List of Figures

Map 1: The Pacific

Map 2: New Guinea and the Solomon Islands


Introduction: Looking Out for Number One

Chapter 1 Wilson Le Couteur’s Pacific Mission, 1901

Chapter 2 Atlee Hunt: Public Servant, Spy Master, 1901–23

Chapter 3 Enlightened Princes and Wise Generals: Military Intelligence in Early Australia

Chapter 4 A Prescient Letter: Suspecting Japanese Spies

Chapter 5 Join the Navy and Spy on the World

Chapter 6 Australian Intelligence Success, 1914

Chapter 7 The Wanetta Organisation, 1902–20

Chapter 8 Almost Had It: National Intelligence, 1901–20

Chapter 9 The First Coastwatcher

Chapter 10 Australian Signals Intelligence, 1914–29

Chapter 11 Hand to Mouth: Australian Signals Intelligence in the 1930s

Chapter 12 Harry Freame’s Japanese Mission, 1941

Chapter 13 The Coastwatchers Go to War, 1939–42

Chapter 14 The Lions in the Den: Japanese Counterintelligence

Chapter 15 Herding Cats: The Allied Intelligence Bureau

Chapter 16 Australia’s First National Signals Intelligence Effort

Chapter 17 Battle in Asia and the Pacific, 1941–42

Chapter 18 Establishing Central Bureau, 1942

Chapter 19 Stepping on Toes: Australia’s Attack on Japan’s Diplomatic Codes

Chapter 20 Allied Secret Intelligence Compromised, 1944

Chapter 21 Saving Australian SIGINT, 1945–47

Chapter 22 Coastwatching Behind Enemy Lines

Chapter 23 The Solomons and Pacific Area, 1943

Chapter 24 Human Intelligence in the Attack, 1943–45

Chapter 25 The Kempeitai’s Game, 1942–45


Pic section


Glossary and Abbreviations


