Little lambs

The fluffy appearance of these lovely lambs is achieved by simply layering cut-out hearts. These are great for kids to make, as they love cutting out lots of shapes.

You will need…makes 12

1 For the lamb body bases, roll out the white sugarpaste to 3mm (18in) thick using spacers. Use a circle cutter (no. 7) to cut 12 circles to fit your cupcakes.

2 To create one fluffy lamb coat, cut 11 hearts from the remaining white paste. Starting at the outer edge, arrange a layer of seven hearts on top of the body base with the points towards the centre. Arrange a second inner layer of the remaining four hearts on top.

3 For the head, roll a lozenge shape of black sugarpaste, place in the centre of the fluffy coat and check for sizing, then attach with sugar glue. For one pair of ears, roll out some black sugarpaste thinly and cut a heart. Cut in half vertically. Trim the pointed end from each half, curl the two sides inwards and lightly pinch the rounded part. Attach horizontally either side of the top of the head.

4 For one pair of eyes, roll two small balls of white paste and flatten slightly. Pipe on black royal icing pupils. Use a smile tool and cocktail stick (toothpick) to indent nostrils.

Take care…

When working with black sugarpaste, make sure you use a separate work surface to avoid discolouring paler paste colours.


cupcake, topping


applying frostings, using sugarpaste, creating features