45

Weil, Andrew, 357

Well of Memory: divinations with, 569–72; guardian spirit of, 122, 187; myth of, 122, 187

The Well of Remembrance (Metzner), 81, 133, 187, 332, 449, 533, 546, 551

Whale breathing, 563

Wheel of Samsara (Birth and Death): hub of, 487–88; Six Worlds of Existence in, 464–65, 484–85, 488–98, 509–26; as teaching tool, 485, 522; Twelvefold Chain of Interdependent Origination in, 488–90, 499–508

Wholeness vs. oneness, 246

Wilber, Ken, 245–46

Winged Pharaoh (Grant), 446

Witchcraft, 95

Woden. See Odin

Women’s liberation movement, 44, 46, 290

Woodstock festival, 44

Wordsworth, William, 460

Work-aholism, 301

World history, octave of, 29–74

World Social Forum, 76

World Tree: divination journeys with, 555–77; guardian spirit of, 122, 187; meanings of, 528–29; of nine worlds, 531–54; Norse-Germanic, 528, 531; Well of Memory and, 122, 187

World War II, 20, 25, 27, 29, 31, 71, 375–76, 385

Wotan. See Odin


Yahweh, 379, 539

Yama, 327, 447

Yeltsin, Boris, 60

Yggdrasill, 528, 531

Yin and yang, 126, 145

Yoga. See also Light-fire yoga: alchemy and, 4–5; conception of the mind in, 217; definition of, 90; different practices of, 90; divination and, 92; eight limbs of, 90–91; etymology of, 90; goal of, 91–92; psychedelic substances and, 15; psychotherapy vs., 96–98; replicable observations within, 241; shamanism and, 85, 95; transformation and, 95; worldview of, 89–90

Yoga: Immortality and Freedom (Eliade), 90

The Yogas of the Six Bardos (Naropa), 272

Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, 90, 232–33, 319

Young, Arthur, 52, 129


Zachariah, 468

Zapatistas (EZLN) rebellion, 67

Zeff, Leo, 80, 421

Zen Buddhism, 192, 245, 246, 319, 457