If such a chain is irreducible and aperiodic and consists of M+1 states 0,1,…,M, show that the long-run proportions are given by
*21. A DNA nucleotide has any of four values. A standard model for a mutational change of the nucleotide at a specific location is a Markov chain model that supposes that in going from period to period the nucleotide does not change with probability 1-3α, and if it does change then it is equally likely to change to any of the other three values, for some 0<α<13.
(a) Show that P1,1n=14+34(1-4α)n.
(b) What is the long-run proportion of time the chain is in each state?
22. Let Yn be the sum of n independent rolls of a fair die. Find
limn→∞P{Ynis a multiple of13}
Hint: Define an appropriate Markov chain and apply the results of Exercise 20.
23. In a good weather year the number of storms is Poisson distributed with mean 1; in a bad year it is Poisson distributed with mean 3. Suppose that any year’s weather conditions depends on past years only through the previous year’s condition. Suppose that a good year is equally likely to be followed by either a good or a bad year, and that a bad year is twice as likely to be followed by a bad year as by a good year. Suppose that last year—call it year 0—was a good year.
(a) Find the expected total number of storms in the next two years (that is, in years 1 and 2).
(b) Find the probability there are no storms in year 3.
(c) Find the long-run average number of storms per year.
24. Consider three urns, one colored red, one white, and one blue. The red urn contains 1 red and 4 blue balls; the white urn contains 3 white balls, 2 red balls, and 2 blue balls; the blue urn contains 4 white balls, 3 red balls, and 2 blue balls. At the initial stage, a ball is randomly selected from the red urn and then returned to that urn. At every subsequent stage, a ball is randomly selected from the urn whose color is the same as that of the ball previously selected and is then returned to that urn. In the long run, what proportion of the selected balls are red? What proportion are white? What proportion are blue?
25. Each morning an individual leaves his house and goes for a run. He is equally likely to leave either from his front or back door. Upon leaving the house, he chooses a pair of running shoes (or goes running barefoot if there are no shoes at the door from which he departed). On his return he is equally likely to enter, and leave his running shoes, either by the front or back door. If he owns a total of k pairs of running shoes, what proportion of the time does he run barefooted?
26. Consider the following approach to shuffling a deck of n cards. Starting with any initial ordering of the cards, one of the numbers 1,2,…,n is randomly chosen in such a manner that each one is equally likely to be selected. If number i is chosen, then we take the card that is in position i and put it on top of the deck—that is, we put that card in position 1. We then repeatedly perform the same operation. Show that, in the limit, the deck is perfectly shuffled in the sense that the resultant ordering is equally likely to be any of the n! possible orderings.
*27. Each individual in a population of size N is, in each period, either active or inactive. If an individual is active in a period then, independent of all else, that individual will be active in the next period with probability α. Similarly, if an individual is inactive in a period then, independent of all else, that individual will be inactive in the next period with probability β. Let Xn denote the number of individuals that are active in period n.
(a) Argue that Xn,n⩾0 is a Markov chain.
(b) Find E[Xn∣X0=i].
(c) Derive an expression for its transition probabilities.
(d) Find the long-run proportion of time that exactly j people are active.
Hint for (d): Consider first the case where N=1.
28. Every time that the team wins a game, it wins its next game with probability 0.8; every time it loses a game, it wins its next game with probability 0.3. If the team wins a game, then it has dinner together with probability 0.7, whereas if the team loses then it has dinner together with probability 0.2. What proportion of games result in a team dinner?
29. An organization has N employees where N is a large number. Each employee has one of three possible job classifications and changes classifications (independently) according to a Markov chain with transition probabilities
What percentage of employees are in each classification?
30. Three out of every four trucks on the road are followed by a car, while only one out of every five cars is followed by a truck. What fraction of vehicles on the road are trucks?
31. A certain town never has two sunny days in a row. Each day is classified as being either sunny, cloudy (but dry), or rainy. If it is sunny one day, then it is equally likely to be either cloudy or rainy the next day. If it is rainy or cloudy one day, then there is one chance in two that it will be the same the next day, and if it changes then it is equally likely to be either of the other two possibilities. In the long run, what proportion of days are sunny? What proportion are cloudy?
*32. Each of two switches is either on or off during a day. On day n, each switch will independently be on with probability
[1+number of on switches during dayn-1]/4
For instance, if both switches are on during day n-1, then each will independently be on during day n with probability 3/4. What fraction of days are both switches on? What fraction are both off?
