Accountability, 196
Accreditation, 214
Achen, Mark, 220
Administrative conjunction, 183–184
Administrative innovators, 35
Administrative stabilizers, 35
Advisory committees, 62
African Americans, 44, 45. See also Ethnic/racial groups
Agenda setting
community leadership and, 23–24
gatekeeping in, 155
role of managers in, 107–108, 154–155
Air-quality control, 28
Allyn, Joanna, 114
Alternative delivery systems
criteria for evaluating, 167
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), 129, 130, 146
Anderson, Gordon, 4
Anderson, Mollie, 122
Andrew Young School of Policy Studies (Georgia State University), 66
Applied Knowledge Assessment (ICMA), 212, 228
Appropriateness, logic of, 70, 71
Arbiters, 35
Archival data, 170
Arvada, Colorado, 138
Asian Americans, 44. See also Ethnic/racial groups
At-large elections, 75
Auditing, 137
Ball, Michael, 26
Bellevue, Washington, 105
Beloit, Wisconsin, 195
Benest, Frank, 119
Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria, 60
Bledsoe, Timothy, 70
Bobkiewicz, Wally, 10
Bonczek, Steve, 223
Border-Plex, 96
Borgsdorf, Del, 63
Boston, Massachusetts, 72, 145
Boulder, Colorado, 103
Bowers, Richard, 102
Bowman, Charles, 8
Branscome, Curtis, 213
Briseño, Alex, 48
Broadbanding, 120
Brown University, 146
Brownfields redevelopment, 28
Budgets. See also Financial management
automated, 164
development and execution of, 131–133
local governing body’s role in, 60
Building permits, 144
Bullock, Charles, 6
Burke, Edmund, 57
Burns, James MacGregor, 11
Bush administration, 198
Business community, 44
California, 44
Capital improvement programs (CIPs), 109
Capital programming, 133
Caretakers, managers as, 35
Carrollton, Texas, 94
Cary, North Carolina, 37
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, 190
Cedar Falls, Iowa, 88
Center for Performance Measurement (ICMA), 173
Chambers of Commerce, 44
Chandler, Arizona, 99
Chaos theory, 10
Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 124
Charlotte, North Carolina, 71
Cherches, Chris, 77
Chesapeake, Virginia, 177
Chicago, Illinois, 192
Chief administrative officers (CAOs)
positions as, 210
Chief executive officers (CEOs)
positions as, 210
role of, 3
Chief executives, 35
Chief financial officers (CFOs), 131
Chief information officers (CIOs), 138
Chief operating officers (COOs), 210
Childers, Rickey, 210
Christofferson, Jan, 11
Cincinnati, Ohio, 6, 32, 71, 192
Citizen participation
in agenda setting and policy formulation, 61–62, 155
approaches to expanding, 41–42
creating programs for, 89
Internet applications for, 50–51
Citizen relationship management (CRM) program, 164
Citizen surveys, 61
Citizen training programs, 105–106
Citizenship, definitions of, 42
City administrations
influence of, 24
salary for, 211
City-county mergers, 197
City Manager Performance Evaluation, 16–18
City managers
annual evaluations of, 65
influence of, 24
salary for, 211
Ciudad Juaréz, Chihuahua, Mexico, 96
Civic engagement. See Community building
Civil Rights Act of 1964, 128, 129
Civil Rights Act of 1991, 128, 129
Civil service
Cleveland, Ohio, 72
Cleveland, Steven S., 105
Clymer, Bruce, 154
Coalition builders, 35
Code of Ethics (ICMA), 4, 5, 10, 12–14, 22, 40, 58, 73, 209, 211, 212, 217, 227, 233. See also Ethics
Coleman Company, Inc., 77
Commission-administrator government, 71
Commission on State-Local Partnerships for the Twenty-First Century (Kettl Commission) (Wisconsin), 187, 188
Commissioners, 6
Commissions, 71
Committee on Professional Conduct (ICMA), 12
community building and techniques for, 105
foreign language issues and, 45
media relations function of, 50
methods of, 49
business people in, 44
citizen participation in, 41–42
in crisis or transition, 38–39
demands from government by, 37–39
elderly residents in, 46
gay and lesbian groups in, 46
issue and interest groups in, 46
neighborhood groups in, 42–43–44
racial and ethnic groups in, 44–46
volunteer groups in, 47
Community building
ethnic group participation in, 87
innovative strategies for, 105–106
public relations aspect of, 106
Community Development Block Grants (CDBGs), 181, 189
