1 The Piecemeal Ghost of Black Rock Beach (Halifax)
2 The Restless Spirits of Devil’s Island (Devil’s Island)
3 The Tale of the Young Teazer (Mahone Bay)
4 Old Nick Is Ringing His Bell (Lunenburg)
5 The Ghost-Hunter’s Whistling Ghost (Liverpool)
6 The Jordan Falls Forerunner (Jordan Falls)
7 As Pale As Ice and As Hard As Stone (Mud Island)
8 The Captain’s House at Yarmouth (Yarmouth)
9 The Iron Box at French Cross (Morden)
10 The Piper’s Pond Pibroch (Windsor)
11 The Moose Island Devil (Five Islands)
12 The Weeping Cave of Parrsboro (Parrsboro)
13 The Hidey Hinder of Dagger Woods (Antigonish)
14 The Black Dog of Antigonish Harbour (Antigonish Harbour)
15 The Cape North Selkie (Cape North)
16 The Song of the Pit Pony (Sydney)
17 Blood in the Water, Blood on the Sand (Sable Island)
18 The Phantom Oarsman of Sable Island (Sable Island)
19 The Salt Man of Isaac’s Harbour (Isaac’s Harbour)
20 Big Tony and the Moose (Mushaboom)