I have dipt into several sorts of Studies at several times in my boyish days my vanity was such that what ever Book on art or Science I could come at I fancied I could learn it and Instantly with as much ardour and Enthuiseism (perhaps) as the author that wrote it. I have sat down studying it page by page with an anxious delight not to be describd but where any thing happened to come above my Comprehension it was a Painfull task I have had repeated t[o]uches at a Mathematics Question for a month together and while it remaind a Secret I have had with out knowing the cause such a longing Sickness on me that I could eat (in the time) little or nothing In this manner I eagerly dipt into Most arts and Sciences that came in my way
These where Mathematics Particulary Navigation and Algebra Dialling Use of the Globes Botany Natural History Short Hand with History of all Kinds Drawing Music etc etc I had once a very great desire to learn the Latin Language but the happy fate of not meeting with proper Books in that age of Vanity saved me the trouble of Expeirencing many an aching head (Study always left a sinking sickening pain in my head otherways unaccountable) and many an Envious Staring throbbing thro my bosom which always was the case when I found my attempts in vain — etc etc
On Sundays I Generally stole from my Companions whose Manners and Play was no ways Agreable to me and sholld into the Woods Where I was most happy as I always lovd to be by my self I have spent whole days (Sundays) in Searching Curious wild Flowers of which I was very fond and I often wondered when in Company with others that they never noticed them and that they never in the least noticed my remarks on such and such beauties when I have stooped down and cropped the flower to explain my Ideas in vain I was very fond of ‘birds Nesting’ as we us’d to call it when I was a Child but this hard hearted practise of Robbing Poor birds was soon laid aside as I grew up Searching of Snail shells we call ‘Pooties’ was a Favou[r]ite Amusement — I must remark too the Aspiring Pride of being first Scholar in the school (as I always was) If I had the least fear of a Superior I labourd night and day at my Question till the Masters praises put me out of doubt — This Vanity had its Origin at the first (or nearly so) school I went to A Mr Seaton once Schoolmaster at Glinton us’d to give his best scholars premiums that is such as Got Tasks and spelling the best and the most of either he always took a great delight (as I could percieve) in Questioning and rewarding me even som times when I did not deserve it but his reasons for so doing I cannot tell as I was quite a stranger to him he once set me the task of getting a Chap[ter] of Job I think the 3rd this suprisd me but he told me not to fear for he was sure I could do it I accordingly compleated the task in the Christmas week I was rewarded exellently for my abilities with 6d and praises of the Master ever after the boys where so dampt that they would not try in things in which I was concernd so that I got the prizes without trouble and have come in for some time as much as threepence in a Week this I savd unknown to my parents to buy books etc etc etc etc
I forgot to mention that I was while at school very much delighted with the perusal of ‘Robinson Crusoe’ as lent me by a school fellow it is an entertaining book and the effect of its perusal was such that I still remember it with pleasure
Grammer I never read a page of in my Life nor do I believe my master knew any more then I did about the matter
I have a Superficial Knowledge of the Mathematics which I gaind partly by self Tuition (as I was very fond of them once) and partly by the assistance of a Friend whom I shall ever remember with Gratitude*
I never went to meals with out employing every leisure minute in the perusal of a book practiseing thus I began to Read and comprehend the meaneing of what I read well
[N22, 3]
* Mr John Turnill Late of Helpstone now in the Excise [Clare’s footnote]