Community leadership. See also Leadership
agenda shaping and policy decisions and, 23–24
communication with public and, 49–51
community organization and, 26–27
conflict resolution and, 49, 58
expanding citizen participation and, 41–42
group and constituent types and, 42–48
by local government managers, 21–23
sources of community power and, 41
Community policy calendars, 61
Compliance management, 200–201
Comprehensive planning, 90–91. See also Planning
Conflict resolution
explanation of, 49
as leadership function, 58
Cook County, Illinois, 131
Cookingham, L. P., 3
Corvallis, Oregon, 168
Cost-benefit assessment, 166
Council-elected executive, 71
Council-manager government
elections and, 73
explanation of, 3
governing bodies and, 71–73 (See also Local governing bodies)
Council-Manager Plan Task Force (ICMA), 69
Council-manager relations
conflict in, 76
trends and variations in, 29, 30
Council meetings, paperless, 51
Council members
district election of, 5
expectations of, 222
obligations of, 51
Council of Fresno County Governments, 197
Councils of governments (COGs), 88, 196–197
County administrators, 211
County government, 71, 185, 196
County managers, 211
Cox, Raymond, 70
Dahlerbruch, Anton “Tony,” 4
Daley, Ed, 64
Dallas-Fort Worth Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area, 192
Data collection, for program evaluation, 170
Day, Carla, 10
Debt management, 133
Declaration of Ideals (ICMA), 22, 58, 241
Delivery systems. See Alternative delivery systems
Denton, Texas, 195
Department of Homeland Security, 190
Department of Housing and Urban Development, 174
Dialogue on the Profession (ICMA), 211–212
community diversity and, 45–46
Distinguished Budget Presentation Awards (Government Finance Officers Association), 132
District of Columbia, 197
Diversity. See also Ethnic/racial groups; specific groups
appreciation of, 52
community leadership and, 51–52
issues related to community, 45–46
in local governing bodies, 74, 75
population statistics and, 44, 45
representation of, 52
Dolan, Jan, 84
Douglas, Donna, 122
Duggan, Kevin, 12
e-democracy, 51
applications for, 143
benefits of, 139
customer expectations and, 143–144
customer needs and, 144
explanation of, 50–51, 138, 139
function of, 105
management issues related to, 142–143
marketing issues and, 145
service demands related to, 147–148
user-friendly applications and, 145
Eastland, Mike, 192
Economic development
environmental concerns and, 88
growth management and, 101–103
high-tech industries and, 96
innovative approaches to, 93, 94
linking public and private sector in, 109–110
local government manager’s role in, 94–95
relocation competition and, 96–98
return on investment and, 100–101
Election Systems and Software (ES&S), 142
forms of county government, 71
for seats on governing bodies, 72–73, 75
Ellis, Terry, 85
Emotional intelligence, 126
classification and compensation for, 120–121
job security for, 223
legal issues related to, 127–130
performance appraisal for, 121–122
recruitment and retention of, 118–120
relocating businesses and, 100
sharing authority with, 160–161
statistics for government, 185
Employment agreements, 217–218
Englewood, Colorado, 118
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 77
Equipment investments, 165–166
development of organizational, 10
ICMA code of, 4, 5, 10, 12–14, 22, 40, 58, 73, 209, 211, 212, 217, 227
leadership and, 12
Ethnic/racial groups. See also Diversity; specific groups
on governing bodies, 74
in local government positions, 210
representation of, 52
Evaluation. See also Program evaluation
Experiments, 170
External independent auditors, 137
strategic approaches to, 200–202
Fairfax County, Virginia, 138, 145, 164
Faith-based organizations, 198
Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), 129, 130
Feazelle, Debra Brooks, 223
Federal Bureau of Investigations, 190
Federal Communications Commissions, 189, 192
Federalism, 186
Financial management. See also Budgets
accounting and reporting and, 136–137
auditing and management controls and, 137
capital programming and, 133
