
Hence, the conjectured reversed time equations imply that



Using that nmPn,m=1image, gives



As it is easy to check that all the conjectured reverse time Equations (6.33), (6.34), and (6.35) are satisfied for the preceding choice of Pn,mimage, it follows that they are the limiting probabilities. Hence, we have shown that in steady state the numbers of customers at the two servers are independent, with the number at server iimage distributed as the number in the system of an M/M/1image queue with Poisson arrival rate λimage and exponential service rate μi,i=1,2image. (See Example 6.14.)

6.8 Uniformization

Consider a continuous-time Markov chain in which the mean time spent in a state is the same for all states. That is, suppose that vi=vimage, for all states iimage. In this case since the amount of time spent in each state during a visit is exponentially distributed with rate vimage, it follows that if we let N(t)image denote the number of state transitions by time timage, then {N(t),t0}image will be a Poisson process with rate vimage.

To compute the transition probabilities Pij(t)image, we can condition on N(t)image:



Now, the fact that there have been nimage transitions by time timage tells us something about the amount of time spent in each of the first nimage states visited, but since the distribution of time spent in each state is the same for all states, it follows that knowing that N(t)=nimage gives us no information about which states were visited. Hence,



where Pijnimage is just the nimage-stage transition probability associated with the discrete-time Markov chain with transition probabilities Pijimage; and so when vivimage

Pij(t)=n=0Pijne-vt(vt)nn! (6.36)

image (6.36)

Equation (6.36) is often useful from a computational point of view since it enables us to approximate Pij(t)image by taking a partial sum and then computing (by matrix multiplication of the transition probability matrix) the relevant nimage stage probabilities Pijnimage.

Whereas the applicability of Equation (6.36) would appear to be quite limited since it supposes that vivimage, it turns out that most Markov chains can be put in that form by the trick of allowing fictitious transitions from a state to itself. To see how this works, consider any Markov chain for which the viimage are bounded, and let vimage be any number such that

viv,for alli (6.37)

image (6.37)

When in state iimage, the process actually leaves at rate viimage; but this is equivalent to supposing that transitions occur at rate vimage, but only the fraction vi/vimage of transitions are real ones (and thus real transitions occur at rate viimage) and the remaining fraction 1-vi/vimage are fictitious transitions that leave the process in state iimage. In other words, any Markov chain satisfying Condition (6.37) can be thought of as being a process that spends an exponential amount of time with rate vimage in state iimage and then makes a transition to jimage with probability Pijimage, where

Pij=1-viv,j=ivivPij,ji (6.38)

image (6.38)

Hence, from Equation (6.36) we have that the transition probabilities can be computed by



where Pijimage are the nimage-stage transition probabilities corresponding to Equation (6.38). This technique of uniformizing the rate in which a transition occurs from each state by introducing transitions from a state to itself is known as uniformization.

Example 6.23

Let us reconsider Example 6.11, which models the workings of a machine—either on or off—as a two-state continuous-time Markov chain with



Letting v=λ+μimage, the uniformized version of the preceding is to consider it a continuous-time Markov chain with



As P00=P10image, it follows that the probability of a transition into state 0 is equal to μ/(λ+μ)image no matter what the present state. Because a similar result is true for state 1, it follows that the nimage-stage transition probabilities are given by









The remaining probabilities are



Example 6.24

Consider the two-state chain of Example 6.23 and suppose that the initial state is state 0. Let O(t)image denote the total amount of time that the process is in state 0 during the interval (0,t)image. The random variable O(t)image is often called the occupation time. We will now compute its mean.

If we let



then we can represent the occupation time by



Taking expectations and using the fact that we can take the expectation inside the integral sign (since an integral is basically a sum), we obtain



where the final equality follows by integrating



(For another derivation of E[O(t)]image, see Exercise 45.) ■

6.9 Computing the Transition Probabilities

For any pair of states iimage and jimage, let



Using this notation, we can rewrite the Kolmogorov backward equations



and the forward equations



as follows:



This representation is especially revealing when we introduce matrix notation. Define the matrices Rimage and P(t)image, P(t)image by letting the element in row iimage, column jimage of these matrices be, respectively, rij,Pij(t)image, and Pij(t)image. Since the backward equations say that the element in row iimage, column jimage of the matrix P(t)image can be obtained by multiplying the iimageth row of the matrix Rimage by the jimageth column of the matrix P(t)image, it is equivalent to the matrix equation

P(t)=RP(t) (6.39)

image (6.39)

Similarly, the forward equations can be written as

P(t)=P(t)R (6.40)

image (6.40)

Now, just as the solution of the scalar differential equation



(or, equivalent, f(t)=f(t)cimage) is



it can be shown that the solution of the matrix differential Equations (6.39) and (6.40) is given by



Since P(0)=Iimage (the identity matrix), this yields that

P(t)=eRt (6.41)

image (6.41)

where the matrix eRtimage is defined by

eRt=n=0Rntnn! (6.42)

image (6.42)

with Rnimage being the (matrix) multiplication of Rimage by itself nimage times.

