Page numbers in italic indicate photos.
Apple Pie, 332–333
Applesauce, Cranberry, 336
apricots/apricot preserves
Apricot-Glazed Coconut Shrimp with Pineapple-Tequila Salsa, 228–229
Gingered Fig Chutney, 111, 111
Arugula and Bartlett Beet Salad, 290, 290
Fall Salad with Arugula and Roasted Root Vegetables, 301–302, 303
Summer Arugula Salad with Roasted Corn Salsa and Cilantro Vinaigrette, 283
Watermelon, Arugula, and Feta Salad, 304
Asian Cucumber Salad, 261
Asparagus Soup with Bay Scallops and Frizzled Leeks, Creamy, 35
Atlantic Salmon with Grilled Corn and Upland Cress Salad, 106
Charred Corn and Avocado Salsa, 209, 209
Crab Quesadilla with Charred Corn and Avocado Salsa, 208
Grilled Shark with Avocado–Sweet Corn Relish, 113
Wasabi Grilled Tuna with Couscous and Avocado-Mango Salsa, 118–119
Baccala (Salt Cod) Salad, 58
Bacon-Wrapped Whitefish with Charred Fingerling Potatoes and Frisée Salad, 70–72, 71
Lobster BLT, 234
Roasted-Corn Chowder with Crab and Bacon, 27
Baked Haddock Fillets with Horseradish-Chive Potato Mash, 94
Made in the Shade, 317
Crispy Sea Bass with Saffron Fennel–Roasted Tomato Compote, 131
Cuttyhunk Striped Bass with Fresh Herbs, 78
Herb-Roasted Whole Black Sea Bass with Sesame Spinach, 132
Wild Striped Bass with Pistachio Crust, 76
bay scallops, 34, 34, 188, 195
Bay Scallop Ceviche, 188, 189, 199
Creamy Asparagus Soup with Bay Scallops and Frizzled Leeks, 35
Herbed Baked Scallops, 190, 191
Pan-Fried Bay Scallops, 192
Beach Plum Jam, Thumbprint Cookies with, 334
No-Flip Flounder with White Bean Ragout and Spinach Salad, 92–93
Panko-Crusted Skillet-Cooked Haddock with Red Beans and Rice, 91
Arugula and Bartlett Beet Salad, 290, 290
Fall Salad with Arugula and Roasted Root Vegetables, 301–302, 303
Golden Beet Salad with Gorgonzola, 291
Block Island Swordfish with Lemon-Fennel Butter, 123
Blueberry-Ginger Tart, 330–331
Blueberry-Lemon-Ginger Scones, 270
Blueberry Peach Cobbler with Vanilla Bean, 328, 329
Drenched Blueberry Cake, 327
Bluefish with Lemon-Garlic Mayonnaise, 84
Outdoor Blues, 87
Smoked Chatham Bluefish with Capers and Sour Cream, 88, 88
Boat Drink, 314
boats/boating, 95, 166, 171, 171, 190, 279. See also yachting
Boston Salad with Blood Oranges and Red Onion, 266, 267
bouillabaisse, 54
Bourbon, Shrimp Bisque with, 29–30
Bourride with Homemade Garlic Aioli, 38, 39
Broccolini with Lemon and Red Pepper Flakes, Charred, 297
Broiled Oysters, 153
Block Island Swordfish with Lemon-Fennel Butter, 123
Deep Sea Fluke crusted with Jonah Crab and Beurre Blanc Sauce, 126–127
Grilled Littlenecks with Garlic White Wine Butter, 156, 156
Steamed Clams in White Wine, Butter, and Garlic, 174
Steamers with Lemon Butter, 172, 173
Whelks with Parsley and Garlic Butter, 178
Cake, Drenched Blueberry, 327
Chilled Calamari Salad with Lemon and Basil, 199
Rhode Island–Style Calamari with Romesco Dipping Sauce, 202
Baccala (Salt Cod) Salad, 58
Smoked Chatham Bluefish with Capers and Sour Cream, 88, 88
Coleslaw with Carrots and Currants, 268
Gefilte Fish, 99–100
cassava root
Shrimp-Crusted Pork Loin with Chipotle Vinaigrette and Cassava Chips, 226–227
Cranberry-Cauliflower-Walnut Salad, 269
Roasted Cauliflower with Agave and Smoked Paprika, 295
Sautéed Cauliflower with Scallions and Currants, 287, 287
Cedar-Planked Salmon, 107, 108, 109
Ceviche, Bay Scallop, 188, 189, 199
Ceviche, Ginger-Lime Scallop, 187, 189
Charred Broccolini with Lemon and Red Pepper Flakes, 297
