After evading out to the side as in the previous defences, you have some other good options. A knee strike can be delivered from the same position. Under the ribs is a good target to aim for as this will wind most people and make further aggressive action difficult.
Knee to the Leg
A knee driven hard into the side of the leg is also extremely effective. Even if it does not cause the leg to collapse it will make movement slow and painful, allowing a retreat or impairing the opponent’s ability to fight if you need to finish the confrontation there and then.
It will be obvious whether you need to throw a straight or roundhouse knee strike from your position. Do what seems natural, and do it with conviction.
A stomp kick to the leg can cause permanent damage, but if it is your only chance to escape a beating or worse then it must be done.
Stomp Kick
Instead of pivoting to face the opponent, step forward so that you are alongside him facing in the opposite direction. Raise your foot and stomp downwards into the side of his knee. This can tear the knee joint apart and will disable the attacker for certain. However, the injury may well be permanent so this is a technique to be used only in the face of a fairly severe threat.