33. A professor continually gives exams to her students. She can give three possible types of exams, and her class is graded as either having done well or badly. Let pi denote the probability that the class does well on a type i exam, and suppose that p1=0.3,p2=0.6, and p3=0.9. If the class does well on an exam, then the next exam is equally likely to be any of the three types. If the class does badly, then the next exam is always type 1. What proportion of exams are type i,i=1,2,3?
34. A flea moves around the vertices of a triangle in the following manner: Whenever it is at vertex i it moves to its clockwise neighbor vertex with probability pi and to the counterclockwise neighbor with probability qi=1-pi,i=1,2,3.
(a) Find the proportion of time that the flea is at each of the vertices.
(b) How often does the flea make a counterclockwise move that is then followed by five consecutive clockwise moves?
35. Consider a Markov chain with states 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. Suppose P0,4=1; and suppose that when the chain is in state i,i>0, the next state is equally likely to be any of the states 0,1,…,i-1. Find the limiting probabilities of this Markov chain.
36. The state of a process changes daily according to a two-state Markov chain. If the process is in state i during one day, then it is in state j the following day with probability Pi,j, where
Every day a message is sent. If the state of the Markov chain that day is i then the message sent is “good” with probability pi and is “bad” with probability qi=1-pi, i=0,1
(a) If the process is in state 0 on Monday, what is the probability that a good message is sent on Tuesday?
(b) If the process is in state 0 on Monday, what is the probability that a good message is sent on Friday?
(c) In the long run, what proportion of messages are good?
(d) Let Yn equal 1 if a good message is sent on day n and let it equal 2 otherwise. Is {Yn,n⩾1} a Markov chain? If so, give its transition probability matrix. If not, briefly explain why not.
37. Show that the stationary probabilities for the Markov chain having transition probabilities Pi,j are also the stationary probabilities for the Markov chain whose transition probabilities Qi,j are given by
for any specified positive integer k.
38. Capa plays either one or two chess games every day, with the number of games that she plays on successive days being a Markov chain with transition probabilities
Capa wins each game with probability p. Suppose she plays two games on Monday.
(a) What is the probability that she wins all the games she plays on Tuesday?
(b) What is the expected number of games that she plays on Wednesday?
(c) In the long run, on what proportion of days does Capa win all her games.
39. Consider the one-dimensional symmetric random walk of Example 4.18, which was shown in that example to be recurrent. Let πi denote the long-run proportion of time that the chain is in state i.
(a) Argue that πi=π0 for all i.
(b) Show that ∑iπi≠1.
(c) Conclude that this Markov chain is null recurrent, and thus all πi=0.
40. A particle moves on 12 points situated on a circle. At each step it is equally likely to move one step in the clockwise or in the counterclockwise direction. Find the mean number of steps for the particle to return to its starting position.
*41. Consider a Markov chain with states equal to the nonnegative integers, and suppose its transition probabilities satisfy Pi,j=0ifj⩽i. Assume X0=0, and let ej be the probability that the Markov chain is ever in state j. (Note that e0=1 because X0=0.) Argue that for j>0
If Pi,i+k=1/3,k=1,2,3, find ei for i=1,…,10.
42. Let A be a set of states, and let Ac be the remaining states.
(a) What is the interpretation of
(b) What is the interpretation of
(c) Explain the identity
43. Each day, one of n possible elements is requested, the ith one with probability Pi,i⩾1,∑1nPi=1. These elements are at all times arranged in an ordered list that is revised as follows: The element selected is moved to the front of the list with the relative positions of all the other elements remaining unchanged. Define the state at any time to be the list ordering at that time and note that there are n! possible states.
(a) Argue that the preceding is a Markov chain.
(b) For any state i1,…,in (which is a permutation of 1,2,…,n), let π(i1,…,in) denote the limiting probability. In order for the state to be i1,…,in, it is necessary for the last request to be for i1, the last non-i1 request for i2, the last non-i1 or i2 request for i3, and so on. Hence, it appears intuitive that
Verify when n=3 that the preceding are indeed the limiting probabilities.
44. Suppose that a population consists of a fixed number, say, m, of genes in any generation. Each gene is one of two possible genetic types. If exactly i (of the m) genes of any generation are of type 1, then the next generation will have j type 1 (and m-j type 2) genes with probability
Let Xn denote the number of type 1 genes in the nth generation, and assume that X0=i.