The direct use of Equation (6.42) to compute P(t)image turns out to be very inefficient for two reasons. First, since the matrix Rimage contains both positive and negative elements (remember the off-diagonal elements are the qijimage while the iimageth diagonal element is -viimage), there is the problem of computer round-off error when we compute the powers of Rimage. Second, we often have to compute many of the terms in the infinite sum (6.42) to arrive at a good approximation. However, there are certain indirect ways that we can utilize the relation in (6.41) to efficiently approximate the matrix P(t)image. We now present two of these methods.

Approximation Method 1 Rather than using Equation (6.42) to compute eRtimage, we can use the matrix equivalent of the identity



which states that



Thus, if we let nimage be a power of 2, say, n=2kimage, then we can approximate P(t)image by raising the matrix M=I+Rt/nimage to the nimageth power, which can be accomplished by kimage matrix multiplications (by first multiplying Mimage by itself to obtain M2image and then multiplying that by itself to obtain M4image and so on). In addition, since only the diagonal elements of Rimage are negative (and the diagonal elements of the identity matrix Iimage are equal to 1), by choosing nimage large enough we can guarantee that the matrix I+Rt/nimage has all nonnegative elements.

Approximation Method 2 A second approach to approximating eRtimage uses the identity



and thus



Hence, if we again choose nimage to be a large power of 2, say, n=2kimage, we can approximate P(t)image by first computing the inverse of the matrix I-Rt/nimage and then raising that matrix to the nimageth power (by utilizing kimage matrix multiplications). It can be shown that the matrix (I-Rt/n)-1image will have only nonnegative elements.


Both of the preceding computational approaches for approximating P(t)image have probabilistic interpretations (see Exercises 41 and 42).


1. A population of organisms consists of both male and female members. In a small colony any particular male is likely to mate with any particular female in any time interval of length himage, with probability λh+o(h)image. Each mating immediately produces one offspring, equally likely to be male or female. Let N1(t)image and N2(t)image denote the number of males and females in the population at timage. Derive the parameters of the continuous-time Markov chain {N1(t),N2(t)}image, i.e., the vi,Pijimage of Section 6.2.

*2. Suppose that a one-celled organism can be in one of two states—either Aimage or Bimage. An individual in state Aimage will change to state Bimage at an exponential rate αimage; an individual in state Bimage divides into two new individuals of type Aimage at an exponential rate βimage. Define an appropriate continuous-time Markov chain for a population of such organisms and determine the appropriate parameters for this model.

3. Consider two machines that are maintained by a single repairman. Machine iimage functions for an exponential time with rate μiimage before breaking down, i=1,2image. The repair times (for either machine) are exponential with rate μimage. Can we analyze this as a birth and death process? If so, what are the parameters? If not, how can we analyze it?

*4. Potential customers arrive at a single-server station in accordance with a Poisson process with rate λimage. However, if the arrival finds nimage customers already in the station, then he will enter the system with probability αnimage. Assuming an exponential service rate μimage, set this up as a birth and death process and determine the birth and death rates.

5. There are Nimage individuals in a population, some of whom have a certain infection that spreads as follows. Contacts between two members of this population occur in accordance with a Poisson process having rate λimage. When a contact occurs, it is equally likely to involve any of the N2image pairs of individuals in the population. If a contact involves an infected and a noninfected individual, then with probability pimage the noninfected individual becomes infected. Once infected, an individual remains infected throughout. Let X(t)image denote the number of infected members of the population at time timage.

(a) Is {X(t),t0}image a continuous-time Markov chain?

(b) Specify its type.

(c) Starting with a single infected individual, what is the expected time until all members are infected?

6. Consider a birth and death process with birth rates λi=(i+1)λ,i0image, and death rates μi=iμ,i0image.

(a) Determine the expected time to go from state 0 to state 4.

