Fabulous fairies

You can tell that these are no ordinary fairies, with their silver crowns studded with precious ‘pearls’ and magical wands. There’s lots of fun to be had here trying out different hairstyles for them.

You will need…makes 9

Use one of the cupcake recipes to bake nine standard cupcakes for the fairy cakes and about six mini cupcakes for the mini wand cakes.

For the fairy cakes

1 For the faces, roll out the flesh-coloured paste to 3mm (18in) thick using spacers. Use a no. 6 circle cutter to cut nine discs.

2 While soft, impress a smile on each face using the open end of the piping tube and indent at either end with a cocktail stick (toothpick). Use the mini heart plunger cutter to cut tiny bright pink paste hearts. Attach one to each fairy’s smile.

3 For the eyes, roll small balls of white paste and flatten slightly. Use a blue edible pen to add irises and a black edible pen for pupils. Attach in place. Use the black edible pen to add eyelashes.

4 For the hair, knead the yellow paste and add a little sugar glue and white vegetable fat (shortening) until very soft. Push some of the paste into the sugarcraft gun and, using the handle, ease out tendrils of hair. Lift sections on a palette knife and attach with a touch of sugar glue. The hair can be plaited (braided) or left flowing and a fringe (bang) added.

5 For the crown, use your palette knife to cut a crown shape with three points from grey paste. Paint with the silver lustre dust solution. Glue three pearl dragées to the base of the crown, then attach to the fairy.

Glam her up…

To make your fairy princesses’ hair even more gorgeous, create a decorative tie by cutting a lilac blossom using a mini blossom plunger cutter and adding a pearl dragée to the centre.

You will need…makes 6 mini

For the mini wand cakes

1 For the bases, roll out lilac sugarpaste with CMC to 3mm (18in) thick using spacers and use a circle cutter to cut six discs to fit the mini cakes. Set aside to firm.

2 For the wands, use the star cutter to cut stars from yellow paste. For the shafts, roll a long, narrow sausage of pink paste, then cut into lengths. Glue a shaft to each star onto each lilac disc.

Wonder wands…

To add a sparkling finish to your fairy wands, paint the yellow stars with sugar glue and sprinkle with gold edible shimmering flakes or non-toxic glitter.


cupcake, topping


applying frostings, using sugarpaste, creating features, special finishes