
AASN. See Arkansas Abortion Support Network

abdominal pain, 124

abortion. See specific topics

abortion clinics, 12, 12, 19, 20, 22, 101. See also clinic access

accessible entrances to, 72

businesses near, 4748

in California, 14

city councils, 46

clinic escorts, 49, 8386, 105, 157

in Delaware, 15

flying to, 71

gestational limits of, 26

HB 2 forcing closure of, 7, 39, 73

independent, 62

in Kentucky, 17

local level protection of, 45

in Maryland, 17

medication abortion in, 115

multiple trips to, 4

in North Carolina, 21

patients afraid to enter, 8

people who cannot go to, 129

Planned Parenthood being only remaining,


prices of, 38

restrictions forcing closure of, 6, 24

self-managed abortion outside, 112, 120, 125

staff of, 45

transportation to, 72, 74, 7577, 132

Abortion Conversation Project, 64

abortion deserts, 11

abortion doulas, 49

abortion “facilitators,” 103

abortion-funding bans, 56

abortion hostels, 8889

abortion-inducing medication, 110, 111, 115, 115

abortion pills

distribution of information about, 120

graphics on use of, 12123

helping to obtain, 103

online availability of, 117

from online pharmacies, 116

pill protests, 110

self-managed abortion care using, 111, 112

abortion rights, 43

abortion techniques, 131

abortion training, 82

access, 1112, 44, 45, 101, 155

clinic access, 3, 2728, 3940, 47

legal access to, abortion, 43, 4950

restricting, 2, 3, 156

Access Reproductive Care Southeast (ARC Southeast), 74

Access Women’s Health Justice, 77

ACLU. See American Civil Liberties Union

activism, 55, 86. See also civil disobedience

activist environment, 155

family members support for, 107

gas cards and, 70

in groups, 1045

by Janes, 133

against Kavanaugh, 102, 109

legality and, 105

local level, 45

marginalized communities in, 93

overnight stays and, 8688

participation in, 48, 56, 103

privacy and, 105, 106

ReproAction, 102, 103

reproductive justice and, 91, 92, 94

sit-ins, 109, 110

state-based, 102

storytelling projects, 6364

in underserved areas, 147

Advancing New Standards in Reproductive Health (ANSIRH), 11, 38

Advocates for Youth, 98

Afiya Center, 97

AfterPill, 30

Aid Access, 129, 130

Air Care Alliance, 89

airline miles, 71

Alabama, 46, 68

Alabama Reproductive Rights Advocates (ARRA), 29

Alaska, 13, 143

All-Options Pregnancy Center, 6566

Amendment 2 (Alabama), 13

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 81, 149

Americans United for Life, 3

Amethyst Health Center for Women, 46

Android phone encryption, 149

ANSIRH. See Advancing New Standards in Reproductive Health

anti-abortion activists, 3, 8, 63, 65, 106, 156, 161

anti-abortion infiltration, 156

ARC Southeast. See Access Reproductive Care Southeast

Argentina, 114

Arizona, 14, 57

Arkansas, 14

Arkansas Abortion Support Network (AASN), 74

ARRA. See Alabama Reproductive Rights Advocates

art projects, 64

aspiration, 140, 141

Ault, Heather, 64

bacteria, 135

bans. See also state bans, on abortion

on abortion-funding, 56

effectively banning abortion without violating constitutional right, 6

federal twenty-week abortion ban, 5

on medication abortion, 4

six-week heartbeat bans, 3

total bans, 4

Bedsider, 37

Betadine, 136, 137

birth control. See contraception

birth control pills, 3235

birth outcomes, 52, 154

BirthStrides, 97

black feminists, 91

Black Lives Matter, 101

Black Mamas Matter Alliance, 98

Black Women for Wellness, 95

Black Women’s Health Imperative, 99

blood clots, 35

BMI. See body mass index

body mass index (BMI), 30

Bridge Collective, 75

Brigid Alliance, 78

Brown, Jerry, 14, 44

browsing history, 150

buffer zones, 47

California, 14, 32, 35, 44, 57, 134

California Latinas for Reproductive Justice, 96

“Cancel Kavanaugh” event, 110

cannula, 134, 13641

Caribbean, 9

Cascades Abortion Support Collective, 76

CASN. See Clinic Access Support Network

cell phones. See mobile phones

cellular network use, 150

Center for Popular Democracy Action Network, 109

Center for Reproductive Rights, 13, 24, 8081

cervix, 132, 134, 136, 137, 13940, 143

Chalker, Rebecca, 135

childbirth, 91

child endangerment, 126

Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act (CIANA), 5051, 108

Choices Women’s Medical Center, 78

CIANA. See Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act

Cicada Collective, 73, 75

city councils, 46

civil disobedience, 101, 110

importance of, 109

skill sets useful for, 104

by white allies, 1078

willingness to commit, 103, 106

civil rights, 101

classism, 102

Clergy Consultation Service on Abortion, 101

clinic access, 3, 2728, 3940, 47

Clinic Access Support Network (CASN), 75

clinic escorts, 49, 8386, 105, 157

Clinic Vest Project, 85

cloud-based service, 151

Cloudflare, 161

coat hanger, 133

college campuses, 31

COLOR. See Colorado Organization for Latina Opportunity and Reproductive Rights

Colorado, 15, 32, 57

Colorado Doula Project, 94

Colorado Organization for Latina Opportunity and Reproductive Rights (COLOR), 94

community support, 48

complicationsm after abortion, 9, 124

conception, 4, 14, 115, 14041 LARC, 3637

condoms, 35

Connecticut, 15, 32, 58

Constitution, US, 4

constitutional right, to abortion, 1, 5, 6, 43

contraception, 27, 32, 33, 101, 103. See alsoemergency contraception

birth control pills, 3235

condoms, 35

hormonal, 36

contractions, 115

copper IUD, 30

Cosmopolitan (magazine), 39

cost, of abortion, 38

cyberattacks, 15960, 161

cybersecurity, 153

Cytotec, 117

Daleiden, David, 156

D&C. See dilation and curettage

DDOS. See distributed denial of service attack

D&E. See dilation and evacuation

Delaware, 15

Del Em, 134, 136

items needed for, 135, 135

tools for making, 13839

DeleteMe, 158

deportation, 51

device hygiene, 151

DeWine, Mike, 21

dilation, 13940

dilation and curettage (D&C), 132, 13334

dilation and evacuation (D&E), 3, 42

dilators, 142

direct action, 47, 48, 102

disposable phones, 148

distributed denial of service attack (DDOS), 160

district attorneys, 153

doctor / patient confidentiality, 128

doctors, talking to, 27, 4142

doulas, 49, 144

Downer, Carol, 134, 135

EC. See emergency contraception

effectively banning abortion without violating constitutional right, 6

electronic communication, 154, 161

electronic footprint, 154, 159

Electronic Frontier Foundation, 152

electronic trails, 148

e-mail, 149, 154, 156, 160

embolism, 134

emergency care, 125

emergency contraception (EC), 2732, 33

delivery service for, 157

levonorgestrel-containing birth control as, 34

emergency room doctors, 128

encryption, 149, 152

end-to-end encrypted calls, 151, 152

enriched information, 152

Epps-Addison, Jennifer, 109

Evers, Tony, 25

Facebook, 157, 159

facial recognition, 149

failure to report a death, 126

Fairfax City, Virginia, 46

family members, support for abortion activism, 107

family planning clinics, 32

FDA. See Food and Drug Administration

federal twenty-week abortion ban, 5

Federation of Women’s Health Centers, 136

fetal anomalies, 18, 21

fetal fragments, 142

fetal membranes, 142

fetal pain, 5

fetal tissue, 138

fetal viability, 1

feticide, 126

fetus, interests of, 3

finding abortion information, 147

first trimester, 2, 13, 131, 144

Florida, 15, 68

Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 112, 129

Forward Together, 95

4000 Years for Choice, 64

Fourteenth Amendment, 6

Freedom of the Press Foundation, ACLU, 149

Frontera Fund, 76

full-spectrum care, 42


abortion-funding bans, 56

local abortion funds, 85

personal emergency abortion funds, 3741

state and regional abortion funds, 6869

Fund Texas Choice, 39, 74

gas cards, 70

Georgia, 16, 58, 153

gestational limits, 26

Glamour (magazine), 68

Gomperts, Rebecca, 129, 130


Hangouts, 152

services, 15051

Shield, 161

voice, 158

Griswold, Estelle, 101

Guttmacher Institute, 9, 13, 32, 66

harassment, 106, 158

Haven Coalition, 77

Hawaii, 16, 32, 118

HB 2. See Texas Omnibus Abortion Bill

health care, 101, 109

full-spectrum care, 42

information about, 113

penalties on, 128

Planned Parenthood, 62

preventive, 52

providers, 36, 128

reproductive, 43, 91

health department complaints, 45

herbal abortions, 111, 113

homicide, 126

hormonal contraceptives, 36

hospitals, 128

hostility, toward abortion rights, 13

hotel points, 72

“How to Plan an Abortion in the Surveillance State” (Ryan), 148

human rights, 128

Hyde, Henry, 1

Hyde Amendment, 1, 2

ICE. See Immigration and Customs Enforcement

iCloud, 151

Idaho, 16

If/When/How, 80

illegal abortion, 8, 16, 22, 106, 107

arrest for being accessory to, 106

coat hanger symbol of, 133

cover up of, 127

Janes and, 131

poor birth outcomes investigated as, 52

procurement of, 107

illegal immigrants, 8, 51

Illinois, 16, 32, 58

Illinois Caucus for Adolescent Health, 97

iMessage, 151

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), 104

incarceration, 106, 145

Indiana, 1617, 4647, 65

Indigenous Women Rising, 95

IndyFeminists, 29, 98


enriched, 152

finding information on abortion, 147

on health care, 113

on menstrual extractions, 136

personal health, 128

physical copies of, 161

public, 161

on self-managed abortion, 113

informed consent, 3

In Our Own Voice / National Black Women’s Reproductive Justice Agenda, 99

Instagram, 159

insurance, 36

Medicaid, 1, 2, 44

private, 39, 41

public, 14

Interfaith Voices for Reproductive Justice, 99

intrauterine devices (IUDs), 36

Iowa, 17, 58

iPhones, 149, 151

Ireland, 8, 124, 161

irregular spotting, 37

IUDs. See intrauterine devices

Jackson Hole, 26

Jackson Women’s Health Organization, 19

Jane Collective, 131, 132

Janes, 131, 132, 133, 143

Jane’s Collective, 101

Jane’s Due Process, 79

Johnson, Dalton, 46

Kaiser Health News, 13

Kansas, 17

Kaplan, Laura, 132

Kasich, John, 21

Kavanaugh, Brett, 4, 102, 109, 110

Kelly, Laura, 17

Kennedy, Anthony, 69, 109

Kentucky, 17

Kentucky Health Justice Network, 70, 77

Kyleena (IUD), 36

Lady Parts Justice (LPJ), 62

LARC. See long-acting reversible contraception

Las Vegas, 20, 38

later gestations, 89

Latin America, 9

lawyers, 79


activism and, 105

legal access to, abortion, 43, 4950

legal defense, 127

legal support groups, 7981

risks, 126

technically legal, 147

total bans on, 4

unlikely to be made entirely illegal, 11

viability standard for, 5

letter-writing campaigns, 104

levonorgestrel, 3334, 36

LGBTQ rights, 31

Lift Louisiana, 96

Liletta (IUD), 36

LinkedIn, 159

lobbying, 105

local abortion funds, 85

login hygiene, 150

long-acting reversible contraception (LARC), 3637

Louisiana, 18

lower-cost abortions, 132

low-income women, 126

LPJ. See Lady Parts Justice

Maine, 18, 32, 118

mandatory in-person waiting periods, 70

Manning, Kate, 133

manual vacuum aspiration (MVA), 139, 14243

marginalized communities, 93

marijuana possession, 108

Maryland, 18, 32, 58

Massachusetts, 18, 32, 59, 145

maternal mortality, 8, 52, 91

Matson, Erin, 102

McCormack, Jennie Linn, 16

McCullen v. Coakley, 47

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), 139

Medicaid, 1, 2, 44

medical assistance, 147

medical complications, 89

medical risks, 124, 125, 143

Medical Students for Choice, 82

medical supply stores, 138

medical violations, 7

medication abortion, 112, 11415

bans on, 4

criminal charges for, 127

nonmedication abortion, 131, 143, 145

safety of, 144

state restrictions on, 129

medication-induced abortion, 143

menstrual extractions, 131, 13334, 143

instructions for, 13638

online information about, 136

physical risk of, 135

mental health issues, 154

Michigan, 18

midterms, 2018, 13

Midwest, 12

Midwest Access Coalition (MAC), 77

mifepristone, 112, 115, 116, 11819

from Aid Access, 129

safety of, 144

militarization of ICE, 104

Minnesota, 19, 59

minors, 51

seeking terminations, 3

Mirena (IUD), 36

miscarriage, 52, 125, 143, 153

attempting, 144

induction of, 112, 115

investigation of, 154

medications to induce, 128

misoprostol, 107, 112, 115, 116, 117, 11819

from Aid Access, 129

safety of, 144

Mississippi, 19, 68

Mississippi Reproductive Freedom Fund, 30

Missouri, 19, 59, 61

“Missouri Preamble,” 19

mobile devices, 149, 151

mobile phones

Android phone encryption, 149

disposable phones, 148

iPhones, 149, 151

porting requests, limiting of, 150

Montana, 19, 59

Montgomery Area Reproductive Justice Coalition, 7374

Moral Mondays protests, 101

morning sickness, 136

MSF. See Médecins Sans Frontières

murder, 126

MVA. See manual vacuum aspiration

My Notorious Life (Manning), 133

My Way, 30

NAPAWF. See National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum

NARAL Pro-Choice America, 13, 5661, 87

NARAL Pro-Choice Wisconsin, 86

NASTY Woman Act, 18

National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum (NAPAWF), 94, 99

National Institute for Reproductive Health, 126

National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health, 99

National Network of Abortion Funds (NNAF), 5556, 63, 67, 68

National Right to Life, 3

National Women’s Law Center, 32

Native American Women’s Health Education Resource Center, 99

Nebraska, 19

Nebraska Right to Life, 19

network of trust, 155, 156

Nevada, 20, 32, 59

New Hampshire, 20

New Jersey, 20, 32

New Mexico, 20

New Mexico Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, 76

Newsom, Gavin, 14, 45

A New View of Women’s Bodies (Federation of Women’s Health Centers), 136

New Voices Cleveland, 98

New Voices for Reproductive Justice, 94, 97

New Voices Philadelphia, 98

New York, 21, 32, 35, 118, 145

New York Times, 82, 133, 145

Next Choice One Dose, 30

NNAF. See National Network of Abortion Funds

noise ordinance enforcements, 47

nonmedication abortion, 131, 143, 145

non-pregnant people, 135

non-prescribed pharmaceuticals, 108

nonprocedural needs, 72

nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID), 116

North Carolina, 21, 101

North Dakota, 21

Northwest Abortion Access Fund (NWAAF), 76

NOVA Women’s Healthcare, 46

NSAID. See nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory

ob-gyn practices, 82

Ohio, 2122, 60

Oklahoma, 22

online drug sites, 154

online pharmacy services, 11718

opponents, of abortion, 2

Oregon, 22, 32, 60, 118

organizing offline, 14849

overnight stay, 8688

ParaGard, 37

parental consent, 145

parental notification, 3, 50

Parker, Willie, 68

Parker Fund, 68

ParkMed NYC, 78

parsley infusion, 11314

passwords, 149, 150

Pence, Mike, 16

Pennsylvania, 22, 35, 107, 127

people of color, 2, 36, 84

leadership by, 92

police and, 78

poor pregnancy outcomes among, 52

queer people of color, 93

self-managed abortion, legal risks for, 126

periods, 37, 39

permanent birth control, 37

personal emergency abortion funds, 3741

personal health information, 128

phone companies, 152

physical copies of information, 161

physical health issues, 154

pill protests, 110

Plan B, 2728, 3334

distribution of, 104

NOLA, 29

One Step, 30

Plan C, 116

Planned Parenthood

cyberattacks on, 15960

Federation of America, 6162

League of Connecticut, 101

Planned Parenthood Action Fund (PPFA), 62

Planned Parenthood v. Casey, 2

police, 78, 108, 126, 134

political action groups, 157

poor pregnancy outcomes, 52, 154

post-abortion care, 120

post–fetal viability, 3

poverty, 2, 32

P.O.W.E.R. House, 7374

PPFA. See Planned Parenthood Action Fund

practical support groups, 4041, 7278, 87


conception, 4, 14, 115, 14041

first trimester, 2, 13, 141, 144

gestation and cost of abortion, 38

poor pregnancy outcomes, 52, 154

prevention of, 27, 35

second trimester, 3, 131

to term, 128

tests, 3839

third trimester, 3

unintended, 32

unplanned, 65

unwanted, 4

pregnancy centers, 6465

pregnant persons, 22

interests of fetus and, 3

life in danger, 14

privacy of, 148

threat to health of, 1

“Pregnant Women’s Dignity Act,” 52

prenatal care, 52

privacy, 6, 89, 105, 106, 128, 148

PrivacyDuck, 158

private health insurance, 39, 41

proactive model reproductive rights and health bills, 44

procedures. See also medication abortion; menstrual extractions

aspiration, 140, 141

D&C, 132, 13334

D&E, 3, 42

MVA, 139, 14243

vacuum aspirations, 131, 133

pro-choice protesters, 49

progesterone, 36, 115

prosecutors, 153

protesters, 7, 8, 17, 49, 84

Provide, 83

public information, 161

public insurance, 14

Public Leadership Institute, 44, 52

racial inequality, 2, 52, 106

racism, 84, 93, 102

rape exception, 2, 51

religious Right, 66

Repeal Hyde Art Project, 64

ReproAction, 102, 103

Reproductive Freedom Project, ACLU, 81

reproductive health care, 43, 44, 93

Reproductive Health Services of Montgomery, 7374

reproductive justice, 91, 92, 94

reproductive parity acts, 44

Reproductive Right Blog, 138

reproductive rights, 31, 37, 71

activists, 86

current national leadership and, 92

reproductive justice and, 91

Rescue Movement, 105

ResistBot, 48

Restoring Our Own Through Transformation (ROOTT), 98

Rhode Island, 2223

right to privacy, 6

risks of abortion, 129, 144

infection, 137

legal, 126

medical risks, 124

of menstrual extraction, 135

minimizing, 12526

for self-managed abortion, 112

Roe’s Unfinished Promise (SIA Legal Team), 127

Roe v. Wade

abortions before, 132, 133

dismantling of, 128

overturning of, 6768, 105

power to overturn, 4, 5

right to privacy and, 6

Supreme Court, U. S., ruling on, 1

threat of overturning, 93

ROOTT. See Restoring Our Own Through Transformation

Rothman, Lorraine, 134

Ryan, Lisa, 148

Ryan Program, 83

Safe Place Project, 13

safer abortions, 134

St. Claire, Natalie, 39

SASS. See Self-Managed Abortion: Safe and Supported

Scott, Cherisse, 94

second trimester, 3, 131

secrecy, of abortion, 148

security notice, 150

security protocols, 155

self-help clinics, 134

Self-Induced Abortion (SIA), 80, 127, 128

self-induction, 145

self-managed abortion, 78, 126, 147

activities around, 155

criminal charges for assisting in, 127

health risk of, 112

legal defense for, 127

legal risks of, 126

outside clinical setting, 125

persons seeking information about, 113

right to talk to health care provider before,

during, and after, 128

using abortion pills, 111, 112

Self-Managed Abortion: Safe and Supported (SASS), 78, 111, 125

Senate Bill 40 (Illinois), 16

sepsis, 114


sex work, 35

unprotected, 28, 30

sexism, 84, 102

sexual assault, 14, 18, 21, 51

by Kavanaugh, 102, 109

sexually transmitted infections (STIs), 35, 62

Shout Your Abortion, 63

SIA. See Self-Induced Abortion

SIA (Self-Induced Abortion) Legal Team, 80, 127

“sidewalk counseling,” 7

Signal (texting app), 148, 149, 153

SIM card, locking, 150

SisterLove, 96

SisterReach, 94, 97

SisterSong, 91, 94, 100

Sister Zeus, 113

sit-ins, 109, 110

six-week heartbeat bans, 3

Skyla, 36

Skype, 152

Smith, Megan, 64

Smothers, Hannah, 39

SMS apps, 150

social media, 86, 105, 147, 157, 159

socioeconomic status, 91

South Carolina, 23

South Dakota, 23, 60, 61

South Texans for Reproductive Justice, 97

SPARK Reproductive Justice Now, 96

speculum, 138, 142

Spokeo, 158

state and regional abortion funds, 6869

state bans, on abortion, 4, 56, 11, 12, 1425

birth control and, 32

exceptions, 51

likeliness of, 39

near-total, 50

Supreme Court on, 2

state-based activists, 102

state constitutions, 43

states, abortion and, 1326

Steinhauer, Jody, 81

sterilization, 37, 41

Stern, Meg, 70, 71

stillbirth, 52

STIs. See sexually transmitted infections

The Story of Jane (Kaplan), 132

storytelling projects, 6364

street preaching, 7

Strong Families New Mexico / Forward Together, 95

Supreme Court, US, 1, 2, 5, 6, 102

surveillance, avoiding, 147

Surveillance Self-Defense tool kit (Electronic Frontier Foundation), 152

Take Action, 30

teach-ins, 102

Tea Party, 3

Teen Vogue (magazine), 102

TelAbortion Study, 118, 129

Tennessee, 23

Texas, 23, 60, 7475

Texas Omnibus Abortion Bill (HB 2), 7, 73

third-party doctrine, 151

third trimester, 3

Tiller, George, 68

tissue procurement, 156

Tor (Internet browser), 148

travel, for abortion care, 67, 74, 76, 77, 78, 88

Cicada Collective and, 73

drawing out, 3

expenses for, 37, 39, 44, 70

forcing patients to, 38

for later-term abortions, 67

long distance, 86

minors, 51

from other states, 71

trigger laws, 5, 13, 1619, 21, 23, 43

Trump, Donald, 6, 27, 50, 92, 109

Twitter, 159

two-factor authentication codes, 150, 151

undocumented persons, 7

undue burden, 23

unintended pregnancy, 32

unplanned pregnancy, 65

unprotected sex, 28, 30

unwanted pregnancies, 4

Utah, 24

uteri, 134, 137

bacteria and, 135

empty, 14142

uterine cavity, 14041

vacuum aspirations, 131, 133

vaginal discharge, abnormal, 124

Vermont, 24, 32

vetting, 156

Viability Standard, 5

Virginia, 24, 32, 46, 61

Visa cards, 71

vitamin C, 11314

voice over Internet protocol (VoIP), 152

VoIP. See voice over Internet protocol

voting, 43

Walker, Scott, 25

Washington, 25, 32, 61, 118

Washington, DC, 25, 32

West Virginia, 25

We Testify, 63

Whalen, Jennifer, 144

WhatsApp, 151, 153

When Birth Control Fails, 136

When Self-Abortion is a Crime (National Institute for Reproductive Health), 126

white allies, 1078

Whitepages, 158

white privilege, 93

Whitmer, Gretchen, 18

WHO. See World Health Organization

Whole Women’s Health, 46

Winstead, Lizz, 62

Wisconsin, 2526, 61, 86

Wolf, Tom, 22

A Woman’s Book of Choices (Chalker and Downer), 135

A Womb of One’s Own (blog), 33, 155

Women Engaged, 100

Women Help Women, 78, 111, 118, 119, 120, 124, 126

Women on Waves, 129

Women on Web, 124, 129

Womenpower—Do It Yourself Abortion—Time’s Up! (pamhplet), 136

“Women’s Equality Dignity and Fairness Act,” 44

Women’s Health Specialists, 135

Women with a Vision, 96

Wondfo, 39

World Health Organization (WHO), 9, 78, 11819, 120, 139

Wyoming, 26, 61

Yanow, Susan, 111

Young Women United, 95

zoning laws, 46