Charred Corn and Avocado Salsa, 209, 209
Chatham Mussels in Curried Ginger Coconut Broth, 183
cheese. See also specific type
Dandelion Greens, Oranges, and Goat Cheese, 288, 288
Golden Beet Salad with Gorgonzola, 291
New Haven–Style White Clam Pizza, 176–177
Salad Greens with Great Hill Blue Cheese and Vinaigrette, 264–265
Shrimp and Crab Manicotti with Cream Sauce, 212
Chickpeas, Roasted, 302
chiffonade, 53
Chilled Calamari Salad with Lemon and Basil, 199
chipotle peppers
Chipotle Fish Tacos with Cilantro, 97
Roasted-Corn Soup with Shrimp and Chipotles, 32, 33
Shrimp-Crusted Pork Loin with Chipotle Vinaigrette and Cassava Chips, 226–227
JFK New England Fish Chowder, 25
Roasted-Corn Chowder with Crab and Bacon, 27
Rhode Island Clam Chowder, 23
citrus fruits. See also specific fruit
Citrus Mignonette, 144
citrus salt, 319
clams/clam meat, 41, 41, 157, 175, 175. See also littleneck clams; quahogs; steamers
Clams al Fresco with Tomatoes, 165
Clams with Chouriço and Kale, 154, 155
Linguine with Clams, 159
New Haven–Style White Clam Pizza, 176–177
Rhode Island Clam Cakes, 162, 163
Rhode Island Clam Chowder, 23
Stonington Clam Cakes with Lemon-Parsley Sauce, 164
Cobbler with Vanilla Bean, Blueberry Peach, 328, 329
cocktails. See also specific alcoholic beverage
key components of, 310
coconut/coconut milk
Apricot-Glazed Coconut Shrimp with Pineapple-Tequila Salsa, 228–229
Chatham Mussels in Curried Ginger Coconut Broth, 183
codfish, 45—46, 45, 46, 49–51. See also salt cod, dried
Fish Cakes with Tomato Sauce, 62
Roasted Cod with Basil and Tomatoes on Garlic Toasts, 52, 53, 55
Coleslaw with Carrots and Currants, 268
Connecticut, 153
Cookies with Beach Plum Jam, Thumbprint, 334
Atlantic Salmon with Grilled Corn and Upland Cress Salad, 106
Charred Corn and Avocado Salsa, 209, 209
Grilled Shark with Avocado–Sweet Corn Relish, 113
Roasted-Corn Chowder with Crab and Bacon, 27
Roasted Corn Salsa, 283
Roasted-Corn Soup with Shrimp and Chipotles, 32, 33
Summer Arugula Salad with Roasted Corn Salsa and Cilantro Vinaigrette, 283
Cornmeal-Crusted Oysters with Old Bay Sauce, 152
crabmeat, 212
Crab Cakes with Roasted Jalapeño Crema, 206–207
Crab Quesadilla with Charred Corn and Avocado Salsa, 208
Deep Sea Fluke crusted with Jonah Crab and Beurre Blanc Sauce, 126–127
Roasted-Corn Chowder with Crab and Bacon, 27
Shrimp and Crab Manicotti with Cream Sauce, 212
cranberries, 336
Cranberry Applesauce, 336
Cranberry-Cauliflower-Walnut Salad, 269
Cranberry Granola, 335
Cranberry-Orange Relish, 337
Salad Greens with Great Hill Blue Cheese and Vinaigrette, 264–265
cranberry juice
Cranberry Lemonade, 271
New Englander, The, 319
cream cheese
Smoked Whitefish Pâté with Fresh Figs, Gorgonzola Dolce, and Local Honey, 90
Creamy Asparagus Soup with Bay Scallops and Frizzled Leeks, 35
Crispy Roasted Fish with Gingered Fig Chutney, 110
Crispy Sea Bass with Saffron Fennel–Roasted Tomato Compote, 131
Crostini, Garlic, 154
Asian Cucumber Salad, 261
Jalapeño-Cucumber Margarita, 311
Old-Fashioned Cucumber Salad, 263
Spicy Cucumber Salad, 260, 260
Coleslaw with Carrots and Currants, 268
Sautéed Cauliflower with Scallions and Currants, 287, 287
curry powder
Chatham Mussels in Curried Ginger Coconut Broth, 183
Curried Lobster Roll, 236, 237
Homemade Curry Powder, 236
Cuttyhunk Striped Bass with Fresh Herbs, 78
dandelion greens
Dandelion Greens, Oranges, and Goat Cheese, 288, 288
Grilled Squid with Lemon and Young Dandelion Greens, 200, 201
Dark and Stormy, 317
Daylily Buds, Pickled, 284, 285
Daylily Buds, Sautéed, 284
Deep Sea Fluke Crusted with Jonah Crab and Beurre Blanc Sauce, 126–127
Del’s Lemonade, 275
Drenched Blueberry Cake, 327, 329
eggstegg yolks
Gefilte Fish, 99–100
Estrella’s Simple Secret, 77
Fall Salad with Arugula and Roasted Root Vegetables, 301–302
Farmer, Fannie, 31
Fast and Slow
Oil-Poached Fish: Fast, 68
Oil-Poached Fish: Slow, 69
fennel bulb
Crispy Sea Bass with Saffron Fennel–Roasted Tomato Compote, 131
Ipswich Clams with Garlic, Fennel, and Romesco Sauce, 160
fennel seeds
Block Island Swordfish with Lemon-Fennel Butter, 123
feta cheese
Prawns in Tomato Sauce with Feta, 214–215
Roasted Tomatoes with Shrimp, Red Pepper, and Feta, 223
Watermelon, Arugula, and Feta Salad, 304
Crispy Roasted Fish with Gingered Fig Chutney, 110
Gingered Fig Chutney, 111, 111
Smoked Whitefish Pâté with Fresh Figs, Gorgonzola Dolce, and Local Honey, 90
fish, 60, 72, 75, 75, 98, 203. See also specific type
Bacon-Wrapped Whitefish with Charred Fingerling Potatoes and Frisée Salad, 70–72, 71
Bourride with Homemade Garlic Aioli, 38, 39
Crispy Roasted Fish with Gingered Fig Chutney, 110
Estrella’s Simple Secret, 77
Fish Cakes with Tomato Sauce, 62
grilling, 80, 80, 81, 104, 104
Oil-Poached Fish: Fast, 68
Oil-Poached Fish: Slow, 69
Pesce all’Acqua Pazza, 73
Fish Cakes with Tomato Sauce, 62
fishing/fishermen, 49–50, 67, 130, 143, 262
fish tacos
Chipotle Fish Tacos with Cilantro, 97
Salmon Tacos, 105
flounder, 98
Chipotle Fish Tacos with Cilantro, 97
Flounder Fillets, 96
No-Flip Flounder with White Bean Ragout and Spinach Salad, 92–93
Deep Sea Fluke Crusted with Jonah Crab and Beurre Blanc Sauce, 126–127
Fluke with Chipotle-Lime Quinoa, 128, 129
Fresh Limeade, 273
Fried Scallops, 195
Frisée Salad, 70
Bluefish with Lemon-Garlic Mayonnaise, 84
Bourride with Homemade Garlic Aioli, 38, 39
Garlic Crostini, 154
Garlic-Saffron Toasts, 181
Roasted Cod with Basil and Tomatoes on Garlic Toasts, 52, 53
Steamed Clams in White Wine, Butter, and Garlic, 174
Steamed Mussels with White Wine Sauce and Garlic-Saffron Toasts, 180
Whelks with Parsley and Garlic Butter, 178
Gefilte Fish, 99–100
Lavender Gin with Bubbles, 322
Made in the Shade, 317
Weekapaug Bee Keeper, 315, 315
ginger, candied
Blueberry-Ginger Tart, 330–331
ginger, fresh
Blueberry-Lemon-Ginger Scones, 270
Chatham Mussels in Curried Ginger Coconut Broth, 183
Crispy Roasted Fish with Gingered Fig Chutney, 110
Gingered Fig Chutney, 111, 111
Ginger-Lime Scallop Ceviche, 186, 187, 189
Ginger Mignonette, 150
Ginger Syrup, 274
Green Tea Granita with Ginger Syrup and Mint, 277
Grilled Shrimp with Spicy Ginger Noodles, 220, 221
Lemon Ginger Tea, 274
Matunuck Oysters with Ginger Mignonette, 150–151
Seared Ginger Sea Scallops, 194
ginger beer
Dark and Stormy, 317
Gorgonzola dolce
Smoked Whitefish Pâté with Fresh Figs, Gorgonzola Dolce, and Local Honey, 90
Granola, Cranberry, 335
grapefruit, Frisée Salad, 70–72
greens. See also specific type
Grilled Squid with Lemon and Young Dandelion Greens, 200, 201
Pomegranate–Wild Rice Salad with Roasted Squash and Greens, 294
Salad Greens with Great Hill Blue Cheese and Vinaigrette, 264–265
Green Tea Granita with Ginger Syrup and Mint, 277
Grilled Littlenecks with Garlic White Wine Butter, 156, 156
Grilled Oysters with Habanero Sauce, 148, 148
Grilled Salmon with Tomato-Basil Relish, 102, 103
Grilled Shark with Avocado–Sweet Corn Relish, 113
Grilled Shrimp with Spicy Ginger Noodles, 220, 221
Grilled Squid Devil Dogs with Habanero-Lime Ketchup, 204–205
Grilled Squid with Lemon and Young Dandelion Greens, 200, 201
Grilled Swordfish with Pasta and Summer Tomato Sauce, 125
Grilled Tuna Steaks with Kimchi, 252–253
Grilled Vegetable Salad, 299
grilling, 80, 80, 81, 104, 104
habanero peppers
Grilled Oysters with Habanero Sauce, 148, 148, 149
Grilled Squid Devil Dogs with Habanero-Lime Ketchup, 204–205
Skewered Tequila-Lime Shrimp with Mango-Jicama-Habanero Relish, 224, 225
Baked Haddock Fillets with Horseradish-Chive Potato Mash, 94
Panko-Crusted Skillet-Cooked Haddock with Red Beans and Rice, 91
Halibut over Wild Rice with Spicy Cucumber Salad, 134
hard-shell clams. See quahogs
Hemingway, Ernest, 118
herbs. See also specific type
Cuttyhunk Striped Bass with Fresh Herbs, 78
Herbed Baked Scallops, 190, 191
Herb-Roasted Whole Black Sea Bass with Sesame Spinach, 132
Marinated Shrimp with Fresh Herbs, 216, 217, 218
Homemade Curry Powder, 236
Homemade Mayonnaise, 235
honey, local
Smoked Whitefish Pâté with Fresh Figs, Gorgonzola Dolce, and Local Honey, 90
Weekapaug Bee Keeper, 315, 315
Honeysuckle Sorbet, 278
Hurricane, 312
Ipswich Clams with Garlic, Fennel, and Romesco Sauce, 160
jalapeño peppers
Crab Cakes with Roasted Jalapeño Crema, 206–207
Jalapeño-Cucumber Margarita, 311
Pico de Gallo, 298
Roasted Jalapeño Crema, 206, 207
JFK New England Fish Chowder, 25
Mango-Jicama-Habanero Relish, 224, 225
Pico de Gallo, 298
Skewered Tequila-Lime Shrimp with Mango-Jicama-Habanero Relish, 224, 225
Clams with Chouriço and Kale, 154, 155
Kale Soup with Linguiça, 42
Lemon-Kale Salad, 286
kelp, 307
Ketchup, Habanero-Lime, 204
Kimchi, Grilled Tuna Steaks with, 252–253
kombu, 307
Lavender Syrup, 322
Lavender Gin with Bubbles, 322
Made in the Shade, 317
Tew’s Mojito, 318
Bourride with Homemade Garlic Aioli, 38, 39
Creamy Asparagus Soup with Bay Scallops and Frizzled Leeks, 35
lemons/lemon juice/lemon zest
Block Island Swordfish with Lemon-Fennel Butter, 123
Blueberry-Lemon-Ginger Scones, 270
Bluefish with Lemon-Garlic Mayonnaise, 84
Charred Broccolini with Lemon and Red Pepper Flakes, 297
Chilled Calamari Salad with Lemon and Basil, 199
Del’s Lemonade, 275
Grilled Squid with Lemon and Young Dandelion Greens, 200, 201
Lavender Lemonade, 272
Lemon Ginger Tea, 274
Lemon-Kale Salad, 286
Lemon-Parsley Sauce, 164
Made in the Shade, 317
Steamers with Lemon Butter, 172, 173
Thyme-Lemon Limeade, 273
Let ’em Roll, 231
Lobster BLT, 234
limes/lime juice/lime zest
Fluke with Chipotle-Lime Quinoa, 128, 129
Fresh Limeade, 273
Ginger-Lime Scallop Ceviche, 186, 187
Grilled Squid Devil Dogs with Habanero-Lime Ketchup, 204–205
Jalapeño-Cucumber Margarita, 311
Made in the Shade, 317
Mustard-Lime Dipping Sauce, 218
Skewered Tequila-Lime Shrimp with Mango-Jicama-Habanero Relish, 224, 225
Thyme-Lemon Limeade, 273
Weekapaug Bee Keeper, 315, 315
Whole Grilled Mackerel with Lime and Spicy Yogurt, 254–257, 255, 256
Linguiça, Kale Soup with, 42
littleneck clams, 175, 175, 265
Clams al Fresco with Tomatoes, 165
Grilled Littlenecks with Garlic White Wine Butter, 156, 156
Ipswich Clams with Garlic, Fennel, and Romesco Sauce, 160
Nantucket Littlenecks, 171
Steamed Clams in White Wine, Butter, and Garlic, 174
boiling and steaming, 230
Curried Lobster Roll, 236, 237
Let ’em Roll, 231
Lobster BLT, 234
