Example 5.9

There are nimage cells in the body, of which cells 1,,kimage are target cells. Associated with each cell is a weight, with wiimage being the weight associated with cell i,i=1,,nimage. The cells are destroyed one at a time in a random order, which is such that if Simage is the current set of surviving cells then, independent of the order in which the cells not in Simage have been destroyed, the next cell killed is i,iSimage, with probability wi/jSwjimage. In other words, the probability that a given surviving cell is the next one to be killed is the weight of that cell divided by the sum of the weights of all still surviving cells. Let Aimage denote the total number of cells that are still alive at the moment when all the cells 1,2,,kimage have been killed, and find E[A]image.

Solution: Although it would be quite difficult to solve this problem by a direct combinatorial argument, a nice solution can be obtained by relating the order in which cells are killed to a ranking of independent exponential random variables. To do so, let X1,,Xnimage be independent exponential random variables, with Xiimage having rate wi,i=1,,nimage. Note that Xiimage will be the smallest of these exponentials with probability wi/jwjimage; further, given that Xiimage is the smallest, Xrimage will be the next smallest with probability wr/jiwjimage; further, given that Xiimage and Xrimage are, respectively, the first and second smallest, Xsimage, si,rimage, will be the third smallest with probability ws/ji,rwjimage; and so on. Consequently, if we let Ijimage be the index of the jimageth smallest of X1,,Xnimage—so that XI1<XI2<<XInimage—then the order in which the cells are destroyed has the same distribution as I1,,Inimage. So, let us suppose that the order in which the cells are killed is determined by the ordering of X1,,Xnimage. (Equivalently, we can suppose that all cells will eventually be killed, with cell iimage being killed at time Xi,i=1,,nimage.)
If we let Ajimage equal 1image if cell jimage is still alive at the moment when all the cells 1,,kimage have been killed, and let it equal 0image otherwise, then



Because cell jimage will be alive at the moment when all the cells 1,,kimage have been killed if Xjimage is larger than all the values X1,,Xkimage, we see that for j>kimage

E[Aj]=P{Aj=1}=P{Xj>maxi=1,,kXi}=0PXj>maxi=1,,kXiXj=xwje-wjxdx=0P{Xi<xfor alli=1,,k}wje-wjxdx=0i=1k(1-e-wix)wje-wjxdx=01i=1k(1-ywi/wj)dy


where the final equality follows from the substitution y=e-wjximage. Thus, we obtain the result



Example 5.10

Suppose that customers are in line to receive service that is provided sequentially by a server; whenever a service is completed, the next person in line enters the service facility. However, each waiting customer will only wait an exponentially distributed time with rate θimage; if its service has not yet begun by this time then it will immediately depart the system. These exponential times, one for each waiting customer, are independent. In addition, the service times are independent exponential random variables with rate μimage. Suppose that someone is presently being served and consider the person who is nimageth in line.

(a) Find Pnimage, the probability that this customer is eventually served.

(b) Find Wnimage, the conditional expected amount of time this person spends waiting in line given that she is eventually served.

Solution: Consider the n+1image random variables consisting of the remaining service time of the person in service along with the nimage additional exponential departure times with rate θimage of the first nimage in line.
(a) Given that the smallest of these n+1image independent exponentials is the departure time of the nimageth person in line, the conditional probability that this person will be served is 0; on the other hand, given that this person’s departure time is not the smallest, the conditional probability that this person will be served is the same as if it were initially in position n-1image. Since the probability that a given departure time is the smallest of the n+1image exponentials is θ/(nθ+μ)image, we obtain



Using the preceding with n-1image replacing nimage gives



Continuing in this fashion yields the result



(b) To determine an expression for Wnimage, we use the fact that the minimum of independent exponentials is, independent of their rank ordering, exponential with a rate equal to the sum of the rates. Since the time until the nimageth person in line enters service is the minimum of these n+1image random variables plus the additional time thereafter, we see, upon using the lack of memory property of exponential random variables, that



Repeating the preceding argument with successively smaller values of nimage yields the solution



5.2.4 Convolutions of Exponential Random Variables

Let Xi,i=1,,nimage, be independent exponential random variables with respective rates λi,i=1,,nimage, and suppose that λiλjimage for ijimage. The random variable i=1nXiimage is said to be a hypoexponential random variable. To compute its probability density function, let us start with the case n=2image. Now,



