Notes on the Example Programs in This Book

In this section, we describe various conventions and features commonly employed by the example programs presented in this book.

Many of the example programs in this book rely on command-line options and arguments to determine their behavior.

Traditional UNIX command-line options consist of an initial hyphen, a letter that identifies the option, and an optional argument. (GNU utilities provide an extended option syntax consisting of two initial hyphens, followed by a string identifying the option and an optional argument.) To parse these options, we use the standard getopt() library function (described in Appendix B).

Each of our example programs that has a nontrivial command-line syntax provides a simple help facility for the user: if invoked with the —help option, the program displays a usage message that indicates the syntax for command-line options and arguments.

Most of the example programs include a header file containing commonly required definitions, and they also use a set of common functions. We discuss the header file and functions in this section.

To simplify error handling in our example programs, we use the error-diagnostic functions whose declarations are shown in Example 3-2.

To diagnose errors from system calls and library functions, we use errMsg(), errExit(), err_exit(), and errExitEN().

#include "tlpi_hdr.h"

void errMsg(const char *format, ...);
void errExit(const char *format, ...);
void err_exit(const char *format, ...);
void errExitEN(int errnum, const char *format, ...);

The errMsg() function prints a message on standard error. Its argument list is the same as for printf(), except that a terminating newline character is automatically appended to the output string. The errMsg() function prints the error text corresponding to the current value of errno—this consists of the error name, such as EPERM, plus the error description as returned by strerror()—followed by the formatted output specified in the argument list.

The errExit() function operates like errMsg(), but also terminates the program, either by calling exit() or, if the environment variable EF_DUMPCORE is defined with a nonempty string value, by calling abort() to produce a core dump file for use with the debugger. (We explain core dump files in Section 22.1.)

The err_exit() function is similar to errExit(), but differs in two respects:

  • It doesn’t flush standard output before printing the error message.

  • It terminates the process by calling _exit() instead of exit(). This causes the process to terminate without flushing stdio buffers or invoking exit handlers.

The details of these differences in the operation of err_exit() will become clearer in Chapter 25, where we describe the differences between _exit() and exit(), and consider the treatment of stdio buffers and exit handlers in a child created by fork(). For now, we simply note that err_exit() is especially useful if we write a library function that creates a child process that needs to terminate because of an error. This termination should occur without flushing the child’s copy of the parent’s (i.e., the calling process’s) stdio buffers and without invoking exit handlers established by the parent.

The errExitEN() function is the same as errExit(), except that instead of printing the error text corresponding to the current value of errno, it prints the text corresponding to the error number (thus, the EN suffix) given in the argument errnum.

Mainly, we use errExitEN() in programs that employ the POSIX threads API. Unlike traditional UNIX system calls, which return -1 on error, the POSIX threads functions diagnose an error by returning an error number (i.e., a positive number of the type normally placed in errno) as their function result. (The POSIX threads functions return 0 on success.)

We could diagnose errors from the POSIX threads functions using code such as the following:

errno = pthread_create(&thread, NULL, func, &arg);
if (errno != 0)

However, this approach is inefficient because errno is defined in threaded programs as a macro that expands into a function call that returns a modifiable lvalue. Thus, each use of errno results in a function call. The errExitEN() function allows us to write a more efficient equivalent of the above code:

int s;

s = pthread_create(&thread, NULL, func, &arg);
if (s != 0)
    errExitEN(s, "pthread_create");

To diagnose other types of errors, we use fatal(), usageErr(), and cmdLineErr().

#include "tlpi_hdr.h"

void fatal(const char *format, ...);
void usageErr(const char *format, ...);
void cmdLineErr(const char *format, ...);

The fatal() function is used to diagnose general errors, including errors from library functions that don’t set errno. Its argument list is the same as for printf(), except that a terminating newline character is automatically appended to the output string. It prints the formatted output on standard error and then terminates the program as with errExit().

The usageErr() function is used to diagnose errors in command-line argument usage. It takes an argument list in the style of printf() and prints the string Usage: followed by the formatted output on standard error, and then terminates the program by calling exit(). (Some of the example programs in this book provide their own extended version of the usageErr() function, under the name usageError().)

The cmdLineErr() function is similar to usageErr(), but is intended for diagnosing errors in the command-line arguments specified to a program.

The implementations of our error-diagnostic functions are shown in Example 3-3.

