
Chapter Eleven


Spiritual Guidance

Through Your Chakras


Many of us feel like we’re walking through life blindfolded, with muffs over our ears and our body pushing through water. Life is confusing. Try as we might, we can’t guess the future, much less understand the past. The antidote for life’s uncertainties is to open to spiritual guidance. Our chakras are perfect portals for receiving—and even giving—spiritual guidance.

Intuition is our main channel for receiving spiritual guidance. Spiritual guidance might involve opening to ethereal beings, but not always. It can also access concrete beings and objects ranging from animals to billboards. Simplistically, spiritual messengers and their messages are those that support the embodiment of our spirit, or essence. These communiqués can be packaged as healing energies, revelations, warnings, affirmations, reassurance, compassion, confirmations, insights, or advice.

Each of the four basic intuitive styles—physical, spiritual, verbal, and visual—takes delivery of spiritual messages in a unique way. The exercises in this chapter will help you use these styles to obtain directives from the Divine or a divinely appointed messenger. To most powerfully activate the specific styles, you’ll also be informed about which chakras you can center in.

As a reminder, the styles are as follows:

Physical intuition: Recognition of others’ energies in our body through physical, emotional, or mental sensations.

Spiritual intuition: Awareness of higher truths through an inexplicable “knowing.”

Verbal intuition: Receptivity to knowledge as sounds, words, tones, or through writing.

Visual intuition: Recognition of revelations as images or pictures.

Mystical intuition: Combination of physical, spiritual, verbal, and visual styles.

tip 10 will incorporate the mystical style so you can potentially become a lightning rod of inspiration to others.

These exercises reveal the ultimate purpose of the chakras. They are vehicles for devotion, through which the Divine discloses love.

exercise 23

Physical Intuitives—Opening to Omens

As a physical intuitive, your ideal source of spiritual guidance is the physical environment. You sense, feel, and understand truths via your physical body, primarily receiving messages through your first, second, and third chakras. Omens are the optimum guidance you attract.

Omens are signs received from our surroundings. The short list includes premonitions of beneficial and harmful events, prophetic insights for decision making, signs of good luck, and simple messages. There are also limitless sources of omens. Many involve the appearance of (or interactions with) natural beings, but also anything tangible or subtle that relates to the physical world.

Do you want to open your intuition to physically based signs? Here are a few simple steps.

step one: Set Your Intention. Select a question or issue for which you’d like divine input. Take a few moments and breathe deeply, making sure you fill the lower part of your body—first, second, and third chakras—with air. Focus on the intention and breathe naturally.

step two: Create a Deadline. Give the Divine an allotment of time—between three days and a week—to deliver a sign that you will easily recognize. Simply state the deadline aloud or write it down.

step three: Awareness. Be alert for signs from the environment. If you get multiple portents, take note of them.

step four: Analyze. At the end of the established time period, take a few minutes and reflect upon the sign/s. Ask the Divine to further elucidate the meaning. If you receive a message from nature such as a bird, reptile, or animal appearance, you can Google phrases like spiritual meaning of (insert sign), power animals, or totems. Thank the Divine for the omen.

exercise 24

Spiritual Intuitives—Attuning to Love

Spiritual intuitives relate to the feeling of love. They easily sense the presence of love—or the lack of it—in relationship to self, others, and the Divine, mainly operating through their fourth and seventh chakras. The following exercise will enable you to tap into your own ability to attune to love.

step one: Set Your Intention. Is there a subject you’d like to address? Take a few moments and concentrate on your desire in a serene space.

step two: Attune to Love. The Divine is the absolute authority on love and speaks in the language of love. This means that you must become love—or be filled with love—in order to determine the Divine’s insight regarding your desire. With this awareness in mind, ask the Divine to attune you to love. Sense the stream of unconditional love beaming from the heavens downward, entering through your crown chakra and flowing through every inch of you. Center in your heart as you acclimate to the purity of this grace.

step three: Compare Your Options. Concentrate on your intention and sense the various ways you might perceive your desire or the choices related to it. The best option, perception, path, or knowing will increase the thrumming sensation of love within you. The least loving perceptions will decrease your sense of being loved or seem neutral.

step four: Feel Grateful. Gratitude is an important part of love language. Thank the Divine with all your heart for providing insight. Take a few deep breaths and return to your normal life when ready.

exercise 25

Verbal Intuitives—Writing Revelations

One of the most useful ways to invoke verbal guidance is to use guided writing. All verbal insights involve the fifth chakra. This particular process involves entering a meditative state so the Divine can compose a written message through and for you. Following are steps that will assist you with this process.

