You Can’t Force Yourself to Like Broccoli

Certain jobs require a distinct personality. There is little point in pursuing a job in communications if you are not an extroverted person who loves to interact with people. If your soul bursts with passionate creativity, you are not likely to be content with a job in accounting .

Personalities are like shoe sizes. They are not subject to our choice or preference, but they can be occasionally fudged—with uncomfortable consequences.

It is neither an accomplishment nor a fault to acknowledge that some people can speak before large audiences and be exhilarated by the experience while others would be petrified. Some people can study an equation for years and be fascinated by it, and others would long for human interaction and variety.

Realize who you are—what your true personality is—and choose a future that fits it.

Hardly a day goes by without at least one of his clients refusing to work with him. In fact, sometimes they spit up on him. But photographer Jean Deer loves his job.

He has taken hundreds of children’s portraits, and he is well acquainted with all the tricks of the trade to make a baby smile. Jean’s an expert in every funny face and noise imaginable.

“When it’s over, everyone—me, the parents, and the children—are exhausted, but that’s usually a good sign.”

Jean found that getting babies to flash their smiles wasn’t the only way to get a great picture and that a grumpy baby was just another source of inspiration. “I was taking a photo once of this infant who literally wanted nothing to do with me. He would not look up, just stared at the floor.” Jean got down on the floor with him, took the picture from a perspective he’d never used before, and wound up with one of the best pictures he’d ever taken.

The job requires two major traits, Jean believes. “Not everyone can just hang out a shingle and call himself a photographer. It’s all a matter of being patient and energetic and then capturing the right moment.”

Even as people experience different phases of their lives, including career and family changes, their underlying personality remains constant after about age sixteen.

Barto 1998