
Alcoholism: see liquor

Alkali: 50, 93, 186, 200–01, 246

Antelope: 53–54, 61, 65, 143, 242; meat of, 96, 106, 142

Aspen Creek (WY): 145

Avalanche: 276–78

Ballard, Dock: 51

Balm of Gilead trees: see cottonwood

Bancroft Library: 84–85

Bandell, Marvin: 180

Baptists: 210

Barkwell, Dr.: 98–99

Barrel Creek (10): 112

Barrel Springs (TX): 187

Bear River (UT/ID): 63–65, 102, 148, 154, 286

Bear River Mts. (ID/UT): 101

Bear Valley (CA): 80

Bears: 269; shot, 204

Berries and nuts: 67, 190, 194, 198, 258; see also currants, strawberries

Big Meadows (NV): 175

Birds: 71, 189

Black Hills (WY): 56, 96, 139

Blacks Fork River (WY): 146, 191

Blacksmithing: 113, 154; price for shoeing, 187

Bloomer, Amelia: 14

Bloomer costume: described, 14–15, 90, 120; illus., 12

Bluff Creek (NE): 185

Boiling springs: in NV, 75, 159; see also hot springs

Boots: 37

Bow and Arrow: trade for, 198–99

Bridger, Jim: squaw wives, 147

Bridges: 49, 64, 88, 128, 154, 181; tolls, 102, 113, 183

Briggs, William and Edleda: 172

Briggs, William, Jr., and Barbara: 169, 172

Bronson, H.T.: 189

Bruner, George: 85, 115

Buck, William: 34, 39, 41, 62, 65, 74, 79

Buffalo (Bison): 53, 58, 187–88; hunting of, 141, 236; meat of, 142; tongue, 205

Buffalo chips: 55, 93, 135–36

Buffalo Creek (NE): 135, 184

“Bull Heads” party: 248–50

Burrell, Mrs. Thomas: 130

Cactus: 50–51, 53, 100, 136, 140, 198, 204, 243

Cajon Pass (CA): 170, 203

California: 1852 travel diaries, 15; emigrants in, 9, 80–81, 84, 115; overland parties to, 21, 33, 83, 117, 169, 211; road to, 105, 107, 179

California Historical Society: 21, 23, 209

California Road: see “Mormon Corridor”

Cannibalism: 78

Canon Creek (NV): 105

Carriages: 113

Carson Valley (NV): 112–13, 212, 279, 281, 295

Carthage (IL): 123

Castle Rocks (NE): 95, 137, 186

Cattle: 268, 289; calves, 292; die, 104, 144, 181, 190, 246;drovers, 68, 242; droves of, 142; exhausted, 76; feed for, passim; lame, 242; milk cows, 37, 39, 43, 230–31, 245, 286, 289; sold, 266; stray off, 193; traded, 251

Cedar Bluffs (NE): 185

Cedar Creek (UT): 195

Cedar Springs (UT): 197

Central Pacific RR: 35

Chariton River (IA/MO): 126

Cheney, Winthrop and Merrick: 33, 61

Chicago (IL): 175

Chickens: 281; see also sagehens

Childbirth: 111–12

Chimney Rock (NE): 55, 95, 137, 186

Chinese: in CA, 28–29, 271

Cholera: 10, 13, 24, 93–94, 136, 140, 184, 237–38, 250, 272

Cincinnati (OH): emigrants from, 215

Clothing: of emigrants, 216, 270–71, 281; see also bloomer

Cole, Mr.: party of, 59

Coleman, Margaret: 245

Columbia (CA): 162, 164

Contra Costa County (CA): 172

Cooke, Edward: 211, 228, 271

Cooke, Eve Anna (“Lilly”): 211, 221, 238, 240, 247, 249, 279

Cooke, Frank W.: 209

Cooke, John Richards: 211, 217, 219, 222, 230, 242, 253, 255, 260, 264, 273

Cooke, Lucy Rutledge: portrait, frontis.; becomes blind, death, 213; body weight, 282; children, 210, 213–14; dislikes Mormons, 265; ill, 236, 240, 242–44; letters of, 209–95; marries Wm. Cooke, 210; purchases household goods, 267–68