(b) Determine the expected time to go from state 2 to state 5.

(c) Determine the variances in parts (a) and (b).

*7. Individuals join a club in accordance with a Poisson process with rate λimage. Each new member must pass through kimage consecutive stages to become a full member of the club. The time it takes to pass through each stage is exponentially distributed with rate μimage. Let Ni(t)image denote the number of club members at time timage who have passed through exactly iimage stages, i=1,,k-1image. Also, let N(t)=(N1(t),N2(t),,Nk-1(t))image.

(a) Is {N(t),t0}image a continuous-time Markov chain?

(b) If so, give the infinitesimal transition rates. That is, for any state n=(n1,,nk-1)image give the possible next states along with their infinitesimal rates.

8. Consider two machines, both of which have an exponential lifetime with mean 1/λimage. There is a single repairman that can service machines at an exponential rate μimage. Set up the Kolmogorov backward equations; you need not solve them.

9. The birth and death process with parameters λn=0image and μn=μ,n>0image is called a pure death process. Find Pij(t)image.

10. Consider two machines. Machine iimage operates for an exponential time with rate λiimage and then fails; its repair time is exponential with rate μi,i=1,2image. The machines act independently of each other. Define a four-state continuous-time Markov chain that jointly describes the condition of the two machines. Use the assumed independence to compute the transition probabilities for this chain and then verify that these transition probabilities satisfy the forward and backward equations.

*11. Consider a Yule process starting with a single individual—that is, suppose X(0)=1image. Let Tiimage denote the time it takes the process to go from a population of size iimage to one of size i+1image.

(a) Argue that Ti,i=1,,jimage, are independent exponentials with respective rates iλimage.

(b) Let X1,,Xjimage denote independent exponential random variables each having rate λimage, and interpret Xiimage as the lifetime of component iimage. Argue that max(X1,,Xj)image can be expressed as



where ε1,ε2,,εjimage are independent exponentials with respective rates jλimage, (j-1)λ,,λimage.

Hint: Interpret εiimage as the time between the i-1image and the iimageth failure.

(c) Using (a) and (b) argue that



(d) Use (c) to obtain



and hence, given X(0)=1,X(t)image has a geometric distribution with parameter p=e-λtimage.

(e) Now conclude that



12. Each individual in a biological population is assumed to give birth at an exponential rate λimage, and to die at an exponential rate μimage. In addition, there is an exponential rate of increase θimage due to immigration. However, immigration is not allowed when the population size is Nimage or larger.

(a) Set this up as a birth and death model.

(b) If N=3,1=θ=λ,μ=2image, determine the proportion of time that immigration is restricted.

13. A small barbershop, operated by a single barber, has room for at most two customers. Potential customers arrive at a Poisson rate of three per hour, and the successive service times are independent exponential random variables with mean 14image hour.

(a) What is the average number of customers in the shop?

(b) What is the proportion of potential customers that enter the shop?

(c) If the barber could work twice as fast, how much more business would he do?

14. Potential customers arrive at a full-service, one-pump gas station at a Poisson rate of 20 cars per hour. However, customers will only enter the station for gas if there are no more than two cars (including the one currently being attended to) at the pump. Suppose the amount of time required to service a car is exponentially distributed with a mean of five minutes.

(a) What fraction of the attendant’s time will be spent servicing cars?

(b) What fraction of potential customers are lost?

15. A service center consists of two servers, each working at an exponential rate of two services per hour. If customers arrive at a Poisson rate of three per hour, then, assuming a system capacity of at most three customers,

(a) what fraction of potential customers enter the system?

(b) what would the value of part (a) be if there was only a single server, and his rate was twice as fast (that is, μ=4image)?

*16. The following problem arises in molecular biology. The surface of a bacterium consists of several sites at which foreign molecules—some acceptable and some not—become attached. We consider a particular site and assume that molecules arrive at the site according to a Poisson process with parameter λimage. Among these molecules a proportion αimage is acceptable. Unacceptable molecules stay at the site for a length of time that is exponentially distributed with parameter μ1image, whereas an acceptable molecule remains at the site for an exponential time with rate μ2image. An arriving molecule will become attached only if the site is free of other molecules. What percentage of time is the site occupied with an acceptable (unacceptable) molecule?