Using the preceding, a similar computation yields, when n=3image,



which suggests the general result






We will now prove the preceding formula by induction on nimage. Since we have already established it for n=2image, assume it for nimage and consider n+1image arbitrary independent exponentials Xiimage with distinct rates λi,i=1,,n+1image. If necessary, renumber X1image and Xn+1image so that λn+1<λ1image. Now,

fX1++Xn+1(t)=0tfX1++Xn(s)λn+1e-λn+1(t-s)ds=i=1nCi,n0tλie-λisλn+1e-λn+1(t-s)ds=i=1nCi,nλiλi-λn+1λn+1e-λn+1t+λn+1λn+1-λiλie-λit=Kn+1λn+1e-λn+1t+i=1nCi,n+1λie-λit (5.7)

image (5.7)

where Kn+1=i=1nCi,nλi/(λi-λn+1)image is a constant that does not depend on timage. But, we also have that



which implies, by the same argument that resulted in Equation (5.7), that for a constant K1image



Equating these two expressions for fX1++Xn+1(t)image yields



Multiplying both sides of the preceding equation by eλn+1timage and then letting timage yields [since e-(λ1-λn+1)t0image as timage]



and this, using Equation (5.7), completes the induction proof. Thus, we have shown that if S=i=1nXiimage, then

fS(t)=i=1nCi,nλie-λit (5.8)

image (5.8)




Integrating both sides of the expression for fSimage from timage to image yields that the tail distribution function of Simage is given by

P{S>t}=i=1nCi,ne-λit (5.9)

image (5.9)

Hence, we obtain from Equations (5.8) and (5.9) that rS(t)image, the failure rate function of Simage, is as follows:



If we let λj=min(λ1,,λn)image, then it follows, upon multiplying the numerator and denominator of rS(t)image by eλjtimage, that



From the preceding, we can conclude that the remaining lifetime of a hypoexponentially distributed item that has survived to age timage is, for timage large, approximately that of an exponentially distributed random variable with a rate equal to the minimum of the rates of the random variables whose sums make up the hypoexponential.





it should not be thought that the Ci,n,i=1,,nimage are probabilities, because some of them will be negative. Thus, while the form of the hypoexponential density is similar to that of the hyperexponential density (see Example 5.6) these two random variables are very different.

Example 5.11

Let X1,,Xmimage be independent exponential random variables with respective rates λ1,,λmimage, where λiλjimage when ijimage. Let Nimage be independent of these random variables and suppose that n=1mPn=1image, where Pn=P{N=n}image. The random variable



is said to be a Coxian random variable. Conditioning on Nimage gives its density function:






If we interpret Nimage as a lifetime measured in discrete time periods, then r(n)image denotes the probability that an item will die in its nimageth period of use given that it has survived up to that time. Thus, r(n)image is the discrete time analog of the failure rate function r(t)image, and is correspondingly referred to as the discrete time failure (or hazard) rate function.

Coxian random variables often arise in the following manner. Suppose that an item must go through mimage stages of treatment to be cured. However, suppose that after each stage there is a probability that the item will quit the program. If we suppose that the amounts of time that it takes the item to pass through the successive stages are independent exponential random variables, and that the probability that an item that has just completed stage nimage quits the program is (independent of how long it took to go through the nimage stages) equal to r(n)image, then the total time that an item spends in the program is a Coxian random variable. image

5.3 The Poisson Process

5.3.1 Counting Processes

A stochastic process {N(t),t0}image is said to be a counting process if N(t)image represents the total number of “events” that occur by time timage. Some examples of counting processes are the following:

(a) If we let N(t)image equal the number of persons who enter a particular store at or prior to time timage, then {N(t),t0}image is a counting process in which an event corresponds to a person entering the store. Note that if we had let N(t)image equal the number of persons in the store at time timage, then {N(t),t0}image would not be a counting process (why not?).

(b) If we say that an event occurs whenever a child is born, then {N(t),t0}image is a counting process when N(t)image equals the total number of people who were born by time timage. (Does N(t)image include persons who have died by time timage? Explain why it must.)

