Page 11: David Aikman, Philip Barrett, Sujit Kapadia, Mervyn King, James Proudman, Tim Taylor, Iain de Weymarn, and Tony Yates. Uncertainty in macroeconomic policy-making: art or science? Bank of England paper, March 2010.

Page 141: Tim Palmer and Julia Slingo. Uncertainty in weather and climate prediction, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 369 (2011) 4751–4767.

Page 198: I. Kovács, T.V. Papathomas, M. Yang, and A. Fehér. When the brain changes its mind: Interocular grouping during binocular rivalry, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 93 (1996) 15508–15511.

Page 237 (left figure): Sacha Kocsis, Boris Braverman, Sylvain Ravets, Martin J. Stevens, Richard P. Mirin, L. Krister Shalm, and Aephraim M. Steinberg. Observing the average trajectories of single photons in a two-slit interferometer, Science (3 Jun 2011) 332 issue 6034, 1170–1173.

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