17. Each time a machine is repaired it remains up for an exponentially distributed time with rate λimage. It then fails, and its failure is either of two types. If it is a type 1 failure, then the time to repair the machine is exponential with rate μ1image; if it is a type 2 failure, then the repair time is exponential with rate μ2image. Each failure is, independently of the time it took the machine to fail, a type 1 failure with probability pimage and a type 2 failure with probability 1-pimage. What proportion of time is the machine down due to a type 1 failure? What proportion of time is it down due to a type 2 failure? What proportion of time is it up?

18. After being repaired, a machine functions for an exponential time with rate λimage and then fails. Upon failure, a repair process begins. The repair process proceeds sequentially through kimage distinct phases. First a phase 1 repair must be performed, then a phase 2, and so on. The times to complete these phases are independent, with phase iimage taking an exponential time with rate μi,i=1,,kimage.

(a) What proportion of time is the machine undergoing a phase iimage repair?

(b) What proportion of time is the machine working?

*19. A single repairperson looks after both machines 1 and 2. Each time it is repaired, machine iimage stays up for an exponential time with rate λi,i=1image, 2. When machine iimage fails, it requires an exponentially distributed amount of work with rate μiimage to complete its repair. The repairperson will always service machine 1 when it is down. For instance, if machine 1 fails while 2 is being repaired, then the repairperson will immediately stop work on machine 2 and start on 1. What proportion of time is machine 2 down?

20. There are two machines, one of which is used as a spare. A working machine will function for an exponential time with rate λimage and will then fail. Upon failure, it is immediately replaced by the other machine if that one is in working order, and it goes to the repair facility. The repair facility consists of a single person who takes an exponential time with rate μimage to repair a failed machine. At the repair facility, the newly failed machine enters service if the repairperson is free. If the repairperson is busy, it waits until the other machine is fixed; at that time, the newly repaired machine is put in service and repair begins on the other one. Starting with both machines in working condition, find

(a) the expected value and

(b) the variance of the time until both are in the repair facility.

(c) In the long run, what proportion of time is there a working machine?

21. Suppose that when both machines are down in Exercise 20 a second repairperson is called in to work on the newly failed one. Suppose all repair times remain exponential with rate μimage. Now find the proportion of time at least one machine is working, and compare your answer with the one obtained in Exercise 20.

22. Customers arrive at a single-server queue in accordance with a Poisson process having rate λimage. However, an arrival that finds nimage customers already in the system will only join the system with probability 1/(n+1)image. That is, with probability n/(n+1)image such an arrival will not join the system. Show that the limiting distribution of the number of customers in the system is Poisson with mean λ/μimage.

23. A job shop consists of three machines and two repairmen. The amount of time a machine works before breaking down is exponentially distributed with mean 10. If the amount of time it takes a single repairman to fix a machine is exponentially distributed with mean 8, then

(a) what is the average number of machines not in use?

(b) what proportion of time are both repairmen busy?

*24. Consider a taxi station where taxis and customers arrive in accordance with Poisson processes with respective rates of one and two per minute. A taxi will wait no matter how many other taxis are present. However, an arriving customer that does not find a taxi waiting leaves. Find

(a) the average number of taxis waiting, and

(b) the proportion of arriving customers that get taxis.

25. Customers arrive at a service station, manned by a single server who serves at an exponential rate μ1image, at a Poisson rate λimage. After completion of service the customer then joins a second system where the server serves at an exponential rate μ2image. Such a system is called a tandem or sequential queueing system. Assuming that λ<μiimagei=1image, 2, determine the limiting probabilities.
Hint: Try a solution of the form Pn,m=Cαnβmimage, and determine C,α,βimage.

26. Consider an ergodic M/M/simage queue in steady state (that is, after a long time) and argue that the number presently in the system is independent of the sequence of past departure times. That is, for instance, knowing that there have been departures 2, 3, 5, and 10 time units ago does not affect the distribution of the number presently in the system.

27. In the M/M/simage queue if you allow the service rate to depend on the number in the system (but in such a way so that it is ergodic), what can you say about the output process? What can you say when the service rate μimage remains unchanged but λ>sμimage?

*28. If {X(t)}image and {Y(t)}image are independent continuous-time Markov chains, both of which are time reversible, show that the process {X(t),Y(t)}image is also a time reversible Markov chain.

29. Consider a set of nimage machines and a single repair facility to service these machines. Suppose that when machine i,i=1,,nimage, fails it requires an exponentially distributed amount of work with rate μiimage to repair it. The repair facility divides its efforts equally among all failed machines in the sense that whenever there are kimage failed machines each one receives work at a rate of 1/kimage per unit time. If there are a total of rimage working machines, including machine iimage, then iimage fails at an instantaneous rate λi/rimage.