(c) If N(t)image equals the number of goals that a given soccer player scores by time timage, then {N(t),t0}image is a counting process. An event of this process will occur whenever the soccer player scores a goal.

From its definition we see that for a counting process N(t)image must satisfy:

(i) N(t)0image.

(ii) N(t)image is integer valued.

(iii) If s<timage, then N(s)N(t)image.

(iv) For s<t,N(t)-N(s)image equals the number of events that occur in the interval (s,t]image.

A counting process is said to possess independent increments if the numbers of events that occur in disjoint time intervals are independent. For example, this means that the number of events that occur by time 10 (that is, N(10)image) must be independent of the number of events that occur between times 10 and 15 (that is, N(15)-N(10)image).

The assumption of independent increments might be reasonable for example (a), but it probably would be unreasonable for example (b). The reason for this is that if in example (b) N(t)image is very large, then it is probable that there are many people alive at time timage; this would lead us to believe that the number of new births between time timage and time t+simage would also tend to be large (that is, it does not seem reasonable that N(t)image is independent of N(t+s)-N(t)image, and so {N(t),t0}image would not have independent increments in example (b)). The assumption of independent increments in example (c) would be justified if we believed that the soccer player’s chances of scoring a goal today do not depend on “how he’s been going.” It would not be justified if we believed in “hot streaks” or “slumps.”

A counting process is said to possess stationary increments if the distribution of the number of events that occur in any interval of time depends only on the length of the time interval. In other words, the process has stationary increments if the number of events in the interval (s,s+t)image has the same distribution for all simage.

The assumption of stationary increments would only be reasonable in example (a) if there were no times of day at which people were more likely to enter the store. Thus, for instance, if there was a rush hour (say, between 12 P.M. and 1 P.M.) each day, then the stationarity assumption would not be justified. If we believed that the earth’s population is basically constant (a belief not held at present by most scientists), then the assumption of stationary increments might be reasonable in example (b). Stationary increments do not seem to be a reasonable assumption in example (c) since, for one thing, most people would agree that the soccer player would probably score more goals while in the age bracket 25–30 than he would while in the age bracket 35–40. It may, however, be reasonable over a smaller time horizon, such as one year.

5.3.2 Definition of the Poisson Process

One of the most important types of counting process is the Poisson process. As a prelude to giving its definition, we define the concept of a function f(·)image being o(h).image

Definition 5.1

The function f(·)image is said to be o(h)image if



In order for the function f(·)image to be o(h)image it is necessary that f(h)/himage go to zero as himage goes to zero. But if himage goes to zero, the only way for f(h)/himage to go to zero is for f(h)image to go to zero faster than himage does. That is, for himage small, f(h)image must be small compared with himage.

The o(h)image notation can be used to make statements more precise. For instance, if Ximage is continuous with density fimage and failure rate function λ(t),image then the approximate statements



can be precisely expressed as



We are now in position to define the Poisson process.

Theorem 5.1

If {N(t),t0}image is a Poisson process with rate λ>0image, then for all s>0,t>0image, N(s+t)-N(s)image is a Poisson random variable with mean λt.image That is, the number of events in any interval of length timage is a Poisson random variable with mean λt.image


We begin by deriving E[e-uN(t)],image the Laplace transform of N(t).image To do so, fix u>0image and define



We will obtain g(t)image by deriving a differential equation as follows.

g(t+h)=E[e-uN(t+h)]=E[e-u(N(t)+N(t+h)-N(t)]=E[e-uN(t)e-u(N(t+h)-N(t))]=E[e-uN(t)]E[e-u(N(t+h)-N(t))](by independent increments)=g(t)E[e-u(N(t+h)-N(t))] (5.10)

image (5.10)

Now, from Axioms (iii) and (iv)



Conditioning on which of these three possibilities occurs gives that

E[e-u[N(t+h)-N(t)]]=1-λh+o(h)+e-u(λh+o(h))+o(h)=1-λh+e-uλh+o(h) (5.11)

image (5.11)

Therefore, from Equations (5.10) and (5.11) we obtain



which can be written as



Letting h0image yields the differential equation






Noting that the left side is the derivative of log(g(t))image yields, upon integration, that



Because g(0)=E[e-uN(0)]=1image it follows that C=0,image and so the Laplace transform of N(t)image is



