Bazargan, Mehdi, Prime Minister, ♦
Berlin, ♦
Bishop, Billy, ♦
Brown, Henry “Box,” ♦
Carter, Jimmy, President, ♦
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), ♦-♠
Clark, Joe, Prime Minister, ♦
Clayton-Hutton, Christopher, ♦
Dames, Gerrit, Lieutenant, ♦-♠
East Berlin, ♦
Emancipation Proclamation, ♦
England, ♦, ♠, ‡, ∇-◊, ♦♦, ♠♠-‡‡, ∇∇, ◊◊
escape tricks, “escape kit,” ♦
France, ♦, ♠-‡, ∇, ◊, ♦♦-♠♠, ‡‡, ∇∇, ◊◊-♦♦♦, ♠♠♠
French Resistance, ♦
French Revolution, ♦
Fugitive Slave Bill, ♦
George I, king of England, ♥-†, Δ, ◊-♣♣
Gillette, ♦
Goering, Hermann, ♦
Henry I, king of England, ♥
Henry II, king of England, ♥, †-Δ
Hitler, ♦
HMV, ♦
Hurricane fighter plane, ♦-♠, ‡
Iraq, ♦
Islamic calendar, ♦
Khomeini, Ayatollah, ♦-♠, ‡, ∇
Legros, Madame, ♦
Lijek, Mark and Cora, ♦-♠, ‡-∇, ◊
Lincoln, Abraham, ♦
Louis XV, king of France, ♥
Louis XVI, king of France, ♥
maps on silk, ♦
Maxwell, William, see Lord Nithsdale
MI9 (British Secret Intelligence Service), ♦, ♠, ‡
Ministry of External Affairs (Canada), ♦
Nithsdale, Lady, Winifred, ♦-♠, ‡, ∇-◊
Nithsdale, Lord, William Maxwell, ♦-♠, ‡-∇
Persian Gulf, ♦
Pössneck, ♦
prisoner of war (POW), ♦-♠, ‡, ∇-◊, ♦♦
prisoner of war camp, ♦, ♠, ‡, ∇
Revolutionary Council, ♦
Royal Air Force (RAF), ♦-♠, ‡, ∇-◊
Second World War, ♦-♠, ‡, ∇, ◊
in the Sahara, ♦, ♠, ‡, ∇, ◊-♦♦
Spitfire fighter plane, ♦, ♠-‡, ∇
Stafford, Joe and Kathy, ♦-♠, ‡-∇, ◊
Steinmetz, Flanti, ♦-♠, ‡-∇, ◊-♦♦
Stephen, king of England, ♦-♠, ‡-∇
Strelzyk, Doris, ♦, ♠, ‡-∇, ◊, ♦♦
Tabriz, ♦
Thrace, Thracian, ♦-♠, ‡, ∇, ◊, ♦♦, ♠♠
Tower of London, ♦, ♠-‡, ∇-◊, ♦♦-Δ
Tubman, Harriet, ♦
Turkey, ♦
Underground Railroad, ♦, ♠, ‡-∇
van den Heuvel, Captain Machiel “Vandy,” ♦-♠, ‡-∇
Vienna Convention, ♦
Washington, D.C., ♦
West Berlin, ♦
Willshire, William, ♦