Squashes and zucchini will add variety and nutrition to your food storage vegetables. You can grow zucchini in your garden and dehydrate the excess (which is often plentiful). Acorn and butternut squash are fantastic side dishes and great in soups. Zucchini is great is soups too, but is also in quick breads and in zucchini patties.
SHELF LIFE: 10 years
COST: $ (about $100 for a year’s supply for a family of 4)
WHERE TO BUY: LDS, Sam’s Club, Costco, or grow your own
SAMPLE PRICING: About $1.50 per lb.
HOW TO STORE: In #10 cans with an oxygen absorber
If you can’t buy it all at once, track your progress below.
SEASON: late summer–early fall
How to dehydrate squash and zucchini
• For summer squash and zucchini: Slice on a mandolin to about inch thick or grate. Salt lightly and layer on dehydrator trays. Dehydrate at 115°F for about 8 to 12 hours or until completely dry.
How to dehydrate acorn squash and butternut squash
• Peel, cut into chunks, and blanch for 2 minutes. Dry on trays at 120°F for 12–15 hours.
What to do with squash and zucchini
• Add to vegetable soup.
• Add to cowboy stew (page 103).
• Snack on chips: (For snacking, you may toss the slices lightly in olive oil before dehydrating them per the instructions above. This shortens the shelf life but adds delicious flavor.)
• Make zucchini patties: Rehydrate zucchini shreds in water, drain, and squeeze dry. Add 1 egg lightly beaten, some Parmesan cheese, and some flour, salt, and pepper. Pan-fry in hot oil until golden on the outsides and cooked through.
• Make zucchini bread: Preheat the oven to 350°F. In a large bowl mix together 2 eggs, beaten, 1-1/3 cups sugar, 2 teaspoons vanilla, 3 cups grated, rehydrated, and drained zucchini, 2/3 cup oil, 2 teaspoons baking soda, a pinch salt, 3 cups flour, 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg, 2 teaspoons cinnamon, 1 cup chopped pecans or walnuts (optional), and 1 cup dried cranberries or raisins (optional). Pour into 2 loaf pans and bake for 50–55 minutes.