Guy Endore 137
Don West 138
Joseph Kalar 138
Edwin Rolfe 139
John Dos Passos and Michael Gold 140
Michael Gold, early 1920s and late 1920s 141
Michael Gold and his brothers 141
Alexander Trachtenberg 142
Claude McKay 142
Langston Hughes 143
Richard Wright 144
Eugene Clay Holmes 145
Meridel Le Sueur 146
Horace Gregory 147
Granville Hicks 147
V. J. Jerome 148
Francis Winwar 149
Joseph Freeman 150
A. B. Magil 151
Herman Spector 151
Sol Funaroff 151
Three portraits of Alfred Hayes 152—53
Genevieve Taggard 154
Ruth Lechlitner 154
Joy Davidman 155
Alain Locke 156
Arna Bontemps 157
Sterling Brown 157
Margaret Walker 158
William Attaway 159
Ralph Ellison 160
John Malcolm Brinnin 161
Muriel Rukeyser 162