cash and investments and, 135–136
developing integrated system for, 137–138
diagnostic framework for, 131
local governing body role in, 60
project management and, 133–134
purchasing and, 135
risk and, 136
Financial management teams, 137–138
Financial Trend Monitoring System (ICMA), 131, 136
First Time Administrators Handbook (International City/County Management Association), 218
Fisher, Roger, 77
Florida, 118
Flower Mound, Texas, 103
Forecasting models, 134
Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 6
France, 200
Frederickson, H. George, 70
Fresno County, California, 197
Fuller v. City of Oakland, 129
Functional management
work process design and, 159, 160
Futrell, Toby, 10
FutureVisions Consortium (ICMA), 9
Gale, Barry, 219
Gale, Linda, 219
Galesburg, Illinois, 64
Gardner, John, 11
Gartner Group, 140
Gatekeeping, 155
Gay/lesbian organizations, 46
Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), 136–137
Geographic information system (GIS), 139–141, 164, 190
Georgia, 118
Georgia State University, 66
Gerrish, Don, 228
Gilbert, Arizona, 98
Glendale, Arizona, 105
Gloo, Don, 173
Goss, John, 223
new approaches to, 28
Governing bodies. See Local governing bodies
Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA), 132, 133
Government Performance and Results Act of 1993, 173
Government Performance Project (Governing magazine), 138
Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB), 137
Governmental agenda, 154. See also Agenda setting
Grand Rapids, Michigan, 164, 177
Great Depression, 189
Great Society programs, 187, 189
Greenwell, A. Jeffrey, 222
Griffin, Angela, 213
Griffin, Darryl, 96
Groups. See also Interest groups
business, 44
elderly, 46
gay/lesbian, 46
of individuals living in poverty, 47–48
issue and interest, 46
neighborhood, 43
Growth management
political issues and, 103
Hanbury, George, 6
Hanover County, Virginia, 114, 122
Hansell, Bill, 6
Harman, Doug, 223
Harrell, Lloyd, 99
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, 146
Harvard Negotiation Project, 77
Hawarden, Iowa, 88
Herchert, Bob, 213
Hillsborough County, Florida, 105
Hispanic Network, 210
Hispanics, 44, 45. See also Ethnic/racial groups
Homeland security, 190
Horizontal relations
Hostile environment harassment, 128
Human resource management
civil service principles and, 115–117
civil service reforms and, 117–118
classification and compensation and, 120–121
explanation of, 114
performance appraisal and, 121–122
recruitment and retention and, 118–120
self-managed work teams and, 124–127
ICMA. See International City/County Management Association (ICMA)
Implementation. See Policy implementation
Inclusion, 52
Information technology (IT)
applications of, 51
benefits of, 141
costs associated with in, 141
e-government and, 142–148 (See also e-government)
technical, managerial, and political concerns of, 140
trends in, 29
effects of business development and population growth on, 100
Institutional agenda, 154. See also Agenda setting
Intensive interviews, 170
Interest groups. See also Groups
explanation of, 46
Intergovernmental contracts/agreements, 168
Intergovernmental relations. See Local government relations
Interjurisdictional agreements, 193–194
Interlocal agreements (ILAs), 193–195
Internal auditors, 137
International City/County Management Association (ICMA)
Applied Knowledge Assessment, 212, 228
budgeting system developed by, 132–133
Center for Performance Measurement, 173
Code of Ethics, 4, 5, 10, 12–14, 22, 40, 58, 73, 209, 211, 212, 217, 227
Committee on Professional Conduct, 12
Council-Manager Plan Task Force, 69
Dialogue on the Profession, 211–212
e-government survey, 105
Executive Board, 212
Financial Trend Monitoring System, 131, 136
First Time Administrators Handbook, 218
FutureVisions Consortium, 9
information technology study by, 138
Management Practices Assessment Program, 66, 228–229
Model Employment Agreement, 218
National Citizens Survey, 61
personal support for managers from, 221, 226
Practices for Effective Local Government Management, 13, 23, 59, 84, 107
professional development programs and, 13
