Though you are feeling quite hungry, you decide to wait it out in the pit. Your reasoning being: The longer you wait, the more famous you will be when you finally are rescued. You might even be more famous than the kid who fell into the rhino exhibit at the zoo, because unlike the kid who fell into the rhino exhibit, there is no one around to save you. No one even knows where you are. And unlike the rhino kid, who had probably just finished lunch and maybe even had an ice cream cone, you have had no food or water all day. This is going to be so amazing! All you have to do now is kick back and dream about how famous you are going to be—which, good news, the more delirious you grow from hunger and thirst, the better your dreams will be.

image If you would like to be famous for being the kid who just sat there doing nothing, stay on this page.

image If you would like to toss the skull-sized rock around, just for a bit of fun, turn to here.

image If you would like to try on the shoe to see if it fits, turn to here.

image If you would like to use the matchbook and wood to light a fire so you can see more of your surroundings and possibly find your way out of the pit, turn to here.