13. Ludwig van Beethoven: Autograph Miscellany from circa 1786 to 1799, British Museum Additional Manuscript 29801, ff. 39–162 (The ‘Kafka Sketchbook’), ed. Joseph Kerman, 2 vols. (London: The Trustees of the British Museum, 1970), I (facs.), fols. 76v–79v; II (transcription), 100–101. Intended for the first movement of an unknown concerto in G major, the cadenza moves at once to a statement of a principal theme in the key of E major. The cadenza is written along the bottom of some sheets for the Romance in E Minor, Hess 13, which is in turn implicated as the original slow movement of the missing concerto. On the dating of the Romance, see Hans-Günter Klein and Douglas Johnson, “Autographe Beethovens aus der Bonner Zeit: Handschrift-Probleme und Echtheitsfragen,” in Beiträge zur Beethoven-Bibliographie: Studien und Materialien zum Werkverzeichnis von Kinsky-Halm, ed. Kurt Dorfmüller (Munich: G. Henle Verlag, 1978), 115–124.