The Woman Who Knows Too Much (1956)
After-Dinner Speech at the Screen Producers Guild Dinner (1965)
How I Choose My Heroines (1931)
What I’d Do to the Stars (1939)
Thrills, Suspense, the Audience
Master of Suspense: Being a Self-Analysis by Alfred Hitchcock (1950)
Core of the Movie—The Chase (1950)
Murder—With English on It (1957)
Would You Like to Know Your Future? (1959)
Why I Am Afraid of the Dark (1960)
A Redbook Dialogue: Alfred Hitchcock and Dr. Fredric Wertham (1963)
“Stodgy” British Pictures (1934)
If I Were Head of a Production Company (1935)
More Cabbages, Fewer Kings: A Believer in the Little Man (1937)
Much Ado About Nothing? (1937)
The Censor and Sydney Street (1938)
The Censor Wouldn’t Pass It (1938)
Production Methods Compared (1949)
In the Hall of Mogul Kings (1969)
Technique, Style, and Hitchcock at Work
Close Your Eyes and Visualize! (1936)
Some Aspects of Direction (1938)
Lecture at Columbia University (1939)
My Most Exciting Picture (1948)
Hitchcock Talks About Lights, Camera, Action (1967)
It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s . . . The Birds (1968)