Typical day

Cars being towed away

Junk mail through the door

joins the post on the floor


always someone drilling

somewhere in the city

authorised by committee

Permission is bestowed

according to postal code

Terms and conditions may vary

It’s nothing out of the ordinary

Sometimes someone gets upset

doesn’t hear the laughter

takes it as a threat

but it’s different after

After the event

looks like someone’s smiling

happy to be here

Blue skies, heaven-sent

There’s a kind of glow

illuminates the flow

over to the east

of traffic in the streets

Not to be outdone

the school run has begun

Mothers all arrive

each in a four-wheel drive

Sometimes someone gets upset

doesn’t hear the laughter

takes it as a threat

but it’s different after

After the event

looks like someone’s smiling

happy to be here

Blue skies, heaven-sent

Evening comes as a surprise

Suddenly someone dies

Everyone’s over-reacting

with clichés and bad acting

Misty in the rain

flowers in their cellophane

Policemen intervening

Drama without meaning

It’s perfectly routine

A statement from the Queen

Obituaries appear

You can leave your tributes here

Sometimes someone gets upset

doesn’t hear the laughter

takes it as a threat

but it’s different after

After the event

looks like someone’s smiling

happy to be here

Blue skies, heaven-sent

2009. A dreary, routine day in London is enlivened by the death of a famous person and the attendant media wallowing we have become so accustomed to.