Jam and Takedown

A swinging strike can be stopped by jamming it early in its progress. This works best with opponents who wind-up and throw large, clumsy strikes. Raise both arms so that your elbows point at the opponent and lunge forward, driving one elbow into the crook of his arm and one into his shoulder. This will be very painful for him, especially if he is throwing a powerful punch.


Drive forward to meet the strike and smother it. This not only stops the blow but also sets up a takedown that can win you the fight.

Take Him Down

As soon as you make contact, snake your outside arm around his striking arm and grip it tightly, using your other hand to push his head back and break his posture. Now step in close and hook his foot out from under him.


Most takedowns work on the same principle – break the opponent’s balance and then take a foot away.

Head Over Heels


The key to this takedown is to get the opponent’s head right back – past his heels – so that he is off balance, and only then to take away the foot. Done correctly it results in a very heavy fall.