Relationship Between File Descriptors and Open Files

Up until now, it may have appeared that there is a one-to-one correspondence between a file descriptor and an open file. However, this is not the case. It is possible—and useful—to have multiple descriptors referring to the same open file. These file descriptors may be open in the same process or in different processes.

To understand what is going on, we need to examine three data structures maintained by the kernel:

For each process, the kernel maintains a table of open file descriptors. Each entry in this table records information about a single file descriptor, including:

The kernel maintains a system-wide table of all open file descriptions. (This table is sometimes referred to as the open file table, and its entries are sometimes called open file handles.) An open file description stores all information relating to an open file, including:

Each file system has a table of i-nodes for all files residing in the file system. The i-node structure, and file systems in general, are discussed in more detail in Chapter 14. For now, we note that the i-node for each file includes the following information:


Here, we are overlooking the distinction between on-disk and in-memory representations of an i-node. The on-disk i-node records the persistent attributes of a file, such as its type, permissions, and timestamps. When a file is accessed, an in-memory copy of the i-node is created, and this version of the i-node records a count of the open file descriptions referring to the i-node and the major and minor IDs of the device from which the i-node was copied. The in-memory i-node also records various ephemeral attributes that are associated with a file while it is open, such as file locks.

Figure 5-2 illustrates the relationship between file descriptors, open file descriptions, and i-nodes. In this diagram, two processes have a number of open file descriptors.

Relationship between file descriptors, open file descriptions, and i-nodes

Figure 5-2. Relationship between file descriptors, open file descriptions, and i-nodes

In process A, descriptors 1 and 20 both refer to the same open file description (labeled 23). This situation may arise as a result of a call to dup(), dup2(), or fcntl() (see Duplicating File Descriptors).

Descriptor 2 of process A and descriptor 2 of process B refer to a single open file description (73). This scenario could occur after a call to fork() (i.e., process A is the parent of process B, or vice versa), or if one process passed an open descriptor to another process using a UNIX domain socket (Passing File Descriptors).

Finally, we see that descriptor 0 of process A and descriptor 3 of process B refer to different open file descriptions, but that these descriptions refer to the same i-node table entry (1976)—in other words, to the same file. This occurs because each process independently called open() for the same file. A similar situation could occur if a single process opened the same file twice.

We can draw a number of implications from the preceding discussion: