20. The matter is complicated by the relationship of this sketch to the depiction of Schubert in Schwind’s famous drawing “Ein Schubert-Abend bei Josef von Spaun” (1868), and the version in oils that Schwind did not live to complete (he died in 1871). Steblin (“Schwinds Porträtskizze,” 50) dates the sketch “um 1826” on evidence that is inconclusive. While such a dating would amplify the distance between sketch and “finish” to an implausible forty-two years, I mean here only to suggest that the immediacy of the sketch has a value that even the artist’s Vollendung cannot efface. For more on the drawings, see Maurice J. E. Brown, “Schwind’s ‘Schubert-Abend bei Josef von Spaun,’” in Brown, Essays on Schubert (London: Macmillan; New York: St Martin’s Press, 1966), 155–168.