25. Rüdiger Görner even writes of “metatranslation”: “Faust nun befaßt sich mit dem Bedeutungsge-halt des logos, des Wortes selbst. Er strebt, so gesehen, eine Metaübersetzung an, die zum Ziel hat, das Wort selbst zu übersetzen … ” (Faust now concerns himself with the significance of logos, of the word itself. He strives, in this view, toward a meta-translation which has as its goal the translation of the word itself …) But the impressive achievement of Görner’s essay is the exploration in Goethe’s thought (within Faust and outside it) of what seems an eternal ambivalence in meaning from word—in its origin as tonal speech, and as empty shell without significance—to act, and back again. See “Vom Wort zur Tat in Goethes ‘Faust’—Paradigmenwechsel oder Metamorphose?” in Goethe Jahrbuch, 106 (1989): 119–132.