Cooke, Richard: 211, 249

Cooke, Robert S.: 209, 211n

Cooke, Sarah (Mrs. Wm., Sr.): 210; with emigrants to SLC, 228–95; Mormon defector, 212, 265; teaches music, 273

Cooke, Thomas: 211, 228, 249, 271

Cooke, William (Sr.): 210–11; with emigrants to SLC, 228–55; employed in CA, 266; killed, 212; leaves for CA, 255

Cooke, William Sutton: freighting in UT, 252, 263, 277; as judge, death, 212–13; marries Lucy Rutledge, 210; mentioned, 228, 234, 238; as miner, 212, 295; toothache, 244

Cooking: see stoves

Copperas Spring (UT): 153

Cottonwood trees: 49

Council Bluffs (IA): 170, 181–82, 211

Court House Rock (NE): 54, 95, 137, 186

Coyotes: see wolves

Crittenden, Dwight: 173

Crow Creek (WY): 63

Crow Indians: 246

Cummings, Mariett Foster: homes in CA, 163; ill, 137, 156, 158–62; journal of, 117–68; memoir by Lucy Sexton, 163–68; paints in Yosemite, 164; wears bloomers, 15, 120

Cummings, William: 117, 125; ill, 159–60

Currants: 65, 104, 156

Davenport (IA): 210

Davis, Andrew Jackson: 170, 205

Deaths on trails: 13, 42, 51, 57–58, 93, 97–98, 136, 236

Deer: 53, 74, 89, 194

Des Moines River: 38–39, 179

Devi1’s Gate (WY): 59, 98, 143, 189, 247

Diaries and journals: sources of, 23, 35–36, 85, 117, 169, 209

Diarrhea: 178

Digger Indians: 105–06, 156, 292, 294

Diseases: 13; see also cholera, illnesses, scurvy, whooping cough

Doctors: see medicine

Dogs: 53

Donner Lake (CA): 79

Donner Party: 78

Dougherty (drover): 68, 76

Drownings: 46, 188

Dubuque (IA): 210–11

Dubuque company: 230n, 246

Ducks: 203

Echo Canyon (UT): 148

Echo Creek (UT): 148, 192

“Elephant, seeing the”: 288

Elk: 184

Elk Creek (NE): 51

Elkhorn River (NE): 48

Elm Creek (NE): 135, 184

Emigrants: number of, 9, 215, 231, 239; returning parties, 51

Erie Canal (NY): 210

Farmington (IL): 277

Feather River (CA): 162

Feed for livestock: see grass

Ferries: on Bear R., 154; fees, 39, 62, 154, 292; on Green R., 62; on Humboldt R., 292; in Iowa, 45, 178–79; on Mississippi R., 123, 177; on Missouri R., 45–46, 88–89, 182; on Platte R., 246

Firearms: see guns

Fish: in trail streams, 64–65, 103, 130–31, 149, 191; in UT, 153

Fix, Mr. (of KY): 95

Flour: 281

Flowers: 24, 54, 92, 96, 139–40, 147, 201

Fogg, Edmund Wilson: 172

Food: see potatoes, provisions

Fort Bridger (WY): 147, 251; road to, 62

Fort Kearney (new, NE, on Platte R.): 9, 92, 135

Fort Kearney (old, NE, on Missouri R.): 88, 129–31

Fort Laramie (WY): 56, 96, 138, 186, 240, 243; store at, 241

Foster, Arthur T.: 118, 125, 141

Foster, Isaac and Grace: 118, 125, 166

Foster, Isaac G. and Roxanna: 118, 164, 166, 168

Foster, Stella Olmsted: 165, 168

Foster, Vincent: 118, 125

Foster family: history, 117–18

Fremont Peak (WY): 29

Fuel for fires: see buffalo chips, sagebrush Furs: of prairie dog, mink, wild cat, wolf, 293

