ABC Australian Broadcasting Commission
ACHQ Area Combined Headquarters
ACNB Australian Commonwealth Naval Board
ADMI Assistant Director of Military Intelligence
ADO Assistant District Officer
AFB Allgemeinefunkspruchbuch (German naval radio codebook)
AIB Allied Intelligence Bureau
AIF Australian Imperial Force
ALP Australian Labor Party
AMF Australian Military Forces
ANGAU Australian New Guinea Administrative Unit
ANZAC Australian and New Zealand Army Corps
ASIO Australian Security Intelligence Organisation
ASWG Australian Special Wireless Group
ASWS Australian Special Wireless Section
AWA Amalgamated Wireless Australasia Ltd
BSC British Security Co-ordination
BSIPDF British Solomon Islands Protectorate Defence Force
CAS Chief of the Air Staff
CAST Station CAST, the US Navy’s cryptanalytical unit based in the Philippines
CBCS Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics
CCAS Commodore Commanding the Australian Squadron
CGS Chief of the General Staff
CIB Commonwealth Investigation Branch
CID Committee of Imperial Defence
C-in-C Commander-in-Chief
CINCPACFLT C-in-C, Pacific Fleet
CIU Communications Intelligence Unit (Melbourne)
CMG Officer of the Order of St Michael and St George
CNS Chief of Naval Staff
COIC Combined Operations and Intelligence Centre
COMAIRSOLS Commander of Air Operations Solomons
COMSOUPAC Command, South Pacific
COMSOUWESPACFOR Command, South West Pacific Forces
COMTASKFOR Command, Task Force
CPO Chief Petty Officer
CSS Captain Superintendent Sydney
CST Captain Superintendent Training
CTF 31 US Third Fleet’s unit 31
DCGS Deputy Chief of the General Staff
DCNS Deputy Chief of Naval Staff
DF direction finding
DFC Distinguished Flying Cross
DMI Director of Military Intelligence
DMO&I Director, Military Operations and Intelligence
DMO&P Director of Military Operations and Plans
DNI Director of Naval Intelligence
DNO District Naval Officer
DSB Defence Signals Bureau
DSIO Deputy Supervising Intelligence Officer
DSM Distinguished Service Medal
ENIGMA both the German coding machine and the code it produced
FECB Far East Combined Bureau
FELO Far Eastern Liaison Office
FERDINAND codename for the ACNB’s coastwatch organisation
FO Flying Officer
FRUMEL Fleet Radio Unit Melbourne
FRUPAC Fleet Radio Unit Pacific (HYPO at Hawaii)
FS French Ship
GC&CS Government Code and Cypher School
GHQ General Headquarters
GOC General Officer Commanding
HDML harbour defence motor launch
HF high-frequency
HFDF high-frequency direction finding
HIJMS His Imperial Japanese Majesty’s Ship
HIRMS His Imperial Russian Majesty’s Ship
HMAS His Majesty’s Australian Ship
HNLMS Her Netherlands Majesty’s Ship
HQ headquarters
HUMINT human intelligence
HVB Handelsschiffsverkehrsbuch (German naval codebook)
HVCCO handle via COMINT (communications intelligence) channels only
IGN Imperial German Navy
IJA Imperial Japanese Army
IJN Imperial Japanese Navy
ISD Inter-Allied Services Department
IWIS Indian Wireless Intelligence Service
JIC Joint Intelligence Committee (UK)
JPC Joint Planning Committee
KANA Japanese Morse
LFDF low-frequency direction finding
LHQ Land Headquarters
LMS Lugger Maintenance Section
LWOP Leave without pay
MBE Member of the Order of the British Empire
MFDF medium-frequency direction finding
MHR Member of the House of Representatives
MLO Military Liaison Officer
NEA North East Area
NEI Netherlands East Indies
NGA New Guinea Area
NGF New Guinea Force
NID Naval Intelligence Division
NIO Naval Intelligence Officer
NSA National Security Agency
OBE Officer of the Order of the British Empire
PNIC Pacific Naval Intelligence Centre
product intelligence reporting derived from SIGINT
QMG Quartermaster General
RAAF Royal Australian Air Force
RACHMAF Rear Admiral Commanding, HM Australian Fleet
RAF Royal Air Force
RAN Royal Australian Navy
RANVR Royal Australian Navy Volunteer Reserve
RAN W/T Service Royal Australian Navy Wireless Telegraphy Service
RN Royal Navy
RNR Royal Navy Reserve
RNZN Royal New Zealand Navy
RSS Radio Security Service
sanitisation process used to hide true source of intelligence
SDA Special Duty Agencies
Security Service internal intelligence (UK, also known as MI5)
SIA Secret Intelligence Australia, Section B of AIB
SIGINT signals intelligence
SIO Supervising Intelligence Officer
SIPS Special Intelligence Personnel Section
SIS Secret Intelligence Service (UK, also known as MI6)
SKM Signalbuch der Kaiserlichen Marine (German Imperial Navy signal book)
SMS Seiner Majestät Schiff (His Majesty’s Ship)
SNDO Sub-District Naval Officer
SNO Senior Naval Officer
SO (I) Staff Officer (Intelligence)
SOA Special Operations Australia
SOE Special Operations Executive (UK)
SRD Services Reconnaissance Department
SRI Signal Radio Intelligence
SS steam ship
SWPA South West Pacific Area
SY steam yacht
TA traffic analysis
take raw SIGINT intercept
tradecraft techniques, processes and behaviours used in spying
ULTRA codename for the intelligence product from high-level diplomatic and strategic SIGINT derived from ENIGMA or other systems
USMC United States Marine Corps
USN United States Navy
USS United States Ship
USSR Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
WAC Women’s Auxiliary Corps (US)
WEC Wireless Experimental Centre, India
WRANS Women’s Royal Australian Naval Service
WRNS Women’s Royal Naval Service (UK)
W/T wireless telegraphy
WU Wireless Unit, RAAF