State of the Profession survey, 210, 211
Task Force on Continuing Education and Professional Development, 131
International City Managers’ Association, 1, 3. See also International City/County Management Association (ICMA)
e-government and, 50–51, 138, 139, 142–148 (See also e-government)
Intranet, 139
Investment management, 135–136
Iowa Community Betterment Program, 190
Issue agendas, 46
Issue anticipation, 95
Ithaca, Michigan, 191
Jasper, Bob, 221
Job classification, 120
Job security, 223
Job shadowing, 120
Johnson, Dan, 212
Johnson, Gary, 70
Johnson, Lyndon B., 198
Johnston, Julie, 211
Joint ventures, 168
Kansas City, Kansas, 86
Kansas City, Kansas-Wyandotte County, 197
Kansas City, Missouri, 32, 33, 71
Kansas Department of Health and Environment, 77
Kiel, Douglas, 10
Knight, Bob, 31
Knightdale, North Carolina, 159, 160
Komen, Susan G., 223
Larimer, Laura, 144
Las Cruces, New Mexico, 96
Leadership. See also Community leadership changes in behavior of local government, 29–33
conflict resolution and, 49, 58
ethics and, 12
in local governing bodies, 57–58
local government managers’s role in, 84
self-assessment of, 231
Learning organization model, 161
Lecher, Mike, 212
workplace violence as, 127–128
Lesbian organizations. See Gay/lesbian organizations
Levin, Mark M., 84
Lexington-Fayette County, Kentucky, 197
Ley, Jim, 59
Limardi, David, 64
Local governing bodies
creating good working environment for, 63–66
diversity of members of, 74, 75
evaluations by and of, 65–66, 79–81
identifying and resolving conflict in, 74–78
individual members on, 74
meeting individually with members of, 63
new member orientation for, 64–65
policy-making capabilities of, 59–63
professional manager’s responsibilities toward, 58–59
providing base of operations for, 63–64
statistics regarding, 185
stature of, 74
understanding incentives of, 70–74
Local Governing Body Evaluation Form, 79–81
Local government
citizen participation in, 89 (See also Citizen participation)
community building in, 103–106
economic development in, 93–103 (See also Economic development)
economic globalization and competition and, 87
enhancing authority in, 57
environmental concerns of, 88
growth management and, 101–103
infrastructure concerns of, 87–88
mergers in, 197
regionalism and, 88
relocation competition and, 96–98
societal change and, 183
vertical relations and, 185–192
Local government management
bilingual issues and, 45
budgeting and financial management and, 130–138 (See also Budgets; Financial management)
community leadership and, 21–23 (See also Community leadership)
human resources and, 114–130 (See also Human resource management)
information technology and, 138–148 (See also Information technology (IT))
late-20th-century reform in, 5–7
organization design and, 113–114
Local government managers
accreditation for, 214
agenda setting role of, 107–108, 154–155
career suitability and, 226–229
careers as, 211–213, 215–216, 219–220
characteristics for, 209
citizen educator role of, 42
community-building role of, 104–105
economic development and, 94–95
educational preparation for, 213
as educators, 108
employment agreements for, 217–218
implementation role of, 109–110, 156–163
oversight responsibility of, 108–109
performance evaluation for, 16–18
policy formulation role of, 156
practices for effective, 13, 23
promoting community legacy by, 106–107
responsibilities toward governing bodies, 58–59
role conflict and, 222
Local government relations
with national government, 188–191
new management perspectives and, 183–184
Los Angeles County, California, 148, 194
Louisville/Jefferson County, Kentucky, 165, 197
MacManus, Susan, 74
Malin, Craig, 166
Maltbie, John L., 88
Management. See also Local government management
chaos theory applied to, 10
participatory, 124
scientific theories of, 3
strategic, 11
Management information systems, 66
Management Practices Assessment Program (ICMA), 66, 228–229
Managers. See Local government managers Maquiladora program, 96
Marketing, e-government, 145
Mass media. See Media
