16. The “rough sketch” of the watermark on the London leaves, shown in Hess, Sämtliche Kadenzen [unpag.], suggests the upper edge of the letter K in “Kiesling.” The cadenza for the first movement, on twelve-staff paper, shows the watermark “Kiesling” across the middle of the sheet, with the letters “JJ” in a lower corner. On the papers with this mark, see Joseph Schmidt-Görg, “Die Wasserzeichen in Beethovens Notenpapieren,” in Beiträge zur Beethoven-Bibliographie, 187, watermark 71. Curiously, the cadenza for WoO 58 is listed here erroneously under watermark 60; it was Schmidt-Görg who properly identified its paper in his Katalog der Handschriften des Beethoven-Hauses und Beethoven-Archivs Bonn (Bonn: Beethoven-Haus und Beethoven-Archiv Bonn, 1935), item 80. The sketchbook Landsberg 11, with sketches for the incidental music to Egmont, is dated “Winter of 1809/1810” in Douglas Johnson, Alan Tyson, and Robert Winter, The Beethoven Sketchbooks: History, Reconstruction, Inventory, ed. Douglas Johnson (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1985), 197; these sketches are partly on paper of Schmidt-Görg’s type 71 (although again, not included there).