Galesburg (lL): 122

Game, wild: see buffalo, deer, elk, sagehens

Geese: 66

Gold: coins, 278; diggers, 280; at Placerville, 114

Gold Canyon (NV): 112

Golden Era (steamboat): 214–15

Goose Creek (ID/UT): 70, 105; Mountains, 285, 290

Gooseberries: 104, 250–51

Grand Creek (ID): 103

Grand Island (NE): 132

Grand River (MO): 43, 128

Grapes: 197, 199, 203

Grass: passim; in plenty, 100, 245; scarcity on trails, 40, 48, 57, 81

Grave Hollow (IA): 42

Graves: on trails, 24, 44, 52, 59, 94, 136, 144, 161, 180, 183–87, 189–90, 236, 291

Greasewood: 24, 140, 199

Great Salt Lake: 153; salt from, 257; Valley of, 150

Green River (WY): 62, 101, 146, 191

Guns: 40, 71

Hail storms: 98, 144, 185

Hall, Burk: 85–86, 108, 110, 115

Hams Fork River (WY): 63, 101, 146

Hangtown: see Placerville

Hares: see rabbits

Healdsburg (CA): 213

Hobble Creek (UT): 194

Holmes, Mr. (of AR): 77–78

Horses: passim; die, 181; emigrant use, 36, 103, 177–78, 192, 211, 226, 240, 268; of Indians, 251–52; Indians steal, 73, 183; medicine for, 188; traded for, 192, 230, 268; traded with Indians, 144

Hot springs: 25, 30, 71, 105, 153–54, 159, 193

Humboldt Canyon (NY): 113

Humboldt River (NV): 72–74, 105–10, 157–59, 290–91; Desert and Sink, 75, 109–10; Meadows, 109

Illinois: 117, 119, 175–76, 210

Illnesses: 63, 90, 107; see also cholera, diarrhea, diseases, medicine, mountain fever

Independence Rock (WY): 58, 97–98, 143, 189

India Rubber coat: 180

Indiana: 35, 175

Indians: 191, 193–96, 198, 291; deserted lodge, 140; fear of, 196; friendly, 66, 91, 103; graves, 48; horses of, see horses; kill emigrants, 105; Pawnee-Sioux battle, 91; shoot emigrants, 291; steal guns, clothes, 199; steal livestock, 48, 73, 105, 183; women, 96; see also tribal names

Injuries: 87; broken bones, 97, 197; gunshot, 71; see also deaths

Inman, Sam: 179–80

Iowa: 33, 37–45, 177–81, 210

Iowa City (IA): 178

Iowa Hill (CA): 212

Jackson County (MI): 169, 173

Jefferson City (MO): 218

Jordan River (UT): 193

July Fourth: recognized, 103, 149

Kanesville (IA): 43, 45, 170, 181, 228–33

Kaufman, H.: 130, 132

Keegan, Elizabeth J.C.: children, 22; death, 22–23; letter of, 21–31; marries

Ketchum, 22

Keegan, James B. and Julia: 21

Kentucky: 83–84; Historical Soc., 85

Kentucky company: 191

La Salle (IL): 120

Lake Michigan: 175

Lake Springs (CA): 114

Lamar, B.B.: 85, 99, 110, 115

Laramie Peak (WY): 56, 95, 186, 241

Las Vegas River (NV): 199

Latter-Day Saints: see Mormons

Lexington (MO): 222

Liberty (MI): 173

Linden (MO): 88

Linn, J.I. and C.E.: 62

Liquor and temperance: 42, 54, 107, 197, 292

Little Salt Lake (UT): 196

Little York (CA): 81

Livestock: emigrant herds, 10; stray, 235; see also cattle, mules, oxen, sheep

Lone Cedar Tree (NE): 53, 238, 245

Looking Glass River (NE): 183

Los Angeles (CA): 171, 207

Lost River (WY): 62, 111

Loup Fork River (NE): 49–50, 183, 234

Lumbering: in Utah, 269; shingles, 253, 263, 267–68

McAuley, Eliza Ann: portraits, frontis; children, death, 35; diary of, 33–81; family of, 33; marries Egbert, 35; wears bloomers, 15, 37