(a) Find E[Xn].
(b) What is the probability that eventually all the genes will be type 1?
45. Consider an irreducible finite Markov chain with states 0,1,…,N.
(a) Starting in state i, what is the probability the process will ever visit state j? Explain!
(b) Let xi=P{visit stateNbefore state0∣start ini}. Compute a set of linear equations that the xi satisfy, i=0,1,…,N.
(c) If ∑jjPij=ifori=1,…,N-1, show that xi=i/N is a solution to the equations in part (b).
46. An individual possesses r umbrellas that he employs in going from his home to office, and vice versa. If he is at home (the office) at the beginning (end) of a day and it is raining, then he will take an umbrella with him to the office (home), provided there is one to be taken. If it is not raining, then he never takes an umbrella. Assume that, independent of the past, it rains at the beginning (end) of a day with probability p.
(a) Define a Markov chain with r+1 states, which will help us to determine the proportion of time that our man gets wet. (Note: He gets wet if it is raining, and all umbrellas are at his other location.)
(b) Show that the limiting probabilities are given by
(c) What fraction of time does our man get wet?
(d) When r=3, what value of p maximizes the fraction of time he gets wet
*47. Let {Xn,n⩾0} denote an ergodic Markov chain with limiting probabilities πi. Define the process {Yn,n⩾1}byYn=(Xn-1,Xn). That is, Yn keeps track of the last two states of the original chain. Is {Yn,n⩾1} a Markov chain? If so, determine its transition probabilities and find
48. Consider a Markov chain in steady state. Say that a k length run of zeroes ends at time m if
Show that the probability of this event is π0(P0,0)k-1(1-P0,0)2, where π0 is the limiting probability of state 0.
49. Let P(1) and P(2) denote transition probability matrices for ergodic Markov chains having the same state space. Let π1 and π2 denote the stationary (limiting) probability vectors for the two chains. Consider a process defined as follows:
(a) X0=1. A coin is then flipped and if it comes up heads, then the remaining states X1,… are obtained from the transition probability matrix P(1) and if tails from the matrix P(2). Is {Xn,n⩾0} a Markov chain? If p=P{coin comes up heads}, what is limn→∞P(Xn=i)?
(b) X0=1. At each stage the coin is flipped and if it comes up heads, then the next state is chosen according to P(1) and if tails comes up, then it is chosen according to P(2). In this case do the successive states constitute a Markov chain? If so, determine the transition probabilities. Show by a counterexample that the limiting probabilities are not the same as in part (a).
50. In Exercise 8, if today’s flip lands heads, what is the expected number of additional flips needed until the pattern t,t,h,t,h,t,t occurs?
51. In Example 4.3, Gary is in a cheerful mood today. Find the expected number of days until he has been glum for three consecutive days.
52. A taxi driver provides service in two zones of a city. Fares picked up in zone A will have destinations in zone A with probability 0.6 or in zone B with probability 0.4. Fares picked up in zone B will have destinations in zone A with probability 0.3 or in zone B with probability 0.7. The driver’s expected profit for a trip entirely in zone A is 6; for a trip entirely in zone B is 8; and for a trip that involves both zones is 12. Find the taxi driver’s average profit per trip.
53. Find the average premium received per policyholder of the insurance company of Example 4.27 if λ=1/4 for one-third of its clients, and λ=1/2 for two-thirds of its clients.
54. Consider the Ehrenfest urn model in which M molecules are distributed between two urns, and at each time point one of the molecules is chosen at random and is then removed from its urn and placed in the other one. Let Xn denote the number of molecules in urn 1 after the nth switch and let μn=E[Xn]. Show that
(a) μn+1=1+(1-2/M)μn.
(b) Use (a) to prove that
55. Consider a population of individuals each of whom possesses two genes that can be either type A or type a. Suppose that in outward appearance type A is dominant and type a is recessive. (That is, an individual will have only the outward characteristics of the recessive gene if its pair is aa.) Suppose that the population has stabilized, and the percentages of individuals having respective gene pairs AA, aa, and Aa are p,q, and r. Call an individual dominant or recessive depending on the outward characteristics it exhibits. Let S11 denote the probability that an offspring of two dominant parents will be recessive; and let S10 denote the probability that the offspring of one dominant and one recessive parent will be recessive. Compute S11 and S10 to show that S11=S102. (The quantities S10 and S11 are known in the genetics literature as Snyder’s ratios.)
