4. This is poignantly evident in the letter written by Emanuel Bach in response to the unfavorable comparison with Handel in Charles Burney’s An Account of the Musical Performances in Westminster Abbey in Commemoration of Handel (London: T. Payne, 1785); Bach’s response, published anonymously in Friedrich Nicolai’s Allgemeine deutsche Bibliothek, Vol. 81, Part 1 (1788), 295–303, iterates the very points raised in a letter of 21 January 1786 from Bach to Johann Joachim Eschenburg, who translated Burney’s Account; see Clark, Letters, 243–44. The identification of Bach as the author of the published response to Burney was deduced by Dragan Plamenac in “New Light on the Last Years of Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach,” The Musical Quarterly, 35 (1949): 565–587, esp. 575–587.