Mince Pies – Recommended by Pam Weaver
I am what my mother used to call a ‘plain cook’. I’m not interested in pretty-looking food but I love good taste. For some years I have made my own mincemeat for mince pies, and although it may not look the way we expect in the jar, the taste is amazing.
225 g (8 oz) cooking apples
225 g (8 oz) currants
225 g (8 oz) sultanas
110 g (4 oz) glacé cherries
110 g (4 oz) candied peel
110 g (4 oz) chopped walnuts
225 g (8 oz) unsalted butter
450 g (1 lb) demerara sugar
2 tsp mixed spice
150 ml (4 fl. oz) brandy (I usually measure this ingredient with a shaky hand!)
Peel and core the apples and cut into small chunks. Add to all the other ingredients (holding back the brandy) in a large bowl and mix together. Stir in the brandy and mix well. Put into clean jars* and cover as for jam.
Leave for 2–3 weeks before using and stir well when you open. A liquid forms at the bottom of the jar, so I suggest tipping it up once a week to make sure all the fruit is covered. When you open the jar to use the mincemeat, give it a good stir. It will keep for up to 3 months if you can manage to fight off the requests for more.
* I use my daughter’s old bottle sterilizer to make sure my jars are thoroughly clean. It works with steam and only takes a few minutes.