Appendix 14

Expedition to Concord: Colonial Troops Engaged

Of the estimated 3,716 militiamen who served at some point throughout the day of April 19, 1775, perhaps no more than 2,000 ever gathered at one time. Many returned to their homes when they ran out of ammunition or otherwise tired of the fight, knowing others were inbound to take their places. Such was the nature of the militia, fighting without a strong central leadership. The enrolled militiamen listed below represent the maximum possible number engaged per company.

Militia Company (by location in battle) Company Cmdr. (Capt. unless noted) Enrolled Militiamen New Arrivals Running Total
Concord David Brown 52
Charles Miles 52
George Minot 40? b
Nathan Barrett 40? b
Acton Isaac Davis 38
Joseph Robins 40? b
Simon Hunt 40? b
Bedford John Moore 51
Jonathan Willson 28 c
Lincoln William Smith 62 443 443
Billerica Lt.? Crosby 12
Edward Farmer 35
Jonathan Stickney 54
Chelmsford Oliver Barron 61
Col. Moses Parker 43
Reading John Bacheller 61 e
(Maj. John Brooks Thomas Eaton 63
commanding) John Flint 79
John Walton 89 497 940
Framingham Simon Edget 76
Jesse Emes 24
Micajah Gleason 49
Sudbury Nathaniel Cudworth 40
Aaron Haynes 39
Isaac Locker 30
John Nixon 54
Joseph Smith 49
Moses Stone 35 396 1,336
Woburn Samuel Belknap 66
(Maj. Loammi Baldwin Jonathan Fox 72
commanding) Joshua Walker 117 255 1,591
Lexington John Parker 144 144 1,735 g
Cambridge Samuel Thatcher 77 77 1,812
Menotomy Benjamin Locke 53 i
Medford Isaac Hall 59
Malden Benjamin Blaney 75
Lynn Nathaniel Bancroft 38
William Farrington 52
Rufus Mansfield 46
Ezra Newhall 49
David Parker 63
Beverly Caleb Dodge 32
Larkin Thorndike 48
Lt. Peter Shaw 42
Danvers Samuel Epes 82
Samuel Flint 45
Israel Hutchinson 53
Caleb Lowe 23
Jeremiah Page 39
Asa Prince 37
Edmond Putnam 17
John Putnam 35
Stoneham (Volunteers) 3 j
Lexington (Volunteers) 2 893 2,705 j
Brookline Thomas White 95
Col. Thomas Aspinwall 50? k
Maj. Isaac Gardner 50? k
Roxbury Lemuel Child 35
William Draper 50
Moses Whiting 55
Dedham Eben Battle 66
William Bullard 59
Daniel Draper 24
William Ellis 31
David Fairbanks 14
Aaron Fuller 67
George Gould 17
Joseph Guild 59
Needham Aaron Smith 70
Robert Smith 75
Caleb Kingsbery 40
Charlestown (Volunteers)j 11
Boston (Volunteers)j 7
Newton (Volunteers)j 1
(unknown) (Volunteers)j 1 877 3,582
Watertown Samuel Barnard 134 134 3,716 l
WINTER HILL (did not engage British) m
Salem (incl. Marblehead?) Col. Timothy Pickering (300) (300) (4,016)

aCoburn, Battle of April 19, 80–81.

bUnknown number in this company, guessed at 40 based on average of other companies there.

cLt. Moses Abbott replaced Wilson when he was killed.

dCoburn, Battle of April 19, 96–97.

eEdmund Foster accompanied this company.

fCoburn, Battle of April 19, 104.

gProbably circled back and attacked at the Bluff and Fiske Hill.

hCoburn, Battle of April 19, 133–35.

iSome of these may have gone up to Lexington earlier.

jGuess on where they joined the fight.

kUnknown number; possibly marched, but did not file for pay.

lProbably came up after British turned for Charlestown.

mCoburn, Battle of April 19, 153–54.