McAuley, James and Esther: 33, 74, 79, 81

McAuley, Margaret: 33–34, 41, 76, 79

McAuley, Thomas: 33, 36, 38, 61, 74, 76

McAuley (Macaulay), Thomas R.: 33n, 35n, 36

McDonnell, Anne: 85

McGee, Stephen: 194

McKinney cut-off (WY): 101

Mail: carriers, 53, 56, 92, 183, 234, 239, 243, 261, 275, 295; received in SLC, 256

Malad River (ID): 154

Mammoth Spring (CA): 81

Martinez (CA): 172

Mary’s River (NV): 106

Marysville (CA): 21, 23, 26

Mattes, Merrill J.: 13

Mead, H.H.: 48

Medicine and doctoring: 86, 89, 219–20, 241, 244, 250; cures for livestock, 42, 54, 59; laudanum, 238; sugar of lead, 240

Meeker, Ezra: 9, 34, 39, 41–42, 51, 63–64; wife Eliza, 34, 41, 46; son Richard, 47

Meeker, Oliver: 34, 41, 63

Methodists: 236

Midas (steamboat): 225–26

Military: at forts, 241

Milk and butter: 55, 289

Miller, Elizabeth Smith: invents bloomers, 14

Miller, Joaquin: 10

Mills: saw, 269, 312

Milwaukie company: 188

Miner, Morris: 171–72, 207

Mink skins: 293

Mississippi River: 177

Missouri: 124–29; newspapers of, 9

Missouri River: 141, 160, 197, 228; crossing of, 182; steamboat hazards, 217–18, 223

Moccasins: 138

Mohave River (CA): 201–03

Molasses: 258

Moline (IL): 210

Monmouth (OR): 122

“Mormon Corridor”: 170, 192n

Mormon Trail or Trace: 137, 146

Mormons: anniversary parade, 254–55; baptisms, 207; at Carthage (IL), 123; converts to, 274; Cookes join, 211, 252–85; crops of, 152; as diarists, 170–72, 254, 262; friendly to emigrants, 284; Music Hall, 273, 279; in NV, 112; on Platte R., 94; polygamy, 152, 274–75; sermons, 207; strength of, 193; Tabernacle, 151; theater, 273; Winter Quarters, 47; see also polygamy

Mosquitoes: 50, 63–64, 66–67, 91, 97, 102, 107, 134, 146, 184, 239–40

Mount Nebo (UT): 194

Mount Pisgah (IA): 43

Mt. Pleasant (IA): 33, 37

Mountain fever: 59, 63, 158–59

Mountain sheep: 268

Mow, Deacon: 181, 184; dies, 185

Muddy Fork River (WY): 148

Muddy River (NY): 198–99

Mules: 25, 85, 99, 134, 139, 156, 187, 194, 199, 226, 245; as pack animals, 113–14

Murders: 97

Music: 230–31, 269; teachers, 210, 212, 273, 281; see also recreation Mustard, wild: 48

Napa Valley (CA): 172

New Creek (MO): 127–28

New Orleans (LA): 115

Newby, William: 256–57

Nishnabotna River (IA): 45, 130

Nodaway River (IA): 44, 87, 129

Oats: wild, 63

Ogden (UT): 154

Ogden River (UT): 154, 244

Oregon: emigrants to, 9

Oregonian: newspaper, 14

Organization of emigrant parties: officers resign, 189; dissention, 190

Oroville (CA): 172

Ottumwa (IA): 38

Outfit for journeys: 36–37, 85

Oxen: as draft animals, 25, 36–37, 188–89, 211, 230, 286; sick, 199–200; traded, 259, 268; as travel fare, 281

Pacific Spring (WY): 100, 146

Paiute Indians: 160

Papillon Creek (NE): 183

Paragoonah Pueblo ruins (UT): 196n

Pavee (Indian): 66

Pawnee Indians: 46–47, 49, 91, 132–34

Pawnee Springs (NE): 53

Peavine Springs (NV): 161

Perrine, P.J.: 184

Peru (IL): 120, 136

Petteskirt Creek (UT): 194

Piano: 273, 283

Piedmont Springs (CA): 167

Pies: 285

Pigs: 279

Pilot Springs (NV): 155

Pintura Creek (UT): 197

Placer County (CA): 35

Placerville (CA): 33, 114–15, 212

Platte River (NE/WY): 48–49, 51, 91, 132–42, 183–89, 238–46; crossing of, 93; North, 55–58, 97, 186–89