However, if Ximage is a Poisson random variable with mean λtimage, then its Laplace transform is



Because the Laplace transform uniquely determines the distribution, we can thus conclude that N(t)image is Poisson with mean λt.image

To show that N(s+t)-N(s)image is also Poisson with mean λt,image fix simage and let Ns(t)=N(s+t)-N(s)image equal the number of events in the first timage time units when we start our count at time simage. It is now straightforward to verify that the counting process {Ns(t),t0}image satisfies all the axioms for being a Poisson process with rate λimage. Consequently, by our preceding result, we can conclude that Ns(t)image is Poisson distributed with mean λt.image image


(i) The result that N(t)image, or more generally N(t+s)-N(s)image, has a Poisson distribution is a consequence of the Poisson approximation to the binomial distribution (see Section 2.2.4). To see this, subdivide the interval [0,t]image into kimage equal parts where kimage is very large (Figure 5.1). Now it can be shown using axiom (iv) of Definition 5.2 that as kimage increases to image the probability of having two or more events in any of the kimage subintervals goes to 0. Hence, N(t)image will (with a probability going to 1) just equal the number of subintervals in which an event occurs. However, by stationary and independent increments this number will have a binomial distribution with parameters kimage and p=λt/k+o(t/k)image. Hence, by the Poisson approximation to the binomial we see by letting kimage approach image that N(t)image will have a Poisson distribution with mean equal to



by using the definition of o(h)image and the fact that t/k0image as kimage.

(ii) Because the distribution of N(t+s)-N(s)image is the same for all simage, it follows that the Poisson process has stationary increments.

Figure 5.1

5.3.3 Interarrival and Waiting Time Distributions

Consider a Poisson process, and let us denote the time of the first event by T1image. Further, for n>1image, let Tnimage denote the elapsed time between the (n-1)imagest and the nimageth event. The sequence {Tn,n=1,2,}image is called the sequence of interarrival times. For instance, if T1=5image and T2=10image, then the first event of the Poisson process would have occurred at time 5 and the second at time 15.

We shall now determine the distribution of the Tnimage. To do so, we first note that the event {T1>t}image takes place if and only if no events of the Poisson process occur in the interval [0,t]image and thus,



Hence, T1image has an exponential distribution with mean 1/λimage. Now,




P{T2>tT1=s}=P{0eventsin(s,s+t]T1=s}=P{0eventsin(s,s+t]}=e-λt (5.12)

image (5.12)

where the last two equations followed from independent and stationary increments. Therefore, from Equation (5.12) we conclude that T2image is also an exponential random variable with mean 1/λimage and, furthermore, that T2image is independent of T1image. Repeating the same argument yields the following.

Proposition 5.1

Tn,n=1,2,,image are independent identically distributed exponential random variables having mean 1/λimage.


The proposition should not surprise us. The assumption of stationary and independent increments is basically equivalent to asserting that, at any point in time, the process probabilistically restarts itself. That is, the process from any point on is independent of all that has previously occurred (by independent increments), and also has the same distribution as the original process (by stationary increments). In other words, the process has no memory, and hence exponential interarrival times are to be expected.

Another quantity of interest is Snimage, the arrival time of the nimageth event, also called the waiting time until the nimageth event. It is easily seen that



and hence from Proposition 5.1 and the results of Section 2.2 it follows that Snimage has a gamma distribution with parameters nimage and λimage. That is, the probability density of Snimage is given by

fSn(t)=λe-λt(λt)n-1(n-1)!,t0 (5.13)

image (5.13)

Equation (5.13) may also be derived by noting that the nimageth event will occur prior to or at time timage if and only if the number of events occurring by time timage is at least nimage. That is,






which, upon differentiation, yields



Proposition 5.1 also gives us another way of defining a Poisson process. Suppose we start with a sequence {Tn,n1}image of independent identically distributed exponential random variables each having mean 1/λimage. Now let us define a counting process by saying that the nimageth event of this process occurs at time



The resultant counting process {N(t),t0}image will be Poisson with rate λimage.


Another way of obtaining the density function of Snimage is to note that because Snimage is the time of the nimageth event,



where the first equality uses the fact that the probability of 2 or more events in (t,t+h)image is o(h)image. If we now divide both sides of the preceding equation by himage and then let h0image, we obtain
