Ali Campbell is one of the world’s leading life coaches. He has built an enviable reputation as a highly sought-after motivational coach, therapist, presenter and bestselling author. As a trusted advisor to celebrities, business leaders, sport stars, rock stars and even royalty, Ali is dubbed ‘Mr Fix It’, and is widely featured in the media – on television, radio and in print around the world.
The path to the life you want might be a lot easier than you think. You’ll learn why past history is the worst possible predictor of your future, and how to navigate your own true path to whatever you want, no matter where you are starting out from. You may have heard that you have all the resources within you already, but that’s not much use if you don’t know how to find them and use them to achieve what you want. Ali is famed for being able to show you exactly how, and fast!
Ali’s no-nonsense, irreverent style is like an arm around your shoulder and a kick up the butt, just when you need it. He gets to the point quickly and will have you laughing your way to achieving more in your life with a sense of peace and ease than you ever thought possible.