Pleasant Grove (UT): 193

Plumas County (CA) Historical Soc.: 209

Polygamy: 212, 274–74

Pontiac No. 2 (steamboat): 214, 217; wrecked, 223n, 226

Poro (Indian): 65–67

Potatoes: 133, 258

Prairie Creek (NE): 184

Prairie dogs: 50, 53, 136; robe of skins, 293

Prairie schooners: see wagons

Pratt, Alida: 172

Pratt, Cavanne: 170

Pratt, Darwin: 170

Pratt, Edgar “Ned”: 170, 186–87

Pratt, Eliza: 170, 195

Pratt, Parley P.: 171

Pratt, Sarah: children, 172; diary of, 169–207; marries M. Miner, 170

Pratt, Silas and Sally: 170

Prices: in CA, 30, 281; of provisions, 45, 241, 268; in UT, 256

Priest, Viola M.: 210

Princeton (IL): 120

Prospect Hill (WY): 142

Provisions for the trail: 37, 68, 112, 241; prices of, 233–34, 271, 282, 308; see also flour, milk, potatoes, prices

Pyramid Circle (UT): 69–70

Quicksand: 93, 135

Rabbits: 141

Raccoon River (IA): 180

Raft River (ID): 69, 104, 155

Ragtown (NV): 110

Railroads: 35, 175

Rain: 44, 52, 232

Rattlesnake Creek (NE): 185

Recreation: on trails, 71–72, 157, 230–31, 249

Richards, John: 214

Rivers and creeks: crossing of, 38, 93, 135, 154, 191, 234, 286–88; see also bridges, ferries, river names

Roads: dusty, 52, 72, 156–58, 194; muddy, 38–39, 86–87, 176; plank, 176; rocky, 199–200; rough, 77; sandy, 53, 57, 185, 188, 198, 200, 202, 224, 237, 245, 250

Robert Campbell (steamboat): 222

Rock River (IL): 175–76

Rock Spring (NV): 156

Rocky Mts.: 99, 246

Rodgers, Asa: 62

Rutledge, Lucy: 210; marries Wm. S. Cooke, 210

Rutledge, Marianne (“Polly”): 210; addressee of Lucy’s letters, 214, 217; marries Mr. Willis, 210

Sacramento (CA): 22–23, 26–27, 115, 217

Sage Creek (UT): 196

Sagebrush: 24, 98, 186–87, 243

Sagehens: 101, 109

St. Joseph (MO): 85–86, 129; steamboat to, 226

St. Louis (MO): 85, 214

Sa1eratus: 143, 246

Saline River (KS): 131

Saloons: see liquor Salt Lake City: 100, 151–52, 170, 192, 211, 243, 252–85

Salt River (NE): 131

Salt Springs (CA): 201

Saluda (steamboat): wreck, 222

Sampson, Benjamin: 85, 87, 102

San Bernardino (CA): 170–71, 193n, 204–07

San Francisco (CA): 171–72; Cummings home, 164–68

San Jose (CA): 163

San Pablo (CA): 172

Sand Hill boys: 48, 51, 57

Sandy River: Big, 60–61, 100, 146; Dry, 60, 100; Little, 100, 146; McAchrem’s branch, 60

