Chapter 10. Postmortem Culture: Learning from Failure

Our experience shows that a truly blameless postmortem culture results in more reliable systems—which is why we believe this practice is important to creating and maintaining a successful SRE organization.

Introducing postmortems into an organization is as much a cultural change as it is a technical one. Making such a shift can seem daunting. The key takeaway from this chapter is that making this change is possible, and needn’t seem like an insurmountable challenge. Don’t emerge from an incident hoping that your systems will eventually remedy themselves. You can start small by introducing a very basic postmortem procedure, and then reflect and tune your process to best suit your organization—as with many things, there is no one size that fits all.

When written well, acted upon, and widely shared, postmortems can be a very effective tool for driving positive organizational change and preventing repeat outages. To illustrate the principles of good postmortem writing, this chapter presents a case study of an actual outage that happened at Google. An example of a poorly written postmortem highlights the reasons why “bad” postmortem practices are damaging to an organization that’s trying to create a healthy postmortem culture. We then compare the bad postmortem with the actual postmortem that was written after the incident, highlighting the principles and best practices of a high-quality postmortem.

The second part of this chapter shares what we’ve learned about creating incentives for nurturing of a robust postmortem culture and how to recognize (and remedy) the early signs that the culture is breaking down.

Finally, we provide tools and templates that you can use to bootstrap a postmortem culture.

For a comprehensive discussion on blameless postmortem philosophy, see Chapter 15 in our first book, Site Reliability Engineering.

Case Study

This case study features a routine rack decommission that led to an increase in service latency for our users. A bug in our maintenance automation, combined with insufficient rate limits, caused thousands of servers carrying production traffic to simultaneously go offline.

While the majority of Google’s servers are located in our proprietary datacenters, we also have racks of proxy/cache machines in colocation facilities (or “colos”). Racks in colos that contain our proxy machines are called satellites. Because satellites undergo regular maintenance and upgrades, a number of satellite racks are being installed or decommissioned at any point in time. At Google, these maintenance processes are largely automated.

The decommission process overwrites the full content of all drives in the rack using a process we call diskerase. Once a machine is sent to diskerase, the data it once stored is no longer retrievable. The steps for a typical rack decommission are as follows:

# Get all active machines in "satellite"
machines = GetMachines(satellite)

# Send all candidate machines matching "filter" to decom

Our case study begins with a satellite rack that was marked for decommissioning. The diskerase step of the decommission process finished successfully, but the automation responsible for the remainder of the machine decommission failed. To debug the failure, we retried the decommission process. The second decommission ran as follows:

# Get all active machines in "satellite"
machines = GetMachines(satellite)

# "machines" is an empty list, because the decom flow has already run.
# API bug: an empty list is treated as "no filter", rather than "act on no
# machines"

# Send all candidate machines matching "filter" to decom

# Send all machines in "candidates" to diskerase.

Within minutes, the disks of all satellite machines, globally, were erased. The machines were rendered inert and could no longer accept connections from users, so subsequent user connections were routed directly to our datacenters. As a result, users experienced a slight increase in latency. Thanks to good capacity planning, very few of our users noticed the issue during the two days it took us to reinstall machines in the affected colo racks. Following the incident, we spent several weeks auditing and adding more sanity checks to our automation to make our decommission workflow idempotent.

Three years after this outage, we experienced a similar incident: a number of satellites were drained, resulting in increased user latency. The action items implemented from the original postmortem dramatically reduced the blast radius and rate of the second incident.

Suppose you were the person responsible for writing the postmortem for this case study. What would you want to know, and what actions would you propose to prevent this outage from happening again?

Let’s start with a not-so-great postmortem for this incident.

Bad Postmortem

Why Is This Postmortem Bad?

The example “bad” postmortem contains a number of common failure modes that we try to avoid. The following sections explain how to improve upon this postmortem.