(a) Define an appropriate state space so as to be able to analyze the preceding system as a continuous-time Markov chain.

(b) Give the instantaneous transition rates (that is, give the qijimage).

(c) Write the time reversibility equations.

(d) Find the limiting probabilities and show that the process is time reversible.

30. Consider a graph with nodes 1,2,,nimage and the n2image arcs (i,j),ij,i,j,=1,,nimage. (See Section 3.6.2 for appropriate definitions.) Suppose that a particle moves along this graph as follows: Events occur along the arcs (i,j)image according to independent Poisson processes with rates λijimage. An event along arc (i,j)image causes that arc to become excited. If the particle is at node iimage at the moment that (i,j)image becomes excited, it instantaneously moves to node j,i,j=1,,nimage. Let Pjimage denote the proportion of time that the particle is at node jimage. Show that



Hint: Use time reversibility.

31. A total of Nimage customers move about among rimage servers in the following manner. When a customer is served by server iimage, he then goes over to server jimagejiimage, with probability 1/(r-1)image. If the server he goes to is free, then the customer enters service; otherwise he joins the queue. The service times are all independent, with the service times at server iimage being exponential with rate μ,i=1,,rimage. Let the state at any time be the vector (n1,,nr)image, where niimage is the number of customers presently at server i,i=1,,r,ini=Nimage.

(a) Argue that if X(t)image is the state at time timage, then {X(t),t0}image is a continuous-time Markov chain.

(b) Give the infinitesimal rates of this chain.

(c) Show that this chain is time reversible, and find the limiting probabilities.

32. Customers arrive at a two-server station in accordance with a Poisson process having rate λimage. Upon arriving, they join a single queue. Whenever a server completes a service, the person first in line enters service. The service times of server iimage are exponential with rate μi,i=1,2image, where μ1+μ2>λimage. An arrival finding both servers free is equally likely to go to either one. Define an appropriate continuous-time Markov chain for this model, show it is time reversible, and find the limiting probabilities.

*33. Consider two M/M/1image queues with respective parameters λi,μi,i=1,2image. Suppose they share a common waiting room that can hold at most three customers. That is, whenever an arrival finds her server busy and three customers in the waiting room, she goes away. Find the limiting probability that there will be nimage queue 1 customers and mimage queue 2 customers in the system.
Hint: Use the results of Exercise 28 together with the concept of truncation.

34. Four workers share an office that contains four telephones. At any time, each worker is either “working” or “on the phone.” Each “working” period of worker iimage lasts for an exponentially distributed time with rate λiimage, and each “on the phone” period lasts for an exponentially distributed time with rate μi,i=1image, 2, 3, 4.

(a) What proportion of time are all workers “working”?
Let Xi(t)image equal 1 if worker iimage is working at time timage, and let it be 0 otherwise.
Let X(t)=(X1(t),X2(t),X3(t),X4(t))image.

(b) Argue that {X(t),t0}image is a continuous-time Markov chain and give its infinitesimal rates.

(c) Is {X(t)}image time reversible? Why or why not?

Suppose now that one of the phones has broken down. Suppose that a worker who is about to use a phone but finds them all being used begins a new “working” period.

(d) What proportion of time are all workers “working”?

35. Consider a time reversible continuous-time Markov chain having infinitesimal transition rates qijimage and limiting probabilities {Pi}image. Let Aimage denote a set of states for this chain, and consider a new continuous-time Markov chain with transition rates qijimage given by



where cimage is an arbitrary positive number. Show that this chain remains time reversible, and find its limiting probabilities.

36. Consider a system of nimage components such that the working times of component i,i=1,,nimage, are exponentially distributed with rate λiimage. When a component fails, however, the repair rate of component iimage depends on how many other components are down. Specifically, suppose that the instantaneous repair rate of component i,i=1,,nimage, when there are a total of kimage failed components, is αkμiimage.

(a) Explain how we can analyze the preceding as a continuous-time Markov chain. Define the states and give the parameters of the chain.

(b) Show that, in steady state, the chain is time reversible and compute the limiting probabilities.

