Devilled Kidney and Wild Mushroom Tostada
The tostada is a typical Spanish breakfast enjoyed in bars all over Spain, and you will see workers eating "tostada de tomate" most mornings. The humble tostada lends itself well to a whole variety of toppings. In this recipe there are pigs’ kidneys (although lambs’ kidneys work equally well) and mixed wild mushrooms. Together with a little smoked paprika, this hearty tostada will keep you going until lunchtime!
Serves 2
Half a stick of French bread
200g (8oz) mixed mushrooms, quartered
1 pig’s kidney (or 4 lambs’ kidneys)
50g (2oz) butter
1 tablespoon plain flour
1/4 teaspoon hot smoked paprika
Cracked black pepper
Slice the French stick horizontally and toast on both sides. Leave to cool.
Melt half the butter in a frying pan and fry the mushrooms. When done, set aside and keep warm.
Meanwhile, slice the kidney lengthways, but not all the way through. Open like a book then cut into strips.
Add the paprika to the flour and season with salt and pepper, dust the sliced kidney ensuring a good covering.
Melt the remaining butter in the frying pan and fry the kidney for 2 minutes turning regularly.
Reintroduce the mushrooms for 30 seconds and mix with the kidney.
Butter the toast, then spoon over the ingredients.
Garnish with torn parsley before serving.
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