Masters in public administration (MPA), 213
Mathis, Bill, 220
Mauk, Tom, 133
Mayor-council government
antagonistic relationships in, 8
confidence as foundation of, 66–69
conflict in, 76
elections and, 73
governing bodies, 72, 73 (See also Local governing bodies)
influence of administrators in, 24, 32
trends and variations in, 5, 6, 70
influence of, 24
managers’ and administrators’ relationships with, 30–33
shift to elected, 5
McManus, Susan, 6
Meadowlands (New Jersey), 198
Meetings, local governing body, 60
Memphis, Tennessee, 90
Metropolitan Service District (Portland, Oregon), 197
Metropolitan special districts, 197
Metropolitan statistical areas, 192
Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, 197
Miami-Dade County, Florida, 140, 142
Micropolitan statistical areas, 192
Minority groups. See Ethnic/racial groups; specific groups
focusing governing bodies on, 62–63
Model City Charter (National Civic League), 22, 72
Model Employment Agreement (ICMA), 218
Molchany, David, 145
Montgomery County, Maryland, 171
Mora, David R., 224
Morrison, Chip, 223
Mosher, Frederick C., 2
Multiorganizational relations. See External relations
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, 35, 227, 229
Nalbandian, Carol, 83
National Advisory Council on State and Local Budgeting (NACSLB), 132–133
National Association of Counties, 189
National Association of County Administrators (NACA), 226
National Association of Regional Councils, 226
National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration (NASPAA), 214
National Citizens Survey (ICMA & National Research Council), 61
National Forum for Black Public Administrators (NFBPA), 210, 226
National League of Cities, 42, 43, 189
National-local relations
historical background of, 187
homeland security and, 190
National Research Center, Inc., 61
Nebraska, 193
Negotiation, principled, 77. See also Conflict resolution
Neighborhood councils, 61
Neighborhood Team Process (NTP) (Richmond, Virginia), 43
New governance, 28
New York, New York, 72
New York State, 44
Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), 182, 184, 195, 198, 199
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 96
Novak, Julia D., 76
Observation, for program evaluation, 170
Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), 127
Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana Regional Council of Governments, 197
O*NET (Occupational Information Network), 120, 121
Organizational development (OD), 122, 124
Organizational justice, 123
Organizational structure, 157
Osberg, Dave, 5
Patchett, Raymond, R., 95
Participatory management, 124
Performance appraisals, 121–122
Performance indicators, 173–174
Performance measurement, 171–173, 192
Performance targets
authority sharing and, 160–161
balanced scorecard and, 161–162
explanation of, 159
learning organization model and, 161
work process design and, 159–160
Perrin, Burt, 172
Personal characteristics, 33–34, 227–228
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 72
Phoenix, Arizona, 47, 105, 172, 177
Policy formulation
citizen participation in, 61–62
community leadership and, 23–24
encouraging ethnic groups to participate in, 87
local governing bodies and, 59–63
new management perspectives for, 183–184
relationship between policy implementation and, 168–169
setting up calendar for, 60–61
Policy implementation
alternative delivery systems and, 166–169
functional management and, 158–159
organizational structure and, 157
performance targets and, 159–162
productivity measures for, 162–166
resource allocation and utilization and, 157–158
responsibilities and authority for, 156–157
bridging gap between theory and, 85–86
community leadership and, 27–33
council-manager government and, 4, 40
information technology and, 140
smart growth and, 103
Population growth, ethnic/racial groups and, 44, 45
Post Falls, Idaho, 139
responding to needs of individuals living in, 47–48
in urban areas, 38
Practices for Effective Local Government
Management (ICMA), 13, 23, 59, 84, 107, 237
Pressman, Jeffery, 157
Principled negotiation, 77