37. A hospital accepts kimage different types of patients, where type iimage patients arrive according to a Poisson proccess with rate λiimage, with these kimage Poisson processes being independent. Type iimage patients spend an exponentially distributed length of time with rate μiimage in the hospital, i=1,,kimage. Suppose that each type iimage patient in the hospital requires wiimage units of resources, and that the hospital will not accept a new patient if it would result in the total of all patient’s resource needs exceeding the amount Cimage. Consequently, it is possible to have n1image type 1image patients, n2image type 2image patients,image, and nkimage type kimage patients in the hospital at the same time if and only if



(a) Define a continuous-time Markov chain to analyze the preceding. For parts (b), (c), and (d) suppose that C=image.

(b) If Ni(t)image is the number of type iimage customers in the system at time timage, what type of process is {Ni(t),t0}image? Is it time reversible?

(c) What can be said about the vector process {(N1(t),,Nk(t))t0}image?

(d) What are the limiting probabilities of the process of part (c). For the remaining parts assume that C<image.

(e) Find the limiting probabilities for the Markov chain of part (a).

(f) At what rate are type iimage patients admitted?

(g) What fraction of patients are admitted?

38. Consider an nimage server system where the service times of server iimage are exponentially distributed with rate μi,i=1,,nimage. Suppose customers arrive in accordance with a Poisson process with rate λimage, and that an arrival who finds all servers busy does not enter but goes elsewhere. Suppose that an arriving customer who finds at least one idle server is served by a randomly chosen one of that group; that is, an arrival finding kimage idle servers is equally likely to be served by any of these kimage.

(a) Define states so as to analyze the preceding as a continuous-time Markov chain.

(b) Show that this chain is time reversible.

(c) Find the limiting probabilities.

39. Suppose in Exercise 38 that an entering customer is served by the server who has been idle the shortest amount of time.

(a) Define states so as to analyze this model as a continuous-time Markov chain.

(b) Show that this chain is time reversible.

(c) Find the limiting probabilities.

40. Consider a continuous-time Markov chain with states 1,,nimage, which spends an exponential time with rate viimage in state iimage during each visit to that state and is then equally likely to go to any of the other n-1image states.

(a) Is this chain time reversible?

(b) Find the long-run proportions of time it spends in each state.

41. Show in Example 6.22 that the limiting probabilities satisfy Equations (6.33), (6.34), and (6.35).

42. In Example 6.22 explain why we would have known before analyzing Example 6.22 that the limiting probability there are jimage customers with server iimage is (λ/μi)j(1-λ/μi),i=1,2,j0image. (What we would not have known was that the number of customers at the two servers would, in steady state, be independent.)

43. Consider a sequential queueing model with three servers, where customers arrive at server 1image in accordance with a Poisson process with rate λimage. After completion at server 1image the customer then moves to server 2image; after a service completion at server 2image the customer moves to server 3image; after a service completion at server 3image the customer departs the system. Assuming that the service times at server iimage are exponential with rate μi,i=1,2,3,image find the limiting probabilities of this system by guessing at the reverse chain and then verifying that your guess is correct.

44. For the continuous-time Markov chain of Exercise 3 present a uniformized version.

45. In Example 6.20, we computed m(t)=E[O(t)]image, the expected occupation time in state 0 by time timage for the two-state continuous-time Markov chain starting in state 0. Another way of obtaining this quantity is by deriving a differential equation for it.

(a) Show that



(b) Show that



(c) Solve for m(t)image.

46. Let O(t)image be the occupation time for state 0 in the two-state continuous-time Markov chain. Find E[O(t)X(0)=1]image.

47. Consider the two-state continuous-time Markov chain. Starting in state 0, find Cov[X(s),X(t)]image.

48. Let Yimage denote an exponential random variable with rate λimage that is independent of the continuous-time Markov chain {X(t)}image and let



(a) Show that



where δijimage is 1 when i=jimage and 0 when ijimage.

(b) Show that the solution of the preceding set of equations is given by



where P¯image is the matrix of elements P¯ijimage, Iimage is the identity matrix, and Rimage the matrix specified in Section 6.9.

(c) Suppose now that Y1,,Ynimage are independent exponentials with rate λimage that are independent of {X(t)}image. Show that



is equal to the element in row iimage, column jimage of the matrix P¯nimage.

(d) Explain the relationship of the preceding to Approximation 2 of Section 6.9.


(a) Show that Approximation 1 of Section 6.9 is equivalent to uniformizing the continuous-time Markov chain with a value vimage such that vt=nimage and then approximating Pij(t)image by Pij*nimage.

(b) Explain why the preceding should make a good approximation.

Hint: What is the standard deviation of a Poisson random variable with mean nimage?