step one: Prepare. Gather paper and pen and settle in a quiet space. Breathe in and through your fifth chakra, then write down a question.

step two: Fill Yourself. Take a few moments and ask the Divine to connect through your verbal aptitude. When calm, ask the Divine to write a response to the statement. Let the Divine guide your hand and write. You’ll sense the Divine writing through you.

step three: Converse. When you feel you are done channeling the first written response, write down a follow-up statement or question if you have one. Repeat step two. Continue to create requests for insight until you feel finished.

step four: Close. When done, take a few moments to compose yourself and read the written insights, drawing conclusions you can then act upon.


exercise 26

Visual Intuitives—Seeing a Sight

Visual intuitives acquire revelations visually through the sixth chakra. In this exercise you’ll be open to images or pictures but also shown how to distinguish between fantasy and revelation. This latter distinction is imperative, as the most common question people ask me about clairvoyance, or “clear seeing,” is how to figure out what is a revelation and what is a figment of one’s imagination.

step one: Prepare. Find a quiet space to sit in and relax. Close your eyes, enter a meditative state, concentrate on your sixth chakra, and ask the Divine to activate your visual intuition while also establishing a movie screen in your mind. Perceive the screen as white or ivory. All visual responses to your intention will be imprinted on this screen.

step two: Set Your Intention. What situation would you like an insight about? Spend a few moments focused on your desire, forming it into a question.

step three: Call Upon the Master Artist. Focus on your intention and ask the Divine—the Master Artist—to illustrate a response on the visual screen. Continue to request additional images until you have the full picture of the Divine’s reply.

step four: Test the Pictures. At any point you can double-check the images to make sure the revelations originate from the Divine and aren’t being colored by your personal desires. Fixate on the questionable image and try to change any of its components. If the picture is malleable, it might have been drawn by your imagination. If you can’t alter the portraiture, the image constitutes a revelation. If you suspect that the image was manipulated, wipe it off the screen, compose yourself, and ask the Divine for a genuine revelation.

step five: Close. When you are finished, ask the Divine to clear your visual screen and prepare you for full reentry into everyday life. Open your eyes when ready.


exercise 27

Mystical Intuitives—Calling On All Angels

Mystical intuitives are full-service shamans who are able to access all the chakras, dimensions, and planes of existence physically, spiritually, verbally, and visually. They can connect to beings and spirits dwelling in both the earthly and otherworldly realms.

This exercise is designed to help you link to a beneficial angel, one assigned by the Divine. I’ve designed this exercise so that you don’t need to focus on a particular question or intention. You’ll simply be given a message that the Divine knows you need.

step one: Prepare. In a peaceful place, attain a meditative state. Center yourself in your heart chakra.

step two: Establish a Connection. Attune yourself to the Divine, asking to be filled with divine love. Then ask the Divine to send you an angel that carries with it a message just for you. (See tip 10 for how to do this for another.)


step three: Receive. Open to the message on every intuitive level. Hear the words spoken, chanted, or sung inside your mind. See the images presented on your mind-screen. Accept the love and blessings poured into you from the Divine through this messenger. Feel the physical sensations, feelings, and understandings you are gleaning. Stay in receiving mode until you have a complete sense of the communiqué.

step four: Close. At some point the messenger will return to the heavens. Take a few moments and bask in the lingering glow, then send gratitude to the angel and the Divine. When ready, return to your normal life.

tip 10


Obtaining a Mystical Message for Another

Any of your intuitive powers can help you receive a message for yourself as well as for another person. Return to step two in exercise 27 and instead of requesting a communiqué for yourself, ask for a message for another person. Before doing this, ask that person for permission to obtain a message, then move through the next two steps. Share the message with the other person afterward.




How often do we pay attention to the curling shapes in smoke, the whirlpools in a stream, or the tornado in a dust devil? After reading this book you’ll probably notice these natural vortices much more often.

Even more vital is the attention you’ll now pay to the swirling eddies of light, sound, and consciousness that emanate from and around you. As you’ve learned, these subtle eddies, the chakras, govern physical, psychological, and spiritual concerns. They interact with forces from the earth and the heavens. They relate to other subtle systems, including channels and fields, and they also help with all the particulars of everyday life.

Through these swirling bodies, invisible though they are, you can conduct healing and manifesting. You can alleviate relief, establish better boundaries, and open to spiritual guidance. Bottom line: you can exist as the spirit that you are, busily living a life of grace and joy. You can become a source of inspiration for others.

May you eternally be inspired to steer your life into the skies, keeping your feet always on the good earth.



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