Example 3-3. Error-handling functions used by all programs

#include <stdarg.h>
#include "error_functions.h"
#include "tlpi_hdr.h"
#include ""          /* Defines ename and MAX_ENAME */

#ifdef __GNUC__
__attribute__ ((__noreturn__))
static void
terminate(Boolean useExit3)
    char *s;

    /* Dump core if EF_DUMPCORE environment variable is defined and
       is a nonempty string; otherwise call exit(3) or _exit(2),
       depending on the value of 'useExit3'. */

    s = getenv("EF_DUMPCORE");

    if (s != NULL && *s != '\0')
    else if (useExit3)

static void
outputError(Boolean useErr, int err, Boolean flushStdout,
        const char *format, va_list ap)
#define BUF_SIZE 500
    char buf[BUF_SIZE], userMsg[BUF_SIZE], errText[BUF_SIZE];

    vsnprintf(userMsg, BUF_SIZE, format, ap);

    if (useErr)
        snprintf(errText, BUF_SIZE, " [%s %s]",
                (err > 0 && err <= MAX_ENAME) ?
                ename[err] : "?UNKNOWN?", strerror(err));
        snprintf(errText, BUF_SIZE, ":");

    snprintf(buf, BUF_SIZE, "ERROR%s %s\n", errText, userMsg);

    if (flushStdout)
        fflush(stdout);       /* Flush any pending stdout */
    fputs(buf, stderr);
    fflush(stderr);           /* In case stderr is not line-buffered */

errMsg(const char *format, ...)
    va_list argList;
    int savedErrno;

    savedErrno = errno;       /* In case we change it here */

    va_start(argList, format);
    outputError(TRUE, errno, TRUE, format, argList);

    errno = savedErrno;

errExit(const char *format, ...)
    va_list argList;

    va_start(argList, format);
    outputError(TRUE, errno, TRUE, format, argList);


err_exit(const char *format, ...)
    va_list argList;

    va_start(argList, format);
    outputError(TRUE, errno, FALSE, format, argList);


errExitEN(int errnum, const char *format, ...)
    va_list argList;

    va_start(argList, format);
    outputError(TRUE, errnum, TRUE, format, argList);


fatal(const char *format, ...)
    va_list argList;

    va_start(argList, format);
    outputError(FALSE, 0, TRUE, format, argList);


usageErr(const char *format, ...)
    va_list argList;

    fflush(stdout);           /* Flush any pending stdout */

    fprintf(stderr, "Usage: ");
    va_start(argList, format);
    vfprintf(stderr, format, argList);

    fflush(stderr);           /* In case stderr is not line-buffered */

cmdLineErr(const char *format, ...)
    va_list argList;

    fflush(stdout);           /* Flush any pending stdout */

    fprintf(stderr, "Command-line usage error: ");
    va_start(argList, format);
    vfprintf(stderr, format, argList);

    fflush(stderr);           /* In case stderr is not line-buffered */

The file included by Example 3-3 is shown in Example 3-4. This file defines an array of strings, ename, that are the symbolic names corresponding to each of the possible errno values. Our error-handling functions use this array to print out the symbolic name corresponding to a particular error number. This is a workaround to deal with the facts that, on the one hand, the string returned by strerror() doesn’t identify the symbolic constant corresponding to its error message, while, on the other hand, the manual pages describe errors using their symbolic names. Printing out the symbolic name gives us an easy way of looking up the cause of an error in the manual pages.


The content of the file is architecture-specific, because errno values vary somewhat from one Linux hardware architecture to another. The version shown in Example 3-4 is for a Linux 2.6/x86-32 system. This file was built using a script (lib/ included in the source code distribution for this book. This script can be used to build a version of that should be suitable for a specific hardware platform and kernel version.

Note that some of the strings in the ename array are empty. These correspond to unused error values. Furthermore, some of the strings in ename consist of two error names separated by a slash. These strings correspond to cases where two symbolic error names have the same numeric value.


From the file, we can see that the EAGAIN and EWOULDBLOCK errors have the same value. (SUSv3 explicitly permits this, and the values of these constants are the same on most, but not all, other UNIX systems.) These errors are returned by a system call in circumstances in which it would normally block (i.e., be forced to wait before completing), but the caller requested that the system call return an error instead of blocking. EAGAIN originated on System V, and it was the error returned for system calls performing I/O, semaphore operations, message queue operations, and file locking (fcntl()). EWOULDBLOCK originated on BSD, and it was returned by file locking (flock()) and socket-related system calls.

Within SUSv3, EWOULDBLOCK is mentioned only in the specifications of various interfaces related to sockets. For these interfaces, SUSv3 permits either EAGAIN or EWOULDBLOCK to be returned by nonblocking calls. For all other nonblocking calls, only the error EAGAIN is specified in SUSv3.