56. Suppose that on each play of the game a gambler either wins 1 with probability p or loses 1 with probability 1-p. The gambler continues betting until she or he is either up n or down m. What is the probability that the gambler quits a winner?
57. A particle moves among n+1 vertices that are situated on a circle in the following manner. At each step it moves one step either in the clockwise direction with probability p or the counterclockwise direction with probability q=1-p. Starting at a specified state, call it state 0, let T be the time of the first return to state 0. Find the probability that all states have been visited by time T.
Hint: Condition on the initial transition and then use results from the gambler’s ruin problem.
58. In the gambler’s ruin problem of Section 4.5.1, suppose the gambler’s fortune is presently i, and suppose that we know that the gambler’s fortune will eventually reach N (before it goes to 0). Given this information, show that the probability he wins the next gamble is
Hint: The probability we want is
59. For the gambler’s ruin model of Section 4.5.1, let Mi denote the mean number of games that must be played until the gambler either goes broke or reaches a fortune of N, given that he starts with i,i=0,1,…,N. Show that Mi satisfies
Solve these equations to obtain
60. The following is the transition probability matrix of a Markov chain with states 1,2,3,4
If X0=1
(a) find the probability that state 3 is entered before state 4;
(b) find the mean number of transitions until either state 3 or state 4 is entered.
61. Suppose in the gambler’s ruin problem that the probability of winning a bet depends on the gambler’s present fortune. Specifically, suppose that αi is the probability that the gambler wins a bet when his or her fortune is i. Given that the gambler’s initial fortune is i, let P(i) denote the probability that the gambler’s fortune reaches N before 0.
(a) Derive a formula that relates P(i) to P(i-1) and P(i+1).
(b) Using the same approach as in the gambler’s ruin problem, solve the equation of part (a) for P(i).
(c) Suppose that i balls are initially in urn 1 and N-i are in urn 2, and suppose that at each stage one of the N balls is randomly chosen, taken from whichever urn it is in, and placed in the other urn. Find the probability that the first urn becomes empty before the second.
*62. Consider the particle from Exercise 57. What is the expected number of steps the particle takes to return to the starting position? What is the probability that all other positions are visited before the particle returns to its starting state?
63. For the Markov chain with states 1, 2, 3, 4 whose transition probability matrix P is as specified below find fi3 and si3 for i=1,2,3.
64. Consider a branching process having μ<1. Show that if X0=1, then the expected number of individuals that ever exist in this population is given by 1/(1-μ). What if X0=n?
65. In a branching process having X0=1 and μ>1, prove that π0 is the smallest positive number satisfying Equation (4.20).
Hint: Let π be any solution of π=∑j=0∞πjPj. Show by mathematical induction that π⩾P{Xn=0} for all n, and let n→∞. In using the induction argue that
66. For a branching process, calculate π0 when
(a) P0=14,P2=34.
(b) P0=14,P1=12,P2=14.
(c) P0=16,P1=12,P3=13.
67. At all times, an urn contains N balls—some white balls and some black balls. At each stage, a coin having probability p,0<p<1, of landing heads is flipped. If heads appears, then a ball is chosen at random from the urn and is replaced by a white ball; if tails appears, then a ball is chosen from the urn and is replaced by a black ball. Let Xn denote the number of white balls in the urn after the nth stage.
(a) Is {Xn,n⩾0} a Markov chain? If so, explain why.
(b) What are its classes? What are their periods? Are they transient or recurrent?
(c) Compute the transition probabilities Pij.
(d) Let N=2. Find the proportion of time in each state.
(e) Based on your answer in part (d) and your intuition, guess the answer for the limiting probability in the general case.
(f) Prove your guess in part (e) either by showing that Theorem 4.1 is satisfied or by using the results of Example 4.35.
(g) If p=1, what is the expected time until there are only white balls in the urn if initially there are i white and N-i black?
(a) Show that the limiting probabilities of the reversed Markov chain are the same as for the forward chain by showing that they satisfy the equations
(b) Give an intuitive explanation for the result of part (a).
69. M balls are initially distributed among m urns. At each stage one of the balls is selected at random, taken from whichever urn it is in, and then placed, at random, in one of the other M-1 urns. Consider the Markov chain whose state at any time is the vector (n1,…,nm) where ni denotes the number of balls in urn i. Guess at the limiting probabilities for this Markov chain and then verify your guess and show at the same time that the Markov chain is time reversible.
