54. In his attack on a dilettantism infecting comic opera, Reichardt drew an instructive “Distinktion” between the Liebhaber der Musik—“he who finds satisfaction in the listening to or playing of musical pieces without further troubling himself over the reasons for his pleasure or, more generally, over the rules of art”—and the Kenner, “who takes the trouble to study the rules of art insofar as they are necessary to the reasoned criticism of musical works.” See his Ueber die deutsche komische Oper nebst einem Anhange eines freundschaftlichen Briefes über die musikalische Poesie (Hamburg, 1774); I cite from Johann Friedrich Reichardt, Briefe, die Musik betreffend: Berichte, Rezensionen, Essays, ed. Grita Herre and Walther Sigmund-Schultze (Leipzig: Verlag Philipp Reclam jun., 1976), 68–69.