This is one salad saturated in taste, beauty and color. Navel and blood oranges are balanced by crisp fennel and mint. Finish it off with a squeeze of orange and lemon juice for a salad that evokes the freshness of the season. Enjoy this salad before or after a full meal. —MR
6 oranges (I like a mix of 3 blood oranges and 3 navel), peeled
1 small fennel bulb
Juice of ½ lemon
Juice of ½ orange
2 tbsp (10 g) roughly chopped fresh mint
Thinly cut the oranges crosswise, making 5 large circular orange slices. Cut the bottom and top off the fennel. Then peel back the outer layer and discard. Thinly chop the fennel just as you did the orange but into thinner slices, creating thin rings. Add them both to a serving dish and set it aside.
Squeeze the orange and lemon juice into a small bowl and toss in the mint. Pour this over the orange and fennel slices, mix and enjoy!