Key action item characteristics missing

The Action Items (AIs) section of our example is missing the core aspects of an actionable plan to prevent recurrence. For example:


In the words of Ben Treynor Sloss, Google’s VP for 24/7 Operations: “To our users, a postmortem without subsequent action is indistinguishable from no postmortem. Therefore, all postmortems which follow a user-affecting outage must have at least one P[01] bug associated with them. I personally review exceptions. There are very few exceptions.”

Good Postmortem


This is an actual postmortem. In some cases, we fictionalized names of individuals and teams. We also replaced actual values with placeholders to protect sensitive capacity information. In the postmortems that you create for your internal consumption, you should absolutely include specific numbers!

Why Is This Postmortem Better?

This postmortem exemplifies several good writing practices.

Organizational Incentives

Ideally, senior leadership should support and encourage effective postmortems. This section describes how an organization can incentivize a healthy postmortem culture. We highlight warning signs that the culture is failing and offer some solutions. We also provide tools and templates to streamline and automate the postmortem process.

Model and Enforce Blameless Behavior

To properly support postmortem culture, engineering leaders should consistently exemplify blameless behavior and encourage blamelessness in every aspect of postmortem discussion. You can use a few concrete strategies to enforce blameless behavior in an organization.

Include all incident participants in postmortem authoring

It can be easy to overlook key contributing factors to an outage when the postmortem is written in isolation or by a single team.

Reward Postmortem Outcomes

When well written, acted upon, and widely shared, postmortems are an effective vehicle for driving positive organizational change and preventing repeat outages. Consider the following strategies to incentivize postmortem culture.

Share Postmortems Openly

In order to maintain a healthy postmortem culture within an organization, it’s important to share postmortems as widely as possible. Implementing even one of the following tactics can help.

Share announcements across the organization

Announce the availability of the postmortem draft on your internal communication channels, email, Slack, and the like. If you have a regular company all-hands, make it a practice to share a recent postmortem of interest.

Hold training exercises

Use the Wheel of Misfortune when training new engineers: a cast of engineers reenacts a previous postmortem, assuming roles laid out in the postmortem. The original Incident Commander attends to help make the experience as “real” as possible.

Respond to Postmortem Culture Failures

The breakdown of postmortem culture may not always be obvious. The following are some common failure patterns and recommended solutions.

Tools and Templates

A set of tools and templates can bootstrap a postmortem culture by making writing postmortems and managing the associated data easier. There are a number of resources from Google and other companies that you can leverage in this space.

Postmortem Tooling

As of this writing, Google’s postmortem management tooling is not available for external use (check our blog for the latest updates). We can, however, explain how our tools facilitate postmortem culture.

Postmortem creation

Our incident management tooling collects and stores a lot of useful data about an incident and pushes that data automatically into the postmortem. Examples of data we push includes:

  • Incident Commander and other roles

  • Detailed incident timeline and IRC logs

  • Services affected and root-cause services

  • Incident severity

  • Incident detection mechanisms

Postmortem analysis

Our postmortem management tool stores its information in a database for analysis. Teams can use the data to write reports about their postmortem trends and identify their most vulnerable systems. This helps us uncover underlying sources of instability or incident management dysfunctions that may otherwise go unnoticed. For example, Figure 10-5 shows charts that were built with our analysis tooling. These charts show us trends like how many postmortems we have per month per organization, incident mean duration, time to detect, time to resolve, and blast radius.

Postmortem analysis
Figure 10-5. Postmortem analysis

Other industry tools

Here are some third-party tools that can help you create, organize, and analyze postmortems:

Although it’s impossible to fully automate every step of writing postmortems, we’ve found that postmortem templates and tooling make the process run more smoothly. These tools free up time, allowing authors to focus on the critical aspects of the postmortem, such as root-cause analysis and action item planning.


Ongoing investment in cultivating a postmortem culture pays dividends in the form of fewer outages, a better overall experience for users, and more trust from the people that depend on you. Consistent application of these practices results in better system design, less downtime, and more effective and happier engineers. If the worst does happen and an incident recurs, you will suffer less damage and recover faster and have even more data to continue reinforcing production.