15. The cadenza for the first movement, once in the possession of Ferdinand Ries, is now at the Beethovenhaus in Bonn; see Hans Schmidt, “Die Beethovenhandschriften des Beethovenhauses in Bonn,” Beethoven-Jahrbuch 7 (1971), item 582, and in the “Addenda and Corrigenda” in Beetho-ven-Jahrbuch 8 (1975), p. 211. The cadenza for the last movement is now at London, British Library, Add. MS. 29803, fols. 1–2b. It was sold to the Library in 1875 by Johann Kafka; see Sieghard Brandenburg, “Die Beethoven-Autographen Johann Nepomuk Kafkas: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Sammelns von Musikhandschriften,” in Divertimento für Hermann J. Abs: Beethoven-Studien dargebracht zu seinem 80. Geburtstag, ed Martin Staehelin (Bonn: Beethoven-Haus Bonn, 1981), 89–133, esp. 102–103. The supposition that sketches for a “Kadenz zu Mozarts Klavierkonzert (d-moll) KV 466” are to be found in the London sketch miscellany, British Library, Add. MS. 29997, fol. 7—see Hans Schmidt, “Verzeichnis der Skizzen Beethovens,” Beethoven-Jahrbuch 6 (1969), item 187—is incorrect. When Bathia Churgin, in “Beethoven and Mozart’s Requiem: A New Connection,” Journal of Musicology 5 (1987): 458n, refers to “a sketch for another cadenza to the first movement” of K 466 in the Bodmer Collection at the Beethovenhaus, she no doubt means to refer to the sketch for another cadenza for the first movement of Opus 37.