70. A total of m white and m black balls are distributed among two urns, with each urn containing m balls. At each stage, a ball is randomly selected from each urn and the two selected balls are interchanged. Let Xn denote the number of black balls in urn 1 after the nth interchange.
(a) Give the transition probabilities of the Markov chain Xn,n⩾0.
(b) Without any computations, what do you think are the limiting probabilities of this chain?
(c) Find the limiting probabilities and show that the stationary chain is time reversible.
71. It follows from Theorem 4.2 that for a time reversible Markov chain
PijPjkPki=PikPkjPji,for alli,j,k
It turns out that if the state space is finite and Pij>0 for all i,j, then the preceding is also a sufficient condition for time reversibility. (That is, in this case, we need only check Equation (4.26) for paths from i to i that have only two intermediate states.) Prove this.
Hint: Fix i and show that the equations
are satisfied by πj=cPij/Pji, where c is chosen so that ∑jπj=1.
72. For a time reversible Markov chain, argue that the rate at which transitions from i to j to k occur must equal the rate at which transitions from k to j to i occur.
73. Show that the Markov chain of Exercise 31 is time reversible.
74. A group of n processors is arranged in an ordered list. When a job arrives, the first processor in line attempts it; if it is unsuccessful, then the next in line tries it; if it too is unsuccessful, then the next in line tries it, and so on. When the job is successfully processed or after all processors have been unsuccessful, the job leaves the system. At this point we are allowed to reorder the processors, and a new job appears. Suppose that we use the one-closer reordering rule, which moves the processor that was successful one closer to the front of the line by interchanging its position with the one in front of it. If all processors were unsuccessful (or if the processor in the first position was successful), then the ordering remains the same. Suppose that each time processor i attempts a job then, independently of anything else, it is successful with probability pi.
(a) Define an appropriate Markov chain to analyze this model.
(b) Show that this Markov chain is time reversible.
(c) Find the long-run probabilities.
75. A Markov chain is said to be a tree process if
(i) Pij>0 whenever Pji>0,
(ii) for every pair of states i and j,i≠j, there is a unique sequence of distinct states i=i0,i1,…,in-1,in=j such that
In other words, a Markov chain is a tree process if for every pair of distinct states i and j there is a unique way for the process to go from i to j without reentering a state (and this path is the reverse of the unique path from j to i). Argue that an ergodic tree process is time reversible.
76. On a chessboard compute the expected number of plays it takes a knight, starting in one of the four corners of the chessboard, to return to its initial position if we assume that at each play it is equally likely to choose any of its legal moves. (No other pieces are on the board.)
Hint: Make use of Example 4.36.
77. In a Markov decision problem, another criterion often used, different than the expected average return per unit time, is that of the expected discounted return. In this criterion we choose a number α,0<α<1, and try to choose a policy so as to maximize E[∑i=0∞αiR(Xi,ai)] (that is, rewards at time n are discounted at rate αn). Suppose that the initial state is chosen according to the probabilities bi. That is,
For a given policy β let yja denote the expected discounted time that the process is in state j and action a is chosen. That is,
where for any event A the indicator variable IA is defined by
(a) Show that
or, in other words, ∑ayja is the expected discounted time in state j under β.
(b) Show that
Hint: For the second equation, use the identity
Take expectations of the preceding to obtain
(c) Let {yja} be a set of numbers satisfying
∑j∑ayja=11-α,∑ayja=bj+α∑i∑ayiaPij(a) (4.38)
Argue that yja can be interpreted as the expected discounted time that the process is in state j and action a is chosen when the initial state is chosen according to the probabilities bj and the policy β, given by
is employed.
Hint: Derive a set of equations for the expected discounted times when policy β is used and show that they are equivalent to Equation (4.38).
(d) Argue that an optimal policy with respect to the expected discounted return criterion can be obtained by first solving the linear program
maximize∑j∑ayjaR(j,a),such that∑j∑ayja=11-α,∑ayja=bj+α∑i∑ayiaPij(a),yja⩾0,allj,a;
and then defining the policy β∗ by
where the yja∗ are the solutions of the linear program.
78. For the Markov chain of Exercise 5, suppose that p(s∣j) is the probability that signal s is emitted when the underlying Markov chain state is j,j=0,1,2.
(a) What proportion of emissions are signal s?
(b) What proportion of those times in which signal s is emitted is 0 the underlying state?
79. In Example 4.43, what is the probability that the first 4 items produced are all acceptable?