Lobster-Clambake, 245–251, 245–251
Lobster Salad, 231
Shrimp and Lobster Ravioli with Pesto Cream Sauce, 241
Stuffed Maine Lobster Tail Scampi, 238–239
Mackerel with Lime and Spicy Yogurt, Whole Grilled, 254–257, 255, 256
Made in the Shade, 317
Mango-Jicama-Habanero Relish, 224, 225
Skewered Tequila-Lime Shrimp with Mango-Jicama-Habanero Relish, 224, 225
Wasabi Grilled Tuna with Couscous and Avocado-Mango Salsa, 118–119
Manicotti with Cream Sauce, Shrimp and Crab, 212
maple syrup
Cornmeal-Crusted Oysters with Old Bay Sauce, 152
Margarita, Jalapeño-Cucumber, 311
Marinated Shrimp with Fresh Herbs, 216, 217
Cape Cod, 45—46
Menemsha, 89
Nantucket/Nantucket Sound, 118, 143, 165, 187, 195
New Bedford, 56–57, 56, 57, 114–115, 114, 115
Westport, 281–282, 281, 282, 316
Matunuck Oysters with Ginger Mignonette, 150–151
Mayonnaise, Homemade, 235
Pico de Gallo, 298
Watermelon, Arugula, and Feta Salad, 304
Mignonette, Ginger, 150
Mignonette, Matunuck Oysters with Ginger, 150–151
mint, 318
Green Tea Granita with Ginger Syrup and Mint, 277
Matunuck Oysters with Ginger Mignonette, 150–151
Mint-Passionfruit Granita, 150
Pico de Gallo, 298
Weekapaug Bee Keeper, 315, 315
Mojito, Tew’s, 318
Bourride with Homemade Garlic Aioli, 38, 39
Chatham Mussels in Curried Ginger Coconut Broth, 183
Saffron and Mussel Risotto with Shiitakes, 184–185, 185
Steamed Mussels with White Wine Sauce and Garlic-Saffron Toasts, 180
Mustard-Lime Dipping Sauce, 218
Naked Oysters with Citrus Mignonette, 144
Nantucket Littlenecks, 171
New Bedford Scallops with Cashews and Tomatoes, 198
New England, 124, 124, 133, 234, 296, 313. See also specific state
New Englander, The, 319
New Hampshire, 140
New Haven–Style White Clam Pizza, 176–177
No-Flip Flounder with White Bean Ragout and Spinach Salad, 92–93
Seaweed Sushi Roll, 66–67
nuts. See also specific type
Cranberry-Cauliflower-Walnut Salad, 269
Cranberry Granola, 335
Cranberry-Orange Relish, 337
Dandelion Greens, Oranges, and Goat Cheese, 288, 288
Golden Beet Salad with Gorgonzola, 291
New Bedford Scallops with Cashews and Tomatoes, 198
Thumbprint Cookies with Beach Plum Jam, 334
White Chocolate–Macadamia Nut Cookies, 276, 276
Wild Striped Bass with Pistachio Crust, 76
oats, rolled
Cranberrry Granola, 335
Oil-Poached Fish: Fast, 68
Oil-Poached Fish: Slow, 69
Old Bay seasoning
Old Bay Sauce, 152
Rhode Island Clam Cakes, 162, 163
Old-Fashioned Cucumber Salad, 263
Boston Salad with Blood Oranges and Red Onion, 266, 267
orange juice
Boat Drink, 314
Boston Salad with Blood Oranges and Red Onion, 266, 267
Cranberry-Orange Relish, 337
Dandelion Greens, Oranges, and Goat Cheese, 288, 288
Prawns in Tomato Sauce with Feta, 214–215
oysters, 137–143, 141, 142, 149
Broiled Oysters, 153
Cornmeal-Crusted Oysters with Old Bay Sauce, 152
Grilled Oysters with Habanero Sauce, 148, 148, 149
Matunuck Oysters with Ginger Mignonette, 150–151
Naked Oysters with Citrus Mignonette, 144
Oyster Pan Roast, 36
Pan-Fried Bay Scallops, 192
Panko-Crusted Skillet-Cooked Haddock with Red Beans and Rice, 91
Pan-Seared Stonington Scallops with Sorrel Sauce, 193
Parmigiano Reggiano
Arugula and Bartlett Beet Salad, 290, 290
Linguine with Clams, 159
Saffron and Mussel Risotto with Shiitakes, 184–185, 185
Lemon-Parsley Sauce, 164
Shrimp and Crab Manicotti with Cream Sauce, 212
Whelks with Parsley and Garlic Butter, 178
Passionfruit Granita, Mint-, 150
Clams al Fresco with Tomatoes, 165