Privacy, e-government and, 143–144, 147
Problem solving, 78. See also Conflict resolution
Procurement, 135
explanation of, 163
obstacles to, 166
technology use to improve, 163–166
Profiles in Courage (Kennedy), 57–58
Program evaluation
agreement for, 171
costs and uses of, 176
departmental vs., 169
emphases in, 175
equity and, 176
performance indicators and, 173–174
performance measurement and, 171–173
Project management
focus of, 161
Property taxes, 134
Public policy. See Agenda setting; Policy evaluation; Policy formulation
Public-private partnerships, 195
Public relations, 106
Pupo, Bill, 86
Purchasing, 135
Quality management, 161
Quasi experiments, 170
Queen Creek, Arizona, 98
Quid pro quo harassment, 128
Racial groups. See Ethnic/racial
groups Radel, Cliff, 6
Raleigh, North Carolina, 41
Redevelopment, elements of, 39
Regime theory, 184
concerns related to, 88, 98–99
Rehabilitation Act of 1998, 146
Reneker, Steven, 141
Resource utilization, 158
Richmond, Virginia, 43
Riverside County, California, 195
Role conflict, 222
Romer, Bruce, 229
Rubin, Clara Gordon, 123
Rule of three, 117
Rural communities, 193
Ryckman, Mark, 158
Salaries, 211
Sample surveys, 170
San Antonio, Texas, 194
San Jose, California, 32
Santa Rosa County, Florida, 143
School districts, 185
Sears, Gary, 85
Seattle, Washington, 123
Sedgewick County, Kansas, 77
Seelhammer, Cynthia, 95
Self-assessment, leadership, 231
Self-help programs, 168
Self-managed work teams (SMWTs), 119, 124–126
Shareef, Reginald, 121
Skill-based compensation, 121
Small town revitalization, 39
Smart buying, 135
Smart growth. See Growth management
Smith v. City of Mobile, 129
Social-contract approach, 42
Social equality, 48
Social production, 184
Solid-waste collection services, 134
Sonora, California, 49
Souder, Denise, 164
South Sioux City, Nebraska, 168
Southeast Michigan Council of Governments, 197
Southwest Washington Health District, 190–191
Special district governments, 185, 196, 197
State-local relations, 186–188
State of the Profession survey (ICMA), 210, 211
State Rural Development Councils, 199
Stone Mountain Memorial Association, 213
Strategic management, 11
Strategic planning
participants in, 93
process of, 91
Succession planning, 119
Suwannee River Water Management District (Florida), 143
Syracuse, New York, 89
Systemic agenda, 154. See also Agenda setting
Systemic production networks, 199
Tallahassee, Florida, 118
Task Force on Continuing Education and Professional Development (ICMA), 131
Task forces, 62
Tax-sharing agreements, 197
Taxes, 134
Technological advances
environmental issues and, 96
Telecommunications policy, 191–192
Tempe, Arizona, 99
Term limits, 73
Terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, 27, 190
Texas, 44
Texas Coalition of Cities for Utility Issues (TCCFUI), 191–192, 199
Thompson, Tommy, 188
Thurmond, James, 67
Timing, importance of, 69
Tomorrow’s Neighborhoods Today (TNT) (Syracuse, New York), 89
Total quality management (TQM), 161, 162
Town meetings, 61
Transformational leadership, 11
Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21), 189
Twin Cities Metropolitan Council (Minnesota), 197
Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995, 189
Ury, William, 77
U.S. General Accounting Office, 170
Utah, 194
Utility franchise fees, 134
Vertical relations
Vigoda, Eran, 104
Virginia Beach, Virginia, 105
Voluntary Credentialing Program (ICMA), 13, 14
as alternative delivery system, 168
community building and, 105
roots of, 42
Voting, touch-screen, 140, 142
Waitakere, New Zealand, 96
Watson, Douglas, 60
Wayne County, Michigan, 131
Web addresses, 145. See also e-government; Internet
Welfare reform, management of, 28
Wellington, New Zealand, 51, 213
White, Les, 58
Wichita, Kansas, 77
Wildavsky, Aaron, 157
Wilkinson, Howard, 6
Windham, Roland, 68
Women, 74
Wood, Gary, 70
Work processes design, 159–160
Work teams
emotional intelligence and, 126
emotional labor and, 127
performance targets for, 159
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) guidelines, 146
Wright, John, 146
Wyandotte County/Kansas City, Kansas, 86