
1. Yarbrough, 1–3 John, 349. See his discussion on 354–56 about reform movements, such as the Protestant Reformation, in light of the elder’s statement.

2. Lieu, I, II, & III John, 261.

3. See ibid.

4. E.g., ibid., 259.

5. E.g., Kruse, Letters of John, 214.

6. Francis Xavier J. Exler, The Form of the Ancient Greek Letter: A Study in Greek Epistolography (Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 1923), 23–68.

7. Ign. Smyr 4.1, in Apostolic Fathers (ed. and trans. Michael W. Holmes; 3rd ed.; Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2007), version 1.2 accessed through Accordance.

8. See Chan-Hie Kim, Form and Structure of the Familiar Greek Letter of Recommendation (SBLDS 4; Missoula, MT: Society of Biblical Literature, 1972); Hans-Josef Klauck with Daniel P. Bailey, Ancient Letters and the New Testament: A Guide to Context and Exegesis (Waco, TX: Baylor University Press, 2006).

9. Lieu, I, II, & III John, 262.

10. Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion, 1.4.1.

11. See Yarbrough, 1–3 John, 354–56, for a fuller discussion of the complexities of innovative teaching in the church throughout its history.