Grilled Swordfish with Pasta and Summer Tomato Sauce, 125
Linguine with Clams, 159
Seafood Fideua (aka Paella), 168, 169
Shrimp and Crab Manicotti with Cream Sauce, 212
Shrimp and Lobster Ravioli with Pesto Cream Sauce, 241
Pâté with Fresh Figs, Gorgonzola Dolce, and Local Honey, Smoked Whitefish, 90
Peach Cobbler with Vanilla Bean, Blueberry, 328, 329
peppers. See specific type
periwinkles, 177
Pesce all’Acqua Pazza, 73
Pesto Cream Sauce, Shrimp and Lobster Ravioli with, 241
Pickled Daylily Buds, 284, 285
Pico de Gallo, 298
Pie, Apple, 332–333
pilot cracker incident, 26
pineapple/pineapple juice
Apricot-Glazed Coconut Shrimp with Pineapple-Tequila Salsa, 228–229
Boat Drink, 314
Pizza, New Haven–Style White Clam, 176–177
Pomegranate–Wild Rice Salad with Roasted Squash and Greens, 294
Pork Loin with Chipotle Vinaigrette and Cassava Chips, Shrimp-Crusted, 226–227
Bacon-Wrapped Whitefish with Charred Fingerling Potatoes and Frisée Salad, 70–72, 71
Baked Haddock Fillets with Horseradish-Chive Potato Mash, 94
Prawns in Tomato Sauce with Feta, 214–215
Pretend It’s Cod, 61
Prosecco, Strawberry Bellini, 320, 321
Stuffies, 167
Quinoa, Fluke with Chipotle-Lime, 128, 129
Quinoa Salad, Quinoa, 196–197
Gingered Fig Chutney, 111, 111
Red Pepper Flakes, Charred Broccolini with Lemon and, 297
red peppers, roasted
Roasted Tomatoes with Shrimp, Red Pepper, and Feta, 223
Romesco Sauce, 161
Relish, Cranberry-Orange, 337
Relish, Tomato-Basil, 102, 103
Rhode Island, 24
Rhode Island Clam Cakes, 162, 163
Rhode Island Clam Chowder, 23
Rhode Island–Style Calamari with Romesco Dipping Sauce, 202
rice. See also wild rice
Panko-Crusted Skillet-Cooked Haddock with Red Beans and Rice, 91
Saffron and Mussel Risotto with Shiitakes, 184–185, 185
Seafood Fideua (aka Paella), 168, 169
Seaweed Sushi Roll, 66–67
Roasted Cauliflower with Agave and Smoked Paprika, 295
Roasted Chickpeas, 302
Roasted Cod with Basil and Tomatoes on Garlic Toasts, 52, 53
Roasted-Corn Chowder with Crab and Bacon, 27
Roasted Corn Salsa, 283
Roasted-Corn Soup with Shrimp and Chipotles, 32, 33
Roasted Tomatoes with Shrimp, Red Pepper, and Feta, 223
Romesco Sauce, 161
Ipswich Clams with Garlic, Fennel, and Romesco Sauce, 160
Root Vegetables, Fall Salad with Arugula and Roasted, 301–302, 303
rum, 318
Boat Drink, 314
Dark and Stormy, 317
Hurricane, 312
Crispy Sea Bass with Saffron Fennel–Roasted Tomato Compote, 131
Garlic-Saffron Toasts, 181
Saffron and Mussel Risotto with Shiitakes, 184–185, 185
Steamed Mussels with White Wine Sauce and Garlic-Saffron Toasts, 180
Arugula and Bartlett Beet Salad, 290, 290
Asian Cucumber Salad, 261
Baccala (Salt Cod) Salad, 58
Boston Salad with Blood Oranges and Red Onion, 266, 267
Chilled Calamari Salad with Lemon and Basil, 199
Coleslaw with Carrots and Currants, 268
Cranberry-Cauliflower-Walnut Salad, 269
Fall Salad with Arugula and Roasted Root Vegetables, 301–302, 303
Golden Beet Salad with Gorgonzola, 291
Grilled Vegetable Salad, 299
Halibut over Wild Rice with Spicy Cucumber Salad, 134
Lemon-Kale Salad, 286
Lobster Salad, 231
Old-Fashioned Cucumber Salad, 263
Pico de Gallo, 298
Pomegranate–Wild Rice Salad with Roasted Squash and Greens, 294
Salad Greens with Great Hill Blue Cheese and Vinaigrette, 264–265
Seafood Quinoa Salad, 196–197
Seaweed Salad, 305
Spicy Cucumber Salad, 109, 260, 260
Spinach Salad, 92–93
Summer Arugula Salad with Roasted Corn Salsa and Cilantro Vinaigrette, 283