Example 3-4. Linux error names (x86-32 version)

static char *ename[] = {
    /*   0 */ "",
    /*   1 */ "EPERM", "ENOENT", "ESRCH", "EINTR", "EIO", "ENXIO", "E2BIG",
    /*  13 */ "EACCES", "EFAULT", "ENOTBLK", "EBUSY", "EEXIST", "EXDEV",
    /*  19 */ "ENODEV", "ENOTDIR", "EISDIR", "EINVAL", "ENFILE", "EMFILE",
    /*  25 */ "ENOTTY", "ETXTBSY", "EFBIG", "ENOSPC", "ESPIPE", "EROFS",
    /*  42 */ "ENOMSG", "EIDRM", "ECHRNG", "EL2NSYNC", "EL3HLT", "EL3RST",
    /*  48 */ "ELNRNG", "EUNATCH", "ENOCSI", "EL2HLT", "EBADE", "EBADR",
    /*  54 */ "EXFULL", "ENOANO", "EBADRQC", "EBADSLT", "", "EBFONT", "ENOSTR",
    /*  61 */ "ENODATA", "ETIME", "ENOSR", "ENONET", "ENOPKG", "EREMOTE",
    /*  67 */ "ENOLINK", "EADV", "ESRMNT", "ECOMM", "EPROTO", "EMULTIHOP",

#define MAX_ENAME 132

The header file in Example 3-5 provides the declaration of two functions that we frequently use for parsing integer command-line arguments: getInt() and getLong(). The primary advantage of using these functions instead of atoi(), atol(), and strtol() is that they provide some basic validity checking of numeric arguments.

#include "tlpi_hdr.h"

int getInt(const char *arg, int flags, const char *name);
long getLong(const char *arg, int flags, const char *name);


Both return arg converted to numeric form

The getInt() and getLong() functions convert the string pointed to by arg to an int or a long, respectively. If arg doesn’t contain a valid integer string (i.e., only digits and the characters + and -), then these functions print an error message and terminate the program.

If the name argument is non-NULL, it should contain a string identifying the argument in arg. This string is included as part of any error message displayed by these functions.

The flags argument provides some control over the operation of the getInt() and getLong() functions. By default, these functions expect strings containing signed decimal integers. By ORing (|) one or more of the GN_* constants defined in Example 3-5 into flags, we can select alternative bases for conversion and restrict the range of the number to being nonnegative or greater than 0.

The implementations of the getInt() and getLong() functions are provided in Example 3-6.


Although the flags argument allows us to enforce the range checks described in the main text, in some cases, we don’t request such checks in our example programs, even though it might seem logical to do so. For example, in Example 47-1, we don’t check the init-value argument. This means that the user could specify a negative number as the initial value for a semaphore, which would result in an error (ERANGE) in the subsequent semctl() system call, because a semaphore can’t have a negative value. Omitting range checks in such cases allows us to experiment not just with the correct use of system calls and library functions, but also to see what happens when invalid arguments are supplied. Real-world applications would usually impose stronger checks on their command-line arguments.

Example 3-6. Functions for parsing numeric command-line arguments

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "get_num.h"

static void
gnFail(const char *fname, const char *msg, const char *arg, const char *name)
    fprintf(stderr, "%s error", fname);
    if (name != NULL)
        fprintf(stderr, " (in %s)", name);
    fprintf(stderr, ": %s\n", msg);
    if (arg != NULL && *arg != '\0')
        fprintf(stderr, "        offending text: %s\n", arg);


static long
getNum(const char *fname, const char *arg, int flags, const char *name)
    long res;
    char *endptr;
    int base;

    if (arg == NULL || *arg == '\0')
        gnFail(fname, "null or empty string", arg, name);

    base = (flags & GN_ANY_BASE) ? 0 : (flags & GN_BASE_8) ? 8 :
                        (flags & GN_BASE_16) ? 16 : 10;

    errno = 0;
    res = strtol(arg, &endptr, base);
    if (errno != 0)
        gnFail(fname, "strtol() failed", arg, name);

    if (*endptr != '\0')
        gnFail(fname, "nonnumeric characters", arg, name);

    if ((flags & GN_NONNEG) && res < 0)
        gnFail(fname, "negative value not allowed", arg, name);

    if ((flags & GN_GT_0) && res <= 0)
        gnFail(fname, "value must be > 0", arg, name);

    return res;

getLong(const char *arg, int flags, const char *name)
    return getNum("getLong", arg, flags, name);

getInt(const char *arg, int flags, const char *name)
    long res;

    res = getNum("getInt", arg, flags, name);

    if (res > INT_MAX || res < INT_MIN)
        gnFail("getInt", "integer out of range", arg, name);

    return (int) res;