(b) Follows from the hint about using the lack of memory property and the fact that εi, the minimum of j-(i-1) independent exponentials with rate λ, is exponential with rate (j-i-1)λ.
(c) From parts (a) and (b)
(d) With all probabilities conditional on X(0)=1,
(e) The sum of i independent geometrics, each having parameter p=e-λt, is a negative binomial with parameters i,p. The result follows since starting with an initial population of i is equivalent to having i independent Yule processes, each starting with a single individual.
16. Let the state be
2: an acceptable molecule is attached
0: no molecule attached
1: an unacceptable molecule is attached.
Then, this is a birth and death process with balance equations
Since ∑02Pi=1, we get
where P2 is the percentage of time the site is occupied by an acceptable molecule. The percentage of time the site is occupied by an unacceptable molecule is
19. There are four states. Let state 0 mean that no machines are down, state 1 that machine 1 is down and 2 is up, state 2 that machine 1 is up and 2 is down, and state 3 that both machines are down. The balance equations are as follows:
The equations are easily solved and the proportion of time machine 2 is down is P2+P3.
24. We will let the state be the number of taxis waiting. Then, we get a birth and death process with λn=1,μn=2. This is an M/M/1. Therefore:
(a) Average number of taxis waiting =1μ-λ=12-1=1.
(b) The proportion of arriving customers that gets taxis is the proportion of arriving customers that find at least one taxi waiting. The rate of arrival of such customers is 2(1-P0). The proportion of such arrivals is therefore
28. Let Pijx,vix denote the parameters of the X(t) and Pijy,viy of the Y(t) process; and let the limiting probabilities be Pix,Piy, respectively. By independence we have that for the Markov chain {X(t),Y(t)} its parameters are
Hence, we need to show that
(That is, the rate from (i,l) to (j,l) equals the rate from (j,l) to (i,l).) But this follows from the fact that the rate from i to j in X(t) equals the rate from j to i; that is,
The analysis is similar in looking at pairs (i,l) and (i,k).
33. Suppose first that the waiting room is of infinite size. Let Xi(t) denote the number of customers at server i,i=1,2. Then since each of the M/M/1 processes {X1(t)} is time reversible, it follows from Exercise 28 that the vector process {(X1(t),(X(t)),t⩾0} is a time reversible Markov chain. Now the process of interest is just the truncation of this vector process to the set of states A where
Hence, the probability that there are n with server 1 and m with server 2 is
The constant C is determined from
where the sum is over all (n,m) in A.
(a) The state is (n1,…,nk) if there are ni type i patients in the hospital, for all i=1,…,k.
(b) It is a M/M/∞ birth and death process, and thus time reversible.
(c) Because Ni(t),t⩾0 are independent processes for i=1,…,k, the vector process is a time reversible continuous time Markov chain.
(e) As a truncation of a time reversible continuous time Markov chain, it has stationary probabilites
where A={(n1,…,nk):∑i=1kniwi⩽C}, and K is such that
(f) With ri equal to the rate at which type i patients are admitted,
(g) ∑i=1kri/;∑i=1kλi
(a) The state is the set of idle servers.
(b) For i∈S,j∉S, the infinitesimal rates of the chain are
where ∣S∣ is the number of elements in S. The time reversibility equations are
which has a solution
where P0, the probability there are no idle servers, is found from
where the preceding sum is over all nonempty subsets of {1,…,n}.
(a) The state is (i1,…,ik) if {i1,…,ik} is the set of idle servers, with i1 having been idle the longest, i2 the second longest, and so on.
(b) and
(c) For j∉{i1,…,ik}, the infinitesimal rates of the chain are
The time reversibility equations are
giving the solution
where P(0) is the probability there are no idle servers.
40. The time reversible equations are
yielding the solution
Hence, the chain is time reversible with long run proportions given by the preceding.
41. Show in Example 6.22 that the limiting probabilities satisfy Equations (6.33), (6.34), and (6.35).
42. Because the stationary departure process from an M/M/1 queue is a Poisson process it follows that the number of customers with server 2 is the stationary probability of an M/M/1 system.
43. We make the conjecture that the reverse chain is a system of same type, except that the Poisson arrivals at rate λ arrive at server 3, then go to server 2, then to server 1, and then depart the system. Let ek be the 3-vector with 1 in position k and 0 elsewhere. With the state being i=(i1,i2,i3) when that there are ij customers at server j for j=1,2,3, the instantaneous transition rates of the chain are
whereas the conjectured instantaneous rates for the reversed chain are
The conjecture is correct if we can find probabilities P(i,j,k) that satisfy the reverse time equations when the preceding are the instantaneous rates for the reversed chain, and it is easy to check that
(a) The matrix P∗ can be written as
and so Pij∗n can be obtained by taking the i,j element of (I+R/v)n, which gives the result when v=n/t.
(b) Uniformization shows that Pij(t)=E[Pij∗N], where N is independent of the Markov chain with transition probabilities Pij∗ and is Poisson distributed with mean vt. Since a Poisson random variable with mean vt has standard deviation (vt)1/2, it follows that for large values of vt it should be near vt. (For instance, a Poisson random variable with mean 106 has standard deviation 103 and thus will, with high probability, be within 3000 of 106.) Hence, since for fixed i and j,Pij∗m should not vary much for values of m about vt where vt is large, it follows that, for large vt,