Watermelon, Arugula, and Feta Salad, 304
Atlantic Salmon with Grilled Corn and Upland Cress Salad, 106
Cedar-Planked Salmon, 107, 108, 109
Grilled Salmon with Tomato-Basil Relish, 102, 103
Salmon Tacos, 105
Smoked Salmon Sandwich, 258, 258
Avocado-Mango Salsa, 118–119
Charred Corn and Avocado Salsa, 209, 209
Pineapple-Tequila Salsa, 229
Summer Arugula Salad with Roasted Corn Salsa and Cilantro Vinaigrette, 283
salt, citrus, 319
salt cod, dried, 59
Baccala (Salt Cod) Salad, 58
Curried Lobster Roll, 236, 237
Grilled Squid Devil Dogs with Habanero-Lime Ketchup, 204–205
Let ’em Roll, 231
Smoked Salmon Sandwich, 258, 258
sauces, 149, 235. See also salsa
Charred Corn and Avocado Salsa, 209, 209
Cream Sauce, 212
Grilled Oysters with Habanero Sauce, 148, 148, 149
Lemon-Parsley Sauce, 164
Mustard-Lime Dipping Sauce, 218
Old Bay Sauce, 152
Rhode Island–Style Calamari with Romesco Dipping Sauce, 202
Shrimp and Lobster Ravioli with Pesto Cream Sauce, 241
Clams with Chouriço and Kale, 154, 155
Kale Soup with Linguiça, 42
Stonington Clam Cakes with Lemon-Parsley Sauce, 164
Stuffies, 167
Sautéed Cauliflower with Scallions and Currants, 287, 287
Sautéed Cauliflower with Scallions and Currants, 287, 287
scallops. See bay scallops; sea scallops
Scones, Blueberry-Lemon-Ginger, 270
sea bass. See bass
seafood. See also specific type
Seafood Fideua (aka Paella), 168, 169
Seafood Quinoa Salad, 196–197
Seared Ginger Sea Scallops, 194
Seared Gloucester Bluefin Tuna with Wasabi Dipping Sauce, 120
sea scallops, 34
Bourride with Homemade Garlic Aioli, 38, 39
Fried Scallops, 195
Ginger-Lime Scallop Ceviche, 186, 187
New Bedford Scallops with Cashews and Tomatoes, 198
Pan-Seared Stonington Scallops with Sorrel Sauce, 193
Seared Ginger Sea Scallops, 194
Lobster-Clambake, 245–251
Seaweed Salad, 305
Seaweed Sushi Roll, 66–67
sesame seeds
Herb-Roasted Whole Black Sea Bass with Sesame Spinach, 132
Sesame Spinach, 292
Shad Fillets, 74
Shark with Avocado–Sweet Corn Relish, Grilled, 113
Shiitakes, Saffron and Mussel Risotto with, 184–185, 185
shrimp, 28
Apricot-Glazed Coconut Shrimp with Pineapple-Tequila Salsa, 228–229
Grilled Shrimp with Spicy Ginger Noodles, 220, 221
Marinated Shrimp with Fresh Herbs, 216, 217, 218
Prawns in Tomato Sauce with Feta, 214–215
Roasted-Corn Soup with Shrimp and Chipotles, 32, 33
Roasted Tomatoes with Shrimp, Red Pepper, and Feta, 223
Shrimp and Crab Manicotti with Cream Sauce, 212
Shrimp and Lobster Ravioli with Pesto Cream Sauce, 241
Shrimp Bisque with Bourbon, 29–30
Shrimp-Crusted Pork Loin with Chipotle Vinaigrette and Cassava Chips, 226–227
Shrimp in Crazy Water, 222
Skewered Tequila-Lime Shrimp with Mango-Jicama-Habanero Relish, 224, 225
Pretend It’s Cod, 61
Skewered Tequila-Lime Shrimp with Mango-Jicama-Habanero Relish, 224, 225
Smoked Chatham Bluefish with Capers and Sour Cream, 88, 88
Smoked Salmon Sandwich, 258, 258
Smoked Whitefish Pâté with Fresh Figs, Gorgonzola Dolce, and Local Honey, 90
soba (buckwheat noodles)
Grilled Shrimp with Spicy Ginger Noodles, 220, 221
soft-shell clams. See littleneck clams
Sole en Papillote, 116, 116, 117
Sorbet, Honeysuckle, 278
Sorrel Sauce, Pan-Seared Stonington Scallops with, 193
soup. See also chowder; stew
Creamy Asparagus Soup with Bay Scallops and Frizzled Leeks, 35
Kale Soup with Linguiça, 42
Roasted-Corn Soup with Shrimp and Chipotles, 32, 33
Sour Cream, Smoked Chatham Bluefish with Capers and, 88, 88
Spicy Cucumber Salad, 109, 260, 260