Sanpete (UT): 194

Santa Clara (UT): River, 197–98

Savannah (MO): 86, 129

Sawmills: see mills

Sawyer, Francis: children, 84–85; journal of, 83–115; toothache, 113–14

Sawyer, Henry: 83

Sawyer, Jonathan and Nancy: 83

Sawyer, Thomas: 83–85, 100, 141; as gold seeker, 84, 86; ill, 90, 107–08

Schools: in San Bernardino, 204–07

Scotch emigrants: 179–80

Scotts Bluff (NE): 55, 95, 137, 186

Scurvy: 177

Service berries: 258

Sevier River (UT): 195

Sexton, Lucy Foster: 117, 119; memoir of Mariette Cummings, 163–68

Shawnee Baptist Mission (KS): 23

Shawnee Springs (NE): 93

Sheep: 190, 237, 290

Shell Creek (NE): 49

Sheridan Point (IA): 42

Sierra Nevada: crossing of, 78–79, 113, 162, 295

Silver Creek (WY): 146

Simpson, John: 177, 195–97, 199

Sims, Mrs. Dorothy: 21

Sinking Creek (ID): 69

Sioux Indians: 49, 55–56, 91, 133–34, 139, 242

Skunk Creek (NE): 52

Skunk River (IA): 37

Slater, S.S.: 40–41, 61

Slavery: in MO, 127

Smith, Joseph: 123, 129

Smith’s Fork (WY): 64, 102

Snakes: 43

Snow: 290

Soda Springs (ID): 67, 102

Solano County (CA): 35

South Pass (WY): 60, 100, 251

Spiritualism: 170, 205

Spring Creek (NE): 55

Springs: see hot springs

Starvation: 78

Steamboats: 211, 214; fares on, 215, 227

Steeple Rocks (UT): 105, 155

Stewart, George R.: author, 10

Stony Creek (ID): 63, 155

Stork: 185

Stoves: 37, 230, 258

Strawberries: 147, 182

Sublette’s Cutoff: 60, 103

Sugar beets: 258, 264

Sugar Loaf Rock (NE): 138

Sulphur Springs: in UT, 192; in WY, 142

Summit Creek (UT): 197

Summit Valley (CA): 79–80

Sunbonnets: 256, 271

Sunday observance: 40, 51, 170, 180, 184, 205, 207, 218, 236–37, 251

Sweetwater River (WY): 29, 59–60, 97–99, 143–45, 189–91, 246–50; Strawberry branch, 145

Table Rock (WY): 145

Tahoe, Lake: 113

Tents: 229, 248, 259, 262

Terrell, George: artist, 164–65

Thomas Fork (Bear R.): 102

Thousand Spring Valley (UT): 70, 105, 156

Thunder, lightning: 185–86, 190

Tiffany, J.P.: 33, 37

Timber: in lA, 177–78; in Sierra (CA), 78, 114; in WY, 241

Toothache: 114

Trading posts: 189–91

Trenton (MO): 128

Trout Creek (UT): 155

Truckee Meadows (NV): 77

Truckee River (NV): 76–79, 159–61

Turkies: 126

Tyson, Edwin L.: 36

Union City (MI): 173–74

Unruh, John D.: author, 9

Utah: military to, 241; mountains, 148; overland parties in, 9, 192

Utah Lake: 194

Ute Indians: 149

Ventura (CA): 168

Vermillion River (KS): 24

Virgin River (UT): 198

Virginia City (NV): 213

Wages: in CA, 266; in Carson Valley, 295; in UT, 252–53, 256

Wagons: abandoned, 63; numbers of, 89; sale of, 112, 204; for storage, 259; truck, 239; wide track, 281; see also carriages

Wallace, John and Robert: 66

Water: passim; poor quality, 135, 201; price on desert, 110; purchased, 266; scarcity on trails, 184, 187, 246

Weather: cold, 25, 42, 145, 182–83, 202, 250; heat, 136, 154, 187; see also hail, rain, snow, thunder, winds

Weber River (UT): 149, 153

Webster, Daniel: 125

Wheat: 258; coffee made with, 258; in UT, 152

Whiting, Clarence: 255, 259

Whooping cough: 259

Willis, Mr.: marries Marianne Rutledge, 210, 257, 260

Willow Creek (WY): 145

Willow Lake (NE): 136

Willow Spring (WY): 58, 142, 189

Willow Springs (UT): 154

Wills, Nancy S.: 84–85

Winds: 46–47, 60–61, 88–89, 138, 184, 188; see also weather

Winter Quarters (NE): 47

Winterset (IA): 180

Wolves and coyotes: 130–31, 184, 186

Women: ratio to men emigrants, 10

Wood: see greasewood, sagebrush

Wood River (NE): 50, 184

Yellow Creek (MO): 126

Yeoman, Solon: 41–42

Yosemite Valley: 164–65

Young, Brigham: 152, 212, 269, 273–74, 283

Yuba River (CA): Valley, 80