22. Th[eodor] von Frimmel, Bausteine zu einer Lebensgeschichte des Meisters [= Beethoven-Studien II] (Munich and Leipzig: Georg Müller, 1906), 58–59, where the passage goes not quite as Adorno has it: “[Hirsch] recalled that Beethoven lingered for some time at the discussion of the diminished seventh chord (der ‘Dissonanz’). He then said something like the following: ‘Lieber Junge, [as in Adorno, until:] erzielt man oft ganz leicht durch richtige Anwendung und Auflösung dieser Akkorde;’ whereupon he then demonstrated to the ‘Jungen’ the several ways of resolving one and the same diminished seventh chord, each according to the key toward which one is drawn.” The Pier-pont Morgan Library in New York owns a copy of Albrechtsberger’s Gründliche Anweisung zur Composition (Leipzig: Johann Gottlob Immanuel Breitkopf, 1790) with an inscription, signed by Beethoven: “Februar 1817 | Dem Hirschlein mit | sauberen Ohren u. Pfothen!!!” (For the little Hirsch [= deer] with clean ears and paws).