Halibut over Wild Rice with Spicy Cucumber Salad, 134
No-Flip Flounder with White Bean Ragout and Spinach Salad, 92–93
Sesame Spinach, 292
Squash and Greens, Pomegranate–Wild Rice Salad with Roasted, 294
squid. See also calamari
Grilled Squid Devil Dogs with Habanero-Lime Ketchup, 204–205
Grilled Squid with Lemon and Young Dandelion Greens, 200, 201
Steamed Clams in White Wine, Butter, and Garlic, 174
Steamed Mussels with White Wine Sauce and Garlic-Saffron Toasts, 180
Lobster-Clambake, 245–251, 245–251
Steamers with Lemon Butter, 172, 173
Bourride with Homemade Garlic Aioli, 38, 39
Stonington Clam Cakes with Lemon-Parsley Sauce, 164
Stuffed Maine Lobster Tail Scampi, 238–239
Stuffies, 167
Summer Arugula Salad with Roasted Corn Salsa and Cilantro Vinaigrette, 283
Sushi Roll, Seaweed, 66–67
Block Island Swordfish with Lemon-Fennel Butter, 123
Grilled Swordfish with Pasta and Summer Tomato Sauce, 125
Tart, Blueberry-Ginger, 330–331
Tea, Lemon Ginger, 274
Tea Granita with Ginger Syrup and Mint, Green, 277
Jalapeño-Cucumber Margarita, 311
Skewered Tequila-Lime Shrimp with Mango-Jicama-Habanero Relish, 224, 225
Tew’s Mojito, 318
Thumbprint Cookies with Beach Plum Jam, 334
Thyme-Lemon Limeade, 273
Toasts, Garlic-Saffron, 181
Clams al Fresco with Tomatoes, 165
Crispy Sea Bass with Saffron Fennel–Roasted Tomato Compote, 131
Fish Cakes with Tomato Sauce, 62
Grilled Salmon with Tomato-Basil Relish, 102, 103
Grilled Swordfish with Pasta and Summer Tomato Sauce, 125
Ipswich Clams with Garlic, Fennel, and Romesco Sauce, 160
Lobster BLT, 234
New Bedford Scallops with Cashews and Tomatoes, 198
Pesce all’Acqua Pazza, 73
Prawns in Tomato Sauce with Feta, 214–215
Roasted Cod with Basil and Tomatoes on Garlic Toasts, 52, 53, 55
Roasted Tomatoes with Shrimp, Red Pepper, and Feta, 223
Romesco Sauce, 161
Sole en Papillote, 116, 116, 117
tuna steaks, 121
Grilled Tuna Steaks with Kimchi, 252–253
Seared Gloucester Bluefin Tuna with Wasabi Dipping Sauce, 120
Wasabi Grilled Tuna with Couscous and Avocado-Mango Salsa, 118–119
Vanilla Bean, Blueberry Peach Cobbler with, 328, 329
vegetables. See also specific type
Fall Salad with Arugula and Roasted Root Vegetables, 301–302, 303
Grilled Vegetable Salad, 299
Seaweed Sushi Roll, 66–67
Vinaigrette, Cilantro, 283
New Englander, The, 319
wasabi powder
Seared Gloucester Bluefin Tuna with Wasabi Dipping Sauce, 120
Wasabi Grilled Tuna with Couscous and Avocado-Mango Salsa, 118–119
Watermelon, Arugula, and Feta Salad, 304
Weekapaug, The, 314
Weekapaug Bee Keeper, 315, 315
Westport, Massachusetts, 281–282, 281, 282, 316
Whelks with Parsley and Garlic Butter, 178
White Chocolate–Macadamia Nut Cookies, 276, 276
Bacon-Wrapped Whitefish with Charred Fingerling Potatoes and Frisée Salad, 70–72, 71
Gefilte Fish, 99–100
Smoked Whitefish Pâté with Fresh Figs, Gorgonzola Dolce, and Local Honey, 90
Whole Grilled Mackerel with Lime and Spicy Yogurt, 254–257, 255, 256
wild rice
Halibut over Wild Rice with Spicy Cucumber Salad, 134
Pomegranate–Wild Rice Salad with Roasted Squash and Greens, 294
Wild Striped Bass with Pistachio Crust, 76
wine, white
Grilled Littlenecks with Garlic White Wine Butter, 156, 156
Nantucket Littlenecks, 171
Pesce all’Acqua Pazza, 73
Shrimp in Crazy Water, 222
Steamed Clams in White Wine, Butter, and Garlic, 174
Steamed Mussels with White Wine Sauce and Garlic-Saffron Toasts, 180
Wood-Roasted Native Striped Bass, 82